His Warrior Queen: A Haikyuu...

Par literalsugamama

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Haikyuu!! Fanfiction Tsukishima x OC Ogawa Nakano needed volleyball to live like a fish needs water. She'd b... Plus

Foreword by the Author
Chapter 1: She Was the Queen
Chapter 2: Enter Sandman
Chapter 3: Killer Queen
Chapter 4: She's Just a Girl
Chapter 5: What I Did for Love
Chapter 6: Kageyama: So Kiss Me
Chapter 7: Let's Get It Started
Chapter 8: I'm Still Standing
Chapter 9: Demons (TW)
Chapter 10: Obsession
Chapter 11: Just One Kiss
Chapter 12: Tsukishima: Only in My Dreams
Chapter 13: Boy, Could He Play Guitar
Chapter 14: Got Me on My Knees
Chapter 15: The Reason
Chapter 16: Tsukishima: A Momentary Lapse of Reason (TW)
Chapter 17: Nakano: The Warrior
Chapter 18: Learning to Fly
Chapter 19: Pressure
Chapter 20: Tsukishima: Ramble On
Chapter 21: Work it Out
Chapter 22: A Moment
Chapter 23: Frustration
Chapter 24: Ladies' Night
Chapter 25: I Think We're Alone Now
Chapter 26: Boys
Chapter 27: The Time of My Life
Chapter 28: Step by Step
Chapter 29: Don't Stand So Close to Me
Chapter 30: Lies, Lies, Lies
Chapter 31: We Are Family
Chapter 32: What You've Done to Me
Chapter 33: We've Only Just Begun
Chapter 34: Dare
Chapter 35: Drowned in Desire
Chapter 36: Love Bites
Chapter 37: Relax
Chapter 38: Weak (TW)
Chapter 39: I Love You
Chapter 40: Brave Face
Chapter 41: You Say It's Your Birthday
Chapter 42: You Wanna Dance
Chapter 43: I Am a Paleontologist
Chapter 44: Passion
Chapter 45: Break Your Walls
Chapter 46: Magic Carpet Ride
Chapter 47: It Was Only a Kiss
Chapter 48: Kuroo: Where Can I Find a Woman Like That
Chapter 49: I'm Coming Home
Chapter 50: I'm Drunk
Chapter 51: All I Ever Needed Was the Music
Chapter 52: Please Let Me Explain
Chapter 53: Nakano: Go Crazy (TW)
Chapter 54: I'm Ready (TW)
Chapter 55: You Did It
Chapter 56: Simply the Best
Chapter 57: A Celebration
Chapter 58: A Hero
Chapter 59: Touch Me
Chapter 60: The Most Beautiful Girl in the World (TW)
Chapter 61: A Kiss From a Rose
Chapter 62: Stars in Your Eyes
Chapter 63: The Rose
Chapter 64: Can't You Come Out to Play
Chapter 65: Let the Music Play
Chapter 66: A Little Drunk
Chapter 67: From Me to You
Chapter 68: Feed Me
Chapter 69: Steppin' Out
Chapter 70: De-lovely and Delicious
Chapter 71: Hinata: Jump
Chapter 72: Nakano: Save Me
Chapter 73: Tsukishima: Stay (TW)
Chapter 74: Tsukishima: Nowhere That I'd Rather Be
Chapter 75: Tsukishima: Never Meant to Cause You Sorrow or Pain
Chapter 76: Isn't it Romantic
Chapter 77: Lay Your Hands on Me
Chapter 78: You Can't Hide
Chapter 79: Get Back
Chapter 80: I Guess I'm Learning
Chapter 81: Goody Two Shoes
Chapter 83: Up to the Challenge
Chapter 84: Come Together
Chapter 85: Dance With Me
Chapter 86: In Your Eyes
Chapter 87: I Won't Do That
Chapter 88: Eye of the Storm
Chapter 89: Winter Wonderland
Chapter 90: Sleep Now (TW)
Chapter 91: New Year's Day
Chapter 92: Looks Like We Made It
Chapter 93: Rising Up
Chapter 94: Kuroo: This is It
Chapter 95: Bokuto: All Fired Up
Chapter 96: Tsukishima: I Wanna Know What You're Thinking
Chapter 97: Raise a Glass
Chapter 98: Don't Be Sad
Chapter 99: All I Wanna Do (TW)
Chapter 100: Feelings
Chapter 101: Home (TW)
Chapter 102: Take Me Home (TW)
Chapter 103: Try to Remember
Chapter 104: Kiss
Chapter 105: Nothing Else Matters
Chapter 106: Breakdown
Chapter 107: Special
Chapter 108: Kuroo: Same As It Ever Was
Chapter 109: Tsukishima: Two of Us
Chapter 110: Tsukishima: Where Your Destiny Lies (TW)
Chapter 111: You're My Best Friend
Chapter 112: Let's Get Down to It
Chapter 113: Yamaguchi: Welcome to My House
Chapter 114: Kuroo: I've Waited For You For So Long
Chapter 115: Kiyoko: Secrets
Chapter 116: Kageyama: I Know You Care

Chapter 82: I Won't Give Up

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Par literalsugamama

Tsukishima drank deeply from the water bottle that one of the ball boys - not Hinata - handed him.  Two-on-two games were so annoying.  You had to constantly be running, constantly trying to keep up with the ball - there was barely time to think, or catch your breath, or just be.  Of course, that was the point - the entire point of this training camp was to get more experience, to constantly be working, to improve his skills under pressure like that.

It still wasn't exactly enjoyable.

Tsukishima was also well aware of his shortcomings.  His passing, for example, wasn't really anything particularly special.  And when playing in nothing but two-on-two games, one ended up doing a hell of a lot of passing.  And it was Saturday, meaning that there was virtually endless amounts of time for the coaches to keep making them play two-on-two games.

The blonde huffed out an annoyed breath and considered the fact that he might just literally collapse from sheer exhaustion by the end of this day.  At least at their team training camps, he got rotated out from time to time to allow other middle blockers to get in some practice.  Here, he was forced to keep working all the time.

The moment those thoughts drifted through his brain, he could hear Nakano's voice in his head, telling him not to waste this chance he'd been given.  If his passing was sub-par, he should be using these games to work on improving it.  Drain every ounce of learning out of every moment!  He clicked his tongue at himself, but also couldn't quite manage to keep a small smile from stealing over his face as he realized how thoroughly the girl had become a part of him.

He stretched himself, looking around the room and taking another long pull from his water.  His eyes came to rest on the folded frame of Hyakuzawa, all six and a half feet of him crunched into as small a ball as he could possibly make himself, which to be honest, still wasn't particularly small.  Kei was not exactly thrilled at having to bust his ass as hard he was for this camp, but at least he wasn't also dealing with the undercurrent of mocking disapproval that he knew the taller boy was well aware of.  A few of their fellow first years weren't exactly subtle about their disdain for Hyakuzawa, who was still a volleyball newbie, when you got right down to it.  I know I need to work on passing, and serves, but my fundamentals are a hell of lot stronger than his, Tsukki thought, simply because I've been playing this sport for so much longer.  Naka-chan was right, Washijo invited him here just because he's tall.  Height is helpful, but he doesn't need a training camp to hone his skills - he needs a beginner's camp to learn some skills.  The blonde found himself actually feeling a little badly for the guy - it was rough enough to be working this hard, but then also being the guy that no one wanted to be paired with for these two-on-two nightmares had to really suck.  

The megane found himself drifting in the direction of the depressed-looking fellow, when Hinata came trotting into view, stopping Tsukishima in his tracks.  He watched as the ginger bounded up to Hyakuzawa, a water bottle in his hand.

"Here's some water," Hinata chirped.

"They really should've chosen you instead," Hyakuzawa muttered, immediately looking shocked at his own bluntness.  Tsukishima grimaced, knowing that the taller boy had to be feeling he wasn't at all good enough to be here.  I definitely can understand that, he thought.

Shoyo, meanwhile, seemed to give his statement careful consideration.  "No, no...I think you mean they should've chosen me, too.  Don't you?  Everyone who's been invited has something awesome about them.  Even you!  Like, you're huge!"  Tsukishima mentally facepalmed.  You idiot, Hinata...he knows he's tall, and he also knows that's not enough.

