Family ties

By _crazy_hooman_

508K 24.9K 10K

•[COMPLETED]• Leah Stevenson is her name. She lives a happy life unbeknownst of the things that had happened... More

(1) Flashback
(2) Kingstons & Stevensons
(3) Story
(4) Plan
(5) Attack
(6) Troy
(7) Dean & Chase
(8) Back to LA
(9) Reunited
(10) Home
(11) Old Mafia, New Don
(12) Hostages
(13) Almost caught
(14) News spread
(15) First Day
(16) Plan initiated
(17) A new face
(18) Plan sucessful
(19) Caught
(20) Finally!
(21) Reunited
(22) Reunited- part (2)
(23) Meeting her
(24) Revelations
(26) Shocker
(27) Family huh?
(28) Meeting them again
(29) Official Mafia meet
(30) Dinner
(31) Date?
(32) School
(33) A Problem
(34) Threat
(35) Unexpected guest
(36) Mason's story
(37) Sunday
(38) Bye, mother
(39) Preparations
(40) Annual Mafia Gala
(41) Attack
(42) Truth
(43) Aftermath
(44) Talk
(45) Bad news
(46) Out in the open
(47) Living together
(48) Another attack
(49) Vacation?
(50) London
(51) Barely escaped
(52) Goodbye
(53) Matter at hand
(54) Apologise
(55) Intruder
(56) H for Hostage
(57) New plan
(58) Apology
(59) Decisions
(60) Goodbyes
(61) Theo
(62) More problems
(63) Making things right
(64) Sneaking
(65) Anniversary dinner
(66) Anniversary dinner- 2
Thank you!

(25) Revelations- part (2)

8.9K 491 293
By _crazy_hooman_

David's POV:


Sebastian stared at me like I was some ghost.

Everyone had gone still and quiet. I hardly could hear anything. Heck I think nobody was breathing.

I could hear my heart though, if that counts.

The atmosphere had become very tense and I was more nervous than ever.

"What did you just say?", Rowan muttered.

I was freaking out by the way these guys were looking at me and I did what I thought fit.

I bolted.

"Uh that I'm going home because I have plans with my daughters", I chuckled weakly and started walking out quickly.

A hand grasped my left wrist tightly stopping me in my tracks. I turn to see it was Sebastian.

"David please. What did you mean by what you just said?", Sebastian asked with a serious face.

I gulped nervously. His boys took a step forward staring at me.

"I think I was pretty clear. Your baby was born alive. Susan lied", I repeated.

He let go of my hand so quick as if I burnt him.

Rowan's eyes went wide. The boys, all of them were frozen.

"No..y-you , I-It can't be. W-What?", Sebastian gasped a bit.

He was so shaken up that I felt guilty. He takes a step back and Rowan was right behind him supporting him.

I looked down sadly.

"David what are you-? Can you just- ", Rowan cut himself off not able to form words.

"Guys I'm sorry. Please sit down first. Troy some water please for them?", I said hopefully.

Troy snapped out and nodded and rushed to the kitchen. The rest just kept staring at me in shock.

I gently push back Sebastian and Rowan making them sit down on the couch. They didn't protest or anything. Too shaken up for that.

Troy returns with a bottle of water and offers it to Sebastian who didn't even acknowledge it. He seemed in his own world with a frown on his face.

Rowan took it from him and gave it to Seb.

"Seb", He said softly.

Sebastian pushed it away and turned to face me.

"I need more than that. What the fuck is going on?", Sebastian asked getting irritated now.

I sighed rubbing my face with my hands.

"A few days ago Susan showed up at my place. At first it was all a reunion kinda thing. But as we kept going she asked- she told me about her kids after she saw mine", I stopped myself from revealing Leah.

Not yet.

"She was a bit emotional and just told me about the fifth kid who was born and how she kept it from you. I don't know why", I blurted out.

I felt bad for not telling the truth, but I wanted to know how this rolls out before dragging my daughter into this.

They all stared at me reeling in shock.

"No fucking way. The baby didn't m-make it! The doctor said so! There were a lot of complications! I remember it!", Sebastian almost yells.

I didn't reply just looked at him with sympathy.

No one spoke. Sebastian kept looking at me with a frown, but his mind was somewhere else.

"Wait a minute.. didn't the sonography show that it's a..", Rowan whispered with wide eyes and open mouth.

Everyone turns to look at him as the realisation sets in.

They know.

"It was a baby g-girl. My daughter was my fifth kid", Sebastian gasped in shock.

Weston and Theo look at each other with wide eyes. James had tears in his eyes. Brody was pissed. Dean in confusion. Charlie and Emmett had no expression. Chase and Troy looked worried.

Rowan's hand went over his mouth in shock.

"She is your fifth kid Seb. She's alive", I said softly.

He turned to face me and I saw tears forming in his eyes.

"No no", Sebastian muttered to himself shaking his head.

Fuck this is sad.

"Where is she? Where is my sister?", Weston asked me with an expression I didn't understand.

