PeterxNed One-Shots

By deadaccount916

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This is a collection of short stories revolving around Peter Parker and Ned Leeds from the Marvel Universe. I... More

Author's Note
Sick Day(Fluff)
Plan Interwebs(Fluff/Humor)
Plan Interwebs Part 2 (fluff/humor)
Plan Interwebs Part 3(Fluff/Humor)
Plan Interwebs Part 4(Fluff/Humor)
Wisdom Teeth(Fluff/Humor)
Questions For PeterNed(Fluff/Humor)
Otp Prompts(Fluff/Humor)
Babysitting (Fluff/Angst)
Laundry Mat AU(Fluff/Humor)
Coming Out(Fluff/Humor)
Interwebs Child Part One(Angst)
Interwebs Child Part Two(Angst)
Interwebs Child Part Three(Angst)
DC Trip(Fluff/Angst)
Fondue (Fluff/Humor)
Hold My Hand(Fluff)
Suicide (Angst)
Why Are People Looking At Us?(Fluff)
Cancer 1/2(Angst)
Cancer 2/2(Angst)
Vodka Pineapples(Fluff/Humor)
Happy Pride(Fluff)
Love Advice From IronDad(Fluff/Humor)
Avengers+ Group Chat(Humor)
"Special" Brownies(Humor)
Spiders live in Barbie Houses(Fluff/Humor)
Sensory Overload
Spider Season(Fluff/Humor)
Pillow Talk(Fluff/Humor)
Wisdom Teeth(Fluff/Humor)
Shopping With Natasha(Fluff/Humor)
mr. stark I don't feel so good(angst)
Wakanda: Meeting Shuri(Fluff/Humor)
Venomous (Fluff/Humor)
Venomous Part Two (Fluff/Humor)
Shopping With Morgan Stark(Fluff/Humor)
Three Gay Dorks(Fluff/Humor)
The Proposal (Fluff/Humor)
The Announcement (Fluff/Humor)
The Wedding (Fluff/Humor)
Wine Husbands™(Humor)
The Fight(Angst/Smut-ish)
First Time(Smut)
Avengers Group Chat 2(Humor)
Morgan's Sick(Fluff)
Painting Loki's Nails(Humor)
Blushing and Baking(Fluff)
Flower Shop Au
Fire Escape(Fluff)
It's Been A Long, Long Time
Wine Husbands: Online (humor)
Farm Life Pt 1(Smut-ish/humor)
Farm Life Pt 2 (Smut/Humor)
Holiday Season (Fluff/Humor)
?Top Peter?(Smut)
Video Game Kisses(Fluff)
Homecoming Dance Practice
Only a Sith Deals in Absolutes
Peter and Ned's playlist
Valentines Day (Fluff)
Parent/Teacher Conference(humor/fluff)
Hospital AU(Fluff/Humor)
Leeds Family Reunion(Fluff)

No Way Home

931 17 7
By deadaccount916

⚠️Spoilers⚠️ If you haven't watched NWH this not going to make a lick of sense...

"SPIDERMAN'S TRUE INDEINTY IS PETER PARKER!" Quinton's voice yelled through the various television screens littered throughout times square.
Peter's eyes went wide and his heart stopped. The crowds of people around him started in his direction, all screaming to get his attention.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Peter screamed while gripping onto his head. He felt like the world was swallowing him whole, every sound, every person who called his name seemed to blur into one loud screech. He felt naked, out in the open. Peter wanted to hide away in the dark and never leave, but he needed to get Ned first. Peter peered down from the pole and watched as crowds violently surrounded Ned. They screamed and yelled begging for information on the superhero.

"Are you Spiderman's friend?"

"Yo, you go to school with that murder!"

"You know Peter, I know you do!"

Ned's eyes frantically darted around the swarm of people. He didn't know what to do. The crowd went from poking and prodding at Ned to quickly shifting their attention to the masked firgure before them. Ned gasped before pushing through the crowd to reach the only person he trusted at the moment.

"You're a murder!"

"Take your mask off you coward!"

Peter maneuvered through the crowd and carefully avoided the many people trying to pull him away from Ned.

"Get away from him!" Peter yelled, his voice quivered, threatening to break. He finally reached Ned and pulled him close into his arms.

"HEY SPIDERMAN HIT ME!" a woman yelled and Peter mentally rolled his eyes before staring down at Ned.

"DUDE!" Ned yelled.

"DUDE!" Peter repeated.

"DUDE!" Ned screeched.

"DUDE" They both finally screamed in unison. Peter shook away his frustration. He didn't want to swing with Ned without a clear mind. Peter wrapped his arms under Ned's legs and swiftly lifted him up to his waist. Ned knew what was coming next and squeezed tightly into Peter's frame.

"I'm so sorry. This is not gonna be a fun ride home!" Peter apologized frantically before a "twip" sound rang in Ned's ear. It all happened in a flash, but they were swinging through the air at speeds Peter didn't know he was capable of.

"Dude, you're absolutely killing my stomach!" Ned breathed out before digging his nails into Peter's shoulders to keep himself from barfing all over his boyfriend.

"I'm sorry, we are like a block away man." Peter conveyed before he made one final swing up into the window of his apartment. Ned pushed up the glass and wiggled through while Peter followed closely behind. Ned held his hands on his knees and gasped for air. Peter stripped out of his suit as quick as possible, he felt like it was a giant target on his back and everyone was waiting to shoot.

"Oh my god, Ned!" Peter yelled and grabbed his boyfriend by the forearms. Ned looked up at Peter and just kept shaking his head.

"I don't know what to do!" Peter kept repeating while his breath became more and more shaky.

"We can figure it out, it's okay, I-I can I" Ned didn't know what to do, everything felt so sudden, he couldn't keep up.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, Ned I don't know what to do, I need help, I need, oh my god!" Peter continued to ramble and pull his hair. The door slammed open and the teens snapped their heads to see May and Happy standing in the doorway.

"Oh god May." Peter looked down at his practically naked body and blushed. Ned replayed the conversation in his head and realized how context was so important to the situation. May's eyes went wide and she quickly shut the door.

"Be safe, wear protection!" May yelled and slammed the door while pushing past Happy. Peter quickly opened the door and ran to May.

"That is not what it looked like, I swear." Peter nervously stuttered before throwing a shirt over his body. May held up her hands defensively.

"Peter it's fine, it is completely natural for someone of your age to be having new strong feelings and having sex-"

"May please stop!" Peter rushed around the room desperately trying to close all the windows. May scrunched her eyebrows together and plopped herself on the couch.

"Peter I don't know why your're being so awkward about sex!" May commented before clicking on the T.V. Happy and Ned awkwardly stood in the corner and refused to look at eachother out of embarrassment. Happy just got broken up with and is was more than pleased to not be the subject of attention any longer.

"I thought you had a lunch date with Happy, why are you home May?" Peter questioned, wanting nothing more than to change the subject. Happy threw his head back and sighed, he really couldn't catch a break.

"Peter, Happy and I broke up." May stated with a sympathetic voice, more to save Happy's feelings. Peter's mouth dropped and he gasped while staring at Happy.

"What! What happened!" Peter yelled shocked while continuing to run around the room like a chicken with his head cut off. May crossed her arms and tsked.

"We flung." May spat out. Happy rubbed the back of his neck and avoided Peter's stares. Peter felt like everything was going 10,000 miles a minute, everyone knew he was Spiderman and his Aunt just broke up with his favorite old man. The whole world was screaming out his name but only one voice pulled him from his thoughts.

"Peter!" Ned yelled and the spiderling's eyes darted over to meet Ned's. Ned pointed towards the T.V. and everyone went silent. Their apartment complex was being broadcasted for everyone to see.

"Is that our apartment, Peter? what the hell is going on?" May questioned with fear and anger lacing her voice. Peter dropped his head and sighed. He begrudgingly walked over to the closed curtain and rolled it open to reveal a large helicopter and hundreds of people swarming the building. May peered out the window and held a hand over her mouth. A loud bang came from their door and Happy quickly ran to it. Just as he was about to barricade the door, numerous FBI agents busted into the room holding guns.

"Peter Parker you are under arrest for the murder and conspiracy against Quinton Beck." A man yelled while various agents began to search the apartment. May stormed over to the man and stuck a finger in his face.

"Hey moron haven't you heard of the forth amendment!" May yelled, each word was threatening enough for the man to leave, but he refused to even blink an eye at the women in front of him. Three agents handcuffed the boys while May yelled her rights and scoffed at the actions these people were inflicting on her family. Yet, no matter how much information she knew about the justice system, she underestimated how gullible her boys could be.
"So when Mj told you that Peter was Spiderman-" The agent started to speak before Ned clicked his tongue.

"Uh no I knew Peter was Spiderman like way before Mj knew, like almost a whole year." Ned corrected sternly while the agent smirked.

"Oh sorry my bad man, it's just she said she was his best friend so I just-"

"What psh, I'm Peter's guy in the chair. I hacked a suit for him." Ned boasted.

"Oh wow I didn't know that!" The agent stated with fake shook.

"Yeah, I mean Mj is his best friend too. She helped in Europe but I was there since DC you know." Ned exclaimed, he loved Mj but he was very protective over his relationship with Peter. Unfortunately that was his biggest downfall.

"So you're Spiderman's main accomplice?" The agent asked with a smug grin. Ned froze and closed his eyes, disappointed in himself for relieving so much.

"To be honest, I really didn't even need to interrogate you because Peter spilled everything in a matter of seconds. You both are so defensive about eachother, it would be cute if you both weren't murders." The agent grimaced before slamming the door leaving Ned all alone.

