Captivated [In Editing]

By Jahzara130

32.3K 483 32

Catalina Jones has a dream of becoming a doctor. So she moved out of her parent's home and went to California... More

First day
Sanchez side
The weekend
The bar
The Bar (2)
New character
Day after the bar
What a test?
An announcement
Last week of revisions/ memories
The deal
2 days left
First day
Last day
A night to remember.
Day after
In Italy
A day in Italy
Jones household
He's here
Last week in Italy
Where Am I
I know that was her
Plan In Action


669 14 0
By Jahzara130

Catalina pov

  I was a little nauseous on the first day of us being on the sea. I woke up with a  massive headache, I went to the bathroom to wash my face. I came out of the bathroom to see Sanchez looking out the window. I wonder what he was looking at, but I didn't want a headache from looking down at the sea. I opened my suitcases to take out some clothes to wear. I took out some jeans and a shirt with my necessary thing too. "Are you going to the bathroom now?" he asks. "Ahh yes sir" "Don't call me sir, it makes me sound old" "So what should I call you," I asked.

"You can call me by my first name" "What is it si-ahh sorry" "Don't apologize I didn't tell you my name, so you can call me Marcio" "Okay si-Marcio, amm do everyone get to call you this si-Marcio" "No, not yet" "So I'm I the first person to call by your fist name here" "Well yes, but outside no" "Oh okay Marcio," I said. I kinda feel happy to be the first person he told his name but why? "Well go ahead I'll be waiting to use it too," he said. "Okay" then I walked into the bathroom.

I closed and locked the door. I turned the shower on until it turned to a warm temperature. I was thinking about what he had planned out for us on this trip. Well, yesterday was interesting but okay. The prizes we got yesterday were quite expensive, but who would he afford them on his salary? Unless he does other work? But what would he do other than this?  My mind had a lot of questions and I don't know who would answer them. Maybe he'll answer then, but I'm not sure. I got out of the shower dried myself and then placed my clothes on.

I came out of the bathroom and then went to my bag for some lotion. He got up and went into the bathroom. I sat down on my bed with my phone. I saw that I got a message from an unknown number saying, 'I'm watching you.' Well, that's creepy. Could someone be stalking me? But who? I think I should tell someone. I beep made me come out of my thought, it was from that number saying 'Don't even try to tell anyone.' I looked around the room to see if someone was watching me, but how would they be at sea?

I decided to text and say 'Who are you?' i didn't get a reply, but now that made me a little scared. Until I got a message saying 'Don't worry about that all you need to know is, that to stay away from Marcio' What do they mean? What's with Marcio? Is he hiding something? Is he a criminal? No no no he's just my professor. 'why?' i asked. Then it said 'if you want to live stay away' Now I was confused as hell. What the fuck is happening? I placed my phone down and was just thinking? What do they mean by if you want to stay alive?

I should really tell someone, but they said not to tell anyone. Should I listen or should I tell someone? I didn't know that Marcio came out until he said, "Hey you okay" that snapped me out of my thoughts and I said, "Yes I'm okay" "You seemed to be caught up in your thoughts, anything you want to share" "NO!" I practically shouted at him. "Don't need to shout, you okay" "yes I'm okay" "Okay whatever you say"

I got up and left to go eat breakfast. I was walking down the hall and I felt like someone was following me, so I looked back and saw nothing. I must be imagining things. I kept on walking, but I just had that feeling someone was following me. I started to walk faster to be in the lunge. I saw my friends there sitting down talking with their roomies. I walked over there and said, 'Well hello there" "hey Catalina," Sofia said. "Sit down," Nessa said. I sat and then they started to ask me questions.

"How did you know he was going to do the" "Who," I asked. "You know," she said. "Ohh Ma-Mr. Sanchez" I said. "Yeah Sanchez," she said. "I didn't I just thought on the question, before giving it to in" "Oh," she said. "So how's sharing a room with him," Dallas asked. 'It's okay, nothing much" "Really" "Yeah really"

"You were about to say something before you changed your wording to Mr. Sanchez, what was that" "No, I wasn't" "You know you're a bad liar right," she said. Well, it's true, but should I tell her? "So what were you going t say first" "Well, I was going to sayyyy" everyone got in close to hear what I was going to say "Marcio." They all looked shocked. I wonder why. "He told you his first name" "How do you know that's his first name," I asked. "No one knows his first name, because he never told us, but I heard hi same once when I was in the principles office"