Everyone immediately looked at me.

"I don't know. You have to talk to Susan", I managed to speak with a heavy heart.

I didn't want to reveal about her yet. They will know of course. Susan can tell them.

"I just know she's adopted as Susan left her as one month old on someone's doorstep", I sighed.

As soon as I said that I wish I didn't.

'WHAT?!", Sebastian yells in anger.

I flinched taking a step back involuntarily.

He stood up along with Rowan who also was breathing angrily.

"What the fuck is wrong that woman?! Who the fuck gave her the right to put MY daughter into adoption?!", Sebastian growls in anger.

I take a deep breath. Man I wanted to go home right that moment.

"Why the hell did that bitch of a mother lie in the first place?!", Brody grit unapologetically.

"She lied about our sister being born?", James whispered to himself.

Shit I'm leaving.

As if it just strikes to them Theo whispered something to Wes who looked at him in realisation.

The next second Wes rushed to the table startling everyone and picked up the paper I left of the table which had their mother's number.

"Wes?", Charlie asked slowly.

"I'm calling her here. She has a lot to answer", Weston replied dialing the number.

Everyone nods immediately.

"Yes call that bitch here", Sebastian snarls angrily.

Oh boy.

"Seb calm down", Rowan said gently.

"CALM DOWN?! What is wrong with you Rowan?! Susan lied to me about my own child! What the fuck is wrong with her?! Who does she think she is?", Sebastian growls.

Rowan sighed knowing his right.

"Hello? Susan?", Weston spoke suddenly on the phone.

Everyone went quiet and turned to him giving him all their attention.

"Weston", Weston replied coldly to whatever Susan asked.

There was silence on both ends for a while.

"Yeah, your supposedly oldest son. Anyway come to the mansion right now", Weston ordered.

Though I've practically just met these boys I never thought they could be so rude or cold.

Though I don't blame them.

"You're in LA. We know it. Stop fucking lying. Get here now", Weston grit his teeth.

Sebastian's jaw clenched.

"Oh I think you know why Susan", Weston replied.

I sighed.

"I. Am. Not. Your. Son", Weston snarled threateningly.

Theo immediately put a hand on his shoulder trying to calm him. Weston closed his eyes for a second before opening them and taking a deep breath.

"You either come here this moment or else we find you. You know we can do that in mere seconds", Weston said coldly with an underlying meaning.

I frowned a bit.

"Why not?", Weston said angrily.

Sebastian took a step forward towards Weston with a questioning look.

"I don't give a damn about where you are. I need to here right now", Weston growls.

Now the Kingston boys were pissed. Real pissed. They knew Susan is stalling.

For a while Weston kept quiet listening to whatever that woman was saying.

Everyone here was quietly trying to be patient.

"Tomorrow then. I swear to god if you fucking don't show up or make up any other excuses then god help me there won't be a place where you'll be able to hide", Weston threatened her without hesitation.

Sebastian frowned. Everyone did actually.

Weston ended the call next breathing heavily. He looked at everyone's questioning glance.

"She can't come today and has promised to come tomorrow as she's three hour drive away from here", Weston replied.

"Oh hell no. She's lying", Brody grits.

"Yeah. It's our mother. Of course she is", Charlie said coldly.

I know she is.

"I don't know if she's lying or not. But tomorrow is final", Weston said clearly.

"Why? We should go and speak to get now!", Dean said impatiently.

"Exactly! We have to know where our sister is!", James frowns.

Sebastian and Rowan didn't say anything but I knew a plan was running in their mind.

Weston and Theodore looked at each other communicating silently. Others just seemed pissed, worried and impatient.

"She won't come today no matter what you do", I said.

They all turned to me.

"Why not?", Emmett asked.

"She's too scared to face you. When I told her she should tell you guys everything, she refused. Then when I told her I will she tried to stop me as well", I said sighing.

"Of course she did. God I hate her", Sebastian grunted.

I sighed.

A headache had started forming in my head. I just wanted to go.

"16 years. It's been 16 years", Rowan said with a frown.

"She must be 16 now. Oh god", Charlie whispered looking away not able to bear the news.

"We're of the same age", Troy muttered looking down.

Oh man

They all were in their own world. Worried, anxious and stressed.

"I should leave now", I said immediately turning to leave.

Once again I was stopped by a hand on my wrist. I turned to see it was Rowan this time.

"David thank you so much. If you hadn't told us this. We never would have known about my niece", Rowan smiled sadly.

"Yeah. I owe you big time. Thanks buddy", Sebastian smiled weakly.

I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. If it's possible I like you more", James smiled.

I chuckled.

"You're a good man. Thank you", Theo smiled thankfully.

I take a deep breath feeling guilty for not telling them everything.

"I'll be here tomorrow. I'll get Susan with me", I said firmly.

They seemed confused.

"You don't have to David", Weston said softly.

"Trust me I have to. You'll want to speak to me", I said lowly.

They seemed confused.

