Wolf Savior part A

By bludroze

69.7K 692 71

She's racing through the woods, running for her life... He's shooting through the trees, fighting the compuls... More

Wolf Savior
Wolf Savior part 2
Wolf Savior part 3
Wolf Savior part 4
Wolf Savior part 5
Wolf Savior part 6
Wolf Savior part 7
Wolf Savior part 8
Wolf Savior part 9
Wolf Savior part 10
Wolf Savior part 11
Wolf Savior part 12
Wolf Savior part 13
Wolf Savior part 14
Wolf Savior part 15
Wolf Savior part 16
Wolf Savior part 17
Wolf Savior part 18
Wolf Savior part 19
Wolf Savior part 20
Wolf Savior part 21
Wolf Savior part 22
Wolf Savior part 23
Wolf Savior part 24
Wolf Savior part 25
Wolf Savior part 26
Wolf Savior part 27
Wolf Savior part 29
Wolf Savior part 30

Wolf Savior part 28

1.8K 21 2
By bludroze

I've worked on this and i think i'm coming to the end of this story pretty soon but i don't know if i want to do a sequel of a really long epilogue. I'm leaning towards sequel but i still don't know. there is so much i still want to happen with these characters.


Nick's P.O.V.

Ayden and Sam dragged me out of the house and shoved me into the car. I groaned as I saw Adrian and Isaac already waiting in the car. “Guys, this is pointless.” I complained. “We can't get back too late, I'm getting married tomorrow!” They just smiled and nodded completely ignoring whatever I said.

 “He's no fun at all. We should start pouring the liquor down him now. It's his last night as a single man!” Adrian groaned.

“I'm too old for this.” I sighed running my hand through my hair. “You guys are naught but children. Well except for Samuel.”

“What do you mean by that?” Adrian demanded.

“I turned 19 back in 1960, that makes me 69 years old. I don't need to celebrate my last night as a single man. It's about time I settled down!” I muttered. A sharp gasp echoed throughout the car and I swore. “Son of a bitch, see this is why I don't drink. I say things before I think. Shit we need Azalea, she could wipe his memory!”

“Um, does anyone want to explain what the hell is going on here?” Vince demanded. “What the fuck did you mean by saying you were 69?” He asked. “And what does my girlfriend have to do with this, much less Rozelynn?” He was starting to panic.

“Relax Vince, no one is going to harm you, they wouldn't dare cross me or Rozelynn for that matter.” I promised.

“Oh please don't say you're vampires, it would explain your eyes.” He groaned. I burst out laughing and Isaac made a face. “I mean I read Twilight and everything...but...”

“Oh please those fags aren't vampires! They're self centered, arrogant, disco balls.” Adrian scoffed.

“No, I was born very much a human and my eyes have been this color always. And just to set the record straight HELL NO, I'm not a fucking vampire. Nor do I know or associate with any of them.” I huffed and Adrian looked at me rolling his eyes. “I have a pack to protect and I take that very seriously.”

“Wolves, that's what they are Vince. Lycanthropy is a very serious disease, it spreads through blood, saliva, and a chemical under the claws of the Wolves. In most cases the infection is accidental, but it can only spread while they are in wolf form. Now keep in mind, these are not the horror movie creatures you see, but the form of an actual wolf.” Adrian said. “And I am human.”

“Mostly.” Isaac muttered.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Vince squeaked.

“Adrian is a hunter, he hunts down and kills Wolves and the usual. But I have made a deal with and those under my protection are not to be harmed in any way or I will be very angry. Technically, he is human, but only in the loose definition of the word. I am a Wolf, Isaac, Ravyn, Natasha, and Ayden are as well...”

“Are you planning on turning Rozelynn into a Wolf?” He demanded.

“She is already a Wolf, she is my mate, she is my alpha female. We are the thing which binds the pack to the nontraditional ways that we follow, we do not hunt, we do not kill unless we must, and then we only kill those like us. The man who kidnapped Roze was a werewolf, his pack, which Isaac and I were once a part of tried hunting her. I stopped them and took her to safety, Isaac left the pack with me. Cole was the one who cursed her to this life, and he is dead for it. I nearly lost her that day and I can't bare the possibility of it happening again. I love her, I really do.” I admitted.

“But then what does my girlfriend have to do with erasing my memory?” Vince demanded.

“You're human, you aren't technically allowed to know about us. I can't tell you what Azalea has to do with this it isn't my place.” I answered.

“One problem...I'm not exactly a human...I'm kind of a male born into a family of witches. I'm a psychic...a witch really, but the term is so feminine.” He made a face.

“That explains a lot. I wondered why you and Azalea hit it off so well!” I grinned.

“Azalea's human...isn't she?” He frowned. “I'm such an idiot! Azalea's a witch too!” He smacked his forehead and I sighed in relief. We ended up going to a bar, the guys of course finally agreed with me on not going to a strip club. They were scared of Rozelynn, just another thing to make my life easier! Vince was over his whole freak out issue. My drink of choice was whiskey, the boys stuck to beer.

