Family ties

By _crazy_hooman_

508K 24.9K 10K

•[COMPLETED]• Leah Stevenson is her name. She lives a happy life unbeknownst of the things that had happened... More

(1) Flashback
(2) Kingstons & Stevensons
(3) Story
(4) Plan
(5) Attack
(6) Troy
(7) Dean & Chase
(8) Back to LA
(9) Reunited
(10) Home
(11) Old Mafia, New Don
(12) Hostages
(13) Almost caught
(14) News spread
(15) First Day
(16) Plan initiated
(17) A new face
(18) Plan sucessful
(19) Caught
(20) Finally!
(21) Reunited
(22) Reunited- part (2)
(23) Meeting her
(24) Revelations
(25) Revelations- part (2)
(27) Family huh?
(28) Meeting them again
(29) Official Mafia meet
(30) Dinner
(31) Date?
(32) School
(33) A Problem
(34) Threat
(35) Unexpected guest
(36) Mason's story
(37) Sunday
(38) Bye, mother
(39) Preparations
(40) Annual Mafia Gala
(41) Attack
(42) Truth
(43) Aftermath
(44) Talk
(45) Bad news
(46) Out in the open
(47) Living together
(48) Another attack
(49) Vacation?
(50) London
(51) Barely escaped
(52) Goodbye
(53) Matter at hand
(54) Apologise
(55) Intruder
(56) H for Hostage
(57) New plan
(58) Apology
(59) Decisions
(60) Goodbyes
(61) Theo
(62) More problems
(63) Making things right
(64) Sneaking
(65) Anniversary dinner
(66) Anniversary dinner- 2
Thank you!

(26) Shocker

9.2K 473 330
By _crazy_hooman_

Sometimes life is hard to predict, but no one ever knows how hard.

David's POV:

The entire way home I was alone in my car wondering how close it got today.

Leah was driving back in her bike which luckily gave me some time to actually be able to breathe.

I knew I can't delay it anymore. She has to know now.

The Kingstons probably know by now. There's no way Susan managed to get off the hook.

As I parked my car in my garage my nervousness was building up. I was anxious not just about myself, but for Leah.

I know her. I've raised her, but probably even I can't predict how she'll take it.

Nevertheless it's time.

I walk inside my house and look around for her.

Grace will be late today so I know it's going to be just Leah and I until dinner.

Well unless Kingstons show up.

"Leah", I called out.

"Yeah Dad!", I heard her from above probably from her room.

I went up the stairs gathering courage. I knocked once on her door and she opened it.

"Come on in", She smiled brightly.

I sigh walking inside.

"How was school today?", I asked softly.

"Oh lots of fun. I almost got detention as my friends and I nearly got into a fight with some other kids. Nothing tragic. All in all not bad for a first day", She grinned cheekily.

I chuckled shaking my head.

Only Leah.

"Just don't get into trouble", I warned her with a smile.

"Of course I won't. Do I look like someone who purposely gets into trouble?", She smiled sarcastically.

I shake my head. She's something else.

"Well I actually came here to talk to you about something important", I said gently.

"Yeah? Wassup?", She sat with her legs crossed on her bed.

I joined her sitting down opposite to her.

She looked at me and I stare at her with a fond smile.

God when did she grow up so fast?

I was already getting emotional. I tried to get a grip on myself considering I should be one to take care of her and not the other way around.

"Is everything alright?", She asked curiously when I didn't say anything.

I shake my head no with a weak smile.

"Princess there's something important you need to know, but before that I just want you to know that I love you and will always be there for you", I said slowly.

She frowned a bit. "Okay...I love you too Dad."

I take a deep breath before beginning.

"You know I'm gay. I don't have a partner, but I always wanted a family hence I planned for Grace", I started softly.

She nods slowly in understanding.

"My plan was only for your older sister Leah. She and I. One small happy family, until you came and made it perfect for us", I said with a smile.

She smiled a bit.

"But Leah I- um" I cut myself off taking a deep breath.

It's way harder than I ever thought it will be. How do I tell my daughter she's not mine without breaking her heart?

Leah sensed my anxiety and she moved closer to me hugging my left arm.

"What going on Dad?", She asked softly.

I looked down trying to keep the tears at bay.

"Leah I only planned one kid ever. That's Grace. But god provided me with one more who I loved more than anything", I whispered lowly.