"What about you guy where did you learn his first name I asked the rest" "Well I learned it the same way I Sofia" "Me too, Me too," They said. "S what makes me special," I asked. They all smirked and said, "Cause he told you, so you didn't really didn't find out the way how we did" "So why are you smirking" "I think someone has a crush on you" "No way in the world he could have a crush in me" "Well let's see, he's coming down know" "We'll see who he watches when he comes down"

We saw him walking down, and I felt his eyes on me. Could they be right? "See he looked at you even though he say you first: "he defiantly has a crush on you" "Just because he looked at me doesn't mean anything girls," I said. "Well yes, it does" "Whaterevr you say" "Soon later he won't let any boys be by you or even touch you" "You'll crazy, he doesn't like me" "Well they do always say a girl who denies that like them too" I had no words to say. they all made an OHH face and said, "Do you like him?" "NO" I shouted!

They all smirked and said, "Well okay" I got up from the table and went to get something to eat. I went to the waffles area to make them. Well look isn't on my side. Marcio was also there. I turned around to see them grinning at me. I turned around and just wanted for them to finish. A while later they were done and I took them out. I placed strawberries and blueberries on top. I then took my waffles to the table I was at and then went back for some more things to eat. I got egg, bacon and sausages and a fruit bowl.

I walked back with them to the table.


Breakfast plate👇

Fruit bowl👇

"Are you sure you can eat all that?" Nessa asked. "Yes I can" "You eating like you are pregnant" "Did you" "HELL NO!" " Just asking" "Well hell no I haven't" "Just asking" "Okay," I said. I sat down there eating my food while they talk.


After Breakfast Marcio asks us to meet on deck. I was nervous and also sick to the stomach. Don't show it I keep telling myself. I think Dallas could tell so she came to me and said, "Are you okay, you don't look well" "Just a little sea sick" "I'll stay by you come" she pulled me outside and I hold her tight. Breath in breath out' i keep saying.

"Okay since everyone's here," he said. " Today we'll be doing a fun activity by and in the pool" "First you'll have to run to your room and get your swim suite and come back, the first five get to pick their team so go ahead."

Everyone started to run while I was walking inside. Thank goodness I'm not out there, then I started to run to my room. I took my key out and opened the door. I went through my bag flinging every clothes out to find my swimsuit. Then I found it, I decided to wear blue. I placed on a dress and then ran out of my room then lucking it.

When I came out I hesitated to come out until Dallas came and helped me. I was the last person so I don't get to pick my own team. I wasn't sad or anything until someone said, "For a girl who does P.E. can't even get here before everyone." I don't know who said that until Marcio said, "Abigail stop."  Was he standing up for me or was he just telling her to shut up? And who the hell is Abigail?

"So since John, Sofia, Paul, Jane, and Philip came here first pick your teams" They then started to pick their teams. So far only one of my friends wasn't on Sofia's team which was Dallas." I was just hoping I was on her team, cause I really don't know that many people. There were like only five of us left, I was just hoping John don't choose, but luck is really against me, and I was on his team last.

I said, "Hello" "Hi I'm John, and they are Tom, Bill, and Ken" "Ohh I'm Catalina" "We know" Okay that's weird. Well, I guess I'm the only girl on this team. So I asked them, "Why did you pick me" 'We picked you cause you're smart" "Oh okay"  well that was nice I guess. I looked at all the teams, and most of us were separated from each other except for Sofia and Nessa, they were with each other. Jane had her own team, but the look on her face she really wanted one of us on it. The last person left went to her, which was that girl Abigail.

"Okay since everyone has their team let's start," he said. I looked at him and he looked kinda pissed, but I don't know why. He explained the rule to us and everything. "So go and choose who you want to go first okay," h said.

I was known in my group discussing who would go first and the group name, cause Marcio, asked us to give names to our groups. I don't know what we'll call the group so I recommended 'Power Group' they said it was good. "So who's going first," Bill asked. They were thinking for a while till I felt their eyes on me. ''No No no no way I'm going first" I told them. "Why?" "Because" "Because, what," Ken said. "I just don't want to okay" "Are you afraid," he said. "Well yes and I'm proud to say it," I said.

Out of nowhere, Marcio said, "If someone doesn't want to go first don't force them, even if they don't want to take part it's okay" it was like god sending an angel to save me, or was he listening to our conversation. "Okay then Catalina you don't have to go first okay" "Thank you," I said. They sorted out the order for their team and it was Bill, then John, Tom, and ken. I decide to stay out of this game, but just be the smarts in this group to help.

