中国戏剧 原声带 歌曲歌词 (Part 3/25)

By Miyagami25

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I like to listen to many Chinese songs because they have a good rhythm, lullaby and beat. And they have amazi... More

中国戏剧 原声带 ❄ 2019 - 2022: Part (3/25)
华语剧 原声带 歌词 (Part 3/25) 播放列表
Love Under The Full Moon OST (Playlist)
曾咏欣 ~ I Hope You Are Happy Till The End (愿你幸福到底)
嘉羿 ~ Step By Step (一步步靠近)
曾咏欣 ~ Wish You Happiness To The End (满月之下)
Cute Programmer OST (Playlist)
徐俊羽 ~ Cute Programming (甜蜜程序)
邢昭林 & 祝绪丹 ~ First Love (初·爱)
臧一人 & 张宇俊如 ~ Happiness Allocation (幸福支配)
Your Sensibility My Destiny OST (Playlist)
黄雅莉 ~ Ten Thousand Years Time (时光万年)
王星越 & 卜冠今 ~ The Reason (原因)
王唯旖 ~ Two Worlds (两个世界)
陈小满 ~ Your One Alluring Smile (你倾城一笑)
Our Times OST (Playlist)
侯明昊 ~ Howling Wind (呼啸的风)
孟佳 ~ Walking Chicly Once (潇洒走一回)
A Female Student Arrives At The Imperial College OST (Playlist)
井胧 ~ Love Ballad (情謡)
张月 ~ Meeting A Female Student (遇見女弟子)
桑奇 ~ The Rivers Resemble Mirrors (百川如镜)
刘宇宁 ~ Youth At Will (意气趁年少)
Sweet Teeth OST (Playlist)
邓鼓 ~ Be There (在那里)
金奕可 ~ Lovely Night (美好的夜晚)
杨胖雨 ~ Sweet on Series (甜蜜系列)
Love O'Clock OST (Playlist)
王北车 ~ Light in The Night Sky (夜空中的光)
彭楚粤 & 王承渲 ~ Rababa (拉巴巴)
Beyond Prescriptions OST (Playlist)
草帽酱 ~ Another Life Exile (彼身流放)
抿抿甜 ~ Drink With The Sky (与天色对饮)
谣君 ~ White Record (白首记)
Secret in The Lattice OST (Playlist)
李鑫一 ~ Always, I love You (一直一直一直,喜欢你)
郭静 ~ His Dream of Love (他爱的梦)
杜天宇 ~ Romantic Flavor (浪漫味道)
李俊毅 ~ The Furthest Happiness (最远的幸福)
The Oath of Love OST (Playlist)
杨紫 ~ A Person Likes Someone (一个人喜欢一个人)
肖战 & 杨紫 ~ The Luckiest Couple on Earth (余生, 请多指教)
肖战 ~ The Luckiest Fortune (最幸运的幸运)
Once Given, Never Forgotten OST (Playlist)
郁可唯 ~ Name Me By Your Surname (以你之姓 冠我之名)
Flourish in Time OST (Playlist)
胡夏 ~ Me And My Bright Youth (时光少年)
叶炫清 ~ Your Time With Me (你陪着我的那些时光)
Crush OST (Playlist)
苏诗丁 ~ As I Believe (正如我所相信的)
打扰一下乐团 ~ Burn For The Rest of Your Life (燃烧吧余生)
王力 ~ Dream Under The Night Sky (夜空下的梦)
李俊毅 ~ Suzaku Bridge (朱雀桥)
Bright As The Moon OST (Playlist)
毛若琼 ~ All Over The World (倾天下)
The Justice OST (Playlist)
胡夏 ~ Born Extraordinary (不凡而生)
張新成 ~ Light (光芒)
Once We Get Married OST (Playlist)
都智文 ~ Because of Love (因为相爱)
赵贝尔 ~ Determine (认定)
郭静 ~ I Really Like You (超喜欢你)
赵贝尔 ~ Love is Coming (爱如其来)
Fall in Love With Him OST (Playlist)
符龙飞 ~ Coffee Shop (咖啡店)
潘星宇/马振桓/韩忠羽/梁博文/陈雨成 ~ Inverter (逆变)
王瑞淇 ~ Light At Fingertip (指尖的微光)
韩忠羽 & 印子月 ~ Want To Tell You (好想告诉你)
Shining Like You OST (Playlist)
张朝政 & 梁愉曼 ~ Center Stage (舞台中央)
龚俊 & 王子璇 ~ The Center of The Stage (舞台中央)
Dreaming Back To The Qing Dynasty OST (Playlist)
李鑫一 ~ Dreaming of Her (梦她)
袁娅维 ~ Here For You (为你而来)
刘人语 ~ The Scent of Touch (触摸的气息)
GO Into Your Heart OST (Playlist)
萨顶顶 ~ Pick Up The Light (拾光)
焦迈奇 ~ Run With The Dream (以梦为马)
Rebirth For You OST (Playlist)
鞠婧祎 ~ Never Part Again (莫离)
曾舜晞 & 鞠婧祎 ~ Rain of Missing (念思雨)
Fall in Love OST (Playlist)
司南 ~ A Gaze Like Stars (星辰如眸)
张赫宣 ~ Sing on Horseback (策马高歌)
戴羽彤 ~ Your Promise (你的约定)
Love At Night OST (Playlist)
黄龄 ~ Fire Dance (在眼中起舞)
刘学义 ~ Now Go Away (現在走開)
Novoland: Pearl Eclipse OST (Playlist)
周深 ~ A Kiss Without Distraction (以无旁骛之吻)
張碧晨 ~ Engraving (镌刻)
張靚穎 ~ Fall in Love Once Per Lifetime (一生一次 心一动)
