By sakuralou2689

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Carol Danvers-Montmartre/Captain Marvel faced controversies, deaths, and accusations which she couldn't handl... More

BOOK I: Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
BOOK II: Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
BOOK III: Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 46

42 2 2
By sakuralou2689

(Commissariat de Police du 6e arrondissement, Rue Bonaparte, Paris: 9:00 PM)

Within the four cornered grey walls of the interrogation room, the Montmartres peacefully sat together and confronted a middle-aged balding Caucasian police officer who took the surveillance images from two days ago with the help of a private investigator named Gladius Fernal. He gave them a very stern look and presented the photos from the Mètro and the residential side of Champs Élysées. They all showed an image of the female metallic LMD stalking at Carol Danvers-Montmartre.

" Est-ce celui dont vous parliez, madame Montmartre? (Is this the one you were referring to, Mrs. Montmartre?) " the officer asked.

" Oui, monsieur. C'est une machine humanoïde qui m'a attaqué, moi et mon mari, il y a deux jours. ( Yes, sir. It's a humanoid machine which attacked me and my husband two days ago.) " Carol truthfully answered.

" Vous avez tous les deux affirmé que cela provenait d'une organisation obscure appelée HYDRA. ( Both of you have claimed it's from an obscure organization called HYDRA. ) "

" Officier, ma femme est traquée avec ce mystérieux groupe ignoble depuis des décennies. Nous en avons parlé à votre personnel il y a deux jours. Pourtant, vous ne nous avez pas cru. (Officer, my wife has been tracked with that mysterious vile group for decades. We mentioned that to your staff two days ago. Yet, you didn't believe us.) " the Kree Eternal replied and raised his right hand in his interjection. " C'est pourquoi j'ai demandé de l'aide car elle ne peut plus agir seule. (That's why I asked for help since she can no longer act on her own.)"

The police officer understood the male spouse's response and cocked his eyebrows. He intently looked at blonde half-Kree and gave her an insulting grin and a hardy laugh. Carol bowed her head in shame and felt humiliated when Meir or Methu-Selah gently placed his left arm on her back, letting his wife's head put on his shoulder.

" Monsieur, pourquoi vous moquez-vous de ma femme? Êtes-vous censé nous interroger et nous aider ici?! (Sir, why are you laughing at my wife? Are you supposed to interrogate and help us here?!) " the ancient Kree heatedly asked, becoming insulted.

" Écoutez, je savais déjà que Captain Marvel avait fait tant de choses controversées depuis les États-Unis et la Russie. De l'abscène soudaine de Tony Stark à Attack in St. Petersburg. Vous avez épousé un ancien Avenger, M. Montmartre. Pourquoi s'embêter à nous demander de l'aide, alors ?! (Look, I already knew Captain Marvel had done so many controversial things from the United States and Russia. From the sudden absence of Tony Stark to Attack in St. Petersburg. You married a former Avenger, Mr. Montmartre. Why bother asking us for help, then?!) " the officer responded. " Elle est capable de se battre! (She's capable to fight!) "

Carol looked at her husband and sensed his flushing anger. She knew that the interrogator's words could be very insulting for the both of them and asked, " Meir, puis-je lui répondre? (Meir, can I answer him?) "

Methu-Selah turned to his wife when he nodded no furiously and sighed. The Kree-hybrid woman took a deep breath to calm herself which she learned from her husband and then her former psychiatrist, Dr. Jake Anton. She was composing her thoughts for her response. The balding French policeman crossed his arms and waited for them to answer.

" Monsieur, saviez-vous que j'étais un ancien sujet de notice rouge d'Interpol il y a environ huit ou neuf ans? (Sir, did you know I was a former Interpol Red Notice subject around eight to nine years ago?) " Carol answered.

