Yammouni's Girl

By StoriesByMags

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Originally :Sahyounie's Sister, Yammouni's Girl. Now: Yammouni's Girl NOTE: was taken off as I wasn't happy... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: New Girls New Friendships
Chapter 3: Argument And A Kiss
Chapter 4: It Can't Carry On
Chapter 5: The Way I Feel
Chapter 6: James
Chapter 7: I Can't Do This
Chapter 8: Climbing Through The Window
Chapter 9: Morning Messages
Chapter 10: The Park
Chapter 11: Rhiannon
Chapter 12: Talk To Me
Chapter 13: Two Weeks Later
Chapter 14: The Party
Chapter 15: The Morning After
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17: I Love You
Chapter 18: Skip Knows
Chapter 19: Friday Friday Gotta Get Down On Friday
Chapter 20: Chatting
Chapter 21: She Wants James
Chapter 22: She's Scared Of Me
Chapter 23: Rhiannon's Plan
Chapter 24: We're Over
Chapter 25: It Was A Set Up
Chapter 26: Rhiannons Thinking
Chapter 27: Why Her?
Chapter 29: James At Hospital
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31: I Can See
Chapter 32: Discharged
Chapter 33: Moving
Chapter 34: Back To School And Prom Shopping
Chapter 35: Rhiannon's Prom Plan
Chapter 36: The Prom
Chapter 37: I Can't Do This To You
Chapter 38: Tweets
Chapter 39: DareSundays Kisses
Chapter 40: No Ice Cream
Chapter 41: Ronnie's News
Chapter 42: Touring?
Chapter 43: Stranger Or A Friend?
Chapter 44: They're leaving
Chapter 45: Faydee Sort Of Day
Chapter 46: I Slapped Him
Chapter 47: I Need Your Love
Chapter 48: You're Coming Too
Chapter 49: Finale

Chapter 28: It Got Too Much

74 5 2
By StoriesByMags

*This chapter could be triggering for some people, do not hesitate to message me*

Delila's POV,
Here I am again, running away from school because of sown thing that probably doesn't even matter. I'm not jealous, I just don't understand why he would choose her. All she tries to do is ruin me and James. I think she likes to just ruin me.

I somehow find myself at my drive outside of my house. Daniels car isn't here, so he must still be at Rikki's or gone to school. We have our next lesson together; lets just hope that he doesn't go in til after lunch like he said, as then we don't have any lessons together.

I go through my bag hoping to find the keys. Crap. I didn't have them. Why is it that on the day when I don't need them I have them, and then the day I do need them I don't have them? Life just hates me.

I run into the back garden, jumping over the little fence, since the gate is locked too. Why do we lock everything? Oh yeah, because fans tried to get into or house before. I look under the back door doormat hoping for the key. No luck. Is today suppose to be crap? It started off so good.

Then an idea comes to my head when I look up to my bedroom window. It's partly opened as it was too hot in the night and James opened it. My room was on the second floor of our house, meaning it'd be hard to get up there. I leave my bag by the back door, since I can unlock that from the inside, and walk back under the window.

There's a shed close to my window. I get one of the summer chairs and put it by the shed before climbing up and onto both the chair then the shed. The roof isn't steady, but it managed to hold me up as I slowly walk to the end, by where my window is. It's a little leap to my window, and I'll be hanging off, meaning I'll have to pull my self up. Come on Delila, you can do it!

I leap up and my hands just manage to hold onto the window frame. 'Don't look down' I tell myself and pull myself up. I open the window further and heave myself up into my room. Soon my body hits my carpet and a sigh of relief leaves my lips.

"There you are," I say to myself when I see my keys on the bedside table. I open my door and walk downstairs to get my bag. Once I've done that, I put it over my shoulder and get myself a glass of water before making my way back to my room and shutting the door closed.

I check my phone to have some missed calls and messages from James. I decide to ignore it and turn off my phone, I just want some time alone.

Lately everything just seems like it's too much. Not only all the school drama, but I miss mum so much. It's not right for her to leave just like that because she found herself a new partner. It's not fair. Does she not care about me? About Daniel? What sort of a mum abandons her kids for someone she met? I feel tears drop down my cheeks and I wipe them away, making my way into the bathroom and shutting that door too. No one will know if I do it will they? They're all at school, they don't care. Mum is away, she doesn't care.