Hyakuzawa just sort of grunted in confusion at the tiny middle blocker.  "And, for me...well...without Kageyama, I kinda...and I mean kinda...have a hard time reaching my full potential, or whatever...but still..."

Tsukishima's eyes widened at Hinata's words, gently moving himself a little closer.  He really has internalized that, Tsukki mused, just like Naka-chan thought he had.  He's wondering if he's really any good apart from the King.  Watching him here has shown me that he's definitely got talent beyond just being able to jump like a monkey and hit His Majesty's insane sets.  I know he's got the skills, but he still isn't confident in himself, and Nakano was able to see that inside of him.  Dammit, Roses, you're way too good at this.  When you're not our coach anymore, we're definitely going to feel that loss.

"But my height is all I have," Hyakuzawa moaned.

Hinata looked at him in utter shock.  "That's all?!  What do you mean that's all?!?!"  Hyakuzawa was now looking rather shocked himself at the forcefulness of Hinata's response.  "Do you know how cool it is you're two meters tall?  If you told me I could instantly have either an ultra-killer serve or be two meters, I'd pick two meters in a heartbeat!  I mean, I can always work on my serves, but working hard won't get me any taller!  Come on, man, your height is the number one...the ultimate...the most incredible, awesome, super-talent there is!"

He's not wrong, Tsukishima thought wryly, although I don't think I'd call height a talent.  Still, he's correct that hard work won't make him grow, and Hyakuzawa can always learn volleyball skills if he puts in the effort to make it happen.  And with that realization, Tsukishima decided he simply couldn't resist this opportunity to mock the Shrimp.  He sidled up a little closer, a taunting lilt coming into his voice.  "You must be pretty confident, to encourage a rival..." he said, just leaving it dangling.

"What are you talking about? I'm just yelling at him!" Shoyo barked back at his teammate.

Koganegawa, who'd also been nearby and listening, chimed in as well.  "Well, it looks like encouragement from over here," he said.

"It does, hunh?  Well, if that's how it ends up, then I guess that's probably fine," Shoyo concluded.

"But how can it possibly ever help you to make me feel better?" Hyakuzawa asked the little ginger.

Shoyo smiled beatifically at his sometime rival.  "It helps because I would like to beat you."

Tsukishima nearly choked on his water.  Suddenly, he really understood.  He'd talked with Naka-chan about the whole 'friendly rivalry' thing, and he thought he'd grasped the concept fairly well.  But no, he realized, I didn't really get it.  Not until right now.  Bokuto, Kuroo, Nakano, Hinata, they all feel it.  The drive to challenge yourself against someone who you know is at the top of their game, and best them.  The need to make your rival as good as you know they can be, so you can surpass them when they are at their best, and be just that much better than them.  They all have that inside them.  And I...I...want it too!  He gripped his water bottle tightly, staring at Hinata as the crazy little orange-haired middle blocker continued to talk quietly with Hyakuzawa.  I want to beat Bokuto, and Goshiki, and Hyakuzawa...and...and you, you little volleyball lunatic!  I want to beat you when you're at your best!  And I won't give up until I've done it!  You're my rival and my teammate and dammit, making you better so I can blow you away suddenly makes perfect sense.  He scoffed at himself.  Listen to me, I really have become a complete and total volleyball idiot.  But what Naka-chan said also makes more sense now.  I'm totally going to continue using you, Hinata, because in the end, you'll just make me stronger.  

Tsukishima smiled to himself as he polished off his bottle of water.  He was feeling ready to take on another two-on-two challenge, and he really couldn't wait until later in the evening when he would call Nakano and share with her all that he'd learned today.


Kageyama stood, staring into space.

He knew he was out of it.  He'd had a very hard time getting to sleep last night.  Every time he'd settled down, closed his eyes, trying hard to let himself relax, he'd hear their voices.

The voices of his middle school teammates, telling him they weren't going to put up with him anymore.  

And when he had finally fallen asleep, he'd dreamed of his current teammates, standing across from him on the other side of an ever-widening gulf, a chasm he couldn't cross, no matter how hard he tried.

