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reader's pov

I hear the shower run as I walk back into my room. Maya runs over and I pick her up before sitting on the bed. Humming comes out of the bathroom and I listen to Minnie enjoy her shower. Using the guest bathroom, I was able to shower by myself so Minnie could use my bathroom. I grab an oversized T-shirt and shorts to change and dry my hair with a blow dryer. The shower shuts off and Minnie walks out with a robe after a few minutes. The scent of my soaps come off her and I smile as she walks to me.

Leaning down, she gives me a passionate kiss before backing up.

"You can go into the closet and grab whatever clothes you want," I whisper and grab her waist pulling her closer.

I hug her waist for a couple seconds and her hands run through my hair before I let her go to the closet.

She walks out with my favorite T-shirt and sweatpants that look a bit big on her. I melt at how adorable she looks with her socks. She dries her hair and I just watch her in the bathroom from my bed. Maya comes up to the bed and tries to jump on but she struggles a bit. I pick her up and play with her.

"Do you wanna watch a movie, love?" I ask Minnie while playing with my puppy.

"Sure! But no scary movies," she said.

"Okay okay... no scary movies," I agree and carry Maya up in the air.

"You're so cute, sweet girl. Who's a good girl? You are, yes you are~" I coo at Maya and Minnie laughs at me.

"I don't know who's the true baby, you or Maya?" she teases and sits with me on the bed.

Maya tries to wiggle out of my grip once she sees Minnie sit on the bed. I let her down and she immediately goes to her and I feign an offended look.

"Yah, Maya! You like your Mommy Minnie more than me??" I pout before trying to grab her.

She tries to hug Minnie who laughs and picks her up, hiding her from me. I try to peek around but Minnie pivots her body away each time before I try tickling her. She laughs and places Maya down carefully on the bed as I attack her with tickles to her sides.

"Ahh! Stop, haha!" she says trying to escape but I trap her until letting her go.

She catches her breathe and I laugh before leaning down to peck her lips. Her hand holds my chin in place to keep my lips on hers and I just sigh and enjoy the kiss.

"Let's go turn a movie on," I whisper against her lips to which she nods and I get up to walk to the couch.

We scroll through the movies before she chooses Titanic. I sit down and let her cuddle up to me under a blanket as we watch the movie. My focus mostly turns away from the movie as I can't help but stare down at her. I give her a couple kisses on her head but she doesn't turn away from the movie, her interested face looking so adorable.

I pull her in closer and she looks at me for a second to give me a kiss before turning her attention back to the movie. An intimate scene comes on and she squeals as she gets shy. She hides her face on my chest and I laugh hugging her closer. Soon, the movie gets to the saddest scene and I hear sniffling from the girl in my arms.

"Aww, baby. It's okay, they aren't real people," I say while comforting her.

"It's just so sad.. the ocean is scary and like Jack didn't deserve that! He just wanted to spend time with Rose but then so many people got in the way and then the iceberg happened. I always cry watching that scene," she says while wiping her tears.

I cup her cheeks and wipe her tears softly before kissing her forehead. God, she's too precious..

"Hehe, okay. Let's go wash up so your eyes don't get too puffy, hm?" I say and she nods.

just for you || (g)i-dle minnie x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now