just for you || (g)i-dle minn...

By _reminisce

22.8K 717 45

two souls find each other at a cafe... one out in the rain and the other within the warmth of her cup she wat... More



882 30 1
By _reminisce

minnie's pov

Y/N walked beside me under the umbrella on our way back to the agency. My body has been shivering the whole time from the coldness and I couldn't even hide it from her. I try to stop myself from shaking but it's no use now.

"I'm starting to regret staying out in the rain awhile ago. I can't even give you my hoodie, it's drenched," she said in a sad tone.

"Oh my god, no no. It's okay, I should've checked the weather before I left. Don't be sorry," I quickly replied.

We continued walking quietly. I sneak some glances at her as she admires the lights of the city. Her head turns and she catches me. I try to look ahead quickly but she already started chuckling. She spares me from teasing and we jus keep on walking. We talked about life in Korea and what she did back in Melbourne.

She told me she loved music which I had the pleasure of knowing from her guitar. Too bad I never asked her to play for me. She then asked me about my trainee experiences.

"Well, being a foreigner who came here with no ability to even speak an ounce of Korean... I struggled within the first few months of my training. I remember crying most nights because of the language barriers between me and the other girls. I was lucky enough to meet five amazing people who shared the struggles of training with me. They definitely helped me with my Korean," I told her.

"Well, I can definitely see that. From the first words you said to me outside the cafe, I wouldn't have been able to to tell if you were Korean or not if you didn't invite me to join you. Your Korean is very good, haha!" she told me.

"Yours too. Did you struggle with it when you came from Melbourne?" I asked her.

"No, my parents always made sure I practiced back home because they didn't want me to forget that I'm Korean," she chuckled right after.

I didn't notice that we had arrived at CUBE. Our conversations really just made time stop for me. I look up at the tall building before turning to Y/N and pursing my lips.

"So... this is me. I had a great time with you, Y/N. It was nice taking you out of the rain, haha!" I laughed.

"Yeah, thank you for that. Sorry for holding you back so late. I assume you trainees have curfews, especially with your debut nearing," she looked down shyly.

"No no, it's okay. Time just flew by faster than I thought. I was lucky to find company outside the building after awhile," I smiled at her.

I rocked in my steps before looking at the doors again. I told her that I should head inside before I get scolded by security. She waits for me to get inside the building before waving and walking away. I smile and wave back as she gets farther and farther away from my sight. My heart swells in happiness before realizing...

Omo! I didn't get her number! Aish!

My chest had a faint pressure as I thought about never seeing her again. It's no use, she's gone now. I turn dejectedly towards the elevators and head up to the dorms. I make it to my room with my friends and unlock the door. I smell a tasty aroma from the kitchen which brought my happiness back a little bit. I walk and see two of my soon-to-be group members at the dining area.

"Minnie unnie!" Shuhua exclaimed before running to me.

I get wrapped in a tight hug before she jumps back.

"Omo! You're soaking, did you not bring an umbrella?" she asked me.

"No, I forgot to check the weather before leaving awhile ago," I said.

The smell distracts me again and I ask Shuhua what the food was.

"Ahh, Soojin unnie's making seaweed soup! I couldn't fall asleep awhile ago and you know how she always stays up late, hehe," she said.

I smiled before patting her head and made my way to my room, not before greeting Soojin.

"Hey unnie, you want some soup? I'm making some for Shuhua. She literally dragged me out of my room awhile ago," she said while shaking her head.

"It's okay, I'm a bit sleepy so I'm gonna knock out for the night. Don't tell Soyeon that I was out late okay? You know how protective she gets," I warn her.

She smiles before waving me off and I head to my room. I shower and do my skin care before brushing my teeth. I jump into bed and think about Y/N. I frown upon remembering that I forgot to ask her for her number. But then again, we just met so maybe that would've been awkward. I should've at least asked her to play her guitar. The rain almost drowned out her sound outside the shop but I only heard the faintest strumming.

I guess it's just another stranger meeting thing...

reader's pov

Ugh! I forgot to ask for her number... but she probably wouldn't have been allowed to give it anyways. I know how strict the company can be.. I thought to myself as I walked up my steps to the house.

I unlock the door and the lights are still on. Making my way to the stairs, I notice my parents in the dining room. I walk over and greet them.

"Heyyy! My daughter's finally home and... drenched! Sweetie what did I tell you about checking the weather before leaving?!" mom yelled while she ran to get me a towel before I had the chance to reply.

I shook my head laughing as my dad did the same.

"Hey, honey. What'd you do outside?" my dad asks me.

"Ah, just explored the city a little bit. Kinda got sidetracked and ended up staying out longer than I intended."

"Well, you should go upstairs and shower before you get sick," he told me.

I nodded walking out the dining room.

"Oh, Y/N! I was thinking, why don't you come with me to the company tomorrow and check out the studios? I renovated one of the bigger rooms for you in case you change your mind about my proposition," he said nervously.

I sighed.

"Dad, you know I can't work with you under the same company. I appreciate what you and Mom do for me but I'd like to make a name for myself as I grow up. I told you that I'd repay you both for everything you've given me ever since you had me. I'm staying humble like you said," I softly spoke.

He looked a bit sad but nodded understanding my feelings. Ever since I was born, my parents were loving enough to respect my boundaries about fame. While my mom was a
co-founder of Chanel and my dad sharing his love of music to the rest of the world, it was inevitable that the public would want to know about their private lives. I value my privacy more than I'd like others to know.

"Okay, how about you just come with me tomorrow and then I'll show around the building. You can even see the reserved studio. You don't have to be working there to use it but just know, that studio has got your name and your name only. I want my daughter to be able to branch out her creativity outside of her bedroom," he told me.

I smiled before walking over to hug him and he flinched at my soaked clothes. My mother comes down with the towels and roughly dries me.

"Aigoo... my stubborn sweetheart," she coos.

I go upstairs to my room and shower before washing my face and brushing my teeth. I lay in my bed before remembering my guitar. I dry it up and put it on the stand. I put my head back on my pillow and think about Minnie. Her cute face and her bubbly voice got me smiling again in no time, and she wasn't even here with me.

I then remembered I don't have her number which I frowned at. I then gasped.

Omo! She might see me tomorrow with Dad... oh no...

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