He'd awoken in the middle of the night, cold and sweaty and with the phrase 'goody two shoes' ringing in his ears.  He'd lain there a long time, staring at the ceiling and trying to figure out what it all meant.  Digging through his own subconscious was not something Kageyama generally enjoyed doing.  Kageyama Tobio greatly preferred to keep his life simple.  Deep soul searching and introspection were things he only did when he really felt like he needed to.

Unfortunately, it was seeming more and more like this might be one of those times.

A sharp whistle brought the setter out of his current reverie.  He'd found himself lost in thought over and over again today, and each time, it was for the same reason.

Why did it bother him so much to be called a goody two shoes by a person he'd known for all of a few days?  What did it mean?

He was beginning to suspect Naka-chan was correct in her assessment that it didn't really matter exactly what Miya-san had meant by it (although Tobio did have to admit to himself that he kinda wanted to ask the guy about it) - what really mattered was what it meant to him, deep inside his own head.  He'd pondered the idea last night as he'd tried to get himself to sleep, pondered it some more over both breakfast and lunch, and suspected he'd still be pondering it  over dinner.  He sighed, trying to return his attention to the game he was supposed to be playing in and focus on what was happening.

The level of play at this camp was incredible.  He'd marveled over and over again at the little things that the players here did, small actions that could make such a difference.  Naka-chan had told him to learn everything he could and bring it all back to his team so they could benefit from it.  Something as simple as being mindful of the position of your fellow players, realizing that your motion was part of an overall group motion that was needed to make a complete play.  He wondered how he could ever teach these things to his team.  If he couldn't explain them really well to himself, how was he supposed to teach them to others?  

There was more.  He knew his communication skills were not the greatest, so he'd made an effort to try to talk to all of his fellow players as he worked with them, finding out what they wanted and making adjustments.  Everyone was being really helpful...well, everyone except Miya Atsumu.  No, that really wasn't right.  Miya-san wasn't being unhelpful - he'd just managed to get right under Kageyama's skin almost from the get-go.  But for the most part, all the other players were giving him good advice on how to make sure that he could give them sets that they liked.

Sudden realization flashed through Kageyama's brain, making him stumble and botch a set.  "Sorry, that's my bad!" he called out.

"You okay, Kageyama?" Chigaya asked, surprise etched on his face.

"Yeah, I'm good.  Just caught my foot, is all."  Kageyama shook his head to clear it.  Was that what he meant by goody two shoes?  Because I try to give all the players what they want?  But, aren't I supposed to do that?  A good set is one the spiker can hit easily.  I need to communicate with my team so that I can send them the kind of tosses they can hit well.  That's what I'm finally getting better at doing!  Who is Miya Atsumu to say that makes me a goody two shoes?  He should say it's what makes me a good setter!

Kageyama tried to set the idea aside for later examination and get himself back into the game.  He was mostly successful at it, too.  At last, the final games for the day were being played out.  The blue-eyed setter found himself eagerly awaiting the call to dinner, standing off to one side, watching Hoshiumi move forward and spike.  He watched the shorter boy's approach and foot placement carefully, storing up as much data as he could so he could be sure to teach Hinata how to improve his own attacks.  Once he got Hinata working on this new...

Kageyama's brain suddenly came to a screeching halt.  

Would Hinata...listen?  Or would he walk away, angry that Kageyama would demand that he change? 

Kageyama did indeed spend most of dinnertime pondering again.  And when dinner was over, he knew he really needed to talk some things out with his best friend.  As soon as he was able, he tucked himself off in a quiet corner and texted Nakano.

Naka-chan?  Can we chat for a bit?

Of course!  What's going on Tobio?

Remember what we talked about yesterday?

The thing with Miya-san, right?  Have you figured anything out about that?

I've been pretty distracted by it.  But yes, I think I might be starting to understand something.

So tell me what's going on in that head of yours, Tobio-chan.

Communication is important, right?

Yes, I think so.  Good, clear communication helps make a team a solid unit.

And I've been trying to listen to my teammates, so I can give them the kinds of tosses that will work for them.

Okay, that sounds like a good plan.