"What?", She asked slowly with a crease on her forehead.

God help me.

"Leah I'm not your biological father", I told her with a very heavy heart.

I felt like I have massive rocks on my heart.

Leah's grip on my left arm loosened. I immediately look at her.

"W-What?", She stammers with a frown.

Tears formed in my eyes. God I hate myself for causing her pain.

"What do you mean by that? You're my Dad", Leah said lowly.

"I am. I am your father. You are my daughter no matter what princess", I immediately said.

"But..?", She whispered looking confused.

I decided to tell her the story.

"One day Grace and I were watching tv at night. It was almost midnight when suddenly the house's door bell rang. When I opened the door I- I found you there in a basket outside my door with a letter tucked underneath your blanket", I whispered as a tear slipped my eye.

Leah's eyes went wide. Her hands fully retracted. I wanted to hug her, but I held back wanting to give her some space.

"You were one month old. The letter said you didn't have any family. I didn't know what to do at first, but Grace was immediately attached to you and even I felt a connection to you", I said with a hand on my heart.

I looked at my princess and my heart pained physically when I saw tears in her eyes.

"I tried to find the person who left you there. I tired to search for your family, but I didn't find anything. I didn't want to give to adoption or some orphanage. So I adopted you myself and you completed our family", I said as another tear slipped from the other eye.

She stared at me as her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

There was utter silence between us that moment. None of us spoke. I wanted her to say something.

"I- um. So I'm not your blood or technically a Stevenson?", She whispered as a tear finally fell down.

I immediately hug her. She put her arms around me holding me tight.

"You are my daughter so of course you're a Stevenson. I have two kids. You're Grace's younger sister. I named you Leah. Of course you're my family", I whispered in her ear stroking her hair calmly.

I felt my shirt get wet. I rub her back trying to just think of some way that I can make her feel better.

"Blood doesn't always mean family and family is not always by blood Leah. This is your house. I'm your Dad. Grace is your sister. You have to understand that okay?", I said firmly.

She cried without saying anything, buy just holding me tighter.

I let her as my own tears fall down non-stop.

I felt guilty of doing something I promised myself I'll never do. I made Grace promise as well that no matter what Leah will never know she's adopted.

But here we are.

A part of me wished the Kingstons or Susan had never come along in our happy lives, but as soon as the thought came I cursed myself.

I don't regret my decision as hard as it was. I know I didn't make a mistake by leaving Susan no choice, but to reveal the truth.

After couple more minutes I slowly pull back holding Leah's face in my hands.

Her face was filled messed with tears and puffiness.

"Shh don't cry", I shake my head wiping her tears.

She sniffed taking shuddered breaths.

"Nothing's changed Leah. Everything's the same. You just know the truth now. And I will say it again. Nothing. Has. Changed", I said without hesitation.

Sh looked at me with a vulnerable expression.

"W-Why did you tell me this today when you kept it from me for 16 years?", She asked slowly.

"I wanted to be the one to tell you this not anyone else and if I had delayed any longer someone else would have", I replied.

"What? Who?", She asked frowning a bit.

I wondered if I should tell her. Is this enough for today? Or I should just pull the entire band-aid off at once?

Please be okay princess.

"We found your biological family", I whispered sadly.

Her eyes went wide again. She was in absolute shock and didn't say anything to me. But slowly that shock seemed to turn into fear.

"B-But you said I don't have one right? You just said that!", She said anxiously.

"The letter was a lie. Even I came to know about this recently", I said sadly.

Tears formed again in her eyes which pained me.

"So you're telling me all this because you're gonna give me away? M-My real family? You're giving me away", She cried believing what she said.

"What? No! Honey listen to me! Look at me!", I said immediately as she looked down as tears fell down her eyes.

I made her look up at me as she choked out a sob.

My heart felt the fear. A different fear.

Leah never cried easily. I'm not saying I didn't expect her to cry, but she was never someone who cried like this. Not even as a baby.

This is the first time I've seen her like this. Heart broken, insecure, scared and uncertain.

"Leah nothing has changed! You're my baby okay? Nobody is giving you up! Never in my life I would do that!", I said assuringly.

She hugged me tightly again. I tried to rock her a bit like I used to when she was a baby. She always calmed down back then.

"I love you Dad", She cried.

"I love you too princess", I whispered in her ear kissing her hair.