"We need a lawyer."
Peter looked up at the sky and smiled for the first time in weeks as Ned discussed his MIT plans. After Matt Murdock was able to get them out of jail, the protesters only got worse. A guy can only take so many bricks and gallons of green paint a day. Yet, Peter was more than excited to move in with Happy, his penthouse was much nicer than their little apartment. However, he missed the normalcy of life. He missed how intimate his life was, but now everything was on display. Peter was already outed as Spiderman but he really didn't want to be outed as a bisexual, nor did he want Ned to be outed.

Only a few people knew they were together. Mj and May knew because Peter and Ned excitedly told them. Unfortunately, Happy found out while walking in on a steamy make-out session. Regardless, those were the only remaining three that knew about their relationship and Peter desperately wanted to keep it that way. Ned came from a more traditional household and feared for the worse when it came to his sexuality. Nevertheless, he always wanted to break the news to his Lola. Although she was from a different time, she never failed to love Ned and constantly teased him about his obsession with Peter.

Ned's obsession never really stopped, even after the mess with Mystiero and the Vulture, Ned wanted nothing more than to follow Peter along into the next adventure. Ned didn't want to admit it but he thought that maybe this was good for them. When he first found out about Peter's true identity, he wanted to shout from the roof tops about his findings. Tell the world that his best friend was the coolest superhero in the world. But he couldn't deny Peter's wish, those brown eyes got him every time. The first year was perfect, but when your caught up in a web of lies all the time, eventually it's bound to crumble. Living a double life is extremely difficult, separating Peter from Spiderman only became more difficult as the days went on.

Ned loved the craziness of his life but he wanted nothing more than to be a normal kid again. Simply worrying about collage and not whether a super villain would take his love away from him. He knew Peter wished for the same thing, for life to be normal. If only they could go back to freshman year, when hiding from the world was easy.

"Can we paint the dorm rooms?" Ned asked, trying to distract himself from the drama surrounding them. Peter lazily turned on his side and frowned. Ned noticed his somber mood and scooted closer to his boyfriend.

"I don't think we can man, but I really want a blue room because May never let me paint the walls." Peter conveyed with a comforting smile that Ned was so grateful to see. Ned scrunched his face up with disgust and let out a puff of air.

"Gross dude, Blue? Seriously, that is rank." Ned teased, he was opposed to the color because he grew up in a house full of yellows and light browns. Peter rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Come on, it's literally MIT's color scheme and like my favorite color so deal with it." Peter laughed out, his heart pounding when feeling Ned's hands on his waist.

"Ugh fine, but only because I like you. But I get to pick out what our study spot will be." Ned stated, a little more sternly than intended. Peter knew that Ned was very particular when it came to study locations so he understood his concerns.

"I never study so I would have let you pick it out anyway." Peter smirked moving a little closer to Ned to the point where their chests touched.

"I literally don't know how you passed mid-terms, you missed like 95% of class." Ned huffed, a little jealous of his boyfriend's ability to learn information quickly. Peter cupped Ned's cheek and smiled.

"I wouldn't have passed if you didn't spend all those nights helping me with homework." Peter whispered softy, he felt his hand warm up as Ned became flustered.

"I really wouldn't be here without you, so thank you." Peter whispered before closing the gap between them. Ned closed his eyes and melted into the feeling. Peter was always so affectionate, he never failed to crush all of Ned's doubts. Peter gripped onto Ned's waist and pulled him closer to deepen the kiss. Ned slipped his hands into Peter's curly brown hair and tugged lightly as the kiss turned into a full make-out session. Just as hands were about to travel up shirts they both heard a rough cough. They both turned to see a very unamused Mj.

"Can you guys not suck face for like two seconds." Mj made fake gagging sounds before flopping herself in front of the two. Peter blushed a deep red as he pushed himself away from Ned. The two both sat up before quickly interlocking their fingers. Mj rolled her eyes at the gesture but secretly adored how loving they both were. Mj handed Ned a few files to which Peter offered her a confused look.

"What's this?" Peter asked while looking at the sheets of information Ned was digging through.

"You'll never be disappointed if you expect disappointment." Mj stated bleakly. Peter frowned before realizing that the various papers were other college applications and letters.

"Why are you looking for other colleges, we submitted like hundreds of them? Plus we're all going to MIT anyway, we are the top students at Midtown." Ned reassured Mj. She scoffed and held her head.

"I love you guys, I really do, but," Mj sighed and pulled out her phone. She clicked a few buttons before reaching a news article. She held up the phone for both Peter and Ned to see. Peter's face fell and he tightened his grip on Ned's hand.

"A national poll finds that 75% of Americans find Peter Parker guilty." Ned reads out loud absolutely furious. Just as the weight of the world started to disappear, it all came crashing down again. Mj put away her phone and crossed her arms.

"The whole College best freind trio thing isn't exactly realistic anymore, we have to start thinking about alternatives." Mj conveyed, she was always rational. Her lack of optimism was valid but it still broke Peter's heart.

"Mj we'll be fine, I promise." Peter grabbed her hand and smiled with his signature charm, it didn't make Mj feel any better. Because unfortunately, he failed to keep his promise. After weeks of opening Collage rejections, the three finally got the only letter that mattered to them. They all met up at the diner where Mj worked and nervously held their letters. The three simply nodded at eachother before ripping open the envelopes. As their eyes rapidly grazed across the paper their hearts dropped. Peter looked up from his rejection letter in hopes that he would see smiling faces.

Peter's fake smile became nothing but a thin line when seeing Ned's face. He's never seen someone look so crushed.

"Because of the recent controversy, we can not consider your application at this time." Ned sighed before ripping the paper into shreds. Mj bit the inside of her cheek and tossed her paper in the trash.

"Expect disappointment..." Mj's voice trailed off into complete silence. Peter held his head and closed his eyes. He felt so stupid, he hated himself for being so optimistic. He hated that he was the reason for his friends downfall.

"You guys shouldn't be taking the blame for what I did, t-this isn't fair." Peter rambled as he began to pace around the diner. Ned grabbed his hand and pulled him back to the chair.

"Shut up Peter, we could have left years ago after the first time Spiderman caused us problems but were here and here to stay." Ned stated sternly, but there was still a sense of softness in his voice. Mj nodded her head along to what Ned said, she hated people but she put up with Peter.

"Your shit is our shit now man, so stop feeling sorry for yourself and let's just eat stale doughnuts until we vomit." Mj smiled and threw down a few mis shaped desserts. Peter's face softened and his eyes glazed with tears, god he really did love these guys. The sweet moment soon passed when jingle bells rang on the door.

"No sleep till ba ba Brooklyn!" Flash yelled while flaunting his MIT sweatshirt. The three gave an unamused glare as Flash slowly registered their disappointment.

"What? Did you guys not get in?" Flash asked, a little shocked. Ned pursed his lips.

"Yeah because we're actually friends with Spiderman!" Ned said with an unholy amount of sass. Flash awkwardly backed his way out the door.

"Welp um I got a MIT mixer so I should get going." Flash pointed at the street and quickly retreated from the diner. Mj rolled her eyes at the pointless conversation she was just forced to listen to.

"Mj I asked you to clean up that coffee spill!" A man yelled from the back. Mj's head fell.

"That was Sasha!" Mj yelled back, pissed because he continued to confuse her for the other employee.

"I don't care!" He screamed back and Mj sighed. She smiled at Peter and Ned one last time before walking into the back room. Peter turned to Ned to still see a disappointed expression on his face. Ned was completely zoned out and Peter had to grab his hand to break him out of it. When Ned felt Peter's had he forced a fake smile and squeezed his hand a little tighter. It broke Peter's heart to know that Ned was willing to fake his own feelings to spare Peter's own shame.

"I need to tell my Lola and um you should probably tell May." Ned spoke softly, he stuffed the ripped up paper in his pockets and stood up from the barstool. Peter just nodded before sneaking in a small kiss before Ned left the diner. After he saw that Ned was visibly out of sight, Peter slumped back into his seat and held his head. Guilt filled his whole system, why did Ned and Mj have to suffer. Peter felt hopeless and alone. The first thing he would have done was go to Mr. Stark.

But he's gone. Peter looked up while he racked his brain for a solution. Nothing was coming together until he saw the tiny stringed lights hanging from the ceiling. Peter's whole attitude changed.
After a few blocks of anxious running, Peter finally stood in front of an ominous building. The doors opened for Peter and his eyes widened in shock when seeing a grand room covered with snow. Two people stood in a corner shoveling snow into buckets while Peter walked around the room with a confused expression on his face. Then a bright glowing orange ring appeared in front of him as a man walked through the portal. It was no other than Wong, a man Peter hasn't seen since the battle with Thanos.

"Watch were you step we don't have liability insurance." Wong said pointing at the snow covered floor.

"A blizzard came through a portal in Siberia, it would help if someone actually did maintenance checks." Wong yelled up the stairs as a Dr. Strange floated down the stairs with the help of his cloak.

"Well I'm not Sorcerer Supreme so I'm off the hook." Strange winked at Wong before landed on the floor with a small slip due to the ice. Wong rolled his eyes and sighed.

"I thought you were Sorcerer Supreme?" Peter questioned Strange while Wong moved around various bags.

"Well after the blip the title was moved to me." Wong stated while he continued to move his items. Strange walked over to the fireplace and took a sip from his mug.

"Doctor Strange sir I just wanted to talk to you about my identity." Peter said nervously, his words seeping out of his mouth quickly. Strange lit up the fire and tsked.

"Peter we saved the universe together, we are far past you calling me sir." Strange added with another sip from his mug. Peter smiled while looking at the man, it felt like the time when Mr. Stark finally asked to be called Tony.