Do you think that's what makes me a goody two shoes?  Because I try to do what my teammates ask of me?

Well, if that's why he called you that, I'd say ignore him.  

Maybe I've taken it a bit too far.

What do you mean?

Well, I don't want to make people angry with me again like my team got in middle school, so I listen and give them what they want when I can.  But what if what they want isn't the best they could have?

I'm not sure I understand Tobio-chan.

Would you get mad at me if I told you that you could get better at receiving if you dropped your hips a little more?

Do you think so?  I've been feeling like my receives have been off since the incident with my legs going numb.  I think my knees are kind of irritated - they still ache sometimes.  I'm not getting as low as I used to.  I'll start working on them - and start paying a little more attention to my form when I receive.

LOL I guess you're not mad then.

Mad?  Why would I be mad?  You're trying to help me improve - I really appreciate it.

Well, because I'm criticizing you, trying to make you be better.

Kags, there's a difference between trying to help someone improve and insisting someone be at your level immediately.  You're incredibly talented.  And I think that's what tripped you up in middle school.  Oikawa had you convinced that you could force your teammates to be at your level by simply demanding it.  That isn't how it works.  But helping a teammate improve by showing them what they can do step by step - I don't think anyone would get mad at you for that.

So you don't think Hinata will quit working with me if I tell him he can fly higher?

Are you kidding?  Tell him he can go higher and he won't leave you alone until you show him how.


Seriously, Kags, if our teammates couldn't handle a little constructive criticism, there's no way I could coach them.  It's the constructive part you need to make sure you emphasize.  Work with them, don't demand instant perfection.  

Guess I never thought about it that way.

So how does this relate to the goody two shoes thing?

I think I was so worried about my team walking away from me again that I was afraid to do anything other than what they asked of me.  And being here has made me realize that's not enough.

How so?

I know some of our hitters - your jackass boyfriend especially - can hit higher and harder if I give them the sets they need to do that.  I know it.  But I don't do it, because I've been worried about pushing them away.  Working with all these incredible people here is making me realize that I'm not doing everything I can for my team.  And I want to Nakano.  But I'm afraid.

Don't be.  I'll be there.  I'll help.  And you're not the same guy you were in middle school.  You've grown, and you understand things better now.  Can we talk about this together when you get back, Tobio?  I think I need to hear what you're thinking about.  Gather it all together for me, so we can plan how to get the whole team in on what you've learned there, okay?

Yeah, I can do that.  I think I need to ask Miya-san what he really meant.  Maybe there's more I'm not seeing.  But, I want to work on this when I get back, Naka-chan.  I really do.

Me too!  I'll be there for you, Big Bro! 🤗  Now tell me what else is going on.


You can't fool me, Kags.  I know there's something else going on in your head right now.

Uh, can it wait until I get home?

You tell me dude.  Want me to call you?

No, there's too many people here.  It's more personal, less volleyball.

You gonna be okay?

Yeah, I'll be fine.  Thanks, Naka-chan.  Love you, little sis.

Love you too Big Bro!  See you soon!

Kageyama put his phone away and shook his head.  Nakano could always see straight into his heart, even through texts.  And she was right.  Something else was going on.  As he'd discussed it with his best friend, Kageyama had realized that his fear of being abandoned wasn't limited to his volleyball teammates.  That maybe, a similar fear was holding him back in a completely different part of his life.  But maybe he should stick to trying to tackle one problem at a time, he thought wryly as he made his way to grab a shower before bed.

As Kageyama settled back down on to his futon, hoping for a better night's sleep, he let his mind run back over all he had learned during the day.  His thoughts wandered to his best friend and her drills, and the way she worked with her players, encouraging them to push their limits and grow stronger without making them feel like they were somehow inferior.  Clearly it was possible to do that, and Naka-chan was really good at it.  I'm gonna learn from you too, Naka-chan, the boy thought.  I think part of my problem is that I thought I had to give up on being a leader, on doing what I thought was the best thing for the team, so I could make sure my teammates didn't leave me.  Well, I won't give up anymore.  I'm going to find a way to be the true control tower of the team and make sure they stay with me.  And I know Naka-chan will help me.  I can do this.