She cried for a while without asking anything else. Even I don't say anything. I felt like maybe when she calms a bit I'll tell her about her bio family.

Slowly I felt her stop crying as I whispered softly in her ear which I was hoping will calm her.

She suddenly takes a deep breath pulling away from the hug.

I look at her as she moved a bit away from me slowly slided down on the bed laying her head on my lap with her hands tucked under her cheek.

I sat legs folded comfortably and she got also got cozy and closed her eyes. I stroke her hair and bent down and kissed her head.

She soon fell asleep like that. I could see she was tired after all the crying and overwhelming emotions.

The hard part was over, but it wasn't all out yet

I knew even after she wakes up she won't feel better or best. Like Leah always is. But I was prepared to be there for her.

I don't know how long we sat there like that, but I kept stroking her hair and she sleeps soundly.

I heard Grace's voice suddenly.

"Dad? Leah?", She calls out.

I look at the time and saw it was past our dinner time.

I didn't want to stand up fearing waking up Leah. But luckily I didn't have to as Grace herself came up.

She peeked her head inside the room and saw us. She looked at me and then Leah and a smile formed in her face.

"Aww so cute Dad", She whispered coming to me seeing Leah's asleep.

I smiled a bit stroking Leah's hair.

Grace smile sitting in the corner of the bed next to Leah's sleeping figure. She smiled looking at her, but frowned a bit then.

"Her face..did she cry?", Grace asked whispering.

I nodded sadly.

"What happened?", Grace asked in worry.

Even she knows Leah never cries.

"I told her about her past. Not everything, but the part about how she came into our lives", I whispered softly.

Grace looked at Leah in concern.

"How did she take it?", She whispered caressing Leah's cheek.

"She cried a lot. I did my best to calm her down and make her believe that we both are still her family and that nothing has changed", I replied lowly.

Grace looked upset. Like she hated knowing her little sister was heartbroken.

"She slowly fell asleep and refuses to let me go", I said pointing at her arms which were now around my waist and not under her cheek.

She shifted in her sleep and I let her get comfortable. I had no plans of leaving her anyways.

"She must be scared", Grace sighs.

"I know but don't worry we'll take care of her", I said kissing Leah's head.

Grace nods sighing.

"We will never let her go Dad", She whispered next.

"Grace", I said softly.

"I didn't mean it that way. Of course she's free to choose what she wants and has the full right to make her decisions about this", Grace said.

I nodded.

I didn't want to disturb Leah so I asked Grace to take my place as I had one important thing to do.

I drove to the Kingstons mansion.

Third's POV:

Unsurprisingly it came as a shock to them all. Even though somewhere deep down they weren't surprised as well.

Atleast not the ones who always found Leah familiar.

Sebastian was reeling in shock, but his mind went back to the time when he first met Leah. He thought it was crazy to think, but maybe he wasn't wrong in thinking she had his eyes.

Now that he thinks about it all as it fits.

His daughter.

Rowan was beyond shocked for a while. He knew Leah the longest over here and it was crazy to realise how all this while he was around his niece without knowing it.

He never actually realised why he liked Leah so much.

It was no secret that he was very lenient with her. The gang members also knew that, but obviously they all thought maybe it's because she's the youngest there and adored by everyone.

Rowan thinks hard and blames his ignorance now that he sees the resemblance between his brother and her.

She was a copy of her father!

Rowan face palmed himself causing others to look at him.

"How stupid am I? She was right in front of me everyday! Like how could I not?", Rowan groans loudly.

The boys think about it as well.

"Dad now that I think about it I think somewhere in your heart you always knew she's familiar because I noticed how concerned you always are about her", Chase said slowly.

"Exactly. The day we returned she was shot and you freaked out so much for that. I remember Theo and I looked at each other realising how close you were to the girl", Emmett said softly.

"I do. You also let her stay in the gang even though you normally would never do that. We hardly have any younger members. You're very against it", Theo comments slowly.

Sebastian smiled a bit looking at his brother.

"Maybe. Yeah I mean she clearly is stubborn just like you. She has an attitude and sense of humour just like you. She cares about her loved ones a lot just like all of us", Rowan sighed with a smile at Seb.

All the boys smiled wide looking at Sebastian who himself was looking happy.

"I won't lie. I did feel she's familiar for some reason", Weston admits.

"Me too", Brody smiled a bit.

