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reader's pov

I wake up to an alarm and quickly turn it off before it wakes Minnie up. I turn my attention back to her and admire her sleeping face for a few minutes. The rest of the girls shouldn't be awake yet so I'll make them breakfast. Dropping a soft kiss onto Minnie's head, I carefully slip away before washing up.

The sound of the sink running greets me as I walk out. Getting to the living room, I see Soojin in the kitchen looking through the fridge and.

"Good morning, Soojin." She looks up and smiles when she sees me.

"Good morning, unnie! I was looking for some food to cook the girls breakfast. Do you have any requests?" she looks at me with a cute expression.

"Just that you let me help you out, hehe."

"Oh, hehe. Uhmm.. y- you're more than welcome to help me, unnie."

I smile and walk over to the kitchen. My mind thinks of some pancakes and I ask Soojin if she wants some. She agrees and she grabs the ingredients. I look in the fridge to see if they're are some strawberries and whipped cream. We make the mix and I start up the pan.

"We should add some bananas and chocolate syrup." She smiles and volunteers to slice them and I thank her.

I add the first batch of mix into the pan and wait to flip it. I converse with Soojin in the meantime.

"So, are you ready for your promotions? I know I'm looking forward to your performance, hehe." She laughs and I hear her slicing onto the cutting board.

"I'm pretty nervous. The stares of fans might make me shake a bit and I'm scared my voice isn't gonna sound good on stage.."

I flip the pancake and wait for the other side to cook. "Don't be ashamed of that. Every performer gets nerves before a show. Some can't help but show it and I think that's healthier rather than dealing with it all by yourself." I move the pancake onto a plate before starting another one.

"Yeah, you're right. Sounds better when you say it like that."

I make a couple more pancakes when I hear Soojin yelp in the back.

"Ow! Ugh, dang it!" I turn around and see her clutching her fingers. I rush over and check on it and see that it's bleeding.

"Are you okay??" I grab her finger and clean it softly with a paper towel.

"Yeah, sorry. I wasn't paying attention, hehe."

"Where are your band-aids?"

"In the medicine cabinet at the bathroom in the hallway." I rush over and grab some alcohol, cotton balls, and band-aids, before walking back to Soojin.

"Here, let me clean it so it won't get irritated." I wipe off her finger and blow on it before pouring some alcohol on a cotton ball.

"It'll sting a bit." I dab it onto her cut and she hisses. I blow on her finger to lessen the sting before wiping off the excess blood and applying a band-aid.

"There, all better." I smile at her and she gives me a shy look before thanking me.

I turn back to the pancake and gladly it didn't burn when I flipped it. "Hey, why don't you take over the pancakes. I don't want you to get a cut again."

She agrees and thanks me before moving to the stove. I finish up the rest of the fruits and just like that, breakfast is ready. On time, the girls come out at the same time, even Miyeon.

"Good morning, girls!" I greet them.

"Ooh, something smells good!" Shuhua claps her hands and walks to Soojin who's decorating some plates.

just for you || (g)i-dle minnie x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now