Church Boy (boyxboy)

By xNo_Jimmy_Protestedx

335K 11.1K 7.4K

"This is all my fault. Mine, yours and Lizas." I laugh bitterly. "If she hadn't told me to em-embrace this li... More

Another Big Thank You!
Dancing with the Devil
DWTD - 2

bonus chapter 28.5

926 22 2
By xNo_Jimmy_Protestedx

A/n if you've gotten multiple notifications about an update, I am sorry. Wattpad app has been giving me trouble with this specific chapter. Enjoy the chapter!

"Did you want to go visit Liza today?" Harry asked, his fingertips dancing up and down Louis' spine. Louis shook his head but otherwise didn't answer, his grip loosened.

"What can I do for you babe?" Harry asked after a moment. He could feel Louis' body shaking with each exhale.

"I have a lot on my mind, I'm just trying to process." Louis mumbled and then pulled back from Harry so they were face to face. Louis' eyes were filled with unshed tears and he looked so sad. Harry frowned slightly.

"Maybe I can help." Harry spoke, sincerely. Louis had a heavy feeling weighing on his chest, making it hard to breath. He didn't understand why, maybe it was because his best friend was sick and there was nothing he could do for her or maybe it was what Jenna and Niall had said still ringing through his head.

"Don't come back, he's dangerous " "Harry's not who you think he is."

It was ominous and it made Louis worry. He was already in too deep, he already loved Harry, a lot.

"You can actually." Louis sat up. "When Niall and Jenna were here, they said some stuff that scared me."

"Whatever it was don't be scared. I kicked them out and you don't have to worry about them. They did what they came here to do."

"What are you talking about?" This was news to Louis. They never talked about Niall again once Louis came back. After arguing with his mother, he didn't even notice that Niall and Jenna had left. Harry took a breath.

"They were just here to cause trouble. When I was 18, I got introduced into BDSM and it helped me with some stuff I was dealing with, you know with my dad." Harry paused and Louis rubbed his thumb over Harrys knuckles with a nod. Harry continued.

"The man I was with at the time was really unhinged and I didn't realize it until it was too late." Harry bit his lip as memories flashed through his mind. Cleo was amazing until he wasn't, helping Harry until he became the one hurting him. Louis squeezed his hand and intertwined their fingers together.

"You don't have to tell me now." Louis smiled small. "What's going on with Niall and Jenna?"

"Nothing is going on. It's handled."

"Uh, Harry, your phone has been ringing non-stop and Niall and I are getting a headache." Harry nodded.

"I'll be there in a second." He turned back to Louis and kissed his forehead, his lips lingering. "I love you, Louis." He whispered, stepping away before Louis could reply.

Harry walked out of the room and grabbed his phone off the coffee table and answered the still-ringing phone without looking at the caller ID.


"Hello Kitten." A soft voice sounded through the phone. Harry's blood ran cold and he's sure his heart stopped for a moment. Why was he calling him? How did he find Harry?

"How did you get this number?" Harry spoke, his hand tightening on his phone. He never thought they'd speak after their last conversation, Harry swore he'd never talk to him again. 

"I need to see you and I have a feeling you'll be wanting to see me too. I wanted you to have a way to reach me." 

"I never want to see you again. Never call this number." Harry said calmly into the phone despite the shaking in his hand. He wasn't scared, he was angry. He let out a heavy breath and hung up the phone. That wasn't important right now, he needed to convince Louis to stay with him, to be with him. He turned and bumped into Niall. He didn't have time for this.

"Now isn't a good time, I need to-" Harry started but Niall cut him off.

"You never could find the time for me." Niall spoke, reaching into his pocket and pulling out an envelope. He held it out for Harry to take. "Go on, take it."

Harry raised an eyebrow in confusion but opened the envelope. Inside were photos of Harry, they were all taken in the same room and Harry knew it as Cleo playroom. He could never forget those ugly deep orange-colored walls. Harry was featured in all of the photos during their many different scenes. 

Harry forced the photos back into the envelope, his blood boiling and stomach flipping. He didn't even know these existed, Niall reached out and snatched the envelope. Harry barely noticed, he didn't want to look back on that time, he was lost then. He had gotten in with the wrong people but he had Louis now. He was in control now.

"Why the fuck do you have these? How do you have this?" Harry demanded. Niall simply shrugged and began walking away, out of the living room and towards Harry's office. Harry angily stomped behind him when they reached the office door, he was close enough to Niall to grab his wrist and spun him around. "Answer me."

"Let's step into your office." Niall spoke, not phased by the tight grip Harry had on him. Harry pushed Niall into the office, Niall stumbled in nearly falling before he steadied himself. Harry stepped in behind him, closing and locking the door. He didn't want to risk Louis walking in and Niall giving him the envelope.

"Niall, I swear to-"

"To whom? Think of Louis, what would he say." Niall teased, chuckling. "Someone reached out to me with a proposition and after you threw me away like I was nothing, their plan didn't seem like such a waste of time."

"Threw you away? I loved you, I was going to marry you." Harry was so confused and angry. Honestly, he was a little hurt, he really believed he and Niall left things on good terms, that things were okay between them. "You're the one that left me, you threw us away." Harry reminded him. They tried to fix their relationship but Niall still left. Harry told Niall he was messed up and dealing but Niall thought he should be enough to fix Harry. Niall chuckled so dark it sent a shiver down Harry's spine.

"By the time I left, you weren't here. You spent all of your time in here," Niall waved around the office. "ignoring me, neglecting me. I spent days alone and your side of the bed was always cold. You had completely shut yourself off from me. You didn't want to marry me, you only asked when you knew I was leaving." Niall spoke, his voice sounded sad but his face was red with anger.

