Sakura Haruno (Child Prodigy)

By SilverIce8764

117K 5.1K 514

What if Sakura was born a prodigy? What if her Inner held a remarkable ability? What if things had been diffe... More

Authors Note
Side Story 1/3
100+ Followers Special
Side Story 2/3
Side Story 3/3


3.3K 159 3
By SilverIce8764

Sakura had decided that she wasn't going to lock herself up inside her house. She knew that her parents wouldn't want her to hide away from the world and spend her whole life grieving their deaths. They would want her to be happy! To live with a smile on her face! So she decided that she shouldn't just waste her life, she had a dream and she wouldn't stop until she accomplished it!

'You got that right, cha!' Inner cheered.

'Let's go to the library; maybe we can find some more books on poisons and antidotes..'

'Yeah! Then we can go get some lunch and then train! Cha!'

'Sounds good! Although I think we should probably have a shower and get changed first..'

'Yup, we're a mess.' The pinkette rushed upstairs, into the bathroom. She stripped out of her red nightie and stepped into the shower. As the warm water rushed down her body, the young girl ran her fingers through her locks, untangling the mess of pink. She washed her body before grabbing her shampoo and dumping a big blob of it onto her head. She massaged the shampoo into her scalp, making sure it covered all of her hair. Then the four year old rinsed off her pink locks, watching as the shampoo ran down her body and onto the floor of the shower.

She turned off the shower before stepping out and wrapping a white towel around her naked body. She dried herself off, wrapping her wet hair in a towel. Then Sakura exited the bathroom and made her way into her bedroom.

She picked out a dark grey jumper and some light grey, baggy leggings. She got dressed before brushing her pink locks. Her hair was still slightly damp but it was sunny so it shouldn't take too long for it to dry.

The girl then exited her room and rushed down the stairs before putting on her black ninja sandals. She opened the front door and took a deep breath.

'Come on Outer, cha!' Inner piped in, 'You can do it!' Inner was like Sakura's lifeline. Without her Sakura wouldn't be able to do most things. Inner helped her by supporting her and giving her one thing she had never gotten: a friend.

The four year old smiled fondly as she stepped outside. She had to shield her eyes from the sun's rays. The sound of birds chirping greeted her ears along with the sound of people chatting merrily.

"Good morning Sakura!" The four year old blinked at the sound of the familiar voice.

"Mayu-san." Sakura acknowledged as she turned to face the woman who now had a baby bump. The four year old watched as the woman's face softened.

"I am very sorry about your parents." Sakura's eyes narrowed as she frowned. She didn't want anybody pitying her. By bringing up the subject of her parent's death all people were doing was making her think about how she wouldn't ever be able to see them again. They were just.. a memory.. one that everybody would forget in a few days. Well, everybody but herself, she wouldn't allow herself to forget about them, about her father's cheesy jokes and mischievous grin, about her mother's kind smiles and caring nature. She would force Inner to hold onto the memories of her parents in order to not forget about them.

'You don't have to force me. Cha! I feel the same way.'

Sakura took a deep breath before bowing her head, "Thank you." She responded calmly.

The woman smiled softly at her, "If you need anything then I'm next door."

"I wouldn't want to trouble you.." Sakura muttered. "I mean.. you already have enough on your plate with being pregnant and all.."

The woman looked shocked for a moment before her face softened once again. "Don't worry about me Sakura-chan, I just want to make sure you're ok."

"I'm fine. Thank you for your kind words Mayu-san." Sakura bowed before she rushed off.

'Dang it! We should of asked how her fiancé reacted when she told him she was pregnant! Cha!' Inner whined.

Sakura rolled her eyes, 'Honestly Inner, you're so nosy.'

'Hey! Cha!'

The pinkette listened to Inner rant on about how she was just gathering important information as she made her way to the library. Sometimes the four year old wondered if Inner was ok. Probably not but then again Sakura didn't know if she herself was ok.

She entered the library and was slightly confused by the absence of the brown haired man who was always nibbling on a senbon. Her brows furrowed as she tried to ignore the thoughts that flooded her mind. Where was he?

'Either he's on a mission or his punishment ended. Cha!'

'I'm guessing it's the latter since I doubt the Hokage would allow him on a mission when he's meant to be in the library all day.'

'True, cha! I forgot that he was being punished for damaging the bath house.'

'I did too.'

'Didn't he mention something about a Shisui person?'

'Oh yeah.. I'm pretty sure he said something about Shisui leading him to the bathhouse.'

'So this Shisui is a trouble maker, cha?' Sakura could tell Inner was grinning madly.

'Don't even think of taking control and running around the village shouting his name until you find him.' She heard Inner groan in annoyance and rolled her eyes.

"Oh! Hello Sakura-chan!" Sakura looked up to see Manami smiling softly at her. The pinkette's eyebrows furrowed as she looked into the woman's eyes. They were full of pity.

'Looks like she knows.. I mean, not that I wasn't expecting her to. She was mama's old friend after all..'

'Yeah but she doesn't have to look at us like that, cha!' The blue haired woman had a smile on her face yet her eyes appeared tighter than usual. The glint of pity in her green orbs was painfully obvious.

"Hello Manami-san."

"It's been so long since I last saw you! I'm so sorry for your parents!" She said, pity painted across her features.

Sakura tried her best not to cringe as Inner screamed in annoyance.

'How dare she! Cha!' She cried, 'We don't need her pity! We don't need anybody's pity!' Sakura couldn't blame Inner for being mad but if she wasn't careful Inner might break through her control over the body. They had of course decided that Inner could take control whenever she wanted as long as she told Sakura first but when Inner's emotions were all over the place like this it wasn't safe for Inner to take control. The reason for this was because if Inner took over Sakura wouldn't be able to take control again until Inner calmed down. Since the pinkette's shadow had such powerful and strong emotions Inner would be able to break through Sakura's control without even noticing.

'I know Inner but everyone is just trying to show they care..' She knew she didn't sound very convincing but she had to do something to calm Inner down!

"Sakura-chan, are you alright?" The four year old blinked.

"O-oh, yes, I'm alright. Thank you for your condolences Manami-san." The woman smiled at her.

"No problem Sakura-chan!" The emerald eyed four year old bowed before walking off.

'You really need to get your temper under control.'

'Hmph! Cha!'

The pinkette was walking around when somebody tapped her on the shoulder. 

A/N: So.. who do you think tapped her on the shoulder?

I apologise that not much happened in this chapter, don't worry though, more shall happen in the next one!

Love you guys!

Sorry for any mistakes!

Hope you enjoyed!

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