The rest of the boys also wondered how they didn't manage to find out before. But it's okay considering they hadn't thought they had a sister all this while.

"Well it's awesome that she already likes us so it won't be difficult to interact with her. I mean we already enjoy working together", Dean mentioned.

Everyone agreed with a smile on their face.

"Yeah well she has to think that as well", Susan spoke up.

Everyone just realised Susan was still here. In all their happy conversations they almost forgot about her.

"What?", Charlie frowned.

"Well if you didn't know who she was obviously she doesn't know as well. Also, by now I know David would have told her", Susan shrugged.

Again everyone realised something else.

"Wait..David is her father then. So..", Rowan said in a surprised tone.

"Yeah I put Leah on his door step when she was one month old because I trusted him enough to take care of her to which he did", Susan said softly.

That came like another surprise and relief to them.

"That's why he wanted to tell us. He came home the other day to meet Dad and then again yesterday to see Uncle", Theo said in realisation.

"That's right. He said he wanted to find out something. I think he wanted to know if we knew about Leah, because he asked me about you boys", Rowan said slowly.

"So he knew Leah's a Kingston?!", Troy exclaimed.

"Recently maybe yes. Remember he said Susan came back and met him and that's when he came to know about our divorce", Sebastian said.

Everyone nods slowly.

"That means David adopted Leah and raised her as his own even though he didn't know anything about her", Rowan said with a fond smile.

"Exactly. And it's clear how much he loves her. He talks about his daughters like they're everything to him which I'm sure they are", Sebastian said softly.

Sebastian no doubt felt a little jealous knowing that his daughter calls someone else father and obviously shares a strong bond with him. But he didn't mind because it was David. He was jealous yes, but glad that his best friend took her in. She was in good hands.

Even more glad that David decided to tell the truth rather than hiding it.

"So Leah knows she's out sister?", James asked curiously.

"Maybe", Emmett shrugs.

"Should we go see her?", Dean asked.

Everyone wished to go see her.

"No. I think we should speak to David first. Maybe Leah doesn't know yet. It's better to be sure", Rowan pointed out.

Rowan knew Leah would probably freak out and he didn't want to worry her or something.

"Well you decide what you want to do. I'm going to go see her", Susan said finally.

"No you're not", Sebastian scoffs.

"Why not?", Susan frowned.

"You're still asking that? Haven't you done enough? Stay away from her now", Weston said protectively.

He hates his mother for what she did to his brothers and sister and now he would want to keep her miles away from them.

"Why would I do that?", Susan grit her teeth.

"Because you don't have any right on her or us", Charlie said with a deadpanned expression.

"For the last time! I. Am. Your. Mother!", Susan said in frustration.

She was done with the disrespect they threw at her.

"Ex- mom", James pointed out.

For the first time even Sebastian agreed with him.

"Your father and I are divorced yes. But that doesn't change the fact that I'm your mother. Leah's too", Susan reminded them.

"Oh really? Please avoid jokes in these serious times ex mom", Brody said sweetly.

Weston and Theodore looked amused. This time none of them would stop their younger brothers for their behaviour and rather enjoy it themselves.

"I will never forgive you for what you've done. You took away my daughter. Yes, my daughter. Leave now", Sebastian said angrily.

"I don't want your forgiveness Sebastian. I know what I did was right", Susan said softly.

"Are you serious right now?", Rowan scoffs.

"And why do you think it was right to do this?", Sebastian asked with a tight smile.

"You think mafia life is what I wanted for her? She should grow up happily away from all the danger. So I did what I thought was right", Susan shrugged.

"Joke's on you. Leah is already a part of the mafia", Rowan informed her.

Some of the brothers smirked seeing Susan's reaction.

"No way..So that's how you know her", Susan mutters to herself in shock.

"Yeah. Fate works in mysterious ways Aunt Susan. Leah herself found Dad and insisted on working with him in his gang", Dean smirked.

"Exactly. No matter how hard you tried she ended up getting in touch with her actual family accidently or not", Chase smiled.

Everyone was happy hearing that. Atleast they didn't have the worst destiny.

"All the more reason she should be away from you people. I really should take her with me so she can have a safe life", Susan said.

The boys looked enraged.

"Who the fuck let you make that choice! She's our sister! You think we can't protect her?!", Theo said angrily.

Other brothers looked at Theo in agreement.

"Yeah? You couldn't take care of your brothers or Uncle, Don Theodore. How about your sister?", Susan retorted.

