Away From You

By Red_Knight_052

262 3 5

A soccer player and a chef with different careers begin to fall in love, however their love is put aside afte... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 24

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By Red_Knight_052

While at the hospital...

Both Christina and Damian are in the same hospital room.

Knock knock...

"Come in." said Christina

The doctor comes into the room.

"How are you feeling?" said the doctor, as he asked Christina.

"Good, I guess." said Christina

"Hmm." said the doctor, as he looked through Christina's test results. "According to here, you just have minor injuries due to your fall."

Christina lifted up the hospital sheets, and saw her joggers that were ripped due to her fall. Christina later looks back at the doctor, while putting the sheets back down.

"But... other than that you're fine, we're just waiting on your x-rays result." said doctor, before turning his head to Damian, in which Christina does the same.

"How is he?" said Christina, as he questions the doctor for Damian's results.

"Your boyfriend on the other hand... due to his fall and hard landing, he not only has multiple scapes, scratches, bruises, and cuts around his face and arms, but he also has an injured arm in the process which explains why he has a cast around his left arm."

The doctor frowns, while turning back to Christina.

"I have to admit something to you." said the doctor, continuing the conversation. "Depending on the hard landing... Your boyfriend might wake up a couple of days later due to the fall. We're hoping that hopefully he'll wake up sooner than we think."

The doctor turns to the door and leaves.

After the doctor leaves, Kendall, Hank, Alicia, Alexandra, Bruce, Alexis, Julie, and Tonia finally arrive at the hospital, after hearing the news. The eight of them burst into the room making Christina jump, but not even close to wake up Damian.

"What happened? Are you guys alright?! We just got the call!" said everyone, in sync as they bombarded Christina with questions.

Bruce then whistles in the room, getting everyone's attention.

"One at a time!" said Bruce, as he and the others started to console Christina, while questioning her about how it happened.

Christina admits the truth to them.

Knock knock knock

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in?" said Christina, wondering who it might be.

A nurse enters the room.

"I'm sorry there's multiple people in here." said the nurse, as she tells Christina.

"Well yeah, she has a big family." said Kendall, as she joked.

Alexis nudges Kendall.

"Ow." said Kendall, as she grumbled.

"Are all you guys related?" said the nurse, asking them.

Uh... no." said the eight of them, shaking their heads.

"Well I'm afraid that due to too many people in the room, and visiting hours are over, you all have to leave. Goodbye." said the nurse, locking the eight of them out.

"But?-" said Kendall

"No butts, both patients need to rest." said the nurse putting her hand behind Kendall, and pushing her out of the room.

Once everyone left, Christina lays down on her own hospital bed and faces Damian who is still unconscious.

"Don't worry Damian, I'll be watching over you." said Christina

Christina drifts off to sleep shortly after.

The next day, Christina wakes up, and decides to check on Damian, whose forehead is very sweaty.

Christina dries Damian's forehead with a dry towel, however after realizing that his forehead is warm, Christina wets a towel and puts it on his forehead.

"Christina, Christina, Christina." said Damian, mumbling Christina's name out.

"Shhh..." said Christina, in a soothing and calming voice, rubbing his forehead hand with her left hand and touching his cheek with the other.

Christina starts to soothe Damian while caressing his right cheek, before kissing his forehead, in which Damian relaxes but still doesn't wake up.

"Don't worry, I'll still be right here with you." said Christina, as she touches his forehead with hers.

Just then the door swings open without a knock or a warning, in which Christina turns to the door only to see that Kendall enters the room, while closing the door behind her.

"Shhh... You'll wake him." said Christina, as she shushed Kendall while whispering.

"Honey, please either way he has to wake up somehow." said Kendall, settling her stuff down.

"Where are the others?" said Christina, questioning her.

"They're on their way. We're going to take turns visiting you guys since they're so many of us." said Kendall, as she walked over to Christina. "Well, I see that your hands are full."

Kendall chuckles.

"He was mumbling my name, and his was also kind of also really warm." said Christina, as she tries to explain to her.

"Uh huh, right." said Kendall sarcastically, with a wink.

"It's true!" said Christina, as she yelled.

"Hush now, you'll wake him!" said Kendall, whispering as she shushed Christina.

Christina rolls her eyes.

Moments later Hank, Alicia, Alexandra, Bruce, Alexis, Julie, and Tonia take turns to visit both Christina and Damian in their hospital room. Alexis, Tonia, and Alicia, walked over to Christina, who was back in her hospital bed. Christina could tell that Alexis, Tonia, and Alicia wanted to tell her something, due to the three of them giving her a sad look.

"What's wrong?" said Christina, asking them.

"How long are you thinking of staying here?" said Alexis, asking Christina.

"I'm going to stay here until he wakes up. Why?" said Christina, as she asked them.

"That's really sweet, and all but I'm afraid we have some bad news." said Alexis

"What do you mean?" said Christina, questioning her.

"We just received a call from their soccer team, telling them to head back to the team's headquarters." said Alexis, as she continued. "Since we are going to be training for the next couple of weeks due to our upcoming games."

"But, I thought we were going to play in the next couple of weeks." said Christina

"We are, it's just that well... The men's team are going to play on our field, and since our upcoming games are in a different state, we have to leave at once in order to start with our training." said Tonia, as she admits to her. "Alicia, Alexis, and I are going to leave back to our team's headquarters, along with our other teammates, before leaving to our camp's location. Julie is going to come with us too, since she will be taking some pictures during their practice and games, as Hank, Bruce, Kendall, and Alexa are going to stay with them."

"Yeah, Kendall Volunteered to stay with you so that you wouldn't head back to headquarters alone." said Alicia

"I'll be right here if you need me." said Kendall, as she puts an arm around Christina.

"K-5!" said Hank, as he yelled out.

"Aw! Hank, you cheater!" said Kendall, as she broke her side hug with Christina, before walking back to her battleship game with Hank. "You sank my last battleship!"

"Was it? I didn't even notice." said Hank, looking innocent.

Hank grins.

"Want to play again?" said Hank, asking her.

"You bet I do. But this time however, I won't go easy on you." said Kendall, as she sits back down on her seat.

"Oh, I want to see this." said Tonia, as she walks over to where Kendall and Hank were playing.

Moments later...

Tonia, Alicia, and Alexis bid farewell to Christina, Hank, Bruce, Kendall, and Alexandra, as they leave.

"Are they gone?" said Kendall, as she looks at Alexandra who closes the door behind her.

"Yup, they're gone." said Alexndra

"In your face Hank!" said Kendall, as she pointed at Hank. "I finally beat you!"

"Yeah, 2 to 1." said Hank, in disappointment.

Kendall does her gameboard victory dance.


Kendall gets a message from Alexis.

"Kendall shut up, we could hear your yells from down the hall." said Kendall, as while reading the message out loud. "Oops."

"Oooh, she got you good!" said Hank, as he started to make fun of Kendall. "Ha! Ha!"


Kendall got another message from Alexis.

"Oh and you too Hank." said Kendall, as she read the message out loud.

Alexandra and Christina shook their heads. 

Moments later, Hank and Alexandra head back to the hospital's cafeteria room, while Bruce and Kendall stay to watch Christina and Damian.

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