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minnie's pov

We drive through the streets and stop at the light. I see the very nostalgic cafe on the right and smile before telling Y/N.

"Look... it's where we met," I say softly.

"Mhm, it was freezing. I was sitting out in the rain with my guitar when you came out and saved me from a cold," she chuckled.

"Why were you out in the rain in not in the shade?" I ask her curiously.

"To be honest, I've asked myself the same thing. I'm not sure I have answer either. It's almost like I waiting for someone to save me.. the right 'someone' to come pull me out of the rain," she said softly, grabbing my hand.

The light turns green and she drives off but my eyes never leave the cafe until it was out of sight. I sigh in content before facing forward. "A Thousand Years" plays throughout the care quietly and I smile before singing along.

'I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid
I have loved you for a thousand years...'

"I'll love you for a thousand more~"
Y/N sings the last line with me and I look at her.

She drives with a soft smile on her face as she hums along to the song. Her eyes find mine and she chuckles.

"I meant it..." she whispers.

We arrive at her house and my mouth falls agape at the sight. Modern from top to bottom, there was a long secluded driveway with tall bushes and trees guarding both sides. She drives up the the long driveway and we arrive at her garage. She parks outside next to a fountain, the water shining with the lights surrounding the courtyard.

Y/N opens my door and I didn't even realize she stepped out of the car already. I take her hand and step out still staring at her house and the surroundings.

"You live... here?" I ask her in amazement.

"Hehe, yeah, at the moment. It's my childhood home. I wanna move out soon, though," I look at her.

"I'm pretty sure you have enough money to move out with your parents having a house like this. Even then, I don't even think I'd be able to leave though," I say while looking around.

"Haha! I don't ask my parents for money. I told them I'd pay throughout my independence and they let me but they said to live here until I found a 'museum-like mansion' to move into," she says with air quotes.

"I love how humble you are, Y/N," I say while approaching her.

My hands go onto her shoulders and she holds onto my waist. Smiling down at me, she leans in while closing her eyes. I turn my head to tease her and she cutely whines.

"Can I kiss you?" she asks with a pout.

"Later if you're lucky..." I whisper and she purses her lips.

She leads me into the house and it's unlike anything I've ever seen. Even though I grew up to a wealthy family in Thailand, her house is unmatched. I look around see family photos of her as a kid to a teenager with her parents. Despite the intimidating size of the house, it's quite warm and welcoming.

"Are your parents home?" I ask her as I walk around.

"Nope, I've specifically requested they don't ruin this night for me by barging in. We're alone tonight, baby.." she says coming up behind me, kissing me temple.

I hug her arms on my waist and lean in.

"Any requests for our dinner tonight, beautiful?" she asks me.

just for you || (g)i-dle minnie x fem!readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin