Bucket Hat

By glittershims

2.1K 252 7

It all started with just being an ARMY and getting to finally see her ultimate group, BTS, live in concert. E... More

Road Trip
Day 1
Hidden Message
Phone Call
Morning after
Making Plans
Tenth Floor
Meeting the Members
Soundcheck Day 2
The Call
Can't wait
Goodbye again
Lomg Time Coming
Kayla's coming!
Kayla's here!
New Beginning
Let Go
I Love You


58 7 4
By glittershims

~Jungkooks POV~

I read the news that's trending on Twitter with a smile on my face, and a lump in my throat.

Breaking News: Seventeen member Jun has announced he will be leaving the group in order to be with his long time girlfriend. In an Instagram post made by the Idol he wrote-'I write to my lovely Carats today to say I will be leaving Seventeen. After many conversations with my members and company, I have decided that I want to take my life in a new direction. I have found a woman I love very much and wish to spend my life with. I will not be able to live this life with her while I'm still active in Seventeen, and I don't want to hinder my members' successes in any way with my decision. I appreciate and love Carats very much and am so thankful for all the love you have given me. I'm stepping away from music for a while to build the life I've always wanted. I hope for your understanding and acceptance of my partner and my choice, and I won't be gone forever, because my love for music and dancing is as strong as my love for my fiancé.
Until we meet again,

"He really did it." I wipe a tear from my cheek and close my phone. "You alright maknae?" Yoongi hyung side eyes me from the other side of the couch. "Yeah hyung. I knew this day was coming. I'm happy for her. For them both." Yoongi hyung puts his phone down and looks at me full on. "You're allowed to be upset...or sad you know? She's going to marry someone else." I lean back on the couch and take a drink from my bottle of water, trying hard to not cry. I swallow and look to my older hyung with glistening eyes because I know I can be vulnerable in front of him. "I'm not going to lie and say it doesn't sting, but he is giving her what I couldn't hyung. So I'm happy for her. And it's been over a year since we talked last, I'm really ok hyung." Yoongi hyung narrows his eyes at me. I can't help but laugh as I wipe the tears before they fall. "I promise hyung...I'm ok." This was enough to say to my brother and when the other members walk into the dance studio he slaps my leg and stands. "Then come on 'K-pop's biggest heartthrob' and let's go practice." I laugh and stand up to follow. Ever since I was given that title a few months ago by the media the guys constantly pick on me about it.

~3 years later~
Authors POV

"You ready for this?" Jin looks his younger brother over one last time, making sure his suit was perfect. "I'm sweating like a bitch but yeah...I'm ready." Namjoon walks in and smiles seeing two of his brothers having a little moment. "They're all ready. It's time. I still can't believe you're getting married. Fucking nuts." Namjoon starts laughing while Jin and Yoongi walk to the door with him. "I never did either. But I have to reign her wildness in some how" Yoongi nonchalantly says, and the other two start laughing again. "Did....did you get to see her?" He shyly asks Namjoon. He nods. "Mhm. She looks stunning. You're a lucky bastard." Yoongi scratches the back of his head and has a crooked smile on his face. He's not one for sentiments or getting mushy. "Yeah yeah." They walk out to where the others are standing, patting each of his groomsmen who are more like his brothers, on their backs as he walks by them. "Thanks for being up here with me. All of you." The six men all smile and do their best to quickly make fun at the sappy moment Yoongi gave them. He rolls his eyes at his brothers and then the music starts. All seven men turn to look down the aisle at the doors being opened. And then she appeared.

She took his breath away. Even after all these years, she still made his heart race. He accepted nothing will change that. She had her blonde hair pulled back loosely, showing her gorgeous neck. God how he loved that neck. Her pastel mint dress hugged her body perfectly. You'd never guess she has had a child. She was stunning. As she walked, holding a small bouquet of white roses in her hand, he couldn't help but imagine it was him she was walking toward. "Damn dude, she still looks hot, even after having a kid. How's it make you feel seeing her?" Jungkook turns to look at Jimin beside him and then back to Ella walking down the aisle. He can't help but smile at the woman he had loved more than anything. And still does in some respect. "It makes me sad and happy to see her. She looks beautiful." He sees her look over to her left at her husband and son and give them a loving smile. "And she looks happy, so that's enough for me" Jungkook says with a smile. Jimin pats his shoulder and they get in their positions again. As Ella gets closer she finally looks over at Jungkook. She has a warm smile on her lips and he returns it. He swears he sees a small blush form on her cheeks and he chuckles at that. He is surprised he still has an effect on her five years later. Once Ella gets in her position she turns and looks at Jun and their son again and smiles. She then looks over at all of the men she hasn't seen in years. She smiles and nods at each of them. When she reaches Jungkook she gives the same smile and nod, but he notices a slight hint of sadness in her eyes that he didn't see a moment ago. This small, almost nonexistent emotion is enough to bubble up some feelings of ache again. He's also learned that that will never fully go away too. She finishes her subtle hellos and turns to watch her sister walk down the aisle to marry the man she said was only ever going to be her fuck buddy. She was so happy for Kayla though, she's finally settling down. And with exactly the right person for her.

After the wedding everyone heads to a venue down the road for the reception. Seeing how Yoongi was part of the biggest kpop group in the world, and now a sought after producer, the set up is pretty lavish. He let her go wild in the planning, and this is all over the top. Ella would expect nothing less from her sister though. "You look beautiful El." Jun walks up and kisses Ella lightly with the warmest smile on his face. He adores his wife. "Thank you baby." Ella responds to him and then asks where their son, Cale, is. "Your mom took him to show him off." Ella laughs. Her mom was in love with her grandson and spoiled him so bad. "Of course she did. Do you want to get a drink then?" He smiles and nods and they walk to the bar hand in hand. Ella asks the bartender for a couple drinks and as they stand and wait, they hear a familiar voice that makes Ella's stomach do a flip flop. "Hey Jun...and Ella." She turns and comes face to face with a man she hadn't seen in so long, except on tv. Jungkook. He's giving her a genuine smile. "Hi. How are you?" She asks, feeling a little awkward. She couldn't help the pings in her heart, he'll always be in there. He looks gorgeous, as he always did. He's grown up and filled out even more in the past five years, his arms and chest look bigger. The military agreed with him. But he still looks the same too. His jet black hair shorter now, and straight, although she knows he has naturally wavy hair. His eyes still shine with kindness and his adorable bunny smile is still there. He's still just as handsome as ever, especially in his black tux. Ella grabs Juns hand again and he looks at her with a warm smile and gives her hand a squeeze. "I'm doing pretty good. We all just finished our military duties, which I'm sure you know from Kayla. I'll finally be releasing my first solo album in a couple months. So things have been pretty good. How have you been? Congratulations on your marriage and baby by the way." Ella can't help but feel a little embarrassed, if that's the right word to describe it. Here she was, standing, holding her husbands hand, in front of her ex who she'll always love, talking about her son. It felt weird. But she saw a hint of sadness in his eyes and knew Jungkook was trying to be polite and seemed to really want to know how she was and if she was truly happy.

She can't hide the rose that tints her cheeks before speaking. "Umm...thank you. Cale just turned one a couple of months ago. He's a handful but he's a great kid. Congratulations on your album finally being released. I honestly thought you'd never release it." Jungkook laughs at this. He knows she knew how worried he was about releasing it and was constantly changing and deleting and adding stuff to it. "Yeah. I thought it was time." She nods while keeping her eyes locked with his. He smiles a little bigger at Ella and he then turns to Jun. "I heard from Mingyu you will be releasing an album this year sometime." Jun smiles and nods. "Yes, sometime in fall I think. I missed singing." Jungkook keeps his smile and nods. "That's great man. I wondered if you were going to come back. Going solo is hard, but your singles have all done really well I've seen. Carats love you." Jun nods again, keeping his warm smile. "They were very accepting of me leaving the group, and then getting married and having a child. I have to say though, it's easier to be in a relationship when you're a solo singer." Ella looks at Jungkook and, although he maintains his smile she can see the sadness grow in his eyes at what Jun said. He didn't say it maliciously, but it hit Jungkook deep in his heart. Especially since he's doing solo activities now and the guys are free to do whatever they'd like with their lives. Namjoon had gotten married about a year ago and a couple other guys are openly dating. And then Yoongi getting married today. The public has been so accepting of their adult lives now. He has thought so many times of how unfair life is that everyone now has what he wanted. But when he wanted it, it wasn't the right time. It's so unfair but that's his sad reality. "I'm happy for you man....well, I better head back to the guys. It was really good to see you both. I'll see you later." Jungkook mainly looks at Ella but occasionally looks at Jun as to not come off the wrong way. "It was good to see you too." She smiles and then Jungkook turns and walks away, toward his brothers. She looks at Jun and leans up to plant a tender kiss on his mouth. "I love you." His smile grows and he says "I love you too." She knows Jun trusts her but she also knows he knows how she feels about Jungkook. The two of them haven't talked much about any of it because...well, she thinks Jun is scared to hear her truth. She loves Jungkook, she can't help it. But she loves Jun and is one hundred percent devoted to him.

After everyone ate dinner Yoongi and Kayla had their first dance as husband and wife. It was hilarious watching those two try to politely slow dance. They're a raunchy couple, no if ands or buts about it. Ella sat at a table with Jun as they watched other couples join on the dance floor. "Want to dance El?" She looks over to Jun and nods with a smile. He takes her hand and leads her to the floor and wraps his arms around her waist to dance. Ella brings her hands up around his neck and plays with the hair at the base of his neck and they smile lovingly at each other. Jungkook is sitting at a table with Jimin and Taehyung and he can't help but watch the couple, disappointed it's not him dancing with her. He knows he shouldn't feel this way but can't help his feelings. He feels a nudge to his side. Looking over at Taehyung, he sees his brother smiling. "Why don't you go cut in, or just ask her if she wants to dance. They're married and have a kid, so I don't think Jun would see you as a threat." I furrow my brows a bit and look back at the couple who is now walking back to their table hand in hand. "I don't know Tae. It might not be a good idea." He chuckles and says, "It's just a dance Kook. Fifty bucks she says yes." Jungkook looks over at Ella and Jun again and slaps his legs and stands. "Fine, I'll do it. But you can keep your $50. Just dancing with her is enough." Jimin and Taehyung laugh as Jungkook walks over to the table Ella and Jun are sitting at. They both look up at him as he reaches the table. He feels his hands begin to sweat. She's always done this to him. "Umm, Ella....would you like to dance?" She looks surprised. Her eyes widen a bit and she looks at Jun. He smiles warmly and nods. "Go dance El. It's fine." She looks shocked. "Are you sure?" He laughs a little this time, kisses her head, and says, "yes, Go." Ella looks back up at Jungkook and stands. She takes his hand that he extended for her and they both feel that same electric jolt course through their bodies at their touch. It's a feeling they've both only felt with each other, solidifying they are in fact, the loves of each others lives. She smiles at him as he does the same and guides her to the dance floor.

He wraps his arms around her waist but is careful to not let his hands dip too low. He looks down at Ella, who has placed her hands around his neck. "So, how have you really been Jungkook?" He looks at Ella slightly confused and tilts his head. She smiles, chuckles a bit, and says, "are you really doing good?" He laughs a little and looks back into the eyes he'll never forget and always love. "Yes Ella, I'm really doing good. I'm starting a solo career now so it's exciting to see how it goes." She smiles. "Your voice is so beautiful and you are so loved, you'll have no trouble being a solo artist. So....any love interests?" He locks his eyes with hers, trying to figure out where she's going with this. "No. There's been a few women I've dated but none I have felt taking the next steps with. I may be destined to be a bachelor forever." He laughs which causes her to laugh as well. They both see the sadness hiding in their eyes though, but say nothing. "Are you happy Ella? Like truly happy?" She closes her eyes, smiles and nods. "I am. I love Jun and adore Cale. I'm very lucky to have them both. There was a time when....I didn't think I'd ever be really happy again. But I am Jungkook." He smiles and pushes back the tears he feels wanting to form in his eyes. "That's great Ella. It's all I've ever wanted for you....to be happy." "I want the same for you too Jungkook. I know you have so much love to give....so give it." He chuckles. "Maybe one day. If I ever meet the right person. She'll have some big shoes to fill though." Ella blushes at this. She can't deny she still loves this man, even after all these years. She knows she always will. "Stop looking for a replacement for me. I'm nothing special. Your love is out there." Looking serious now, he squeezes her a little tighter. "You're right, she is. But my love is married to another man. And I still hate it some days because I'm finally at a point where I can comfortably be with her....but I'm so happy for her too being a wife and mother, even if it's not with me. I lost my chance and I've come to terms with it. Finding someone else just isn't something I worry about." He sees tears forming in her eyes. "Jungkook...." He smiles and hugs her to his chest and sighs, realizing the song is over. "Don't worry about me, I'm doing fine. Happy enough. I'm so happy for your happiness though Ella. Jealous as hell, but happy." She hugs him back. "I'll always worry about you Jungkook." He kisses her head and releases her. "Go Ella. Your husband is waiting." She looks back at Jun, seeing him watching them carefully since they're still standing after the song has ended. She looks back at Jungkook and wraps her arms around his waist, squeezing him tight one last time. "I'll always love you Jungkook. Bye...." She kisses his cheek lightly, then turns and walks away, back to her husband.

"How did it go?" Jungkook looks at Taehyung as he sits back down with his brothers. "Good. Really good. She's completely happy hyung.....and I'm happy for her." Taehyung pats his back and smiles. "Still stings though doesn't it?" Jungkook nods as that ache still lingers in his chest. "Yeah....but I had my chance. And Jun is a good guy, I'd never try to mess that up because I still love her and can now be with her." Kayla clears her throat behind the two men, causing them both to turn to her. "Don't you dare try to talk him into trying to get Ella back Tae. I haven't seen her this happy since Seoul." Tae looks at Kayla offended. "I'm not Kay, Jesus! I just know how he's feeling and I know how they both still feel for each other. That's all." She looks at him skeptically but drops it. "I was glad to see you two dancing though. I know my sister better than anyone, she loves Jun and Cale with all her heart....well, almost all of it. You're still in there JK. You always will be." Jungkook looks at Yoongi's new bride and smiles. "She'll always be in mine as well." She smiles, knowing full well how the two of them will always deeply care for each other. "She still has that bucket hat you know." Kayla laughs as she sees Jungkook look surprised. "She has it sitting on a shelf in her office, along with that picture of you two. She couldn't bear to get rid of them....and Jun knows before you ask. I think he understands that you'll always be important to her." He smiles and nods, thinking back to the first time he saw her beautiful face, thanks to that bucket hat. He feels his eyes well up and looks at Kayla saying, "She's really happy though, I can see it." Kayla puts her arm around Jungkook as they both watch Ella and Jun dancing with their son, smiling and laughing. This makes him smile. "She is JK. But she'll never look at that bucket hat without thinking of you." He looks at Kayla and chuckles when she winks and walks out to her sister, husband and nephew. He wipes a tear from his eyes and says "she's happy." Taehyung grabs his shoulder and turns him toward the bar, away from the woman he still loves that's living the life he hoped to have with her and says, "come on Kook. Let's get a drink and discuss the reunion album with the others."

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