Sakura Haruno (Child Prodigy)

Par SilverIce8764

117K 5.1K 514

What if Sakura was born a prodigy? What if her Inner held a remarkable ability? What if things had been diffe... Plus

Authors Note
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Side Story 3/3


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Par SilverIce8764

Fugaku Uchiha wasn't sure what he was expecting when his wife had told him that a new friend of Sasuke's would be coming over for dinner. He had just returned home from a long day of work and his brain didn't fully process what his wife was saying. It only registered in his mind the next morning and even then he wasn't sure how he should feel. 

"It will be good for him.  Especially because she isn't from the clan. Sakura-chan really is sweet, she is absolutely adorable and from what I can tell she has a good head on her!" The brunette's brows furrowed.

"A girl? Last I remember Sasuke wasn't very keen on girls. Where did you find her? Was she lurking around the compound? Shouldn't the child's parents be keeping a closer eye on her?"

"Actually, it was Shisui-kun who found her. He came home to have dinner with us and brought Sakura-chan along. Oh! The girl really is a darling!" The man sighed. He was beginning to grow tired of his wife's chattering.

"I understand that you.. are fond of this girl but couldn't you have warned me beforehand?"

"I told you last night." Mikoto's brows pulled together slightly as she stared at her husband. 

"Yes, but I had just come home from a busy day and I was too tired to focus on what you were saying." The female sighed.

"Very well, if you do not want Sakura-chan to come over for dinner I won't invite her.." Fugaku looked up at his wife. 

"You haven't asked her if she wants to join us yet?" 

"Of course not! I was waiting to see if you were alright with it first." 

He sighed; it wasn't usual for his wife to be so insistent. Sure, occasionally she would have her moments but usually that was when the subject was about one of their children. Ashamed as he was to admit it, he sometimes forgot that his spouse had previously been a highly respected kunoichi. His dark eyes moved to look at Mikoto's form as she walked around the room, wiping down the surfaces.

"The girl can come over for dinner tomorrow. I should be able to come home in time as well."

The Uchiha clan Matriarch turned around, a dazzling smile present on her face. She clapped her hands in childish excitement as she thanked the man.

"Thank you! I'll tell Itachi-kun to go and tell her when he comes down."

That was basically the conversation he had with his wife. Anyway, he certainly wasn't expecting Sakura to be a small girl with short, pastel pink hair and bright green eyes. The girl had the looks of a doll and was dressed up like one too. He wasn't sure if he was more surprised by her appearance or the fact that she could move.

"Hello Uchiha-sama, it is a pleasure to meet you." She inclined her head slightly.

"Hn. You as well, I have heard a lot about you from my wife."


Sakura was fully awake by the time that both Shisui and Sasuke reappeared in the room. They had both had a shower and all the grime that had previously been glued to them was gone. They had also changed out of their battered clothes and now Sasuke donned a dark grey, short-sleeved shirt and some dark trousers. Shisui wore a dark jumper with some trousers and both of their tops had their clan's symbol embroidered on the back. 

Shisui had rushed over to Sakura, his movements a blur to her emerald orbs. He picked her up and placed her on his shoulders whilst Sasuke ran up to Itachi. Mikoto walked into the room wiping her hands on a grey towel. 

"Now, I hope you two realise that we'll be having a talk about how you got yourselves in such a state." Both males bowed their heads, their eyes boring into the ground. The dark-haired woman narrowed her eyes before turning around and walking off.

Sasuke and Shisui both let out a sigh as their shoulders slumped. Sakura had to hold onto the older Uchiha's head to keep her balance.

"Oh, sorry Chibi-chan.." Shisui chuckled nervously as he held onto her ankles.

"Hm.." The pinkette's brows pulled together slightly. She didn't exactly wish to be on the boy's shoulders, she preferred the ground. There was something about having both feet on the ground that was.. reassuring. Wait.. was that even the right word?

Her brain was probably getting distracted by the sudden noise reverberating around the room. She blinked. It appeared that Sasuke and Shisui had started arguing; Sakura assumed that the two bickered a lot.

She felt hands grab her under her arms and lift her up and Shisui's grip on her ankles disappeared. The mysterious hands placed her on the ground and Sakura looked behind her to see a stoic-faced Itachi. The male patted her head before sitting back down in his original spot.

'..... Did- I.. I'm confused.. why.. what is happening?' Ok, so Sakura might not be fully awake...

The four-year-old decided to listen to the conversation -argument- that was currently going on between Sasuke and Shisui.

"Just because I got attacked and ended up getting injured doesn't mean I am weak!"

"You got beat up by a swarm of children." Yeah, no. Sakura didn't want to get involved in whatever was going on between the two. Instead, the pinkette sat down beside Itachi and silently twiddled her thumbs. 

A few moments passed, the only noise that could be heard was from the quarrel going on between the two loudmouths in the room. The argument finally stopped when Mikoto entered the room.

"Shisui-kun, Sasuke-kun, please stop your shouting." Her tone was softer when she turned to address Sakura. "My husband is just getting changed upstairs, he will be down in a moment. Now, I shall go and dish out the food, Itachi-kun, some help please?" The eight-year-old nodded before standing up and following his mother out of the room. 

"I almost forgot that the old man is going to be at dinner tonight.. I probably should have skipped.." Shisui mumbled, deep in thought. "Actually no. If I did that then I wouldn't be here to see Chibi-chan.." 

