Away From You

By Red_Knight_052

264 3 5

A soccer player and a chef with different careers begin to fall in love, however their love is put aside afte... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 26

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By Red_Knight_052

The next day, Roger along with Alexandra and Hank, visit Bruce and Damian at the hospital.

"Any word from the girls?" said Hank, asking Alexandra.

"Nope, not yet." said Alexandra, as she looked at her messages. "They might be at practice."

"You're right, maybe they are. Tonia hasn't even texted me back either." said Bruce

Roger smirks at Bruce before leaning towards him.

"Since when do you text Tonia?" said Roger

"Uh..." said Bruce, as he blushed. "We're just friends."

"Riiight." said Hank with a smirk and a wink.

"If you guys are just friends, then why do you always text each other 24/7?" said Alexandra, quoting the words "Just friends".

"Ohhhh!" said both Roger and Hank, as the room was loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Guys, guys, remember we have to stay quiet, or else the nurse is going to kick us out like last time." said Bruce, calming everyone down.

"Oh yeah." said Alexandra, as she started to shush Hank.

Minutes later, Damian starts to mumble Christina's name again, in which Bruce, Alexandra, Roger, and Hank try to calm him down.

"Uh oh, he's not calming down." said Hank, nervously.

"Should we call the doctor?" said Alexandra, asking them.

"Honestly I don't think we should, because if we do they're going to put him to sleep and who knows when is he going to wake him up after that." said Hank

"Christina, Christina, Christina." said Damian, without opening his eyes.

"I wonder what is he thinking about." said Hank

"I don't know." said Roger

"Damian, Damian, it's us okay calm down Christina isn't here. So, relax, we're here for you." said Bruce, as he was trying to calm Damian down.

"Christina! Christina!" said Damian, as he started to mumble Christina's name even louder while continuing to do so.

"Nice Bruce, that didn't help him out at all." said Hank, as he shook his head.

"Well, do you guys have any bright ideas?" said Bruce, as he turns to Hank.

"Ladies, ladies, calm down. Okay you're both beautiful." said Roger, as he stands in between Bruce and Hank, in order to separate the two before they can argue any further. "Anyone has any other suggestions?"

"Yeah, I got one." said Alexandra

"Well, what is it?" said Bruce, Hank, and Roger, being curious.

"Well, since we can't calm Damian down, we have no choice but to call Christina and tell her of what is happening with Damian." said Alexandra, as she tells them.

"True that, I mean she is our only hope." said Roger

Alexandra starts to call Christina, who answers.

"Hello?" said Christina, through the phone.

"Christina, Hi it's me Alexandra. We have a situation." said Alexandra

"Yeah? Well, what is it?" said Christina, sounding concerned through the phone..

"Christina! Christina!" said Damian, as he continued to call Christina's name out loud.

"Is that Damian?" said Christina, questioning her through the phone.

"Yes it is, and the bad thing is that we can't calm him down." said Alexandra, as she admits to her. "We need your help."

"Put me on speaker!" said Christina, through the phone.

"Okay, you're on!" said Alexandra, putting her on speaker.

"Put your phone close to Damian!" said Christina, through the phone.

"You're close to him." said Alexandra, as she notified her.

"Damian, listen uhh..." said Christina, as she can't concentrate on what to say to him. "Uhhh..."

"Oop, she froze." said Hank, as he snorted.

"Shh." said Alexandra, as she glared at him.

Just then, Christina hangs up on the call.

"Well, that went well." said Roger, as he sighs.

"Should we call Suhan?" said Bruce, as he joked.

"Are you kidding? Suhan will probably tell us to call Christina either way." said Roger, as he looked at him.

Just then, Christina calls Alexandra this time by face time, and looks directly at Damian while saying that he is here for him.

"Alexandra, place a hand on Damian's right cheek to caress it." said Christina, through face-time.

"What? Nuh uh, no way. He's your crush, I ain't going to do it." said Alexandra, awkwardly. "No thanks, but I feel uncomfortable doing that. Either way, you should be doing it, not me."

"Well, someone has to do it." said Christina, through the phone.

"I'll do it." said Bruce, as he volunteers to do it.

"The Bro Bruce!" said Hank, as he called out to them. "Taking one for the team!"

"Shut up, Hank." said Alexandra, as she shook her head.

"It also makes me uncomfortable to do that, and awkward too. But either way, I have to." said Bruce

Christina manages to soothe Damian who finally relaxes.

"Bruce, kiss Damian on the forehead." said Christina, through the phone.  "So, that he can feel even more safe."

"But?-" said Bruce, awkwardly.

"Please, Bruce." said Christina, as she begs him.

"Fine." said Bruce, as he sighs.

Both Roger and Hank take out their phones and start to record the whole scene. Bruce plants a kiss on the top of Damian's head instead of his forehead, in which a disappointed Christina tells Bruce to plant a kiss closer to his forehead. Hank, Roger, and Alexandra snort while trying so hard not to laugh.

Bruce does what Christina tells him to do, and finally plants a kiss on one side of Damian's forehead.

"You see that wasn't so bad?" said Christina, as she chuckles.

"Man, your girlfriend sure is bossy." said Bruce, as he turns to an unconscious Damian.

"I heard that!" said Christina, through the phone.

Just then, Damian starts to move around, until he finally starts to wake up. Christina gasps and starts to smile at Damian, while Bruce, Hank, Roger, and Alexandra start to cheer while hugging one another.

Both Christina starts to talk to one another until the doctor arrives into the room, asking Bruce, Hank, Roger, and Alexandra to leave since they are going to run some other tests on Damian.

"HE FINALLY WOKED UP!!!" yelled Christina, cheerfully after hanging up on Alexandra's call.

Christina started to kiss her phone, in the hotel's hallways, and lounge room, in where the rest of her teammates were. Kendall, Alicia, Alexis, and Tonia, along with Christina's other teammates cheer along with Christina and hug her.

"Well someone's in a good mood." said Alicia, as she jokes.

"It feels like Christmas morning with her shouting this way." said Alexis, as she teased back.

Kendall stands right next to Tonia.

"Ahem." said Kendall, as she held up her hand.

Tonia high fives Kendall's hand.

"Nope, not that." said Kendall, as she shook her head.

"Hm?" said Tonia, sounding clueless.

"I believe you owe me ten bucks Tonia." said Kendall, as she stuck her hand out to Tonia's face. "Hey, a bet, is a bet. She kissed her phone, so pay up!"

Tonia, rolled her eyes before handing Kendall the ten dollars from her pocket of her shorts.

While Damian was being visited by the doctor, Christina on the other hand is visited by Ben from Imagine, telling Christina to come with him to the company.

"I love too, but I can't because I have to stay here." said Christina, as she admits to him. "I have to stay in San Diego in order to train for our upcoming games along with my teammates."

"When can you come?" said Ben, asking her.

"I'll have to call you, when I get back." said Christina, as she admits to him.

"Okay, then I'll call you to schedule another appointment with Randy," said Ben, as he sighs. "Goodbye."

"Okay, bye." said Christina, as she walked back to the lounge room with the others.

Ben finally leaves the hotel.

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