Tears in Heaven OST (Playlist)
杨炅翰 ~ Lost Lovers (遗失的恋人)
陈冰 ~ Some Words Are Only Remembered By Those Who Listen (有些话只有听的人记得)
赵晗君 ~ Transparent (透明)
Qing Luo OST (Playlist)
崔凯琦 ~ Guarding The Empty City Alone (独守空城梦旧人)
卡修瑞 ~ Lovesick Tears (相思泪)
阿月月 ~ The Ranger of River And Lakes (江湖游侠)
Heart of Loyalty OST (Playlist)
胡夏 & 郭静 ~ Don't Leave (勿离)
吴希泽 ~ Fighting Sword (仗剑)
董又霖 & 张慧雯 ~ Partial Preference (偏偏偏爱)
许嵩 ~ The Fetters (羁绊)
Lie To Love OST (Playlist)
罗云熙 ~ Because of You (因为你)
汪蘇瀧 ~ How Are You Lately (你最近好嗎)
李润祺 ~ Light in The Tree Hole (树洞有光)
陈琪东 ~ Underestimate The Enemy (轻敌)
My Heart OST (Playlist)
苏醒 & 何洁 ~ Honorific Heart (卿心)
双笙 ~ Suddenly Far And Near (忽远忽近)
朱主爱 ~ Under The Moon (月下)
Dream Garden OST (Playlist)
毛不易 ~ Mid Seeker (探心者)
Mirror: A Tale of Twin Cities OST (Playlist)
银临 ~ I Am Your Rain (我是你的雨)
毛不易 ~ Love is Silent (爱若无声)
張碧晨 ~ Not For Joy (不为欢喜)
周深 ~ Think of Going Back (念归去)
Royal Feast OST (Playlist)
陆虎 ~ Imperial Cuisine (尚食)
吳若希 ~ Memories of Five Flavours (五味回憶)
王一哲 ~ Taste (滋味)
The Blue Whisper OST (Playlist)
萨顶顶 ~ As You Wish (如你所想)
萨顶顶 ~ Leaping Fish (魚躍而上)
周深 ~ Mermaid Song (鮫人之歌)
金志文 ~ More Than Blanks (留白是表白)
Ms. Cupid in Love OST (Playlist)
赵方婧 ~ Alley (小巷)
王瑞淇 ~ Full of Vitality (元气满满)
王瑞淇 ~ I Met You For The First Time (初见的你)
曹煜辰 ~ Marriage Into A Cocoon (姻缘成茧)
Oh My Lord OST (Playlist)
陈嘉霓 ~ Looking Forward To A Thousand Years of Love (顾盼千岁情)
My Sassy Princess OST (Playlist)
茜西 ~ Day And Night (朝夕)
周深 ~ Honorific Subjects (卿卿)
叶炫清 ~ Same Heart (同心)
茜西 ~ Same Heart (同心)
刘宇宁 ~ Spending Time Together (共度)
Who Rules The World OST (Playlist)
汪苏泷 ~ A Dream Come True (一梦浮生)
胡彦斌 & 叶炫清 ~ Breath of Wind (风息)
刘宇宁 ~ Unparalleled (无双)
Simmer Down OST (Playlist)
王铮亮 & 金玟岐 ~ Our Romance (我们的浪漫)
刘惜君 ~ Speak Politely (好好说话)
马頔 ~ Speak Politely (好好说话)
Love in Flames of War OST (Playlist)
金润吉 ~ Abyss (深渊)
一棵小葱/李宗南/潘艺翔 ~ Painting Heart (画心)
周深 ~ Shining Over The Starry River (照耀星河)
The Romance of Hua Rong 2 OST (Playlist)
傻雪 ~ Bad Expression (坏坏表情)
张宇俊如 ~ Hold Each Other (长相牵)
栾贻泽 ~ Mourning Moon (殇月)
Heroes OST (Playlist)
金志文 ~ Ancient Smile (千古笑)
刘宇宁 & 曾舜晞 ~ Can Pursue (可追)
南征北战 ~ Direction of Heroes (英雄所向)
刘宇宁 ~ Lonely Loneliness (凌云寂)
黄霄雲 ~ No Matter What (奈何奈何)
A Dream of Splendor OST (Playlist)
刘宇宁 ~ Magnificent Dream (梦华)
张靓颖 ~ Regardless of Time (不惜时光)
Believe in Love OST (Playlist)
王理文 ~ A Life Turned Into A Poem (一生成诗)
金润吉 ~ A Ray of Lovesickness (一缕相思)
哎哟蔚蔚 & 小水 ~ Light Loop (光圈)
兔子牙 & 李俊毅 ~ Sweet Soup (甜汤)
Love Like The Galaxy OST (Playlist)
黄龄 ~ Star River Sigh (星河叹)
单依纯 ~ The Splendid Star (星汉灿烂)
Immortal Samsara OST (Playlist)
张杰 & 张靓颖 ~ Agarwood (沉香)
成毅 ~ Forget The River (忘川)
张磊 ~ Never Forget (无忘)
张靓颖 ~ Partial Star (偏星)
胡夏 & 郁可唯 ~ Two (俩俩)
杨紫 ~ Watch The Day (望辰)
张杰 ~ World Records (红尘录)
New Life Begins OST (Playlist)
刘宇宁 ~ Brilliance (清晖)
叶炫清 ~ Southern Wind (南风)
不才 ~ Ultimate Taste (至味)
She And Her Perfect Husband OST (Playlist)
毛不易 ~ Don't Worry (别担心)
郁可唯 ~ Law of Love (爱吧定律)
刘美麟 ~ Little Sweet Drama (小甜剧)
张碧晨 ~ Love Award (爱的嘉奖)
Miss Ye in Wonderland OST (Playlist)
季美含 ~ Only Love Can Save (唯爱能拯救)
陈泫孝 ~ Reason For Happiness (幸福的原因)
Time To Fall in Love OST (Playlist)
张远 ~ It's About You (与你有关)
江映蓉 ~ The Price of Heart (心动的代价)