They were all caught off guard.

"Tell me Sebastian how was your time as a hostage along with my sons?", Susan asked gritting her teeth.

"You knew", Sebastian almost whispered in surprise.

"Yeah. I may not be a part of the mafia life anymore, but ten years just don't stay hidden like that", Susan said sternly.

Her knowing didn't make the boys feel better at all.

"Wow. You knew and you still didn't care enough to contact Uncle Rowan and ask about our whereabouts or try to know if we're okay", Charlie scoffs.

"And you call yourself our mother", Brody rolled his eyes.

The others knew they were right. Susan doesn't care.

"My point is Leah wouldn't have been safe here like I knew. So now that she has grown up happy and safe. I'm taking her back", Susan said clearly.

What she said made everyone's head snap at her.

"What the fuck?!", Brody growls angrily.

"Are you fucking kidding me?", Dean grits.

"Tell me she's joking!", James glared.

"Oh hell no", Chase shakes his head.

Sebastian was beyond angry. Rowan was breathing heavily refraining himself to say something he surely won't regret.

"You have the audacity Susan. After already taking her away from us once you still plan to go for it the second time", Sebastian said angrily.

"You know I'm right to do so Seb. She'll be safe with me and not you people who can't keep each other safe", Susan said lowly.

Weston and Theo took an angry step forward, but were held back by Charlie and Emmett.

"Don't you dare. Me and my sons have worked so hard in saving my brother and my nephews. You didn't even give a damn so you better not comment stuffs like that if you know what's good for you", Rowan threatened her.

Susan was unphased. She merely looked away.

Suddenly to everyone's surprise one of the boys started laughing.

Everyone looks at Troy who was giggling and laughing. They all looked at him weirdly.

"Are we sure you're talking about the same Leah, ex aunty Susan?", Troy giggled.

Susan frowned.

"My best friend will never and I mean never voluntarily go with someone like you. Trust me she ain't normal", Troy laughs.

Everyone slowly realised Troy's right. Leah was different.

"Leah's someone who values family and loyalty. You got none", Theodore said looking at Susan.

"Oh yes", Dean nods.

"I agree", Chase smiled.

"Totally", Emmett grinned.

Rowan smiled a bit in amusement. He and his sons had understood atleast that much from the time they've worked with her.

"I don't know her as much as our cousins do, but I know she's a smart and quite mature girl. So think again", Weston said seriously.

"I know her well and let me tell you she'll do anything, but trust a woman who's supposed to be her mother, who abandoned her and now wishes to take her with", Rowan said amused.

"Yeah that won't happen", Brody snickers.

"Slim chances", Charlie said with a calm smile.

Susan glared at them all.

"We'll see", She said.

The Kingstons weren't at all phased by Susan's confidence, but they did feel a tiny bit of a fear of the thought of losing the sister/ daughter/ niece they just found.

"Once I speak to her and make her understand she'll come with me. I know it", Susan said softly.

Before anyone else answered they heard another voice.

"No you won't", David said sternly.

Everyone turns to the living room entrance to find a very serious David standing there.

"I will not tolerate you anywhere near my daughter", David said seriously.

After seeing his princess cry he was beyond angry at Susan and not to mention a very protective pissed off single gay father.

Susan frowned.


"No! Enough is enough! You listen to me now", David growls angrily pointing his finger accusingly at her.

He walked forward to them. Everyone looks at him with a bit of surprise.

Sebastian and Rowan the most as they've probably never seen David this angry.

"You lost all your rights to Leah when you left her at my doorstep on that cold dark night. I adopted her and she's my responsibility now", David said sternly.

"I'm not saying you're not her father. But let's face it you ain't a mother she needs", Susan said.

David was fuming now. The Kingstons watch as two ex best friends argued.

They were on team David though.

"I hope you're not talking about yourself. Because let's face it you haven't got even one of the mother's qualities. You abandoned literally every single one of your kid", David said without hesitation.

Susan opens the mouth to argue, but David beats her to it.

"And I have been a father and a mother since forever. You don't tell me Leah needs you more than she needs me. That will be a sick joke", David scoffs.

The Kingstons smiled a bit.

"You say that David. Are you sure Leah thinks that too? As far as I remember you said that you will let Leah choose and will not force your decisions on her", Susan said smugly.