"Okay um Stephen." Peter said and Strange grimaced.

"Eh no that's off." Stephen muttered. Peter then took the opportunity to explain himself.

"The whole world knows I'm Spiderman because of Mystiero and it's really screwed things up." Peter spoke quickly, he just had so many thoughts to convey. Strange hummed under his breath.

"So you're life got messy, you need to be responsible." Strange lectured, Wong gave him a shocked expression knowing very well how hypocritical the man was being. Peter seemed to be taken aback by Strange's response.

"This is causing real problems for the people I love. My aunt and I had to move, her shelter has been vandalized. My bestfriend, she can't even walk outside without being harassed by the media. M-my boyfr- Ned and Mj have had all these opportunities stripped away from them." Peter was out of breath, he was ashamed and angry. He wanted nothing more than for all of this to go away.

"Please." Peter whispered. Strange noticed Peter's slight slip up and made a mental note to ask about it later. More importantly Stephen couldn't help but fell sympathy for the young teen.

"If you could just go back in time and change it-"

"Now I'm gonna stop you right there; one, the time stone got destroyed, and two, we tampered with the stability of time and space before and you know where that led." Strange was frustrated that Peter would even mention such a task. Peter seemed to shrivel under Strange's tone of voice.

"Forget it." Peter muttered, he was embarrassed more than anything. Strange then grinned at the choice of words.

"Well that might work." Strange smirked and Wong glared at his fellow wizard.

"You've never done anything to this magnitude, don't cast that spell, it's too dangerous." Wong warned but the smirk on Strange's face suggested that the man would take zero caution.

"Do you remember the moonriver ceremony?" Stephen asked smugly. Wong scrunched his eyebrows together and hummed in thought.

"No." Wong said confused.

"Exactly." Strange waved his hands around in circle and a large orange portal appeared in front of them. Before Peter could even begin to ask questions he was transported into a dark chamber.

"This is the undercroft, these walls are thousands of years old and our home to many powerful spells." Strange explained while preparing a work station for the spell.

"And an episode of the Equalizer was shot here in the 80's" Strange added with a small giggle, partly because he knew Peter wouldn't understand the reference. Strange pulled out magic orange strings and many rings of light shined around them. When ancient texts of magic started to appear Peter became hesitant.

"Alright everyone will forget that you were Spiderman." Strange said while staying focused on the spell. Peter's head snapped over to Strange and he stepped closer to the man.

"Woah wait I can't have everyone forget I'm Spiderman, I mean what about Ned!" Peter yelped nervously, his hands were waving about wildly. Strange didn't even look up he was so invested in the spell.

"What is a Ned?" Stephen asked blankly, while pulling a few more magic strings. Peter just held onto his head and started to pace.

"He's my boyfriend, I mean my boy that's a friend, my boy best friend." Peter blushed while he stumbled over his words once again. Strange begrudgingly pulled a section of the spell out and into the middle.

"Changing a spell mid cast is very dangerous and I can't-"

"Oh plus May that was a terrible few months when she found out and I don't wanna do that again." Peter begged, he watched as Strange removed a few more sections.

"No more changes or else." Strange grumbled while trying to keep the spell at bay. Then Peter gasped.

"Oh god Mj, she is my best friend." Peter added and Strange broke off another piece of the spell. The rings only glowed brighter and became more uncontrolled.

"Happy! I need Happy to know too!"

"Stop talking, I can't-!" Strange grunted as the spell spun around him and started to grow in size. The floor and walls started to crumble as a light purple shinned through the room. Peter felt lighter as he began to float in the air as the spell broke through the undercroft. The walls of the reality were crumbling around them as the spell became stronger. Strange wildly moved his hands around and yelled as he struggled to contain the spell. Peter watched terrified as the spell struck into a fancy looking cube. They both fell to the floor and held their chests trying to regain their breaths.

"What just happened!" Peter screamed still freaked out from the spell. Strange angrily shoved the box away and stomped over to Peter. He pointed his finger into Peter's face and groaned.

"You just about broke reality as we know it!" Strange yelled at Peter with pure rage. Peter gulped and slowly backed away from the wizard.

"Stephen I-"

"Call me sir!" Strange grunted. Peter's face fell and he held his hands up in defeat.

"I'm sorry sir, I just didn't want what to do after MIT rejected us." Peter spoke softly, he was seconds away from walking himself out when he heard a sigh.

"If you spoke to them and plead your case and they still didn't budge, then that's all you can do kid." Strange reassured. Peter curled in his lips and scrunched his eyebrows together. Strange clicked his tongue and stared into the teens soul.

"You can do that." Peter whispered under his breath. Strange laughed hysterically and drug his hand across his face.

"Go, get a suit and go." Strange grumbled and pointed to the door. Peter clasped his hands together and smiled. He quickly ran to the door with a hop in his steps.

"Thank you sir!" Peter yelled while jogging his way out of the building with a new sense of urgency. Unfortunately, this urgency meant he would have to beg Flash for the location of the MIT dean.
"Um ma'am I just don't want MIT to be stupid like I was stupid." Peter rambled while subconsciously pulling on his wrinkled tie. The woman in the car sat with her mouth agape and her eyes wide.

"You did not practice."

"I did not practice." Peter replied blunty but he opened his mouth to explain himself in a more elegant manner. Yet instead of any words coming out, all he could conger was a gasp. The ground around him started to rumble and shake. Peter snapped his head to the side and quickly tapped his chest sending nano-bots to surround his body in flashy reds and blues. He could see people running towards him while cars were being swallowed by the Earth. Large metal tentacles sprung from the ground and wrapped around cars tossing them across the freeway.

Peter shot a web onto a light post and swung himself over to the tentacles before a car was thrown at him. Peter couldn't dodge fast enough and was slammed into a bus. He felt his ribs shatter under the pressure followed by a gut-wrenching scream. Peter forced himself up and he once again ran towards the mysterious figure.

A man with dark round glasses pulled himself out of the ground and smirked.

"Hello Peter." His voice was deep and raspy, it wasn't one Peter was familiar with. Nevertheless, the spider teen flipped his way over to the man and webbed one of his tentacles to the ground. The man angrily yelled before ripping the web off of him and tossing the metal arm to side causing it to hit a car. Peter recognized the car and saw a frighted woman sitting in the back seat. Peter lunged forward and shot multiple webs at the car and wrapped them around a light post, leaving the car hanging mid-air.

"I payed your girlfriend a visit." Doctor Octavius smirked, trying to get under Spiderman's skin. Peter stood still and blinked a few times.

"What?" Peter asked shocked, he almost laughed. Peter was more confused than scared at the moment but that didn't stop him from finishing what he started. Peter ran towards the man for the final time and tried to web him to the road before a tentacle grabbed his chest directly and squeezed him up against the under beam of the bridge.

The metal claw squeezed so violently that parts of Peter's suit began to break and crawl up the doctor's additional arms.

"Nanotechnology, Peter you've outdone yourself. Now where is my machine?" Doctor Octavius admiration turned into more harsh pressure tighting onto Peter's chest.

"I don't know what your talking about man!" Peter yelled while squirming under the man's grasp. Doctor Octavius huffed, frustrated with the superheroe's games. Another tentacle claw opened up and a large spinning spike was sent plowing towards Peter. The nano-bots in Peter's mask broke apart and shifted to the exposed gap on his chest and covered his skin before the spike hit him. Yet at the sight of his face, Doctor Octavius loosed his grip and gasped.

"You're not Peter." The man simply stated in shock.

"I'm so confused right now." Peter added while clicking a few buttons on the side of his suit before a bright blue light flashed over Doctor Octavius's tentacles. Peter giggled as he moved the man's metal arms up and down his the movement of his own body. Peter became more amused with how frustrated the man was getting. Peter pulled them both on to the bridge and forced the man's tentacles to wrap around himself.

Peter quickly ran to the webbed up car and pulled the door off to reveal a frightened Dean. Her breath was heavy and her seemingly perfect business outfit was completely tattered.

"Ma'am I'm so sorry I-" Peter began to apologize, the women shot up her hand to silence him. Peter closed his mouth and looked to the floor ashamed.

"Peter Parker, you are a hero," The Dean spoke sternly, Peter looked up from the ground with soft eyes. The Dean felt a pain set in her heart, this boy was broken. She clutched her bag and moved her way out of the car.

"MIT would be honored to have you in their program, we will reconsider your application." She offered a reassuring smile and swiftly walked over to Octavius while yelling and cursing at the man. Peter walked over to the man and was seconds away from asking important questions before a large explosion went off behind then. Peter watched as a small green ball rolled away the highway. Peter's eyes went wide when he heard the device beeping. Before the spiderling was able to react, a bright orange ring engulfed them.

"What the hell was that!" Dr. Octavius yelled while viciously shaking against the grip of his tentacles. Peter took a few deep breaths to keep himself grounded, he recognized the room he was in. How could he not, he was literally just there. Yet, one thing he didn't recognize was the giant dinosaur in the corner. Peter turned around to see Dr. Strange nervously pacing.

"Great you're here, oh and say hi to that cutie locked up in there." Strange yelled hysterically while pointing to the lizard being.

"Found that little bastard in the sewers because the everyone who knew Peter Parker across the entire mulitverse has decided to have a reunion episode here!" Strange grunted and quickly conjured strings of glowing magic before sending them over to Peter. The spell wrapped around his arm and seemed to settle into his suit. Peter held up his arm and shivered at the feeling of magic entering his body.

"What is this?" Peter asked, he still couldn't take his eyes off his arm. Strange scoffed and held his nose.

"I'm taking to a wall," Strange muttered under his breath.