"Is everyone done with their order and name" "Yes sir" everyone said? "Okay, so what is your team name John" "Our team name is classic so we call ourselves The Power Group" "Yes it's very classic," Marcio said. Everyone else said their team name after. "Okay so this activity has to deal with teamwork and calculation, One person will have to jump in the water and look for their teammate's first letter of their name and theirs. It sounds simple right, but it's not you'll have to get it in one breath, so if you come out you'll have to come out and the next person will have to go down, oh and also this pool is like 10 ft deep so enjoy, begin" 

Well, that's a lot of info to take in. Soon everyone began, before Bill jumped in I said " There's no letter at the bottom of the pool" "How do you know" "Just look in the water" "She's telling the truth" John said. "Well the pool isn't 10 ft deep is 5-6 ft it says right there" pointed to the floor close to the pool" "So how do we find the letters," Ken said. "Anything weird in anyone's room," I asked.

"Yes there was a note or a paper in mine," John said. "Maybe Mr. Sanchez knew you were going to be back before everyone and placed that there" "It must be a clue," Tom said. "It must be, lead the way John," I said. We all went to his room to see the note. I picked it up and it said, "I see we have smart people here, anyways if you're reading this means you're ahead of everyone, you must go to the kitchen and your task will be there" "so we have to go to the kitchen," John said. "Yes we have to" We came out of his room to see everyone else going to their room for the note. "I guess they have caught up" "Yep," I said.

Here we are in the kitchen reading the next clue. We say 5 cakes here so I guess we'll have to eat our way to the letter. We started to eat our cake until I said, "I found something" "What is it" "It's a letter and a note" 'Okay read it" "your pretty close, but not too close your next task is in the laundry shout" "Okay to the laundry shout we go" We walked to the laundry shout right away.

We got in to see a pile of clothes there. The note said, "Go fishing" well I guess were going laundry fishing. I couldn't handle the smell so I let them do it. A while later Bill said he found something. He handed it to me, I say that it was like what we got in the other room. A letter and a note. We have two letters just two more to go. The next clue was in the capital pit, technically where the capital drives.

I entered and was shocked to see who was driving. I blocked them from coming in and said, "The letter said only one person can get it" so I told them I'll do it. they were okay with it. "Renard," I said. he turned around and said, "Catalina" "Why are you here" "I'm the captain" "I can see that but aren't you a bartender" "Well I did tell you I do multiple jobs right" 'I think "Well this is one"

"Anyway, do you see any letter or note here" "Capo told me not to tell anyone" "Who's capo" "Oh I mean Mr. Sanchez" and "What language was that," I asked. He didn't answer me so I asked, "If you don't tell me where's the note or letter, I'll keep on bugging you on what language you just spoke' "Tusha I say, okay here you go" he handed me the letter and the note" "Thanks Renard" I said and hugged him.

I walked out and gave my team the things. We were now heading to the last place to finally finished this game and it lead us back to the pool. I took mini steps outside. Now we had to go in the water. Bill decided to go since he can hold his breath the most. Marcio was watching our every move. I looked at him and was think. Why would some say to stay away from him, he seems nice. I think that was just a prank. I looked away as soon as he looked at me.

Soon later everyone was here looking for the last letter, but it wasn't adding up. Where could it be? I thought about it and then went by Marcio. Everyone was so into finding the lat pieces they didn't see me walking toward him. "Excuse me Mr. Sanchez" "It's Marcio to you" "But, si-Marcio, where outside with everyone" "I don't care you'll have to call me that" "Anyways, can you get up please" "Why?" "Please" He got up and I saw the final letters. I picked up ours and said, "Games over" Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

"I found the last letter so games over" The rest of the team came and got theirs. "Well since the Power group won, the games are over" "Sir, why did you make USS do it knowing that team was going to win," someone said. "Well because I wanted to test your ability to take in info, and thier team did"

"So what your saying is that you want to test if where mentally smart" "Something like that" "Oh Okay" John then asked, "So what's the prize for the winner" "There was no prize I just wanted you to work as a team, and you did" "Okay sir," he said. "Anyways let's have some fun you can go in the pool," he said.

Everyone was in the pool except for me, I wasn't a pool person. I sat down on one of the chairs to rest. I was still surprised I didn't faint yet due to me being out on deck. The servants of the boat came and gave us a drink and some small snacks. While I was drinking I felt a presence beside me. I looked over to see Marcio. "Are you planning on going in the water?" he asked. "No," I said. "Why" "nothing, just not feeling like going in" "Okay," he said.