Kageyama smiled to himself as he drifted off to sleep at last.


Yamaguchi Tadashi couldn't help the little smile that crept onto his face, even if he was feeling rather put out at the moment.

He was standing on the edge of the ice skating rink, watching as Yachi skated with such grace, performing moves based on muscle memory from when she was a little girl and had wanted to be an ice skater.  Nothing too overly flashy, but still, she was a lot better at ice skating than he would ever be.

And that was why he was feeling put out.  Because, if he was being honest with himself, inviting the girl to go skating after practice today was nothing more than a giant ruse.  He'd been hoping that the two of them on ice skates would equate to the girl floundering and falling and having to cling on to him as they slowly made their way around the rink, clutching on to each other and talking and laughing and being pressed close.  More than anything, he just wanted to hold Yachi tight in his arms.  And he'd really hoped this would be a way to make that happen without it looking like he was trying to make that happen.

After their talk last weekend, when he'd finally, finally gotten the little blonde to tell him what was really bothering her, why she was so hung up on having kissed him while under the influence of the tequila at Kuroo's little gathering, now almost two months ago, well, he'd decided that maybe he needed to just take her out on a simple date.  Nothing crazy, nothing elaborate, just some time to be together, to have some fun and maybe get the chance to show her that they were a different couple than her parents were.

Just because her parents had had a few drinks and made out at a party, and then later wound up divorcing, didn't mean that the same thing was going to happen to them.

But then he'd been faced with the prospect of having to invite the girl out to do...something.

Dinner and a movie sounded too cliché.  He'd thought about a cat café, but then he figured the girl would probably give all her attention to the adorable kitty-cats, which made him feel kind of jealous (Really?  I'm jealous of theoretical kitty-cats?  He'd wanted to just crawl under his bed and hide at the very idea - he could hear Tsukki clicking his tongue and saying 'how lame.').  But he wanted the girl's attention for himself.  He considered inviting her over to his house, but he worried she would really take that the wrong way, especially since she was still feeling unsure about the entire relationship thing, still worried she'd somehow doomed them to follow in her parent's path.

And so, after running a dozen or more ideas around in his brain and rejecting them all for one reason or another, he'd turned to his best friend for help.

Of course, his best friend was Tsukishima, so predictably, his 'help' was rather...direct.

"Seriously, Tadashi?  What difference does it make what you go do?  Just plan something, and do it.  If the point here is to show her that you're going to be there for her, regardless of what happened to her parents, then do that.  Take her out, talk with her, be there for her," Tsukki had told him.

He wasn't wrong.  In a way, what they did was less important than getting her to go out on a date with him.  Their first, official, real date.  Where he actually asked her to go out, just the two of them, alone together.

"What did you and Naka-chan do on your first date, Tsukki?" he'd asked then, hoping to get some inspiration.

His blonde friend had smiled softly, looking off into the distance, remembering that day.  "I took her to lunch, and then we spent the afternoon at the museum.  On our way back, we decided to do dinner at the roller skating rink in town.  And then on our way home, we stopped in the park.  It was July, and the fireflies were out.  It was a great day."  Yamaguchi couldn't help but smile.  After telling him it didn't matter what they did, it was clear to the freckle-faced boy that Tsukki had put some real thought into his first date with Nakano.  "The most important part, Tadashi, was that we spent time together.  We learned about each other.  So just do it, okay?  Ask her out.  For real this time."

Yamaguchi had gone home that day, and really tried to figure out what he wanted from this date with Yachi.  Based on what Tsukki had planned, he'd clearly wanted to share something he felt passionate about with Nakano, but then also wanted to do something romantic for her.  He'd also left some time open so they could do something that she wanted.  Tadashi had considered his own favorite hobbies, things he might want to share with Yachi.  He'd tried to think about something romantic he could do for her.  He'd wondered what she might like to do.

In the end, he'd gotten absolutely nowhere.  He'd had no idea what to do for a date.  He'd gone to sleep that night, wondering what to do, worried about asking the girl out when he had no clue where to take her.  He began to think maybe a first real date at this point just wasn't a good idea.

