Away From You

Par Red_Knight_052

262 3 5

A soccer player and a chef with different careers begin to fall in love, however their love is put aside afte... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 10

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Par Red_Knight_052

The next day...

After getting the information that they needed from Damian thanks to Tonia, Kendall and the girls invite Christina for a soccer shoot out in the park in which Damian does his usual running.

At the park, Christina arrives with her soccer bag and her soccer ball.

"Hm, where are they? They should be here by now." said Christina, as she starts to wonder where Kendall, Alicia, Tonia, and Alexis are. "Hm, I guess I should start warming up then."

Christina puts her stuff down close to the goal post, and starts to warm up by starting to juggle the ball a bit.

Meanwhile, Damian, who was in the same park as Chrstina, is running on the track that is closer to the soccer field, wearing his running gear along with wearing headphones. Neither Christina or Damian notice each other, since they were far too busy doing their own thing.

Back with Christina, she started to kick the soccer ball into the open goal, all the way from the penalty box.

Moments later...

Christina, who was tired of kicking the soccer ball from the penalty box, decides to kick the ball from the half side of the field. While doing so, Christina accidentally hits Damian (unknowing that it was him), on the head with the soccer ball, as he was running around the track.

Christina gasps, as she runs towards the person, who falls on the ground.

"All my gosh, are you alright?" said Christina, as she questions the person, who turns out to be Damian. "Oh my gosh, Damian I am so sorry!"

Damian rubs his head while turning to Christina, in which his eyes widen while seeing her.

"Christina?" said Damian, as he stopped rubbing his head.

Damian takes off his hand phones.

"Are you okay?" said Christina, as she asked him again.

"Hm? Uh, yeah... I'm okay." said Damian, as he got up from the ground.

"I don't think that you are, here let me have a look." said Christina, as she searches for Damian's injury.

"Christina, I'm fine really. There's nothing to worry about." said Damian, as he admits to her that he is fine.

Christina scans Damian from top to bottom, before looking at him again.

"Okay, if you say so." said Christina, as she shrugs, before realizing that the palm of one of  Damian's hands is a burn mark. "OMG! Where did you get that?! Take that back, when did you get that?!"

"Dang it, nice going Damian she figured out. Now, what are you going to tell her? That you were distracted by the setting of how good her and her boyfriend were talking yesterday?" said Damian, in his thoughts, not noticing that Christina was questioning him while he was in his trance.

"Damian?" said Christina, as she questioned him again.

"Hm?" said Damian, as he looks at Christina, who looks concerned.

"Where did you get that?" said Christina, again while asking Damian.

"Eh..." said Damian, as he tries to come up with an excuse.

"Damian." said Christina, with a damaging, demanding voice.

Not wanting to upset Christina for not telling her the truth, Damian decides to admit her the truth.

"I... well... got... burn..." said Damian, while hesitating. "Yesterday..."

Christina's eyes widened while hearing Damian saying that.

"Damian! Omg, this is serious, why didn't you tell me sooner!" said Christina, as she grabs him from his hand, dribbles the soccer ball, along with dragging Damian to the soccer goal post in where her stuff was at.

Christina opens her bag, and begins to dig through it. Damian just looked at her.

"Ah ha!" said Christina, finally finding what she was looking for. "Here..."

Christina gives Damian a bottle of lotion that contains aloe vera.

"What did you put on it, when you got home?" said Christina, as she questioned him.

"Avocado." said Damian, as she admits to her.

"No, you should have put in on aloe Vera, because it helps with the sting." said Christina, as she sighs. "Since its gel can help cool off the stink."

Damian opens up the bottle, and rubs some of the lotion on his burned hand. While he was  finished, Damian looked at Christina giving her a small smile, as she handed her back the lotion.

"What?" said Christina, as she asked Damian.

"Oh... nothing, it's just that... I didn't even notice that you cared so much." said Damian, as he continued. "After all, we just met."

Christina puts back the lotion in her bag, but doesn't break eye contact with him.

"Well... just because we just met, doesn't mean I don't care about you. It's just that I'm still trying to get to know you better." said Christina, as she admits to him.

Christina turns to her soccer ball and grabs it.

"So... What are you doing here?" said Christina, as she asked him. "I actually had no idea that I was going to find you here."

"Neither, did I." said Damian, as he continued. "This is where I usually do my morning run, right here on this track. How about you?"

"My friends invited me here, to hang out and shoot some goals." said Christina, as she admits. "It's just that they're running a little late. Unless..."

"Unless, what?" said Damian, as he asked her.

"Nah, they wouldn't..." said Christina, as she shook her head. "They wouldn't ditch me. They're not like that."

"I hope not." said Damian, as he chuckles nervously. "That would be mean."

"Yeah." said Christina, as she sighs while looking around.