I go through my draw under the sink, to find the razor I used to use when I was younger. The inside of my thighs have a few faded scars, though no boy ever seems to notice them. Shows how all they want is sex.

"If you do it and Daniel finds out again, he'll never forgive you," a voice tells me.

"But if you don't do it the pain will never go away," another voice tells me. Am I crazy?

"But you could loose Daniel and probably James if they find out!" The first voice says again.

"But they're not here are they? No one will know," the second voice argued.

I shut the draw and hold onto the razor. I look into a mirror to see a rather skinny girl, but not skinny enough, with make up down her face and her hair messy looking back at me. I'm not worth anything really am I? My life has been bad enough.

"Just one little cut," I whisper and lift my skirt up, sliding the razor across my skin, instantly feeling the pain and seeing the blood go down my leg. I used to cut when dad left us, but when Daniel found out he fixed me, and I had to promise him I'd never do it again. I gave him all my razors, we'll all except this one. He said to me that if I ever felt like doing this again that all I had to do was tell him and he'd stop doing whatever he was doing. I slide the razor a few more times, realising that it made me forget the current things which sucked in my life.

There was a puddle of blood forming by my legs and suddenly it was increasing in a massive speed. There's a vein on the inside of your thighs. Shit. I quickly grab my phone and call Daniel.

Skip's POV,
I came into class but Delila wasn't there and James was sitting alone, writing what the teacher was.

"Mr Sahyounie why are you late? And may you tell me where your sister is?" Miss Smith lifts her eyebrow.

"I was hoping you'd tell me where she is," I scratch the back of my neck. The moment James heard my voice his head lifts up and looks at me.

"We'll phone home, sit down please." She orders me.

"No one will be home," I tell her.

"Well there's nothing you can do right now Daniel so please sit down, stop distributing my lesson and catch up!" She goes back to writing on the board. My phone starts to ring and I pick it up.

"Daniel," Lila cries down the phone.

"Lila! You okaii?" I ask panicking, not caring that I'm in class, I see James getting his stuff and we both leave the room, ignoring the shouts from the teacher.

"No Daniel, I broke the promise," she cries some more. What promise?

"Lila what promise? What have you done? Where are you?" I start to jog to my car, James following closely behind.

"I cut," she cries then there's a pause. I remember how bad it was last time, the time dad left us. I though I'd loose her. We nearly had to take her into the hospital if Gina wasn't around. None of the boys know, but Gina does. She always treated Lila like her own daughter, and Lila was always close to Luke, well, until she started to date Aaron, because Luke couldn't sand him.

"Lila, how bad is it? Where are you?" I whisper, tears in my eyes as I start the car.

"I think I cut a vein, I'm sleepy Daniel," she whispers back. I'm aware that James can hear all of it since its on loud speaker. There's a look of worry and disappointment in his eyes.

"Lila stay awake! You home?" I worry.

"I am home, I didn't have the keys so I had to climb in, I'm in my bathroom, help me Daniel," she cried. James takes the phone close to him.

"Deli, baby," he says, and I'm sure that my sister is smiling at his voice.

"Did you hear everything?" She asks.

"Yeah I did Deli, but it'll be okaii, we'll get you through it okaii?" He tries to reassure her.

"Yeah okaii, I love you James," she says. He obviously means more to her than I thought.

"I love you too Deli," he says, and I look over to him, to see tears in his eyes, just like there were tears in mine. It's good to know he cares so much for her. Personally I was scared of James's reaction to her cutting. He seemed tone handling it fine.

"Deli?" He asks and gets no reply. "Deli?" He says a little louder. Shit. She's not replying. "Delila!" He almost shouts. I pull into the drive and take the keys out. I unlock the front door and both James and I ran up the stairs into Deli's room then her bathroom. She had the razor in her hand and her eyes closed. I can't loose her! She's the only thing I have left. James leans down and puts his finger by her neck.

"She's just unconscious, we have to get her help," he picks her up and we take her into my car. I get into the front and start the car while James lays Lila in the back and stays there with her. All the way there he's crying and mumbling things to her. I hope she makes it. We can't loose her.
Sorry it's so late, I've re written it twice, it was a hard chapter to write. But it just got too much for her.
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

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