毛不易 ~ As You Wish (如你所想)

378 6 0
By Miyagami25

Song from The Blue Whisper

Mao Bu Yi: Hēi rúguǒ nǐ bùshì nǐ wǒ bùshì wǒ hēi duō xiǎng duō xiǎng
Hēi nǐ yào qù nǎ rèn chīxīn rén táitóu wàng
Liú bù zhù de guāngliàng hēi suí tā liúlàng
嘿如果 你不是你我不是我 嘿多想多想
嘿你要去哪 任痴心人抬头望
留不住的光亮 嘿随它流浪
Hey if you're not you and I'm not me hey think more
Hey where are you going, any idiot looking up
The unstoppable light, hey let it wander

Yuàn nǐ dé suǒ cháng qù guāngyàn dìfāng
Yuǎnlí wǒ yuǎnlíle bēishāng cóngcǐ wú xūwàng
Wàngquè fánshēng ràng yíhàn bù shēngzhǎng
Yuàn nǐ cóngcǐ wú suǒ pà wú kuì yě wúhuá
Xiàng yíng huǒ zhuīzhúzhe hǎilàng
Zhuō bù zhù de guāng rèn yóu wǒ yīrén huíxiǎng
愿你得所偿 去光艳地方
远离我远离了悲伤 从此无虚妄
忘却凡生 让遗憾 不生长
愿你从此无所怕 无匮也无华
捉不住的光 任由我 一人回想
May you get what you pay for and go to a glorious place
Stay away from me, stay away from sadness
Forget the ordinary life, let the regret not grow
May you have no fear, no want and no glory from now on
Like fireflies chasing the waves
I can't catch the light, let me remember it alone

Yuàn nǐ shì yuèguāng wú tòng yě wú shāng
Yǒu yīshuāng jiébái de chìbǎng bù jīnglì yán shuāng
Zài yě bùyòng bǎ zìjǐ dōu fēng cáng
Yuàn nǐ yǒng bù luò mí wǎng shǎng rì yuè wèiyāng
Jiāng shíguāng kē zàile shǒuzhǎng
Rèn měimèng zīyǎng gàobié zhè hēiyè màncháng
愿你似月光 无痛也无伤
有一双洁白的翅膀 不经历严霜
再也不用 把自己 都封藏
愿你永不落迷网 赏日月未央
任美梦滋养 告别这 黑夜漫长
May you be like the moonlight without pain or injury
Has a pair of pure white wings and doesn't experience severe frost
No longer need to have to put yourself hide
May you never fall into the net, enjoy the sun and the moon
Engrave time in the palm of your hand
Let the sweet dreams nourish and say goodbye to this long dark night

Fēng juǎn juǎn luòhuā yǔ táo táo fēi shā
Wǒ xiǎng nǐ zài mǒu gè tāfāng zìyóu de huān chàng
Bié zài xiǎngqǐ guānyú wǒ de guòwǎng zhèlǐ
Fánhuā yòu shèng fàng rú nǐ bān mínglǎng
Zhuǎnyǎnguò jǐ wàn gè guāng nián
Nǐ kě céng kànjiàn zhè shìjiān rú nǐ suǒ xiǎng
风卷卷落花 雨淘淘飞沙
我想你在某个他方 自由的欢唱
别再想起 关于我的过往 这里
繁花又盛放 如你般明朗
你可曾看见 这世间 如你所想
The wind rolls down the flowers, the rain washes away the sand
I want you to sing freely somewhere else
Stop thinking about my past here
Blossoming and blooming as bright as you
In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of light years
Have you ever seen the world as you wish thought

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