And then, the next day at practice, as she'd handed him a water bottle, Yachi had blushed so prettily, and her fingers had touched his so gently.  Before he'd been able to even think, the words were coming out of him - softly, so only she could hear.  "Yachi?  Go out with me this Saturday after practice.  Please?  I want to take you on a date."

"A...a d-date?" she'd stuttered out, blush intensifying.  Yamaguchi had almost fallen over, he couldn't believe he'd asked her!  But now was the time to man up, to be confident.  He knew she was so worried - he had to be the one to show her that it was going to be okay.

"Yes, a date.  Please let me take you out.  I'd really like to."  He'd managed to say it without stuttering, and when she'd shyly nodded her head, he'd had to bite the inside of his mouth to keep from letting out a victory cry.

He'd expected Tsukishima to tease the hell out of him, but all the blonde had said was "About time, Tadashi," and smirked at him.

That had been Tuesday.  He'd then spent most of Wednesday and Thursday trying to come up with exactly what to do on this date.  Nothing he thought of seemed right.  Finally, on Friday, frazzled and worried and at his wits' end, he'd texted Nakano.

Her response had been perfect, of course.

Tsukki's Girl
What about ice skating?  The skating rink in town has reopened for the season.  That could be kind of fun!

He'd almost cried in relief.  Exactly what he needed.  He'd thanked Nakano profusely and gone to bed, adorable scenarios playing out in his head, each one of them involving Yachi needing his help to stay on her feet, or the two of them falling together, tangled up in a heap and laughing and cuddling, feeling warm inside despite the cold surface they were on.

Instead, here he was, watching the little blonde glide effortlessly over the ice, performing small jumps and spins like she'd been born with skates on.  He sighed, but honestly, she looked so happy, so lovely, he couldn't really be disappointed in how this date had turned out.

Well, he couldn't really be all that disappointed.  

But he could be just a little.  He'd really been hoping to spend their time on the rink a little closer together than this.  Not to mention, he'd been just standing here watching her for more than a half an hour now, and he was starting to feel very cold.

Suddenly, she glided up to him, breathless and cheeks pink and all smiles.  He applauded loudly.

"You're such a good skater, Yachi!  I had no idea you could skate so well!" Yamaguchi enthused.

"I'd forgotten how much fun this is when you're not being forced to take lessons seven days a week!" Yachi gasped out.  "Thank you so much for taking me here tonight, Yamaguchi!  I haven't been ice skating in so long!"

"Really?  That's awfully hard to believe - you're so amazing!"

Yachi suddenly noticed that the boy was shivering just a little, and his nose was decidedly red from the cold.  "Oh, you must be so cold, just standing here!  I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you like that!  Come on, let's get you moving - it will help you warm up!"  Yachi linked her arm with his, pulling him forward and getting him moving with her.  Tadashi grinned as he joined her on the ice, all sense of disappointment gone.

They spent another hour at least on the rink, skating around and chatting and laughing.  Yachi gave him pointers on how to move on the skates, and even showed him a few simple tricks from her days as a little figure skater.  Every time he fell, she helped him up, gathering him in her arms and getting him back on his feet with praise for how well he was doing and encouraging him not to give up.  Tadashi resisted the temptation to fall more often, just so she would keep doing that.

Finally, however, the cold got to the boy.  He'd taken yet another tumble, landing on his behind and sliding a bit across the ice as Yachi giggled at him.  He gave the girl a sheepish smile...and then suddenly sneezed so hard he thought his skates might fly off.

"Oh my goodness!  Are you alright, Yamaguchi?  You must be so cold...come on, there's a nice little café not far from here.  Why don't we go there and get you something warm to drink?  I don't think you should be out in the cold like this any more tonight!"  Yachi was fussing over him impressively, helping him to his feet and guiding him gently from the rink, holding tightly to his hand.

Yamaguchi smiled again, letting her take the lead.  "That sounds wonderful."

An hour later, the couple were ensconced in a cozy corner of the nearby café, finishing off their 'Ice Skating Specials' (a cup of hot chocolate and a serving of warm apple crisp with ginger and dark chocolate), and talking together animatedly.  