Roze's P.O.V.

We sat on the couches drinking wine and champagne. I turned on the radio feeling pretty good already. We talked about girl stuff. “My worst boyfriend was probably my first one, um, Charlie, I think his name was. He was a freak, he called at least thirty times a night.” I laughed.

“Vince is a witch.” Azalea sighed. “He doesn't think I know, and he hasn't realized that I am too, but your cousin is a witch.” She admitted.

We sipped wine and got a little tipsy. Okay so maybe a few us, Azalea and me, were completely plastered. Dancing on the tables is not as bad as it sounds, unless it is of course recorded by a pregnant sober werewolf. We were laughing and we both went sprawling across the floor. We all ended up laughing until our sides hurt. We crashed in the living room floor after midnight sometime.

“Rozelynn Nikole Blackstone! Wake your ass up.” Tasha growled nudging me with her foot. I growled at her and she backed off. I crawled to my feet and took a shower so that I could get ready for the wedding. We were holding it at the park so that our inner wolves would be more comfortable. The place we had chosen was gorgeous. My nails were still perfectly manicured from prom and my hair could easily be curled since it was already wavy. Tasha pushed me down into a chair and started on my hair. That was the longest part but eventually it was over.

I shooed her off finally to make her go get ready. I yawned and momentarily wished I hadn't drank last night. I looked at the huge white dress and made a face, my aunt and uncle were going to be at the wedding and they were going to be pissy. I already knew it was my fault my adopted parents were dead, I didn't need Aunt Mandy to remind me of that. The girls helped me into the dress and laced up the back for me. I had already put on the shoes so that I didn't screw up the dress.

My aunt was waiting for us when we arrived she stood with her nose up in the air. “You didn't deserve my sister's money! You little whore, you spend it recklessly and throw yourself at the first man you see after they die!” She hissed in disgust.

“I didn't ask for them to leave me anything, I have not touched their money but the money my biological parents left me. But that does not make them any less my parents. I have known Nick for a year and a half and I love him. He was there for me when you weren't.” I accused harshly fighting back the urge to shift. Something powerful crackled through the air and Azalea and Vince were standing their facing Mandy Blackstone.

She turned pale when both of them sent something almost intangible in her direction. It was then that I realized that the Blackstone's were witches. My female Wolves stood flanking me snarling at Mandy as Vince and Azalea fell back to stand at my sides. “Werewolves! You are friends with werewolves?” She shrieked at me, Vince, and Azalea. “I expect it from Rozelynn, but the two of you.”

“Minor miscalculation...” A male voice called from my aunts back. “My bride is a Wolf, as am I, please take your seats so we can begin the ceremony.” Nick suggested before turning his back and walking away so that he didn't see me before the wedding. He was a stickler for details and just a tad superstitious about the whole wedding thing.

Nick's P.O.V.

I was standing by the alter now trying not to hyperventilate. I had been perfectly fine diffusing the argument but now I was going to pass out. My hands shook, I couldn't help it. The fears were instinctive in me and I had to fight the urge to run. I love Rozelynn. That's all that matters. I told myself repeatedly and waited for the music to start. I just wanted this part to be over with, the reception I could deal with, this part....not so much.

The maid of honor, Azalea, and Adrian started down the aisle at a measured pace and I wanted to groan at how slow they were going. Next was Natasha and Ayden, then Isaac and Ravyn. I fidgeted a few more times before the music changed and the love of my life came down the aisle on the arm of Sam, my creator. She was beautiful, her dress stunningly white except for the black embroidery across the top of the bodice and down the skirts to one side. The breath was knocked out of me as she smiled from beneath her veil her green eyes sparkling.

Sam smiled at me before placing her hand in mine and turning away. I didn't pay attention to the preacher as he droned on and on I was staring at my bride. I remembered to choke out an 'I do' and exchange the rings in the right place but other than that I was completely blank until he announced I could kiss the bride. I pulled her into my arms and kissed her softly as she twined her arms my neck. The bouquet of was gorgeous matching her dress perfectly. With black and white lilies. A sapphire and diamond necklace adorned her slender pale throat and I couldn't help but smile at her.

“You look amazing.” I admitted kissing her temple as everyone cheered. She smiled and laughed at my expression but twined her fingers through mine as everyone congratulated us. Everything flowed smoothly. The reception was fun, we waltzed which most people didn't even remember how to do these days. Azalea was laughing as she watched a video on the camcorder that Natasha had and it made me curious. I opted to stay with Roze instead of going to see what was so funny, not that it was a very hard decision.

We had decided that we were only going to stay a couple of nights in a hotel instead of actually going on a honeymoon. She didn't know which hotel I was taking her too or how long we were staying but she didn't seem terribly concerned with it, I must admit. I felt like a fool, but hell, I really did love her. 


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