"Are you going in any time soon" "Well yes if you go" "Well that would be never" "We'll see" Okay that was weird? I felt that someone was watching me so I looked to see that same girl Abigail watching me. What's her problem? I looked away from her and laid my head down.

Abigail pov

I was here watching Marcio talking to that bitch Catalina. What does he see in her? I'mtotaly better than her. I gave her a death stare until she looked at me. I kept in contact until she looked away. So she's Jone's daughter, I do see the resemblance. If she knew who was sending her those messages.

She just needs to know her place. Plus I'm getting paid plenty to separate her from him, so I hope that works. I came out of the water and dried myself.

Third person pov

Abigail came out of the water and dried herself. When she was walking out she was watching Catalina like a target. Catalina didn't even know she was watching her, cause she had a book over her face. She passed her and then went to her room. On the way, Marcio dragged her to the corner to talk. "Why the hell are you here" with an angry toon. "Why are you mad" "Just answer the question," he said. "I just wanted to be by your side, what's wrong with that" "Is it because I fucked you, you think you can just come there, that was a one-night thing"

She was taken back but then said, "Well it was more than a one-night thing to me" "Get this through your head I don't like you so don't think that I like you" "But I like you" "Well I don't" "Is it because you like someone else," she said. He took a while before he said, "Yes" and then walked off. She was forming anger. She knew who he liked and she hated it. She got a message on her phone saying: 'How is it going She replied: 'okay sir ' Remember the plan is all they said to her.

She went to her room thinking of a way to do the plan. She thought how could he like her, what's in her that she doesn't have? One thing I know is that she doesn't know what Marcio is, so if she finds out maybe she'll hate him, she thought.

Catalina on the other hand was relaxing in her chair until she felt it left up. She took the book off her face to see the boys living her up to filing her in the water. "Guys put me down," she said. they didn't listen and kept on walking to the pool. She was getting scared cause she can't swim. Just as they were about to throw her in Marcio came and said, "What are you doing" They didn't say anything until Tom said, "We're just going to get Catalina wet" When he heard that he felt very weird how they used that word. "Why though," he said. Catalina said, "Can you just put me down"

"Put her down boys," Marcio said. They placed her down and then said sorry to her. What she didn't know was that Marcio wanted to throw her in. He got to her and said, "Have you got in the pool yet" The looks on her face gave it away, Marcio then grabbed her and then ran over to the pool jumping in it with her in his hand.

He let go of her and came out. Everyone was laughing. She came up from under the water choking on it. She was standing cause it wasn't deep, she was mad that he did that. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT" she shouted. "Don't forget I'm the teacher so don't shout" he said. "Well you seem to not act as one right now," she said. She was pissed the hell off. she came out and went to her room in anger. She was wondering why he did that, at least it wasn't deep, or else I would have drowned' she thought.

She got to her room, took a shower, and then changed into some clothes. I wore pants with a white jacket.

Outfit👇{without the bag}

She sat on her bed furious thinking about why he did that. A while later Marcio came in with his towel over his neck. She looked at him madly. "Mind your face don't stick like that," he said. "Like what" "Like what you have it know" "Why did you do that" "It was just a prank" "Well it was not to me" "Why? are scared of the pool" "What no" "Well it looked so, cause as soon as you came from under you came out right away" "That doesn't mean I'm scared of the pool" "You sure," he said with a smirk.

She wonder why he was smirking. After that talk, he went to the bathroom to get ready for dinner. He came out in some pants and a shirt.


Catalina looked at her outfit and then said, "Why are you wearing the same thing as me" "I'm not cause you have a hoodie on and I don't" "But they're the same color" "Well then coincident" and then he walked out. She was left dumbfounded. 'If I walk out of here with this people will think we're a couple she thought. 'i think I show change' before she could change he came back in and said, "Aren't you coming" "Yes I'll be there" she said. She wanted to change but he was standing there waiting, so she grabbed her phone and walked out with him behind her.

