Away From You

By Red_Knight_052

262 3 5

A soccer player and a chef with different careers begin to fall in love, however their love is put aside afte... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 36

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By Red_Knight_052

The next day, early in the morning...

Damian groups chats, Bruce, Tonia, Russel, Kendall, Hank, Alexandra, Roger, Alexis, Julie, and Alicia, about his proposal plan to Christina.

Kendall: "That's really sweet Damian and all, but if you truly love Christina, then you should just tell her that you truly love her."

Damian: "I did tell her that, but I really want it to be official this time."

Kendall: "So like one time saying that isn't good enough for you?"

Tonia, Alexis, Julie, Alicia, Hank, and Alexandra: "Kendall!"

Kendall: "What? I was just kidding!"

Tonia: "Uh huh, sure."

Alexis: "Come on, Kendal, it's all for love."

Kendall: "Fine, if it's all for love, and making Christina happy... Then I'm all in for it! I'll help with whatever you need."

Bruce: "Great, so what's the plan?"

Damian: "I was thinking of decorating the lounge room, and getting all of the supplies that are needed. Along with some candles to make brillant."

Alexandra: "How romantic!"

Kendall: "Yeah, yeah, that's very sweet. However, I think it's best for us to head into our company's building before we forget about literally everything. So, chop, chop!"

While arriving in the work's building later that same day, Damian, Bruce, Tonia, Russel, Kendall, Hank, Alexandra, Roger, Alexis, Julie, and Alicia, were separated into groups.

Kendall and Bruce, will help Damian with picking the ring and flowers. Tonia and Alexis, help distract Christina out of the building when she arrives. Alicia and Hank are the decorators of the lounge room.

Julie and Russel are creating a slideshow, about all of Christina's and Damian's moments. And Roger and Alexandra, are in charge of the cooking duty.

"Have you ever cooked before?" said Roger, asking Alexandra.

"Yeah, a couple of times." said Alexandra, as she put on an apron.

"Well okay." said Roger, as he started to get some supplies out of the refrigerator.

While Alexandra was talking out the cooking ware.

Meanwhile, Christina heads straight to Imagine, and into Randy's office, along with Ben, and finds out that Steven and Randy are already waiting for her.

"So, what will it be?" said Randy, who was sitting in his boss chair.

"I accept your offer." said Christina, much to Ben's and Steven's dismay.

"Excellent choice." said Randy, as he stood up from his chair. "Benny! Prepare the wedding planners! And tell them that the wedding reception and service is going to be held here!"

"Where exactly sir?" said Ben, as he questions him.

"Why the hotel lounge room of course!" said Randy, proudly.

"So... You mean over there then." said Ben

"Here, there, whatever!" said Randy, who was already losing patience with Ben. "All I want is this wedding to be big! Bigger than anyone has ever seen!"

Randy walks around the whole room, while continuing with his conversation. After phoning the wedding planners, Randy tells Ben to bring in the box. During that moment, the wedding planners arrive instantly, in which Randy takes the time to go over decorations with him.

A sad Christina is holding up her tears, as she leaves the company, and heads to her work place. In which Tonia and Alexis drive her around the city, and distract, without giving her a reason.

While stopping on the first stop, Alexis, Christina, and Tonia get out of the car. Christina looks around looking confused.

"Why are we here?" said Christina, as she questions Alexis and Tonia.

"We decided to take some time off at work and go shopping," said Alexis, as she turns to Tonia. "Isn't that right?"

"Yup. It's true." said Tonia, as she grins while nodding her head.

"Um, okay..." said Christina, sounding unsure. "Sure, if you guys want."

"Great!" said Alexis, as she single clapped once. "Now which store should we go to? Hmm..."

"Why not all of them." said Tonia, knowing that it'll take Alexis hours just to choose one store to visit.

"Good thinking Toni!" said Alexis, grabbing both Christina and Tonia from their arms, and dragging them along with her. "Let's go!"

"You know what, I think I'm already regretting this decision!" said Christina, while getting dragged by Alexis.

"Oh don't be such a grouch!" said Alexis, teasing her.

"Yeah, it's not like we're going to be in one store for more than an hour!" said Tonia, as she giggled.

Meanwhile, Damian, Kendall, and Bruce, finally get the ring and flowers for Christina, in which Damian also buys Christina a special necklace with a heart design on it.

Bruce, Damian, and Kendall, were in the same shopping center, in which Alexis, Christina, and Tonia, were.

Bruce was texting Tonia to see what store they're going to next, so that they can avoid it.

"So, which store are they going to now?" said Kendall, asking Bruce.

"She says they're going to Christina's favorite store." said Bruce

"Favorite store?" said Damian, with a questionable look on his face.

"Yeah, her favorite store. Wait, I thought Christina told you about her favorite?" said Kendall, as she stops walking while looking back at Damian. "I mean, if you're going to marry Christina, you need to know her likes and dislikes."

"I do know about Christina's favorite store, and she has told me about it on the day that we first met." said Damian, as he admits to her. "What I'm trying to say is, isn't Christina's favorite store close to where we parked our vehicle?"

"Ooh, umm." said Kendall, as she thought.

"Uh guys, we got a problem..." said Bruce, as he stopped ahead of Bruce and Kendall.