"That," Strange pointed at the spell. "Is how you are going to fix this. I'm not sure if you really understand the seriousness of this situation. Everyone that knows who Peter Parker is, will come to our universe. Reality as we know it will collapse!" Strange tugged at his hair wildly, each word he spoke filled Peter's stomach with guilt. Strange shot a spell from his arm and sent Dr. Octavius into the cylinder holding cells. The man pounded on the glass and yelled for an explanation.

Peter looked at his arm in a new light, seeing what he was now capable of. He peered at the four empty cells and desperately hoped they didn't need to be filled.

"There was a thing on the highway, he was like a green elf." Peter conveyed, hoping it would help with the situation.

"Sounds jolly." Strange huffed. Octavius shook his head and sighed. Peter watched him carefully, the man looked distraught and his eyes seemed to water. Peter now knew why the doctor always wore dark glasses, no emotion could be hidden.

"You're chasing a ghost, Norman died," Octavius looked to the floor in shame.

"He died because of that thing controlling him." Octavius let out a breathy laugh.

"He was genius, a master of his craft. But he's dead, killed by the damn glider." The doctor gritted his teeth and pointed at Peter slightly shaking. Peter couldn't break eye contact with the man, he wasn't sure how Octavius knew the masked man on the bridge but he did know that they were close. Maybe even freinds. Peter wanted nothing more than the voices to stop.

Octavius wished for the same closure. Peter felt a pang in his heart, yet, he refused to listen. All Peter could hear was the voice in his head telling him to get everything to the way it was, no matter what. Peter broke away from Octavius's eyes and replaced them with Strange's cold glare.

"We are running out of time, find the rest and wrap this shit up!" Strange waved Peter away and continued to mess with a spell. Peter crossed his arms and frowned.

"I can't do this alone in time, I really think I need help." Peter begged, he even used his sad puppy adoption Commercial face. He knew that there was seventy-two percent chance that he could have handled it alone but he knew Ned would freak if he worked on such a high stakes case. Ned always thought he had magic and this would totally get Peter best boyfriend points.

"What's two more teenagers to take care of." Strange threw his hands in the air and angrily laughed.


Peter was almost done explaining mulitverse delema when Mj opened the door to the santom coloring. Ned, who was originally listening to Peter like his life depended on it, was now dead stopped in his tracks staring at snow in front of him. His mouth was wide open and his eyes seemed like they were going to pop out of his head.

"OhmygodPeter!" Ned gasped so quickly the words fused together. He grabbed onto Peter's arm and dragged him into the building. Ned's eyes darted around the room, he never wanted to leave this building, especially when a cloaked man floated down to meet them. Ned squeezed Peter's arm and squealed. Mj rolled her eyes and crossed her arms across her chest.

"Hi Dr. Strange sir, I'm Ned, Peter's guy in the chair but I'm sure you already know that," Ned nervously laughed and Strange grumbled.

"I feel these tingles in my hands sometimes and my Lola always said that our family had magic." Ned added excitedly.

"You should probably ask a physician." Strange mumbled trying to end the conversation. Ned started to open his mouth again when Strange held up his hand.

"I don't have time for this, I need to find a way to save the fabric of reality. So could you Scooby-Doo this shit." Strange yelled before floating up the stairs. Mj scoffed and walked to the edge of the stair case.

"You know, all of this, is kind of your mess. I know a couple magic words myself, starting with please." Mj forced a fake smile looking up at the Sorcerer. Strange raised one eyebrow and held back a snarky comment.

"Please Scooby-Doo this shit." Strange griped and fled the room completely exhausted with their bullshit. Mj smiled satisfied with the answer and looked to Peter who was baffled by her boldness. Ned held out his fist and Mj softly bumped it before Peter started to guide them to the undercroft.

"This is the key to saving the mulitverse!" Peter exclaimed while pulling the chain of the light in the ceiling. The room lit up his a hesitate flickered to reveal a dirty laundry room.

"So cool..." Ned whispered. Mj started to look around for some supplies they could use to track Norman, but all she found was beard dye. She snickered under her breath knowing she would tease Strange about this later.

"Sick a torture device!" Ned yelled over at Peter. Ned poked and prodded at the rusty machine, looking like a toddler. Peter curled his lips into a smile and Mj rolled her eyes.

"That's a puliates machine." She stated blankly. Ned turned back to Mj to say something sarcastic when he saw a reptile looking figure.

"IS THAT A DINOSAUR!" Ned screamed. He gripped at his hair and swiftly walked over to edge of the undercroft. Mj followed slowly behind him, she noticed two large cells that were habited by a squid man and Godzilla.

"These are the guys from the other universe," Peter pointed at the cells.

"Lizard dude is Dr. Conners and this," Peter scrunched his eyebrows together and hummed.

"Actually I don't know your name?" Peter questioned.

"Dr. Otto Octavius." Otto stated with pride. The three looked at eachother from the sides of their eyes and brusted into small snickers and giggles.

"Pfft no dude what is your real name?" Peter asked through his laughs. The doctor gritted his teeth and refused to respond.

"So did you get bit by a radioactive octopus?" Ned added and it threw the group into another giggle fit.

"Imainge that little beak thing nibbling on your arm!" Mj snickered while pinching her arm and making little biting sounds.

"Oh my god stop!" Peter held onto Ned giggling like nobody was around but them.

"I hate children." Dr. Octavius groaned and rested his head on the back of his cell.

"This wouldn't have happened if we were all lizards." Conners whispered as his claws picked at the flooring.

"Shut the hell up." Otto sighed out. Peter watched the interaction and wondered if they were from the same universe. The thought brought him back to the reality of what the group came here for. Not to roast a octopus man, but to send them back to their universes.

"Ned," Peter turned to the shortest of the group and placed a hand on his shoulder. Ned met Peter's eyes and he felt his cheeks get warm. Ned thought everyone should have the chance for someone to look at them the way Peter looked at him.

"Ned I need you to track down the energy sources from the three remaining mulitverse villans." Peter made sure to sound extra serious because he knew Ned's eyes would light up. Peter also thought it was super cool and felt awesome saying it.

"Peter that was the coolest thing you've ever said to me and I keep a twenty-five page list." Ned deadpanned. Peter was practically blinded by with how shiny Ned's eyes got. Peter almost kissed Ned but held back when he remembered they had an audience. Mj felt a pool of guilt fill her stomach while watching the interaction. She knew the two were living a fantasy, no matter how normal and perfect the moment felt, it would all come to an end.

"Mj?" Peter poked her arm and looked up at her pained expression. Mj broke her stare and looked at Peter, she hated seeing those worried eyes.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, just zoned out." Mj lied through her teeth and Peter knew this, but he refused to acknowledge the action because he knew what she was thinking. Mj forced a smile and followed Peter over to where Ned had a computer set up on a desk full of junk. Peter hovered closely over Ned and looked intently at the screen.

"I found them!"


Peter completely underestimated the sheer power of the two villans he had to rangle. He knew for a fact The Daily Bugle would eat this story up if they had it. Yet, so far they only published how Spiderman cut power for half of Brooklyn. The second Peter opened the portal back to the undercroft, he was in Ned's arms,  in a small storage closet.

His body was completely thrown against Ned's, his limbs were like limp noodles. Ned grabbed Peter's face and moved it from the crook of his neck to see the damage.

"Dude you look like burnt toast." Ned whispered, he knew Peter's senses would be more sensitive after a fight.

"Maybe because I got electrocuted. I also have sand in my suit. I'd rather be electrocuted again than have sand in my armpits." Peter huffed out, he shook his body and grains of sand flew from his hair and shoulders. Ned laughed as quietly as he could and rubbed black smudge off of Peter's cheek. Peter leaned into the contact and realized that he was colder than he thought. Ned's hands were so warm and Peter couldn't help but want them closer to him.

Peter gently reached for Ned's hands and intertwined their fingers together. Ned smiled and eagerly sqeezed Peter's hands, it was something he always did after Peter had a fight or went on patrol. It grounded them, allowed them to understand that the other was there.

"I still have one more guy and then this will all be over. Strange will redo the spell. We'll go to MIT, all normal." Peter spoke softly, rubbing his thumb across Ned's hands. Ned pushed down his concerns and just listened to the happy ending Peter had created for them.

"Peter what if we-" Ned began to voice his worries like he told himself not too but Peter's back up phone started to ring. Peter untangled his limbs from Ned's and pulled out the small flip phone.

"It's May." Peter said, he was more than confused. He answered the call and listened to the frantic voice of May whisper-yelling about the man on the bridge. Peter's eyes went wide when she said that the man was at the shelter.

"Oh my god, get away from him, I'll be right there!" Peter yelled before quickly hanging up.

"The Goblin is at the shelter, I have to go!" Peter pointed at the door with wide eyes. Ned feared for the safety of May and his boyfriend, this man seemed to be the most dangerous out of the five. Peter pecked Ned's cheek for good measure and swiftly ran out of the room and raced to get to his Aunt as soon as possible.

Peter imagined the worse, the shelter blown to peices and his Aunt tossed and tattered. Yet, when seeing the totally intact building and his Aunt in one piece he was sent into another wave of confusion.

Peter peered down at a man in the green coat, he really didn't look out of place in the shelter,  but Peter knew better than to trust his exterior. May grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the man. Peter continued to mumble nervous comments while he watched the man pocket a few doughnuts.

"May that man dangerous!" Peter whispered angrily, his hands were flying all over the small space between him. May crossed her arms and scoffed.

"Please that man has done nothing here to make me believe that, this a broken and messed up person at the worst." May pointed back to Norman and stared into Peter's eyes, she noticed how they softened when looking at Norman's expression.

