Sakura Haruno (Child Prodigy)

By SilverIce8764

117K 5.1K 514

What if Sakura was born a prodigy? What if her Inner held a remarkable ability? What if things had been diffe... More

Authors Note
Side Story 1/3
100+ Followers Special
Side Story 2/3
Side Story 3/3


2.8K 158 4
By SilverIce8764

Sakura turned around to see Sasuke holding the hand of an older boy who looked to be around the age of eight. The boy had reasonably long dark hair that was tied into a ponytail at the nape of his neck. His eyes were the same colour as his hair and he was wearing a dark blue short-sleeved shirt that's colour hid his chin from view. The boy was also wearing forest green shorts that ended just above his knees. He wore his weapons pouch on his right thigh and had bandages wrapped round both his forearms along with both of his lower legs. He wore the standard blue ninja sandals and had on the Konoha ninja headband tied around his head with the metal part of it being shown clearly on his forehead. Sakura noticed that the boy looked stunningly similar to Sasuke.

'That's because he's Sasuke's brother, Itachi Uchiha, cha!' Sakura blinked as realisation hit her before walking over to the two brothers.

"Hello Sasuke-san." She greeted the other boy with a bow of her head which he solemnly returned.

"This is Itachi-nii, he's a super awesome ninja!" The boy babbled excitedly. Sakura looked at the Uchiha and smiled at him softly.

"Nice to meet you, Itachi-san." He once again dipped his head in acknowledgment.

"We're going to the park, do you want to come with us?" The pinkette considered Sasuke's offer, she was going to go to the library but a stop to the park could be fun.

"Sure, sounds fun." The duckbutt haired boy grinned and grabbed her hand before dragging her to the park, chattering her ear off about how his brother had been on a mission when she came round for dinner and how Shisui would be meeting them at the park. Itachi followed silently behind them, seemingly listening to his little brother's words. 

They arrived at the park and Sakura blinked at the many children running around. She didn't visit the playground much since she preferred to just stay inside and read or just go to the library.

"C'mon Sakura-chan!" Sasuke exclaimed as he pulled her over to the swings. "Let's see who can get higher!"

As the two played on the swings Itachi watched over them from a nearby bench. Shisui had told the Uchiha brothers that he would meet them at the park but so far there was no sign of him. The long haired male sighed, Shisui was probably doing something stupid.

After five minutes Sasuke dragged Sakura from the swings over to the sandpit.

"Hey! Nii-san!" The boy called. Itachi turned to look at his Ototo. "Can you judge who makes the best sandcastle out of me and Sakura-chan?"

The Uchiha clan heir didn't know much about the pink haired girl his younger brother had taken a liking to but he remembered how Shisui had gushed about how adorable the child is. Itachi remembered how surprised he had been when Sasuke had told him how he had made a friend that was a girl. Usually the younger Uchiha stayed away from females his age since they tended to fawn over him. Itachi shivered slightly a he recalled his own group of fangirls. He had been slightly worried his little brother had been ill when he found out about the girl but from what he's seen so far the pinkette appeared to only think of Sasuke as a friend. If anything Sasuke was acting more like the fangirl then she was.

"Sakura-chan, how'd you do that! That's so cool!" Itachi zoned out of his thoughts when he heard his little brother's voice. Sasuke was making what looked like a castle that was really just a pile of sand sloppily put together. Sakura had made a shuriken out of the sand that looked scarily 3D.

The girl blinked at the boy before taking out a small bottle of water from the pocket of her jumper.

"I wet the sand using this water so that it sticks together.. you can use some if you want." Sakura handed the bottle to Sasuke who took it and opened the cap. He poured a bit of the water on the sand before handing it back to the girl.

"Thank you Sakura-chan!" He grinned before going back to making his castle.

Itachi blinked, it seemed that the green eyed girl was also quite creative.

After about ten more minutes of playing Sasuke said he needed the toilet so Itachi took him over to the nearest vacant washroom, leaving Sakura to her own devices. The girl continued to make things out of the sand, she made a kunai and a butterfly before getting bored.

She stood up and stretched before looking around the playground. She wasn't sure what to do but she supposed she should probably do something.

'Why don't we just walk around instead of just awkwardly standing still? Cha!' Sakura huffed at her other half's comment.

'Fine.' The emerald eyed four year old wandered around, subtly observing the other children in the park.

She was so busy watching a light blue haired boy run away from his friend that she completely missed the three people in front of her. She bumped into one of them and fell onto the floor. She looked up at the person she had bumped into and was about to apologise when the person shouted at her.

"Hey! Watch where you're going you idiot!" The person's voice was high and whiney suiting it's owner. The person was a girl who looked to be around Sakura's age. She had brown hair and blue eyes, her fringe was longer on one side then the other and her tanned skin shined in the afternoon light. Her hair was done up in a side pony tail and the girl was wearing a dark red, short-sleeved jumper that had a white heart on the front of it. The brunette was also wearing a dark skirt and black ninja sandals.

"I-I'm sorry.." The pinkette said softly as she stood up, dusting off her skirt. The girl in front of her rolled her eyes rudely before pushing the pinkette back onto the ground.

"You should just stay there, it's where you belong after all!" The two girls behind her snickered.

'Why this girl- I ought to-'

'Inner, calm down. They are citizens of Konoha we can't harm them.'

'Well we can still stand up for ourselves! Cha!'

"Why are you so quiet huh? Are you going to cry?" The blue eyed girl taunted. Sakura bit her lip, trying to block out the girl's harsh words. She had heard all this before, it wasn't anything new but that didn't mean it hurt any less.

"Aww, is she going to cry?" A blonde haired girl with pink eyes said. She was wearing a dungaree dress with a white, short sleeved shirt on underneath. Her long hair was down and flowed behind her.