" Oui je l'ai fait. Mme Montmartre. Vous avez été arrêté et emprisonné à Lyon, je l'ai pris? (Yes, I did. Mrs. Montmartre. You were arrested and imprisoned in Lyon, I took it?) "

" Oui. Après avoir été acquitté, j'ai quitté mes affiliations. Maintenant, je vis comme une civile normale, pas comme une héroïne surpuissante. Mon mari et moi subissons encore les plaisanteries des mêmes personnes qui m'ont chassée il y a plusieurs années. Si vous pouviez nous aider à accélérer votre enquête, afin que ma famille puisse vivre en paix dans ce deuxième pays que je considérais comme ma patrie. (Yes. After I was acquitted, I left my affiliations. Now, I have been living as a normal civilian, not as a superpowered heroine. My husband and I are still experiencing being bantered by the same people who hunted me several years ago. If you could help us to quicken your investigation, so my family can live in peace in this second country I considered my home.) "

The interrogating policeman sighed and facepalmed to his embarrassment after hearing the former Avenger's response. Methu-Selah sincerely smiled at his wife as Carol smiled back at him and tightly held his left hand.

" Droit. (Right,) " the officer nodded. " Une autre question pour vous deux, avez-vous remarqué les dresseurs de ce robot féminin? (Another question for the both of you, did you notice this female robot's handlers?) "

" Pas que j'étais au courant. C'est juste elle, (Not that I was aware of. It's just her, " Carol replied and looked at her spouse, giving him an opportunity to answer since he has Kree Cosmic Awareness.

" Il y avait un mutant jamaïcain derrière le harceleur mécanique de ma femme, (There was a Jamaican mutant man who's behind my wife's mechanical stalker,) " the Kree Eternal said.

" Mutant jamaïcain? Où? Qui? Comment? (Jamaican mutant? Where? Who? How?) "

" Pourquoi ne regardez-vous pas attentivement ces images que vous avez rassemblées?! (Why don't you look closely from those images you have gathered?!) "

The disguised Kree Eternal gave the officer a deadpan glare and made him too tense. The human policeman's face became sweating in seeing him and took his magnifying glass. He was searching for the angles of each images and squinting his eyes. He saw a silhoutte of a tall man from the Métro. On the other images, he spotted a van which it showed a dark skinned man from a distance.

" Droit. (Right,) " he nodded in agreement and placed the images and magnifying lens down. " S'il vous plaît, donnez-nous le temps d'enquêter sur cet homme à partir de l'image. Nous devons rechercher son identité. (Please give us time to investigate that man from the image. We need to search for his identity.) "

" Allez-vous nous contacter une fois que vous aurez trouvé ce suspect? (Are you going contact us once you find this suspect?) " Carol curiously queried.

" Oui m'dame. (Yes, ma'am.) "

" Combien de temps cela prendra-t-il? (How long will it take?) "

" Nous ne pouvons pas garantir si cela prendra 24 heures. Si nous trouvons le suspect, nous vous le ferons savoir. (We cannot assure if this will take 24 hours. If we find the suspect, we will let you know.) "

Carol heavily sighed which she didn't want to prolong the police investigation. Methu-Selah felt sorry for his lovely half, turned to the officer, and said, " Merci de le faire dès que possible. Ma famille est toujours sous la menace jusqu'à maintenant. (Please make it done as soon as possible. My family is still under a threat until now.) "

" Nous veillerons à votre sûreté et à votre sécurité en priorité, monsieur. (We will make sure your safety and security as a priority, sir.) "

Leaving the police station, the spouses had headed into the sidewalk, going to the Métro. Methu-Selah grew concerned for his wife which her life has been bothered by the same enemies. Carol turned to her husband and held his left hand. For them, the police investigation seemed to be a rare chance of arresting the LMD's handler and tracking down a HYDRA Agent.

" Methie, I'm so sorry..." she calmly broke her silence. " I have made you worry a lot ever since that incident several years ago..."

" Carol, you don't need to be sorry, " her husband answered and slightly smiled.

" You have been so worried for me. "

" Honestly, I am. I can't just use my powers and reveal to anyone my true identity as the most powerful and oldest blue Kree man living in France and on planet Earth. I need to protect you as an ordinary Earthman. "

" So, you don't want our enemies to hunt you. "

" Yes. That's why I decided to report this police. "

" Did you secretly read their minds if they're telling the truth? I know you have done this before. "

" I did. Officer Fontaine was telling the truth and willing to take the case. I can sense that Gladius has given us the right person to talk to us. It's just he's too haughty and plain sarcastic. "

" I hope their investigation will be successful, not like the one we had in America, " Carol sighed.