She walked a little faster than him to reach there before him. She walked in to see everyone sitting believing they were waiting for Marcio. I walked to my friend's table and sat down. "What took you so long," Nessa asked. "Nothing" "Oh really" " Yes" "her comes mister hottie," Sofia said. "Do you like him Sofia" "Who wouldn't" "Me" she said? "Well you're missing out" "I'm grateful for that"

Catalina felt them watching her. They were watching her then Marcio. She remembered they were almost wearing the same clothes, but they were. "So your matching know," Dallas said. "What!" "You know what I mean" "No I don't" "Stop playing dumb" "Both of you are technically wearing the same clothes," Sofia said. "I don't know what you mean" "Stop playing dumb everyone's looking at you" "Why in the world would I want to match outfits with him" "Maybeeee because your dating" "And I would never date anyone mostly if there my professor."

"Whatever you say, girl," they said. she didn't border to say anything, cause she knew they would win. "So everyone you can order your food and when you're done follow the signs to the theatre" "Okay sir," they said. "Oh and also call me Marcio, we're not in school so call me that" "Yes M-Marcio," they said. Everyone was shocked that he wanted them to call him that.

Catalina on the other hand had a mixed feeling. One feels happy that everyone else gets to call him that and two she felt a little jealous' But why? She was wondering what she felt. Marcio on the other hand, just wanted her to be able to call his first name out loud without anyone getting sus.

Marcio was watching Catalina for the whole dinner. He saw her table order sushi. It was a lot, but he thinks they can finish it. he decided to go sit by their table since he wasn't there yet. "Can I sit here?" he asked. They were shocked to see him there so they said, "Yes Marcio" Sofia said. "But where he asked" they scooted down and there was a free space by Catalina. He sat down next to her and then asked, "So what are you eating" "Where eating sushi, wants some" "sure" he said.


He took out some to eat but didn't see Catalina eating. He was worried so he asked, "Aren't you hungry" "No I just never mind" "What happen" "Nothing?" she said. He was wondering why she was not eating. All the food was done and she didn't eat anything. "Are you okay" Sofia asked. "hmm ahh yeah" Noone believed that. she got up and went to the captain's pit.

What she didn't know was that Marcio was following her. She entered the pit to see Renard eating her favorite food. "Hey can I have some" "didn't you eat" "No" "why" "Well because the food I saw reminded me of my family" 'Ohh, are you okay" "There not dead, but yeah" "Ohh okay"

Marcio was just out there listening to them talk. He was a little jealous but happy that you were eating. So now he knows why you weren't eating. He was about to leave until they started to talk again. "So why does the food remind you about your family" 'Well because I and my mom would cook for them" "What do you mean them" "ohh yeah I didn't tell you" "tell me what" "I have five brothers"

"F-Five brother, that sound tough" "No it doesn't, they treat me like a princess" "Can I ask a personal question" "How personal" "What are their name" "They told me not to tell anyone their name, so I can't" "Why" I don't know" "Can you just tell me one name" "Okay, Ammm Eliot Jones" When Marcio heard that name he was shocked, but he couldn't believe it. He placed all the dots together and said, She's the daughter of the American Mafia.

Why would they hide her, Well it could be for protection, but why? He thought. He decided not to drop anymore and went where the other students were. Abigail was watching the whole thing. She thought how did Catalina know Renard? Something going on, she thought. I should tell him she said.


Abigail: Sir I have something to tell you

Unknown number: What is it then

Abigail: Catalina nows Renard

Unknown number: Find out how and then text me

Abigail: Okay boss

After their conversation, she went to the theatre where everyone was. She walked in and was hoping there was a seat next to Marcio, but it was taken by Catalina herself. How did she reach before me she thought. She sat in an empty seat in front.

They were going to watch a movie, but one thing they didn't know was that it was a scary movie. When it started everyone knew it going to be scary. Catalina wasn't having it, so the whole show had her eyes closed. Marcio watched how she got scared when someone screamed, and how she was not watching it so he thought rule 1: watch scary movies to make her be in your hands.

Catalina was hugging his hand. Not caring that her friends were watching her.


They were known in their room. Catalina was sleeping already, while Marcio was on his laptop. He looked at the info and then at her sleeping body, So that's why her parents aren't mentioned' he thought. He was shocked that she was related to them, he couldn't believe that innocent sweet girl was a part of Mafia Family but is doesn't seem that she knows, and it should stay that way,

He got up and closed down the laptop he walked to her to put the sheet over her. He saw all her clothes on the ground, meaning she was searching for real good for her swimsuit. He decides to pick them up and place them in her suitcase. While picking it up he saw a pair of panties. It was lace. He was shocked to see what she wore under her clothes.

He placed them down and then went to bed.


Words: 5063

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