"Haha, what a crybaby!" The third girl laughed. She had dark skin and brown hair and eyes. Her hair brushed her shoulders and her bangs were styled to the side. She sported a green, short sleeved shirt with a black skirt and black ninja sandals.

'Tch, these insults aren't even good, cha!' Sakura sighed mentally.

'How about you make yourself useful and explain to me who they are?'

'It would be my pleasure, cha! The blue eyed girl is called Yua Son, the pink eyed girl is Kiara Ohara and the brown eyed girl is Kokoro Fuji. Kiara is five years old and the other two are four. If you need any dirt on them feel free to ask, cha!'

"Hey listen to us when we're talking to you- you loser!" Yua screamed. Sakura blinked and looked at the girl, her face innocent and blank. The brunette seemed angered by her lack of reaction and stomped her feet childishly. "Why are you looking at me like that? You do realise it makes you look even uglier right?'

Her insults got no reaction out of the pinkette.

"You're so odd! Why's your hair pink you freak!" Kokoro cried as she walked up to Sakura and grabbed the emerald eyed girl's hair. She yanked on it, causing Sakura to bite her lip in hopes of ignoring the abuse her hair and scalp were going through. The pinkette closed her eyes tightly, trying to shut out the outside world.

Another harsh tug caused tears to pool in her eyes and Inner finally had enough, she pulled Outer Sakura out of the driver's seat and took control.

Emerald eyes opened but this time they looked different. Instead of the eyes that held innocence, intelligence and beauty the orbs now revealed fiery emotions, anger, sadness, pleasure and pain, the emerald orbs had a wild gleam in them and the three girls around the pinkette were oblivious to this change.

"You do realise that your friend over there has pink eyes.. right?" The pulling of her hair stopped and Inner smirked, bowing her head so that her face was shadowed. "That's real nice of you.. calling your friend a freak for having unusual colouring.." The hands on her hair were trembling slightly and Inner released a small spike of killing intent, something she had learnt to do from the books in the library.

"S-shut up! Kokoro didn't call her a freak she was calling you one f-for!-"

"For having unusual colouring? Cha."

"Yeah! E-er.. wait-" The brunettes eyes widened as she looked between the girl who had a handful of Sakura's hair and the girl with pink eyes.

"K-kiara I'm- I- I didn't mean-" The dark skinned girl let go of Sakura's hair and slowly moved towards her friends.

"Then why did you say that?" Kiara asked, her voice shaking slightly.

"B-because she bumped into Yua and she's a freak!"

"Yeah but.. you didn't have to say that about the colour of her hair!" Tears were running down the blonde's face. "You could of made fun of the colour of her eyes or what she was wearing!" The girl sniffed.

"I- I'm sorry!" The girl cried as she tackled her two friends into a hug. The three were a mess of tears and snot and Inner blinked as she stood up.

'Well that's mildly amusing and lowkey kind of sad, I mean, the girl didn't even think before she insulted our hair even when her best friend's eyes are nearly the same exact colour, cha.' Inner sighed before walking away from the sobbing girls. At least they hadn't made fun of her and Outer's forehead because if they had they would be in the hospital with more then a few broken bones before they could blink.

"Chibi-chan!" Inner turned her head when she heard the familiar voice. She found Shisui waving at her with a bright grin on his face, Itachi and Sasuke by his side.

'This situation seems familiar..' Her mind trailed of as an image of Sasuke earlier that day entered her mind. She shook her head before walking over to them.

"Hey, what happened to you Chibi-chan?" A frown marred the curly haired Uchiha's face and Inner noticed that he was referring to her scuffed up appearance.

"Some girls decided to take out their problems on me, cha!"

"Oh? Where might these girls be?" Shisui asked, an ominous arura was radiating off him and Sakura had the feeling she shouldn't tell him where the three girls were.

"Shisu-" Itachi's warning was cut off by Inner.

"They are currently hugging one another to death whilst sobbing into each other's clothes, if you go find them now you might hear their whole life story, cha!" The three boys blinked at her, mildly on edge because of the 'pleasant' smile on her face.

"G-good job Chibi-chan.." Shisui smiled as he ruffled her hair. His face then turned solemn as he looked over her form again. "Are you sure you're ok?" Inner huffed before looking down at herself.

'Oh..' She blinked. Her knees were scraped and blood had started to slowly pour out of the cuts, her clothes were covered in dirt and she could tell her hair was a mess. 'Maybe I'm not ok..' She had been so distracted by the whole pink hair, pink eyes thing that she hadn't even noticed the state her and Outer's body was in.

"You do kind of look rough Sakura-chan.." Sasuke mumbled.

"Mhm.." Inner Sakura was still trying to wrap her head around how she hadn't noticed her physical state until now.

"Here," Shisui held up a bag. "I bought some dango on my way here, 'Tachi-chan usually eats enough for ten people so there's probably enough in here for you to have some too Chibi-chan." At the mention of food Inner completely forgot about her physical state and practically pounced on Shisui.

"Give me! Give me!" She cheered, eagerly watching as Shisui pulled out a few sticks of Botchan dango. He passed them to her and she munched happily on them, not noticing the fierce glare a certain weasel sent Shisui.

As the group of four ate happily three girls ran from the park, tears still pouring down their faces as they searched for their parents.

A/N: Hey guys! So Itachi has finally made an appearance! By the way don't worry there will be plenty of interactions between Itachi and Sakura in the future! I am trying to make my chapters longer but no promises. 

Also I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who's is reading my work and supporting me! We have reached 1k reads and it is honestly amazing, I am so grateful! 

Let me know if you guys have any ideas!

Sorry for any mistakes!

Hope you enjoyed! 

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