"May, he has to go back home, where he came from." Peter spoke sternly. May reached for Peter's shoulder and lightly squeezed it.

"You brought them here, they are hurt and you can give them a second chance." May spoke calmy and it shook Peter once again. Peter's pushed down thoughts were now being verbalized by the person he trusted most and he didn't know what to do. He was honestly half tempted to roll his eyes. But no matter how many multiverse crazies are after him, nothing would destroy him more than Aunt May noticing his attitude.

So instead of getting a death stare from May, Peter decided to bring them all back to the undercroft. Peter couldn't help but be intrigued by the green hooded man. He was like a toddler, completely unfamiliar with every simple thing. Norman was fascinated by each part of Peter's world.

Peter turned on the light to undercroft, which prompted Norman to ask about the sustainability of electricity in this world. Peter knew too much about the subject to not answer, due to the fact that Ned spent a whole semester working on energy efficiency. Peter hated that the conversation flowed so easily, how attached he was to the man's personality.

"Okay we need to go and see the others, k?" Peter said quickly while tugging on the man's baggy clothes. Norman turned around swiftly and followed Peter into the large open ancient space with cells. Norman's eyes went wide and his mouth went agape. There was not a crack that went unnoticed by the man. After what seemed like hours of the man just excitedly looking around the room, Norman's eyes locked with a short, tanned boy, sporting a school jacket.

"Peter, who is that?" Norman cocked his head to the side to look at Peter as he pointed at the boy a few feet away from them. Peter's pupils dilated while joining Norman in the staring contest.

"Um well that's Ned, he's my bestfriend." Peter conveyed, he rubbed the back of his neck and drug Norman over to Ned. Norman held his arms out to reach for Ned and Peter tensed up. Ned didn't seem to mind as the man poked at his face, analyzing each part of his bone structure.

"Ned, as in Edward Leeds?" Norman questioned. Ned looked a little taken aback by the man knowing his full name, but he simply nodded. Norman let out a breath of air and pulled his arms away.

"Wow, so interesting." He cracked a small smile and turned to the girl who has been suspiciously eyeing him in the corner.

"Oh that's Mj." Peter added knowing that Norman would ask. Osborne turned to Peter and smiled.

"Mary Jane?" Norman asked excitedly. Mj frowned and walked towards the pair.

"Michelle Jones." Mj corrected sternly.

"Truly fascinating." Norman pulled his eyes away from Mj and looked towards the bright light ahead of him. A few figures could be made out but he didn't recognize them until he heard a voice.

"Norman?" A voice called out longingly. Osborne froze and tentatively walked towards the person. Octavius watched as the man came into view and felt a few tears prickle his eyes.

"Octavius?" Norman questioned, he was confused to why the man was in a cage. Otto was pushed up against the glass, trying his hardest to be closer to the man. Peter watched as the two exchanged glances that could have it's own entire mulitverse. It was so tender and close.

"You're dead." Otto spat out, it wasn't angry but it was full of shock.

"I'm right here Otto." Norman simply spoke, he flashed a toothy smile that was followed by a pinch of the skin to reassure himself that he was indeed living.

"Hate to break it to you tentacles, but you're dead too." Sandman added with sass. Otto violently turned to his side to view the man that shattered such an amazing moment.

"You're machine killed you too." Flint shook his head and little sand grains few across the cell. Otto scoffed, something he seems to be doing a lot more in this universe.

"I'm definitely not dead-" Otto's mouth hung open when realizing he couldn't remember what happened after the fight with Spiderman. His face went completely pale and he peered his glossy eyes at Peter.

"We're all dead and we'll die if you send us back." Otto stated softly. Peter felt a pang in his chest, "I'd be killing them", he thought.

"Peter!" Dr. Strange called out while holding a strange box. Peter squeezed his eyes shut, Strange was the last person he wanted to see. Peter didn't even listen to what Strange had to say, he already knew what the weird magic box meant. It was his chance to send them back. His chance to start over, undo this madness. The madness he caused.

"I can't." Peter conveyed, Strange cocked one eyebrow up and frowned.

"Excuse me?" Strange asked flatly. Peter refused to wait for the upcoming conversation and swiftly shot a web towards the box and pulled it into his hands. Strange grimaced as Peter shot Strange into the cells. Ned sensed an epic battle scene but unfortunately wasn't able to watch due to the fact that Strange sent them to the mirror dimension. Ned watched as the two disappeared from the room.
"NED!" Peter screamed as he jumped out of a portal holding the werid magic box and something that looked like a clip. Ned ran up to the frantic teenager and grabbed his arms.

"WHAT THE HELL DUDE!" Ned yelled while shaking Peter like a rag doll. Ned was more than concerned on what Peter did to Strange to get the magic box.

"I know, I know!" Peter coaxed while handing Mj the box. She held it away from her body observing its strange form.

"I know how to prevent them from dying, I-I have to fix them. Change their outcomes before they go back." Peter spoke quickly, a sour smile on his face. One that was excited to help but also devastated that he couldn't end this. Ned's eyes just remained wide open, completely shocked with how fast everything was going. Then Peter cupped the bottom of Ned's hand and the rush seemed to come to an end. Peter brought up Ned's hand to his own and placed a small peice of jewelry into his palm. A sling ring to be exact.

"No way..." Ned gasped. Peter's grin was so wide it practically covered his face. Ned excitedly slipped it onto his fingers and smiled.

"Dude Strange is going to kill you, but this is so stupid cool I can't even be mad at you." Ned huffed and Peter squeezed his hand one last time before turning to Mj.

"Take Ned and the box thingy to Lola's and only press it if I call you." Peter stated firmly, Mj just nodded and held the box close to her body now knowing it's importance. Peter then walked over to her and clasped her shoulder.

"Please stay safe." Peter whispered, Mj was thrown off by his nervous tone. She hated knowing he was scared, Peter Parker, god damn Spiderman was scared.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure Neddie bear stays somewhat alive." Mj snickered. Peter scrunched his eyebrows together with a small giggle.

"Thanks I appreciate that, but you also stay somewhat alive too." Peter smiled softly and punched her shoulder before walking over to the five cells. Five villans from other universes. He's been so gullible in the past, the trust he is putting into these people is more than he can handle.

"It's the right thing to do." May's voice rang throughout his mind.

"Responsibility sucks." Peter deadpanned.
"You know if you're fine with the long commute, Oscorp could really use someone like you." Norman grinned while placing his hand on Peter's shoulder. Peter let out a breathy laugh and squeezed onto the bright green bottle withholding the serum to heal Osborn.

"Thank you, Peter," Norman spoke longingly.

"You fixed Otto, he's...well he's back to my Otto and not that ignorant version of himself. I never thought it would be possible to see him look at me without junk rattling around his brain. I want to see him without the Goblin." Norman sighed while staring intently at the green liquid. Peter curled his mouth into a frown and reached for Norman's hand. Peter placed the bottle in his hand and bit his cheek. He was guilty that he even thought about sending these men back to their homes to die. They were broken, untrusting, and longing for peace. Peter has never related to anyone more.

"We can get rid of him, no more other darker half." Peter reassured, he wanted nothing more than to reunite the pair. Norman's eyes seemed to twitch but Peter thought nothing of it. They walked out of the room together and joined the other four. May scrunched her nose when seeing Peter's smile, she was more than proud of him for helping. Beeps hummed through the room as Electro felt his energy being drained. The beeps filled Peter with anxiety as the room started to become fuzzy.

A high pitched squeal rang in Peter's ear as his entire line of vision focused on Norman's hand. Peter frantically shot a web, tieing Norman down to the device on Elctro. Norman's face was covered with a manic grin.

"That's some neat trick, that sense of yours." Norman grumbled, his voice deeper and more unstable.

"Norman!" Otto questioned nervously.

"Norman's on sabbatical honey." Norman groveled.

"Da hell?" Elctro spat out.

"Green Goblin..." Peter gasped, he subconsciously stepped closer to May to protect her.

"No more darker half, did you really think I'd let that happen?" Norman shook his head and teared his hand off of Elctro.

"May go!" Peter yelled while shooting various webs at the deranged man. Otto violently slammed the man to the floor and grabbed his face with a tentacle.

"This isn't you Norman, snap out of this madness please!" Otto yelled while trying to hold down the squirming man. Norman screamed and thrashed before his hand grabbed the tentacle and within a few seconds the metal was crushed between his hands. The Goblin kicked Otto off of his body and lunged forward to attack Peter. Peter quickly punched the man and sprinted towards the balcony as the other villans escaped.

Norman followed closely behind and pulled him back into the penthouse while slamming him through the flooring and onto another level of the building. Peter coughed up a few ounces of blood before getting a few soild hits in. The Goblin was incredibly strong and unfortunately no matter how hard Peter hit him, the man wouldn't back down. Peter ended up on top of the man's shoulders, as punch after punch pounded into his angular face.

It felt like hours of Peter being tossed around the building until he reached the first floor where May wasn't able to get out in time. Just as Peter was about to inject Norman with the serum, a bomb was set off and the world moved in slow motion for Peter. He felt every piece of broken metal seep into his skin and each gust of hot air leave burn marks littered across his body. But no matter how much pain he was in, his only concern was if his Aunt was okay.

Just as the world caught back up to normal speed, Peter pulled himself off the ground and frantically scanned the rubble.

"May!" Peter called out, his voice wrecked. He dug around the loose metal for a few moments until he heard a weak groan followed by a woman standing up from the ashes. Peter's eyes went wide as he moved as fast as his wounded body could. He cupped her face and analyzed all the wounds.