"What do you even know about Leah? I raised her remember? She's always known what's right for her. I still will let her do what she wants, but I'm sure she won't choose you", David deadpanned.

Susan didn't reply and stared at David thinking about how she should proceed with her plan to get her daughter back.

"David", Sebastian called out.

David faces him.

"Thank you very much. You've kept her safe, protected, loved, cared and happy all this while", Sebastian said gratefully.

"Another thing to be thankful for is that even though you didn't have to you made sure we knew the truth. We found her because you willed it", Rowan said with a soft smile.

David nods with a small smile.

"Does she know?", Weston asked softly.

"I told her about the adoption part. Knew if I didn't tell her someone else will. Our conversation didn't reach the point where I tell her she's your kid", David said gesturing at Seb.

"Why? Is she alright?", Charlie asked in concern.

David shakes his head no.

"What happened?", Sebastian immediately asked in worry.

"Seb she just came to know she's adopted, how do you think she is? She has cried her heart out", David said in pain.

Everyone seemed worried now.

"She's asleep. I made her believe that neither was I giving her up nor has she stopped being my daughter. That calmed her a bit", David sighs.

Rowan was shocked. Not that he had expected any less, but Leah crying now surprising and heartbreaking for him.

Sebastian rubs his hand all over his face and hair in frustration.

"She'll be okay. I know it. She's very strong", Theo whispered softly.

"Y-Yeah she's Leah", Troy chuckled nervously.

Those assuring words didn't calm Weston, Charlie, Brody, James or Sebastian.

Leah's POV:

When I woke up I had a strong headache.

I sighed looking around realising I was alone in my room. I frowned thinking Dad left.


I can't believe Dad is not my father.

When he told me everything I felt heavy as well as sinking in my heart. I can't describe it. Never in my life have I felt that way.

I was scared of the sudden revelation and had no idea how to react to it. It was too overwhelming to think or even talk about it.

How am I supposed to accept the fact that the family I lived with all my life is not even my family?

As far as I can remember it's always been Dad and Grace for me. They're the only important ones I cared about until my friends came along.

I don't even know who my actual family is.

I know Dad will tell me and even that time when he told me about the adoption for a second I wanted to know, but then my mind was just blown by the sudden facts and I just wanted to give it a break.

I wonder how long has it been and where is Dad?

I sighed as I walk down the stairs. I heard some voice in the kitchen so I head towards there.

As I enter I saw Grace preparing dinner while talking on the phone. Her back was faced to me.

"I love you too", She chuckled a bit.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. Then she turned with a bowl in her hand and spotted me. Her eyes went wide.

"Hey I'll talk to you later. Yeah see you", Grace said quickly on the phone.

I walk inside and take a seat at one of the bar stool looking at the food she's making.

"You finally woke up. I was up in your room with you only, but then I saw the time realising it's past dinner time so I decided to make something as I'm assuming you must be hungry", She smiled softly.

I nod slowly.

"I made your favourite", She grinned.

"Thanks Grace", I smiled a bit.

She was happy hearing that and went to chopping some vegetables.

"Where's Dad? I mean your Dad?", I asked correcting myself without thinking.

I didn't mean to sound rude. I wasn't even bitter. It was just a reflex.

Grace stopped what she was doing and looked up at me.

"Why did you say that?", She asked lowly.

I shrugged looking down. I know she knows.

"Leah I know Dad has assured you, but I guess you still have your doubts. So let me tell you something", She said sternly.

I looked up hearing that tone. She seemed annoyed.

"You are my little sister. I don't give a damn if it's not by blood. I mean who cares about that. Is it really that important? Will we stop being a family since you're not Dad's bio kid?", Grace grit her teeth.

I looked away feeling bad.

"For god sake Leah! I know that I will never understand what you're going through right now and I'm so sorry you're hurt, but are you really weighing your 16 years with us to this stupid small fact?", Grace asked seriously.

I sighed.

"We practically grew up together Leah! We've played, pranked, laughed, cried and fought like siblings. We have wrecked havoc in this house with your cooking! We've together bullied other kids when they have a problem with our father being gay! We both are sworn enemies of barky and pussy! You've pranked me more times than I can remember! We've planned birthday surprises for Dad! Have you forgotten all those memories?", She demanded.

I look up at her a smile threatening to form on my face.

Man those were some memories.

"You knew", I sighed.

"Of course I knew. I bonded with you the second I laid my eyes on you", She smiled smugly.