"Niall, I'm sorry. I was really messed u-"

"Save it. I've moved on, Jenna and I are very happy together. If you don't want these photos getting into the wrong hands, you'll do exactly as I say. I don't think Louis will stick around after seeing these. He might think it's a sign from God above." Niall smirked.

"What do you want?" Harry was furious. Who the hell did Niall think he was? Coming into Harry's home threatening him and his boyfriend. But he had him backed in a corner. Those photos of him were from a different time but nonetheless Louis would surely leave him. Louis wouldn't understand.

"Me? I don't want anything from you after seeing these. I have a message. Alpha wants to see you." Niall scrunched his face as he said the name. "You call him that, disgusting." He spoke again when he saw the color drain from Harry's face. Harry stared at Niall blankly, he didn't know what to do or how to respond. His mind was racing with so many thoughts and questions. How did they know each other? Why would Niall do this? Why couldn't Cleo let him go? Why now?

"What do you want?" Harry repeated, quietly. 

"He has the original photos and is willing to give them to you. He told me to tell you to meet him where you first met and he'll give them to you. Some of these photos here are originals and as a show of good faith." Niall glared at him and shook his head. "I'm suppose to give these to you. These disgusting photos of you and your Alpha doing such unspeakable things, to each other, to other people." Niall moved closer to Harry, looking him up and down. "How do you live with yourself. If I had known, I would've never let you touch me." Niall's words hurt as if he had physically hit him and Harry recoiled.

"I didn't have a choice." Harry whispered, deflated as the memories came back. The things he did to him, made him say, made him fuck. Harry didn't like to think about the few months he spent with him. When they first met, he was there when Harry didn't know he needed someone. Cleo helped Harry when he didn't even know he still needed help, he brought out a side of him he didn't know was there.

"We all have choices. I've made mine."

"What are you getting out of this? Was I really so horrible to you?" Harry asked. 

"I've been paid and the cherry on top is seeing this dumb miserable look on your face. You've got an hour to reach out to him. He's waiting." Niall spoke, throwing the photos onto Harry's desk and moving to leave the office. Harry quickly grabbed him, stopping him before he could leave.

"Don't do this, Niall, don't make me do this." Harry pleaded, staring into Niall's eyes. He'd do anything but that. He couldn't handle going back there, let alone seeing him again. Niall pulled his wrist free.

"It's already done. You have his number, kitten." Niall smirked as Harry flinched at the nickname. He was suddenly transported back to when he was in that orange room, tied up and begging for him. Harry blinked and was back in his office.

Harry was left alone standing in the middle of his office, the door shut and the envelope sitting on his desk. He didn't know what he was going to do. Going back there wouldn't be easy. Seeing Cleo didn't even feel like an option and not just because Cleo is an obsessive ex. Harry went to his desk and frustratingly pulled at his hair. He sat back, hands on his thighs as a million thoughts went through his mind. Maybe he should just go, it wasn't like he could blindfold and chain him up right there. Bile rose in Harry's throat at the thought, he swallowed it back down. It was just a meet up.

Harry turned to look out the window. Louis would be heartbroken if he ever saw any of those photos. He'd never look at Harry the same. Their relationship would be over and Harry was sure they wouldn't even be friends. Harry turned to his desk and held the envelope in hands. He could do this, it was just a meet up. He put the photos down then grabbed his phone.

"You went to see him?" Louis asked. He had listened intently as Harry recalled the story. He wanted to know more about Cleo and Harry's relationship and he's curious about what was in those photos. 

"I'm going to. I can't lose you." Harry laid his head in Louis' lap and closed his eyes, his hand resting on top the blanket wrapped loosely around Louis' leg. Louis bit his lip and buried his fingers in Harry's soft hair. He needed to know what Harry was hiding from him. How were they going to be together and trust one another without being completely open and honest.

"Are the photos so bad? When do you have to see him?"

"I haven't set a date but he swore he won't do anything for now. I don't want you to know what's on them, I destroyed them. Those photos lou, you-you wouldn't see me the same, I know it." Harry mumbled.

"Harry, I love you and we've talked about that stuff. It's okay." Louis said softly. A few seconds passed and he knew Harry wasn't going to respond so he kept talking. "He told me you were dangerous, is this dangerous? I mean is Cleo dangerous?" Louis asked, looking down at Harry. Harry took a moment to respond.

"He's only dangerous to me." 

"Harry," Louis started but Harry cut him off.

"If he meant because of my past, I'm not going to tie you up and spank you for no reason. I apologized for how I came on to you when we first met." Harry turned slightly so he could look at Louis from where his head rested in his lap. "I would never hurt you or do anything to make you uncomfortable."

Louis blushed, remembering how quickly they had gotten physical and how committed Harry was to getting him. Remembering when he searched BDSM and all the things he had read about. Harry smiled up at Louis, his hand coming up to rub against his burning cheek.

"I wasn't complaining. I'm not going to hurt you either." Louis looked down at him before he leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead. Harry smiled wider, closing his eyes when Louis resumed running his fingers through Harry's hair. They sat in silence for a moment before Louis spoke up.

"What happened between you and cleo?" Louis hesitantly asked, his fingers never stopping their movement through Harry's hair, even when Harry turned away from him.

"Can we not talk about it anymore?"

"Promise to tell me soon?"

Harry turned his head further away and pressed a kiss to Louis' thigh.

"I promise."

A/n Soooooo I've got some things coming. Another extra chapter may be coming but y'know how I can be ....

Look out for Harry's Story- Dancing with the Devil.

It'll be added to the end of this book since it's not a full 20-something chaptered book, just a long prequel type that I broke up into parts. Still working on it so just look out. 

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