" I'm sure they will do, " he assured. " This will surely take time to act for answers we have been looking for. "

" But still, I'm apologizing for you that you might grow tired of this. "

" Nonsense, Car-Ell, " the Kree Eternal softly chuckled and replied. " You don't need to feel sorry for me. I'm still doing this for you and our son. We can't put ourselves down. I understand that I am being burdened on this one. I want to have a normal and peaceful life with my two most important people in the entire cosmos. It doesn't matter if I grow tired of it. "

" Methie..." she blushed hard and heard his response. " I'm glad that I married a very romantic and dedicated space alien like you. No ordinary guys on Earth can compare your love for me. "

" It's because I still love you, " he sincerely smiled, gently cupped his wife's cheeks, and passionately placed his lips onto hers.

Carol enjoyed kissing her spouse and wrapped her arms around him. Their doubts and worries had subsided when the couple displayed their affection for each other like any French lovers on the streets . At their romantic moment, their Cosmic Awareness and Seventh Sense grew active when they both sensed of their son and babysitter's current whereabouts. The two stopped kissing and opened their eyes.

" Methie, did you sense some strange people back home? " his wife asked.

" Yes, a flying Faunus man, some three monks, and some mysterious bystanders, including that Jamaican mutant, " the Kree Eternal replied.

" Amnon...Kamala...we need to get home quick! "

" Right..."

(Appartement Cheney: 9:30 PM)

" I'm so sorry for what happened, " Kamala humbly bowed in shame and explained. " There was a flying weirdo who kidnapped your son when I followed him. Then, there were other weirdos who came to stop that..."

" Kamala, you don't need to apologize and explain a couple of things, " Carol wryly smiled. " Besides, we'd like to thank you for taking care of him while we are away. "

Methu-Selah took out his wallet from his pocket and handed the Inhuman, two hundred Euros. Kamala was surprised and received the amount as she didn't expect the Kree Eternal's generosity.

" Professor Montmartre, I don't think..." she replied and felt hesistated to keep the amount.

" Kamala, please take it, " he sincerely smiled. " Consider this as a token of our goodwill and appreciation in taking care of our son. We apologized for bothering you in your vacation. Now, spend it in your trip or save it! "

" No worries, sir. Thank you so much! " Kamala happily smiled and bowed at the couple.

" You're welcome. Take care! "

The spouses escorted their visitor downstairs and waved goodbye as the Inhuman waved back at them and walked away. The two returned to the flat and noticed Amnon's room being messed up by an intruder. There were cracks found on the wall and the ceiling as the furnitures were seen topsy-turvy.

" The ceiling and the wall need to be fixed thouroughly over the weekend, " the Kree Eternal said and examined the room.

" You'll be fixing the entire room with my help? " Carol smiled and suggested as she placed her right hand on her husband's shoulder.

" Definitely, yes. I need my lovely and faithful assistant in this one, " he flirted his wife, making her blush harder than earlier.

" You silly, Kree-Frenchman, " she chuckled and lowly spoke. " By the way, we might temporary postpone our special moments, since our son is sleeping in our bedroom for a while. "

" Right, " Methu-Selah nodded in agreement. " Amnon is still recovering from his flu. With that, we need to check on him before his school starts this coming fall. "

The spouses went to their bedroom and entered, seeing the young boy peacefully sleeping on his parents' bed. The Kree Eternal and his wife came near to him.

" I'm glad his fever is no longer in him, " Carol whispered at her spouse.

" The antibiotics made it subside to let him recover. Expect him to sneeze and cough few days from now, " he answered in a low voice and gently held Amnon's head.

" Methie. I'm just wondering..." she paused, changing the topic. " Kamala said Amnon is also in trouble. What if they are also after him, just like us? He's too young to let him experience those conflicts. "

" I know, Carol, " he nodded. " I am very concerned as well. He doesn't have powers yet. We rescued him from a HYDRA base in America before we got home. When we met the Knightfalls, I noticed Amnon's eyes flickered in a bright white light as he stared at the little girl. He caused her to change the color of her irises into light grey. "

" He did what?! "

" Yes, " the Kree Eternal sighed. " He was so afraid to use it. "

" Maybe, he could defend himself very soon. "

" Until he gets older, it's not yet the right time for him to discover who he really is. "

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