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reader's pov

After finishing my dinner with my parents, I came back to CUBE with Maya. We walked around downtown for a couple hours. Maya attracted a lot of people passing by so I ended up stopping multiple times because of this cutie.

I call for Maya and she comes out of the vocal booth. She runs to me and I laugh, opening my arms. I grab her leash and tell her to sit. To my surprise, she sat right away.

"Omo! You can listen to commands already??" I exclaimed, surprised.

I reach for a treat and stand up. She stands up as well.

"Maya, sit," I tell her.

She sits down right away. I reach down before asking for her paw.

"Paw?" I ask.

She lifts out her short leg and places it on my hand after a couple tries. I laugh and carry her into a hug. I change my mind about the leash and instead carry her into the bag, leaving the zipper open.

"Just for awhile, baby. Want you to rest a little before meeting some friends!" I say, carrying her into the bag.

I close up my studio and carry Maya and her things to the elevator. We arrive on the dance practice floor and I walk to the girls' room. I open the door and it beeps as I pull it open. I look inside and it was still empty. I place Maya's stuff down on the table near the couch. I take Maya out of her bag and immediately runs around the much more open space. The practice room was like my studio but with more open space due to less furniture.

Maya runs around and barks and I chase her around for awhile. I get tired and fall onto the couch, letting her continue playing. I go on my phone for a few minutes before focusing on Maya again. She went for a potty break thirty minutes ago so I don't have to worry about the bathroom. Maya runs up to me and tries to jump onto the couch.

I laugh as I help her up and she lays down on my lap. I pet her softly as she calms down.

"Aigoo~ you're so hyper on your first day, my baby!" I say while carrying her into a hug.

She licks my face and I coo at her. Soon, her energy comes back and I let her run around. My phone rings and I pick it up.

"Hello, Minnie?" I answer while watching Maya lay down on the floor next to my feet.

"Hello, unnie!" I hear a loud voice.

"Oh? Who is this?" I ask, teasing Shuhua.

"Yah! You don't recognize me, unnie?!" I can already see the pout on her face.

"Hm.. let me guess... Shuhua?" I ask.

"Nae~" she replies happily.

"Are you girls coming soon?" I ask her as I sit down next to Maya, giving her belly rubs.

"Yeah! We're just waiting for Miyeon unnie to finish getting ready. Yah! Unnie! Hurry up, Y/N unnie's waiting!" I hear her yell.

I laugh and tell them to take their time. Shuhua hands the phone to Minnie and my smile grows wider.

"Hello? Y/N?" she calls for me.

"Yes, beautiful," I ask while leaning back onto the couch.

"Are you waiting for us at the dance room?" she asks me.

I send her a quick picture of the room and she responds.

"Ahh, Soyeon! Tell Miyeon to hurry up!" I hear her yell.

"Y/N, we'll be heading there soon. Miyeon's just taking forever, ugh," she says and I laugh.

"It's okay, beautiful. There's no rush," I say.

just for you || (g)i-dle minnie x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now