"So you really had lessons seven days a week?  Even at five years old?" Yamaguchi asked, astounded.

"Uh-huh.  I'd seen Arakawa Shizuka skating on television and told my mother I wanted to be just like her.  Well, Mom doesn't do anything by halves..." Yachi trailed off, rubbing the back of her neck and looking a little uncomfortable.

"How long did you keep that up?"

"Two years.  I think I'd just about learned to hate ice skating by then," Yachi chuckled a little wryly.

"What made you stop?"

"My mom asked my coach what my future prospects were.  Apparently, I have weak ankles, and the coach felt I'd never be able to get very far in the realm of competitive figure skating.  So, mom said I was done with it.  Actually, it was kind of a relief.  I haven't skated since then - today was my first time in nine years!  So thank you, so much, for taking me tonight.  It was really fun!"

Yamaguchi blushed.  "I'm really glad you had a good time, Yachi.  Thanks for going out with me tonight.  I'm so glad you said yes."

"Me too.  Th-thank you, for being willing to still..."

"Yachi, you don't have to say that.  I like you, Yachi.  I've liked you for a while.  I liked you before that whole Spin the Bottle game, and I still like you now.  I want to take you out again, after tonight.  I want to take you out on dates, and hold your hand, and yeah, I want to kiss you again, when you're ready.  I want to be your boyfriend.  So, you don't have to thank me for being willing to be here with you.  I really, really want to be.  I won't give up on us, no matter what.  I like you, Yachi, and I'm going to keep trying to convince you of that in any way I can."  Tadashi sighed at the end of his sudden pronouncement, wondering exactly where all that had come from.  But it's true, he thought, blush creeping steadily over his face, I don't want her to apologize.  I want her to be happy.

Yachi's eyes were as wide as dinner plates, and she seemed to be almost vibrating.   "But why?" the little blonde whisper-yelled, "Why would you like me?  I'm...I'm not...anything!  I'm shy and nervous and I freak out at everything and I jump to conclusions way too quickly and..."

Yamaguchi laughed.  "...and you're fun and funny and sweet and you like the flying feeling of rollercoasters just like me, and I'm shy and nervous too a lot of the time, and you're really pretty when you ice skate, and when I'm with you I feel good inside, like warm and happy, you know?  So that's why.  Because I want to know all about you, and spend time with you, and help you see that you're everything.  Everything to me."

Both teens were now blushing all over, neither one able to meet the other's eyes.  It was Yachi who finally plucked up the courage to speak. "I...I l-like you t-too, Yamaguchi."

Tadashi looked up, catching the eyes of his manager.  "I'm not sure I know much about relationships, Yachi, but there is one thing I do know.  You're not your mom, and I'm not your dad.  Whatever happens between us, it will be our relationship.  Not anyone else's.  So, don't be afraid.  Okay?"

Yachi nodded her head vigorously, tears forming in her eyes.  Tadashi reached out and clasped the girl's hand on the table.  It was a beautiful shojo manga kind of moment...

...until Yachi's stomach growled...

...and Tadashi suddenly realized something.

"Oh man, I'm sorry!" Tadashi said, eyes widening and blush deepening as he gave his forehead a smack, "We just had dessert, and we didn't even have dinner yet!  You must be starving!  Ugh, I'm such an idiot!"  The boy looked away, mentally cursing himself for being such a fool, and making a mess of their first date.

Yachi burst into giggles.  "I bet there's not too many people who can say they had dessert before dinner on their first date!  I think that makes tonight even more special, because it's something just for us."

Yamaguchi locked eyes with the girl again, his smile spreading wide on his face.  "Okay then, dinner after dessert it is!  Wanna go get some tempura?"

"Sounds delicious."

The couple walked out of the café, hand in hand.  And when dinner was over, Tadashi walked Yachi back to her house, holding her hand all the way.  And when he turned to her to say goodnight, the little blonde stretched up while tugging him down firmly, planting a resounding kiss on the boy's cheek and then fleeing into her apartment building, leaving a dumbstruck Yamaguchi standing and smiling on the street until he finally made his way to his own house, the smile never leaving his lips.

Continuer la Lecture

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