"May May May, are you okay?!" Peter whispered completey frightened. May looked hazy, like deer in the headlights. Peter was terrified, but he was relieved she could stand.

"I'm ending this, I'm calling Mj." Peter growled with anger, he began to reach to the center of his suit before May smacked it away.

"You started this, you brought them here, it's your obligation to fix this." May spoke sternly even as her voice was shaking. Peter felt his mind cloud with guilt and anger, was Norman right, were his morals holding him back?

"No May, I gotta get you to Strange, he'll know what to do." Peter conveyed while wrapping his arm around her shoulder to stable her. May shook her head and remained in her spot. Peter sighed and turned back around to see a look Peter had constant nightmares about. May was fading away. She was fading away right in front of him. Peter shook his head refusing to believe what was happening.

"May?" Peter questioned, "you said you were okay". May let out a few horse coughs and stumbled backwards. Peter lunged forward and caught her while slowly lowering her down to the floor.

"No no no no, MAY!" Peter screamed, his tears swelled over his eyes and rushed down his face. Peter removed his hand from her waist and held back vomit as blood dripped between his fingers. May's blood, blood caused by his recklessness.

"Why didn't you tell me! May please." Peter shook violently as the world caved in around him. He leaned his forehead onto her and sobbed when hearing her struggle to breath.

"Peter," May whispered weakly. Peter shot back from her forehead and peered into her eyes hoping to see some kind of light. All he saw was pain and the unfortunate look of acceptance.

"Remember, with great power, comes great responsibility." May uttered her last fews words as her chest stopped moving and her face relaxed. Peter slammed his fist into the concrete and slowly rocked back in forth. He sunk close to his Aunt and whispered her name over and over like a prayer.

The world was right, he was a murder.
"I'm pushing it." Mj stated bleakly while inching her hand towards the magic box. Ned quickly snatched it away.

"Mj, he said to wait for a call." Ned exclaimed trying to keep his word with Peter. Mj nervously chewed on her cheek and paced around the room.

"It's been a really long time, I'm worried." Mj explained and Ned sighed.

"Me too, but I can't just wish for Peter Parker to magically show up." Ned huffed while waving his hands around dramatically. Suddenly, a bright orange ring appeared in the room and Ned went completely still.

"What the hell did you do!" Mj asked, refusing to take her eyes off the portal. Ned just shrugged and watched as a figure ran towards the entrance. As light shinned on the figure, Ned could make out a very familiar costume.

"Peter?" Ned stammered. His theories were quickly debunked when noticing the tall frame of the person, his Peter was definitely not that tall.

"AHHHHHHHH!" Mj screamed as the man came into full view, she jumped back and held her hands up defensively. The Spiderman screamed back, seemlying just as scared by the situation. The man quickly took off his mask to reveal a older and more scruffy version of the Spiderman they knew.

"You're not Peter Parker!" Mj yelled defensively, the man's eyes went completely wide and he held his hands up.

"Um I definitely am, well at least last time I checked I was." Spiderman claimed with a small giggle.

"Prove it." Mj forced out, while chucking a dinner roll at the man. Peter smacked his lips and peered at the piece of bread laying on the floor.

"Did you just throw a piece of bread at me?" Peter asked with confusion. Mj rolled her eyes and chucked another piece.

"Prove. It." Mj stated again, making sure to get the point across.

"Well I don't really carry an ID, kinda defeats the point of being an anonymous superhero." Peter quipped back and Mj threw another piece of bread.

"Why didn't you catch that, don't you have the tingle?" Mj questioned while holding constant eye contact. The man drug his hand across his face a sighed.

"I do, just not for bread." Peter let his hands fall to his sides looking defeated. Mj cocked her eyebrow up and frowned.

"Stick to the ceiling then." Mj demanded and Peter scoffed.

"Really?" He sassed but the look on Mj's face let him know that she was more than serious. Peter begrudgingly jumped towards the ceiling and held onto his body weight with the stickiness from his hand. Ned smiled brightly now knowing full well that this was another version of Peter. Ned knew that his Peter was going to freak when they finally meet.

"Now climb around." Mj pointed at the ceiling and waved her hand around. Peter grumbled under his breath but continued to crawl around the small space.

"kunin ang mga pakana." A seasoned voice called out from the corner. A small older women pointed to the corner of the ceiling and smiled.

"She wants to know if you could get the cobwebs in the corner." Ned translated for his Lola. Peter crawled over and quickly wrapped up the cobwebs in his hand and flopped down onto the floor. Mj pulled Ned over to her side and suspiciously watched this new Peter fiddle with the cobwebs.

"So how did you get this guy here?" Mj asked trying to get their Peter back. Ned bit his lip and raised his hand to show her the sling ring.

"I don't know I just waved my hands around and said I wished Peter Parker was here." Ned relayed his message as orange sparks filled the room. Another portal illuminated the room as another man stepped through the entrance. He was of average height and was definitely the oldest out of the group. The new man locked eyes with Peter and the room went still. The oldest Peter shot a web which the taller Peter quickly dogded. They both cracked large giddy smiles.

"String theory, mulitversial activity, it's all real?" Taller Peter gasped and Mj just nodded. He pumped a fist into the air excitedly. Ned turned to the older looking man and sighed.

"Sir we need your help, Peter,  he's in danger." Ned whispered and held onto his chest.

"I know, I could sense a conflict within him," The oldest Peter looked towards his taller counterpart and gave a reassuring nodd. "We want to help you."

"Is there anywhere Peter would go to just get away from things?" Peter one asked while placing his hand on Ned's shoulder. Ned looked towards Mj and smiled, he knew exactly where Peter was.
Peter sank onto the roof of Midtown high, he was done.


"Where ever Spiderman goes chaos ensues, those deaths are on Peter Parker's hands!'


His mind was on fire, his world has toppled. All he could see was May and Tony, how similar their deaths seemed to be. How the comman factor was him, it was a valid hypothesis. He was the independent variable and the dependent was death. Peter burned like he has never burned before. Which he shouldn't of because blood and rain soaked into his bones. He held onto himself, desperate to calm down, feel anything other than anger.

"Peter?" Ned whispered softly. Peter's heart stopped, he wanted nothing more than to be held but the last thing he wanted was for Ned to see him like this. Yet, Peter knew Ned wouldn't leave. Ned is too good, Ned is too kind.

Ned ran to Peter and engulfed him into a hug, limbs grasping and hearts aching. Peter sobbed and Ned quickly joined him. They had lost again and unfortunately it wouldn't be the last time. But that didn't stop them, the screaming, the crying. Mj went behind them both and held them close. Mj squeezed back tears and tried to keep the shaking pair still. She ran her hands through their hair and grazed her thumb across their shoulders. Mj knew this soothed them, she hated how she knew. She had practice from all the funerals she's attended with them.

Ned was the first to pull away and Peter naturally tried to latch back onto him. Ned felt his eyes fill with tears again when seeing Peter's face. He was broken. Ned cupped his cheeks and swipped away a few stray tears with his thumb.

"There are some people here to see you." Ned turned towards the tower as two figures jumped and leaped to where the three sat. Peter tensed up and pushed himself off the ground with a wince. He knew who they were, he could feel it.

"Peter I'm so sorry what happened I-"

"No! No stop you don't know okay, you don't. I-I'm done, you're going home. I'm done." Peter yelled as he hands flyed around manicly, he began to turn around when he heard a sigh.

"It was my Uncle Ben, he was the one I couldn't save." The oldest Peter confessed. The taller Peter bit his lip.

"It was my..." He didn't know who to compare Gwen to at the moment.

"It was my girlfriend." Taller Peter whispered shakily. Peter shut his eyes and clenched his fist.

"We know more than anyone, you think that when they die, what they stood for went with them too. But that's not true." Oldest Peter reassured. Peter shook his head, he didn't know what to believe anymore.

"With great power-" Peter one started.

"Comes great responsibility." Peter three finished with a smile. The youngest Peter's eyes shot upwards to meet theirs.

"How do you know that?!" Peter asked, shocked to hear the last thing his Aunt muttered to him.

"My Uncle told me before he died, your Aunt was smart. She told you that because she knew you were strong and had to fight for what is right." The older Peter wisely stated. It sent a feeling of disbelief through the broken teen, he felt like everything he stood for was a lie.

"Don't let the Goblin get into your head like it did to Norman." Oldest Peter added when noticing how uncomfortable Peter became.

"You started cures for them, let's finish it." The taller Peter quipped and everything cracked a small smile. He hated that they were right but he was grateful for it. Peter turned around to see a completely star-struck Ned. They caught eyes and Peter let out a breathy laugh.

"Sorry, it's just three of you!" Ned exclaimed while waving his hands at the trio. Peter playfully shoved Ned's shoulder and held a painfully dramatic stare.

"But I'm still your favorite Peter right?" Peter asked with a scoff. Ned scratched his chin and hummed in a fake contemplation.

"Mm I don't know." Ned shrugged his shoulders and smirked at Peter, something that no matter the situation always made the spiderling's stomach flip. Mj rolled her eyes and coughed loudly to get their attention.

"We need to go to the lab guys." Mj plainly stated and Peter was brought back to reality. Hell they all were, it was now or never.
Loose goggles and beakers lined the black counter tops of the Midtown high science lab. Ned realized that this would be the last time they would ever set foot in this place. He stared at the very seats he and Peter sat in, the place where they studied, created, and learned. Where their hands would brush against eachother when chemicals were passed, where knees and shoulders would bump because of how close they insisted being by eachother.

Eventually where hands were secretly being held under the table and small notes filled with hearts were being passed. The table they started fires on, made web fluid, and gossiped about the Avengers. Where unfortunately spit balls and paper footballs were chucked at them because Midtown seemed to be stuck in an 80s moive.

