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reader's pov

My alarm goes off at 8:00 am and I calmly turn it off before getting up from bed. I slowly walk towards the bathroom and wash up before brushing my teeth. My feet then proceed to walk downstairs.

At the kitchen is a full breakfast ready and waiting at the table, Mom was at the stove.

"Good morning, Mom. Where's Dad?" I asked her before sitting down at the table.

"Morning, honey! He's in the office right now working on some paperwork before work. I heard he's taking you there today," she faces me with a curious expression.

My heart beats nervously at the thought that Minnie might see me with her CEO. I just nod at my mom, telling her that it was a simple and fun exploration of the building. She nods back and my dad walks out of the office.

"Heyy there munchkin! Good morning. Eat up so you could get ready for the office," he said heading towards the living room.

"Oh, Dad. Do I have to wear certain clothes or I can be casual?" I asked him, taking a bite of my pancake.

"Ah, don't worry about that, sweetie. Just dress how you wanna dress," he assured me.

I nodded before going back to my food. After thirty minutes, I finished and headed back up to my room to get ready. This time, I check my phone for the weather and notice that it's gonna be pretty cold throughout the whole day. I settle on choosing a beige turtleneck and brown overcoat, paired with my black jeans and white converse.

I shower and wash my face before brushing and applying light makeup. I'm not much of a makeup person as I was never interested in it growing up. Most of the girls at 16 years old back in Melbourne donned makeup, making them look more mature than ever. I, however, was content with my natural appearance.

I dress up and walk back downstairs and tell my dad I'm ready to go. We both say bye to my mom before hugging her and going to the garage.

"Which one we taking?" Dad asks me examining the cars.

I laugh before replying.

"Nothing flashy in case people see your daughter in the car," I said as I waited for him to make a decision.

"Hm, okay then, we'll take your Mercedes," he says, smiling at the car.

I shake my head while laughing before heading to the car. I sit in the driver's seat before pulling out of the garage into the driveway. The gate slides open and we drive out into the road. I take the time to really admire Seoul whenever I can, especially at stoplights. There's a calmness to the cold weather these days. Even if you're cold, you somehow feel warm inside.

"Take a right here and then head straight," I hear Dad from beside me.

I memorized the directions from the cafe last night as I walked Minnie back. I smile remembering our conversations and how much more beautiful she was compared the prettiness of the city lights. I just head my way and let my dad tell me directions as I don't want him to know I walked here last night.

After a few minutes, we arrived at the building and he told me to take his private entrance at the back. We drive on a pavement that leads down into what looks like a gigantic garage. I was surprised to find it empty and instead housing a glass elevator and four other cars my dad owned.

"I was wondering where the Lambo went," I say while turning to park into an open space.

"Ahh, yeah. I like to escape once in awhile from the office. My legs cramp up easily, especially with all the paperwork," he says getting out of the car.

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