Bruce and Kendall turn to the front, where they see Alexis, Christina, and Tonia coming their way. Christina was behind both Alexis and Tonia, looking around different stores, while Alexis and Tonia were talking in the front.

Kendall, Bruce, and Damian gasp.

"No, no, this wasn't supposed to happen!" said Kendall

"I'm going to text Tonia." said Bruce, who was starting to text Tonia.

Bruce: "Tonia! L.I.F.O.Y!"

Tonia: "What?"

Bruce: "Look In Front Of You!"

After receiving Bruce's text message back, Tonia looks in front and sees that Kendall, Damian, and Bruce, were thirty feet away from them. Tonia stops walking, causing Christina to bump into her.

"Ow!" said Christina, as she yelled, rubbing her face. "Hey, why did you stop?"

"Yeah, why did you stop?" said Alexis, looking at Tonia.

Tonia silently signals at her before pointing to Kendall, Damian, and Bruce, who were thirty feet away from them. Alexis' eyes widen while looking at them.

"We stopped because I saw a frozen yogurt truck in the back, and was debating on whether to get some or not." said Tonia, as she lies to them.

"A frozen yogurt truck?" said Christina, as Alexis and Tonia blocked Christina's view so that she wouldn't see Bruce, Kendall, and Damian.

Without looking at them, Tonia signals Kendall, Damian, and Bruce, from the back of her hand, to enter Christina's favor. Kendall, Damian, and Bruce, after getting the memo speed, walk into the store, making sure that Christina didn't see them.

"Yeah, a frozen yogurt truck. Can we go there please..." said Tonia, as she begs while giving Christina the puppy dog pout.

"Aren't you a little bit too old to make that face?" said Christina, as she started to tease Tonia.

"Old? Who are you calling old? We're practically the same age!" said Tonia, as she teased back. "Come on, just one frozen yogurt! Please..."

"Christina, you know that Tonia isn't going to stop making that face, until she changes your mind." said Alexis, as she giggles.

"Oh please, the only way for Tonia to change my mind is if she's a puppy pouting, while begging on her knees." said Christina, sarcastically. "But, we all know she's never going to do that.

"Damian you're going to owe me for this one." said Tonia, in her thoughts as she kneels down while continuing to beg Christina.

Alexis' eyes widened.

"Oh wow, I was wrong." said Christina, who was surprised as well.

"Pleeease." said Tonia, continuing to do the puppy dog pout with the querying lips.

"Tonia, get up, you're making a big scene!" said Christina, as she looked around them and realized that people were watching them from all different directions.

"Christina, please." said Alexis, as she tells her.

Christina groans, like an annoyed mother with a begging nine-year old.

"Fine, let's go." said Christina, as she turns around with Alexis walking alongside her. "But, just don't do that again, okay please. It's really embarrassing. And I ain't your mother."

"Deal," said Tonia, as she grins.

Christina, Alexis, and Tonia leave to where the frozen yogurt truck was at, giving Kendall, Damian, and Bruce enough time to leave Christina's favorite store, and into their vehicle.

Damian: "Thanks Tonia, I owe you one."

Tonia: "Anytime, but don't worry. I'll see what you can give me back in return."

Upon arriving back at the company all dressed up nicely, Kendall then texts Tonia and tells her to bring Christina to their workplace.

As Christina, Toni, and Alexis finally arrive, both girls guide Christina to the lounge room, before leaving her. Christina enters the room, only to find Damian dressed up nicely with a suit and tie, while holding a bouquet of flowers.

"What's all this?" said Christina, who was amazed with all of the decorations and of how Damian was dressed.

"Trust me on this." said Damian, before putting a heart necklace that he got for her, and putting it on her. "You won't regret it."

Moments later, Damian steps down on one knee and proposes to Christina, who gasps before tears start to fall down from her cheeks.

A sad Christina looks at Damian.

"I'm sorry, but I can't!" said Christina, as she ran out of the lounge room and into her fashion design room.

Damian runs after Christina, and questions her about her sudden change of affection towards him.

"Christina, I truly love you. And I want to be with you for the rest of my life." said Damian, as he admits to her.

"You may love me, but I don't." said Christina, holding back her love for Damian, and pushes him away while lying to him, literally breaking her heart even more. "I don't love you, Damian!"

Damian's eyes widened.

"What?!" said Damian, who couldn't believe what she was saying.

"Read my lips, if you can't hear right." said Christina, cracking her voice. "I don't love you!"

A heartbroken Damian 'begins to water, as he repeats his question to Christina who yells at him back, while lying to him again.

"I-I'm sorry, but I don't believe you." said Damian, as his voice breaks. "

"If you don't believe me, then here's the proof." said Christina, showing him the proposal ring that "Steven" / Randy bought her.

Damian couldn't believe his eyes.

"I'm marrying Steven." said Christina, while trying hard not to cry. "In a couple of days."

Hearing those words coming out from Christina, tears began to fall from Damian's face.

Christina points at the door.

"Have a safe flight to the United Kingdom," said Christina, turning away from him.

A very heartbroken Damian leaves the room depressed, as Christina cries her heart out even harder.

After hearing the door closed, Christina looks back at the door that Damian left.

"You have saved me more than once, and now it's my turn to save you", said Christina as she continues to cry.

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