Sakura knew that she probably wasn't supposed to be hearing the twelve-year-old's rambling but how could she not when he was being surprisingly loud? Then again it wasn't all that surprising since it was Shisui.

"I bet we aren't related." A voice from right next to her sounded, making her jump. She looked to her left to see Sasuke sitting next to her. His dark eyes were staring into her green ones and she tilted her head in confusion. "Shisui. I bet he isn't an Uchiha."

The girl blinked at him. Was he being serious?

"I mean, think about it. He may look like an Uchiha but his personality is all wrong. Uchihas are tough and-and serious and they don't joke around on missions. Shisui always jokes about everything and he is like the opposite of serious. He may be a ninja and a- what was the word you said when I first met you again?"

"You mean exuberant?" She asked.

"No, the other one!"

"Oh, a prodigy?"

"Yeah! He may be one of those or whatever but erm.. he doesn't act like it or whatever. As you said before he's erm.. very ex-uber-ant and all, so he can't really be an Uchiha."

"I see.." Sakura bit her bottom lip. ".. Do Shisui-san and Itachi-san train a lot?"

The boy nodded.

"Have you ever watched one of their training sessions?"

"Yeah, but I haven't watched them in a while since they're really busy and Okaa-san told me not to distract them."

"I see.. I haven't seen either of them fight or train before but I'm sure they're both powerful."

"Mhm! Nii-san is really cool! Once he even stopped someone from stealing something in the market! We were just walking past and then someone was just running and then some other people were yelling after the guy running and Nii-san just stopped him and then the thief got arrested."

The pinkette's eyebrows drew together as her mind tried to keep up with Sasuke's rapid chatter.

"I think the guy got arrested but Nii-san didn't tell me what happened after the thief got taken away." As he said this a pout formed on his face. "I even asked Okaa-san but she told me not to worry or whatever... I mean, I wasn't even worried! I was just curious! If I'm going to be a ninja when I get older then I'm going to have to know about these things, right?"

Sakura blinked, "You want to be a ninja?" 

"Mhm! I'm going to be the greatest ninja! I'll even go on missions with Itachi-nii!"

"I'm sure you'll be an amazing shinobi." Sakura sent the boy a closed-eyed smile. She opened her eyes only to find that Sasuke's cheeks were red. "Are you ok?"

The boy shook his head. "Yeah! I'm fine..." He turned away from the pinkette, causing her to frown.

"Ok.." Sakura puffed her cheeks out as she tried to come up with a change of topic. "Have you done any training?"

"Oh, yeah! Nii-san sometimes helps me but he's usually out on missions so he doesn't get to help me much... I still train even when he isn't around though!" He puffed out his chest proudly.

Sakura opened her mouth to speak when she was interrupted by the sound of Shisui's voice.

"Oh! Hey, you actually made it!"

 Emerald eyes trailed over to Shisui. The curly-haired Uchiha was standing a short way away from a strict-looking man with shoulder-length brown hair and onyx-coloured eyes. The man had creases below his dark orbs along with some on each end of his lips. The male had tanned skin and power seemed to radiate off him. Sakura guessed that this was the Uchiha clan head- and Itachi and Sasuke's father.

The man looked severely unimpressed by Shisui's comment and Sakura couldn't help but feel like he was internally rolling his eyes. She was honestly mildly surprised that the preteen was even bold enough to make such a remark and direct it at his clan's Patriarch. Then again it was Shisui Uchiha.

Sasuke stood up and walked over to his father.

"Otou-sama, Sakura-chan is here!" The man's dark eyes found Sakura's form and seemed to take in her appearance as she stood next to his youngest son.

Sakura, in all honesty, was rather shocked that he hadn't noticed her presence beforehand. He was supposed to be a ninja was he not? Part of her mind whispered that it might all be an act to make him seem less skilled than he actually was but the pinkette knew that if that was true then he must be an awfully good actor. There was just something odd about how his eyes had never once drifted to her even when what she was wearing was colourful. He only seemed to notice her presence when Sasuke had pointed her out. Then again ninjas were fantastic at making one's brain scrambled. So perhaps he was just pretending. It was all too confusing for Sakura's young mind and the pinkette decided that she should stop thinking about it before her head exploded.

"Hello Uchiha-sama, it is a pleasure to meet you." She inclined her head slightly. 

"Hn. You as well, I have heard a lot about you from my wife." 

Sakura could already tell that this man demanded a lot of respect. He probably thought of her as nothing but a civilian child who had gotten lost and ended up running into Shisui with a face covered in tears and snot. He probably thought that her parents should be keeping a closer eye on her and that she was stupid to have run off. He probably assumed that she was a pampered doll who knew nothing about the horrors and truths of the tainted world. Probably thought that she had no idea how to throw a solid punch or land a proper kick. Well, she hid a sly smirk by bowing her head, he knew nothing about her. He hadn't earned her respect. Not yet.

A/N: I am so sorry that this is so late. I was having some issues and I wasn't feeling great. I hope you all can forgive me! I wanted to include the rest of the dinner but I got carried away.. hehe..

Anyways.. I'll probably come back to this chapter at a later date and change a few things but yeah.

I wasn't sure how Fugaku and Mikoto address each other so erm yeah.. I would really appreciate it if you guys could tell me hehe..

Sorry for any mistakes!

Hope you enjoyed!

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