Damian turns to the soccer ball.

"So... you play soccer?" said Damian, as he asked Christina.

"Yeah, I do." said Christina, as she looks back at Damian.

"Are you even good at it?" said Damian, as he asked her.

Christina's eyes widened.

"Yeah, I'm really good at it." said Christina, as she chuckles.

"Oh really, so do you think that I can shoot some goals with you, until your friend can arrive?" said Damian

"Yeah, I mean if you can handle it." said Christina, as she smirks.

Christina grabs the ball from the ground, and stands in front of Damian.

"Do you think that you can handle it?" said Christina, as she asked him again.

Damian sighs, while looking at Christina, as he feels tension in him while looking at her beautiful eyes. Damian crosses his arms, finally managing to gain his confidence.

"Yes," said Damian, without no hesitation.

"Great!" said Christina, excitedly. "You be the forward, and I'll be the goalie. Then both will switch later."

"I thought, it'll be ladies first." said Damian, as he started to tease Christina.

"Yes, but I wanted to see how many goals you make." said Christina, as she continued. "I wanted to save the best for last."

Meanwhile in between the soccer stands, Kendall, Tonia, Alexis, and Alicia, are spying on both Christina and Damian, and are watching them interact with each other.

"We are such good friends." said Kendall, as she sounded like she was proud of herself.

"By good, you mean ditching Christina on the soccer field, and come hide underneath the stands." said Tonia, as she admits without hesitation.

"Well, at least we're not actually ditching her, just so that she can be with Damian." said Alicia

"Who's side are you even on?" said Alexis, as she turns to Alicia.

"Girls, girls, relax, Christina wasn't born yesterday." said Kendall, as she changes the subject. "Anyways, she probably knows we're trying to pull a little prank."

"A little prank?" said Alexis, as she turned to Kendall, before starting to whine. "Kendall, we've been here for hours! My feet are literally killing me!"

"Oh don't be just a drama queen." said Kendall

"Yeah, just as soon as we see a screw up from Christina. The sooner we head on the field." said Alicia, as she and the girls continue to watch Christina and Damian from the stands.

During Damian's try as the forward, Damian actually misses most of the shots, and has only made one goal.

"I can't believe you only made one goal!" said Christina, as she started to joke around with Damian. "I thought that you were probably going to make at least two or three. But, not one."

"I was going easy on you." said Damian

"Psh, yeah right." said Christina, as she takes the soccer ball. "You might want to put those headphones down, so that I can show you how to really do it."

"Alright. I like to see that." said Damian, as he puts his headphones close to Christina's bag. "I wonder if your boyfriend can score better than me."

"Boyfriend?" said Christina, as she questioned Damian. "What boyfriend are you talking about?"

Damian walked towards the goal area.

"Oh, you know the one that was hugging you from behind." said Damian, as he tells Christina.

"You mean Hank?" said Christina, as she tells him.

"Yeah, him." said Damian

"He's not my boyfriend, he's my co-worker and friend, of whom I consider him as a brother." said Christina, as she admits to Damian.

After hearing Christina say that, Damian's cheeks turn pink while realizing that he just embarrassed himself right in front of her. Christina started to burst out of laughter, upon seeing Damian's reaction.

"Wow, I'm such an idiot!" said Damian, as he put his left hand on his face.

"Oh Damian, you're not an idiot." said Christina, as she stopped laughing. "You're a complete dork!"

And with that, Christina giggles, while heading to the penalty.

"And a cute one too." said Christina, as she said in a low voice, while juggling the ball in the penalty box.

Minutes later...

When Damian becomes the goalie and Christina the Forward, Christina makes almost all of the goals, except for the last one, in which she accidentally hits Damian in the middle.

Christina gasps.

"Ouch!" said Damian, as he groans while gritting his teeth together.

Christina runs to Damian, who kneels down on the grass.

"Damian, are you okay?!" said Christina, as she stood down next to him.

"If my words hurted you, then I'm truly sorry... Urgh, I... I didn't mean to, I was just messing around with you." said Damian, as he continued to groan. "Urgh..."

"No, no, Damian, I wasn't upset, or angry..." said Christina, as she looked Damian in the eyes. "I'm so sorry Damian."

Meanwhile, with Kendall, Alexis, Tonia, and Alicia...

"Ooh, that got to hurt!" said Tonia, Alicia, Kendall, and Alexis, all at once.

"Yeah, especially when Christina kicks the ball hard, so that it can go straight into the goal." said Alexis

"I wouldn't want to be Damian right now." said Tonia, as she shook her head.

"Poor Damian." said Alicia

"Yeah, poor... Damian." said Kendall and Tonia, as they started to laugh.

The girls later decided to finally reunite with Christina and Damian, after Christina's embarrassment.

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