I raised one eyebrow questioningly.

"I remember the day you came into our lives. Ah you were this small bundle of joy. You looked like a small cute bubbly toy I wanted to play with everyday", She smiled distantly.

My heart warmed at her words.

"So small, so cute and chubby. I wanted to bite your cheeks everytime. I always poked your bouncy baby butt to make it wiggle", She said giggling.

I made a face causing her to laugh.

"Dad was worried about a one month old left at our doorstep. I was merely five almost six. I loved you instantly and tried every pout, whine baby doe eyes to convince Dad to adopt you", She smiled softly.

"Naturally my small self didn't know the laws and and that we can't just take one baby. I remember that night Dad looking down at you in his arms with love and you staring back at him almost as if threatening him to give you away", Grace smiled.

I smirked. That sounds like me.

"Dad had decided that if you have no one then he's taking you in. He was already attached to you. Following those days you could see a very gay emotional father running here and there to get some milk for his new daughter who was bawling her eyes out at being hungry. And also preparing food for his other daughter who was very relucatant to go school the next day and who might have thrown a fit about it", Grace smiled sheepishly.

I chuckled.

"I wonder how he managed that and not stop loving us for giving him a full day cardio as kids", She said.

I laughed agreeing. Grace smiled happily looking at me.

"So where is father dearest?", I asked softly.

She sighed hesitantly. I wait for her to speak.

"Um he'll be here soon", She smiled nervously.

"You know where he is right? Why not tell me?", I asked with a frown.

She looked down at the food and then back at me with a defeated expression.

"Kingston mansion", She replied.

I was surprised, but nodded slowly.

"Why though? Isn't it late? He can meet his friends after dinner or atleast tomorrow?", I asked curiously wondering why dad would leave so late.

He never missed dinner.

"It was necessary", She said softly.

"Why though?", I asked curiously.

"Leah they're your bio family", Grace admitted it without a choice.

To say that I was shocked would be an understatement.

"What?!?!", I said standing up in shock.

"Yeah. Don't freak out please", She said with a small frown.

"Don't freak out!? Are you serious?! Fuck! Tell me you're joking!", I said in a weird pitch.

"You think I would lie about something like this?", She sighed.

I couldn't believe it. Oh my god! How is that possible?!

I think about it for a second..

"Who's my father? Sebastian or Rowan?", I asked slowly.

The thought of Boss being my father was itself scary. I mean I've worked with him for months.

I don't even know Sebastian.

"Sebastian", Grace said.

My hand went straight to my mouth in shock.

Holy shit.

My mind instantly went to the story Em told me this morning.

About the Kingston girl..

What is going on?!

I rub my hands all over my face and bend down taking deep breaths.

"Leah please sit down and eat something please", Grace said in worry.

My headache had just increased. I had not had anything heavy since breakfast.

For lunch in school I had an apple and some chips. After coming home I had no food or water and I was both thirsty and hungry.

But my mind was busy blowing up with the news that are constantly being updated to me.

Kingston?! How the fuck is that possible?!

I've met them! I'm not like them?


I pace around feeling overwhelmed.

"Leah please calm down. Fuck I shouldn't have told you this myself and waited for Dad!", Grace frowned.

I look at her freaking out now and I sighed taking a deep breath.

"No. I'm glad you told me. I would rather know all the facts that remain unknown any longer", I said genuinely.

It's true. I wanna know everything.

But right now I need some air.

I turn and head out of the kitchen. After two seconds I heard Grace call out for me.

I was almost at the door when.

"Leah! Stop! Where are you going?!", Grace almost yelled frantically.

I turn to look at her.

"I need some space. I need some clear air. Just for some time okay? I'll be back", I sighed deeply.

"What? This late? I'll come with you!", Grace said immediately.

"No! Grace! Please..I need space. I wanna be alone. I'll be back trust me", I said slowly.

" where are you going?", She asked nervously.

I sighed not knowing myself.

"I don't know. Just anywhere I guess", I shrugged.

"Leah please I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have said anything. Please stay", She said freaking out.

I refrain myself from just running out.

"Grace just...please understand", I said seriously.

She looked at me for a couple seconds and nodded slowly her face showing only concern.

I without a word grab my bike keys and left the house.

Hey guys!

Hope you liked this chapter? Or was it just ok..

Stay tuned for more.

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