Nevertheless, it was their table and it was soon going to be someone else's. It was ending so fast...high school. Four years that were truly stripped away from the couple and the next four years of college were too. At least that is what Ned dreaded, yet, watching all three Peter's work together in unison was truly awesome. An amazing moment that brought him from the darkest of day dreams.

"So like do you guys ever get web blocks?" Youngest Peter questioned excitedly.

"Oh yeah all the time, I have to web fluid on me just in case." The tallest answered and wanted to continue the conversation by asking about their fluid formulas.

"Really? You guys don't just make it?" The oldest Peter asked completely confused, he rolled up his sleeve and pointed to a small slit on his wrist. The youngest Peter's eyes went wide and his mouth followed suite.

"Jesus dude ew!" The tallest Peter shrieked while holding his own wrist thankful that nothing could come out. Ned listened closely and watched as Peter dramatically drug his eyes up to the older Peter, by the look on his face Ned knew exactly what he was going to ask.

"Does it come out of other places like you know..." Peter asked while rubbing the back of his neck.

"What lord no!" The older Peter laughed and held onto his chest.

"Speaking of lord, why are you dressed like a youth pastor?" The tallest Peter asked with a large shit eating grin.

"Wow real funny, I'm super fashionable by the way. How do you know this is not the "it" style in my universe?" The oldest Peter shot a snarky glare.

"It's not the "it" style in any universe buddy..." The taller Peter sassed and they all laughed, real genuine laughs. It felt amazing to have people who understood you completely.

"So uh hows the dating scene for you guys?" The taller Peter asked trying to get a grasp on the others lives. The youngest Peter blushed and glanced up at Ned to see him staring at him, they both bit back smiles and looked to the floor.

"I have a wife, Mj, but with you know with Spidermaning it gets difficult to keep a balance. It's just a little rocky." The oldest Peter confessed and younger Peter nodded, he knew what he meant, what he was feeling. The guilt and anxiety, I guess it ate every Spiderman alive.

"So kid what about you, have you got to dating. Are you also with an Mj?" The oldest Peter shot a look towards the very focused girl in the corner and Peter giggled softly. The tallest Peter watched as Ned tensed up and raised an eyebrow.

"Um no not an Mj but," Peter took in a deep breath, he hasn't told anyone about his sexuality other than his family. He knew they were just different versions of him, so the potential of them being accepting was there, yet, Peter felt a little uneasy.

"Um but I'm actually dating my bestfreind Ned, he's my boyfriend." Peter avoided their eyes and simply watched as Ned maintained a wide grin.

"Oh okay cool." The oldest Peter said not shocked or appalled, just a response, and Peter could not be more grateful.

"I'm glad I'm not dating my bestfriend, he tried to kill me and then died in my arms." The older Peter added with a sigh and a small frown. Ned went still and slowly turned to Peter where they both looked shocked but in a comedic way because in all honesty they found it a bit funny, not the situation but the way the older Peter worded it.

"Yeah okay, I hope that doesn't happen to me. Well their not my bestfreind, more like rival slash co-worker, it's complicated." The taller Peter shrugged and continued to mess with various devices. The youngest Peter snapped around and leaned on his hand.

"Ooooo sounds like a real spicy romance thing you got going on there tell me more!" Peter smirked and laughed as his older counterpart blushed.

"What! No it's definitely not like that and-"

"No cause it definitely sounds like that. Tell me, maybe we have some version of them here!" Peter yelled excitedly and shook the other Peter's arm. The blushing man sighed and scratched his head nervously.

"Well I hope you don't have him," Taller Peter started and the youngest Peter raised an eyebrow at the mention of "he".

"Wade, Deadpool. God he is menace to society." Peter spoke with a slight giggle. The older Peter rolled his eyes, he remembered those giddy crush days.

"Wait are we all like super cool or what?" The younger Peter looked over to older Peter and he cracked a smile.

"I'm cool but you guys...I don't know." Older Peter quipped and the other two gave him a thumbs up.

"None of you are cool, god what a bunch of nerds." Mj yelled from across the room. They all snickered and put away the cures they've been creating.

"Peter?" Ned called out. They all turned to view him and smiled. Ned frowned.

"Um...Peter Parker?" Ned tried again. They all threw up their hands and sighed. Ned rolled his eyes.

"My Peter." Ned restated and Peter seemed to melt in his seat. The other two Peter's felt their hearts grow in admiration for the two. Peter quickly jumped up and walked over to his boyfriend who led them out into a hallway.

"Ah young love." Peter heard one of the other men call out before they left. Peter stopped right behind Ned before he turned around to lock eyes.

"Hi." Ned whispered.

"Hi." Peter replied with a certain sense of tenderness. Ned's eyes fell and he tightened his fists. Peter scrunched his eyebrows together and brought his hands to Ned's cheeks. He pulled his face closer to his own and laid his forehead against Ned's. The shorter teen grabbed onto Peter and pulled him into a gut wrenching hug, one that pulled at every one of Peter's heart strings.

Ned don't feel bad for me please...

"I'm so proud of you." Ned whispered and drew circles with his fingers along Peter's back. Peter froze at the sentence, it sent chills through his body.

"You know you didn't have to come out just then or tell them about us or me," Ned moved his hand up to Peter's face and followed the lines of Peter's cheekbones with his thumb.

"But you did and did it confidently. And you did the right thing, you came here and continued to fight." Ned praised and praised because not only did he know Peter needed to hear it, but Ned also was in awe of his bestfriend. He was the strongest person he knew. Peter collapsed into Ned and sobbed, shaking and crying like he was on the roof of Midtown.

"Ned I really need this whole cure thing to work, because I can't risk losing you. I just can't Ned." Peter gasped out through tears and hiccups. Ned sqeezed Peter closer and repeated sweet little nothings to try and calm him down.

"It will Peter, you are super smart and the other Peter's are too, plus Mj and I helped and we are easily the smartest people you know so..." Ned laughed and it sent little vibrations through Peter's chest. Peter couldn't be more grateful for Ned, he always kept a positive attitude no matter what. He was the Guy in the Chair, the lookout, the planner. He was Ned.

"I love you." Peter muttered into Ned's chest and Ned dug his hand into Peter's back and pushed him away. Peter looked shocked for a moment until he saw the look on Ned's face. He was teary eyed and love struck.

"I love you too Peter, God I love you so much please kiss me you dork!" Ned exclaimed and grabbed onto Peter's collar pulling him in so that their noses touched. Peter's eyes flicked down to Ned's lips and he smiled before planting his lips softly onto Ned's much plumper ones. They both sighed into the kiss and grasped onto eachother for dear life. They fell back from the closed gap they created and rested their foreheads against eachother once again.

Peter felt a strange energy surging from his boyfriend and it sent chills down his spine. His senses went haywire and Peter focused on the new feeling. Peter finally felt the slight pressure of metal on his back and frowned. Ned never wore rings.

"How did the other Peter's get here, like not to our universe but to your Lola's house?" Peter asked, his words spilling out of his mouth. Ned's eyes went wide like he just remembered the most important detail of his life. Ned removed his forehead from Peter's and pushed himself back to show off his hand. Peter gasped at the sling ring placed between Ned's middle and ring finger. It shined when the bright hallway light beamed upon it. Peter made a mental note to buy Ned rings when all of this was over because man did he look hot.

"So I'm kind of a wizard now..." Ned giggled and shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, like this wasn't the most exciting revelation of his life. Peter grabbed Ned's forearms and shook his relentlessly.

"Dude that is so cool! That is so," Peter felt out of breath, everything about this brought him back to freshman year. It reminded him of a fantasy the two used to share, one of them being superheros together and fighting crime. Peter remembered all the hours they spent talking about it and now it was real. Peter felt his stomach tighten, why did life happen so fast.

"That is so exciting Ned, you're like extra powerful now. Guy in the Chair and a wizard, Spiderman doesn't stand a chance." Peter teased with a smug smile. Ned felt heat rush to his cheeks and he playfully smacked Peter's arm.

"Hey you better watch out, I might have an evil villan arch and become your enemy." Ned held his hand to his chest and conveyed each word so matter-of-factly. Peter tsked and leaned forward to remove some of the space that naturally built between them. Peter tends to talk with his hands and Ned really doesn't like being smacked every ten seconds.

Peter reached his hand up to swip a few strands of Ned's thick black hair from his face, the soft feeling alone sent tingles through Peter's hands. Ned leaned into the touch and sighed.

"If you become my arch nemesis, then maybe we can have an enemies to lovers type deal." Peter cringed through his own words and bit back a laugh as Ned seemed to completely lose control. Ned threw his head back and let out loud bursts of laughter that echoed through the empty halls. Peter soaked in the sound and prayed that wouldn't be the last time he heard it. Because in reality, they both knew it was going to be.
Ned looked upon the sight below him in horror. He had never seen Peter so violent; never so full of hatred. Each hit and jab he took at the Green Goblin was backed with layers of tears and screams. Ned wanted to open a portal and stop him, do anything at all to stop the stain this put on his mind. He didn't want this to be the last mental imagine he had of Peter.

Peter grunted while gripping the glider over his head and staring down at Norman like prey. Norman laughed and laughed, still doing his best to taunt Peter, to push him to the edge. Ned couldn't move, he was frozen in fear and wished for nothing more than to wake up and realize it all was a nightmare.

"PETER STOP!" Mj begged from beside Ned. Mj choked over sobbs and she quickly grabbed Ned's arm for comfort. They both held eachother close and squeezed their eyes shut. The older Spiderman appeared before Peter and blocked the hit of the glider. Peter yelled and pushed harder doing whatever he could to finish what he started. The older Spiderman offered a reassuring smile, as if he knew what it was like to be in this situation.

Peter seemed to break under his glare and angrily let go of the crushed piece of metal. Peter's vision focused and he finally saw the man in front of him. Unfortunately, the unforgiving sound of a sharp object puncturing flesh filled Peter's ears. His brain was on fire and his heart swelled. "Aunt May wouldn't want this" Peter thought to himself as he collapsed to the copper floor. He flinched as arms wrapped around his body but he soon relaxed when seeing the two other men hold him close.

Peter could smell blood pooling from his companion and shook with guilt. He noticed how the man was putting pressure on the wound while little grunts of pain fell from his lips.

"I'm no better than him." Peter whispered through his sobbs. Peter ached, his body was fractured and his soul was ruptured.

"None of us are, Peter Parker's will forever be imperfect. Yet, so will the Norman's of our worlds. Violence is apart of our story but it doesn't have to be the plot." The tallest Peter advised, he clutched the smallest Peter's shoulder and gave a half-hearted smile.

"You made a sacrifice to save us all. You choose to have everything stripped away from you, just to make things right. You are simply good, nothing will change those morals." The oldest Peter added, he had a few tears streaming from his blue eyes. They all knew that these were the last moments of peace, because all three Spidermen had to return to broken homes.

"We love you and we hope to see you again, but God if you don't run over to you're freinds and say goodbye I'm going to kill you!" The tallest Peter quipped and ruffled Peter's hair. He let out a muffled chuckle and dreaded his last moments with the people he loved the most. The three men jumped into a tight hug and gave their final goodbyes. Peter felt them fade away beneath his fingers and his stomach dropped at the familiar feeling. The last Spiderman standing swung his way over to the top of a nearby building and he landed on the ledge.

Mj and Ned ran over to Peter and pulled him into a hug. Peter gripped the back of Ned's hair and buried his face into Ned's neck. Mj pinched at Peter's skin just to reassure herself that he was alive.

"We gotta stop meeting like this." Mj mumbled under her breath and they all let out bittersweet giggles. Peter released himself from Ned's grasp and brought his eyes up to meet Ned's red ones. Peter frowned at the large bruise forming above Ned's eye and he quickly reached for it. Worry took over his emotions and he rubbed his thumb over the spot.

"Are you okay?" Peter asked, a little more frantically then intended. Ned grabbed his wrist and pulled it away from his face. He cracked a smile and shook his head.

"You probably have seventy-two broken bones and a major concussion, one little bump is nothing to be worried about." Ned relayed, his voice was nothing but pure sweetness. Peter bit his lip and sighed. He looked around those engrossing brown eyes of Ned's and stared at the wizard floating above them. Peter dropped his smile and simply nodded at the man. Dr. Strange frowned and lifted his hands to perform a spell. Peter turned back to Ned and reached for his hand to interlock their fingers.

"You're going to forget me." Peter uttered, his eyes drooped low and his lips were curled inwards. Ned scrunched his brows and pushed Peter's shoulder playfully.

"I wish, but you seem to be stuck with me forever." Ned chirped back like it was just cute banter. Peter rubbed his eyes that were stung with tears. Ned's smile dropped and he scanned Peter's face for any sense of amusement. Nevertheless, Peter remained serious.

"Peter?" Ned begged. Peter only shook his head and continued to cry. Mj covered her mouth as the puzzle pieces seemed to click together.

"Dr. Strange, he," Peter let out a breath. "He cast a spell to make everyone forget the identity of Spiderman." Peter bubblered out, a deep pit of emptiness clouding his entire being. Ned brought his hands up to Peter's face and his whole face twisted into pure dispare.

"No Peter, there has to be another way. I'm not," Ned sniffed up his running snot and pooling tears. "I'm not losing you." Ned expressed, his voice cracking and his fingers digging in at Peter's skin as if he was afraid of him slipping away. Peter gasped and choked for a few moments because after so much loss, making Ned cry was the worst feeling the world could throw at him.

"I promise I'll find you and I'll make sure you remember. I-I-" Peter leaned forward and closed the gap between them. Tears glossed over their lips and seeped into the kiss as if they were sealing their misery. Ned pulled away and leaned his forehead against Peter's for the very last time.

"I need you to go home and find a letter on your desk, it will have your name on it. Please, I swear to God, if you don't read it and find me as soon as possible I'm going to be a certified Spiderman hater." Ned added a signature smile to aid the seriousness of the situation. Peter was completely confused but he didn't care because all he could think was maybe they really did have a chance after this.

"I promise." Peter held out his hand and Ned instantly knew what to do. As their hands slid in and out of various intricate motions, they ended with a messy finger gun. Their fingers were zapped at the end due to the sling-ring and they both stood in geeky awe.

"Awesome." They both muttered. Mj rolled her eyes and shamelessly let out a smile.

"I love you." Ned exclaimed and Peter absorbed every single word into his heart.

"I love you too." Peter replied in a hushed tone.
To: Peter Parker

Dear Peter Parker,

If you are reading this I'm probably dead.

Dude Peter I've always wanted to write that, how frickin cool man. However, that line isn't exactly far from what this Letter is intended to do. I knew from the very beginning, from that night when I found you hanging from the ceiling that my life would change forever.

Not only would I be bestfriends with a superhero but I would end up falling in love with him too. 9th grade was such a wake-up call for me. I felt like everything was changing so quickly and everyone was developing around me, but I was staying the same.

I was still the dorky band kid and you were off fighting war criminals. I just wanted to pretend so bad that everything was okay, that I was perfectly comfortable with you risking your life. I wanted nothing more than to be normal teenagers again. You missed so much school, you never slept, hell you barley made it back home every night.

I was scared and selfish. A part of me always loved having a superhero freind, the action, the adventure, the potential attention from people who never cared about us before. But I hated looking over and not seeing you. I realized how attached I was to you, how much I loved you.

9th grade was when I finally figured out that werid fuzzy feeling I always got around you. Why I couldn't stop staring at your lips. Why I couldn't imagine a world without you: Ned Leeds had a crush on Peter Parker.

I said these exact words to Mj in the 9th grade:

"Because Peter Parker may not be my boyfriend but he always waits for me to pack up my instrument even after the bell rang. He plays with my fingers when he gets nervous to avoid biting his nails. He learned Filipino to talk to my Lola and spent hours learning how to cook traditional Filipino dishes, just to impress me. Peter who will spend hours on the floor building Legos and ranting about bad movies. Peter who tells me his deepest darkest thoughts and refuses to worry because he knows I'll never judge him. Peter Parker who wakes me up at 3am to get stitches.

The boy who has the entire world on his back but still asks if I'm okay. Peter who loved to play with my hair because it was so "soft". Peter who helped me pass chemistry because, why in the world is it so difficult. Then on the flip side, the boy who sat down and stared up at me for hours when I helped fix his suit. Peter who always found a way to latch onto me like a toddler because "I'm so warm". Who always made sure he walked on the outside of the sidewalk because "It's safer on the inside". Peter Parker who was undeniably perfect. The boy I have a bit fat crush on"

I ranted about you for hours Peter, and Mj was seriously going to murder me if I didn't just confess my feelings. Yet, my biggest flaw, in any scenario, is my inability to express my true feelings. Because Peter, having a crush on you felt amazing. The giddiness and stupid coming-of-age story of it all kept me smiling at a time where I could barely function.

It was the only thing clouding the fact that you could dissappear off the face of the planet and I would be alone. It happened, you did disappear and so did I. Those five years that we lost make me think about where we would be without it. We'd be in college and we would have big-kid jobs like we always dreamed of having. Maybe our own apartments and probably our own cat.

But I hated fantasizing about the future because a part of me always knew that we wouldn't have one. I know this sounds like pure teenage angst but after the Vulture...

The thought of loosing you, loosing us, it was unbearable. At times I found myself wanting to be distant because I didn't want to deal with heartbreak. Yet, Peter you were always there for me. You reminded me to be kid, even when you weren't taking your own advice. I adore everything about you. Peter you are so special and dorky, I love you so much.

But, if you are reading this, my worries became reality. Our fantasy life finally caught up with us. The credits have rolled and the final sentence of the book has been read. Our summers slipped away and we didn't even notice it. The transition from teenager to adult is so complicated and somewhat soul-crushing. It has to happen though. It's happening right now with us. We have to grow up and move on, no matter how hard it is. We have just been avoiding it. So if you're reading this, we are going through some really grown-up stuff.

Not monsters, aliens, or wizards...just simply existing in this world with all the problems that come with it. I don't want to lose you. I know that you doubt that I need you Peter. Yet, I can't imagine my life without you in it. No matter how dramatic and somewhat scary it all can be, you are everything to me. You always will be. I need you to promise me that whatever happens, you will talk to me. Communicate how you feel, reach out and open up.

Things are only going to get harder but we, together as Peter and Ned  will always be able to face it. We may have to grow up a bit, but we can do it together. So what this Letter truly is, is a promise from me. I promise to never forget you for who you really are, the Peter I fell in love with. But I need you to promise that you'll come back to me. No matter how long it takes, I need you here.

Because in the end, we're Peter and Ned. We're the dorks who fell in love, we are superhero and dare-I-say sidekick. Remember the time when we

I, it. laughing. Tony

skittles. second floor

lego luke

Lord of The Rings. Shire

twenty-five hours. kiss

Peter couldn't even make out the rest story because of his tears smearing the ink. He gripped the edge of the paper and rocked his body back in forth anxiously.

"This can't be the end to our story."

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