I just waved my hand with a small smile and left for my house.

Third's POV:

The Kingstons were feeling multiple emotions in a row.

David has just left their house and all they could think about was the little girl who must have grown up so much now and how she was supposed to live with them.

"I can't believe this", Chase shakes his head.

"She's alive. Our sister is alive", Emmett muttered in shock.

Suddenly there was a crash and almost everyone jumped a bit and faced a very pissed off Brody.

He had just kicked a show piece towards the wall.

Sebastian wasn't sure how he will handle his son. He knew how Brody and his anger was.

Rowan just wanted to calm the kid.

"Hasn't she done enough! That woman left us and took away the one thing that everyone in this house always wished for!", Brody yelled angrily.

Dean nods with a frown of his own. He himself was so pissed so he understands what Brody feels.

James sat down on the couch pulled up his legs to his chest and sighed.

Charlie and Wes share a look knowing they need to calm him.

"I am so done! Fuck everything!", Brody picked up another piece and threw it.

James flinched due to the noise. Emmett saw that and immediately went and sat down next to him putting a hand around his cousin.

Wes immediately went to stop Brody before he hurts himself.

"Brody", Wes went to the boy who in turn took a few more steps back.

"No! Stay away! I'm so done! I've fucking had it till here with everything that's been happening to us! God when will we catch a fucking BREAK!", Brody pulled his hair in frustration.

Everyone was worried now. It was no secret to anyone that the kids have had enough taken away from them already.

"Our childhood? gone! Mom? gone! Grandpa, Grandma? gone! Ten years worth memories? gone! Sister? GONE! What more huh?!", Brody grit in anger.

Sebastian looked away tears forming in his eyes.

James started crying as Em tried to comfort him. Troy held Chase's hand as he was feeling too overwhelmed.

Charlie's heart was hurting badly. He has always hated seeing any of his brothers in pain.

Weston could relate to Brody as he himself was feeling so angry at knowing how much life's taken from them.

As Brody was going to punch the wall in anger Theo ran to him and stopped him.

He held the boy tight in his arms stopping him from hurting himself.

"Bud no. Please stop", Theo whispered sadly.

Brody lost it as he just started crying. His legs gave away as Theo held him.

"I'm so done Theo", He cried hiding his face in the other one's chest.

It was surprising to many as Brody was never one to lose control of his emotions this way. Sure he gets angry a lot. But never cried.

This just made them all realise how much these boys have gone through during their time as hostage.

Spending a bit part of their childhood there...

James cried more as he too hid his face between his legs. Troy and Chase weren't far away as tears were evident in their eyes.

Rowan's heart broke watching them all like this.

Dean wiped a tear from his eye which was about to fall and grabbed the bottle of water from the table and walked towards Brody.

He kneeled down and stroked the boy's hair.

"Just have some water bud", Dean said softly.

Brody sniffed shaking his head.

"Brody please", Theo said gently.

This time Brody listened and had some slowly.

Charlie walked kneeled down in front of James and rubbed his arms comfortingly.

James looked up slowly.

"She was put into adoption Char", He whispered sniffing.

"I know", Charlie said sadly hugging the boy along with Emmett.

Weston just turned away from them and tried to calm down his beating heart.

He was worried for his sister. It pained him to know she was alive all this long and was kept away from them on purpose.

Theo glanced at Wes and knew he needed him. He looked at Dean who nodded back in understanding.

Dean hugged Brody and tried to calm him while Theo stood up and walked to Wes.

"Wes you have to stay strong. We will find her", Theo put his hand on his shoulder.

Weston turns and nods with a determined face.

"We will", Rowan said confidently.

Everyone looks at them.

"My daughter is out there I don't know where, but I will do anything to get her back. Susan will tell us everything is she knows what's best for her. This time I won't let her ruin my children's life any more than she already has", Sebastian grit his teeth.

"I'm with you", Rowan smiled softly.

Sebastian was feeling better knowing he has help.

The rest of the night and the next morning was no better in the house.

Everyone was irritated and pissed off.

Some were just so depressed and couldn't wait to find out what happened and why it all happened.

The boys were coping the best they could, but it was obvious they'll be okay only when they see their little sister.



David's POV:

I sighed heavily knowing what's going to happen today.

Susan will tell them it's Leah and how she was left outside my door.

Now I had to be prepared for that. I have to keep them away till I tell Lea everything myself.

Their reactions from yesterday have made it very clear that they will do anything to see their daughter/ sister and potentially get her back.

The door bell snapped me out of my thoughts again.

I sigh as I stood up to open the door only to find the one woman there who's the cause of all this.

She looked pissed. Well so am I.

"Susan if I don't pick up your calls it means I'm busy", I said annoyed.

"I don't give a rat's ass about you being busy! You fucking told them when I told not to! What's your problem?", She said angrily.

"You! You are my fucking problem. Now get out. It's some more time before we have to be there at the Kingston mansion for the meet", I said pissed.

I was ready to close the door on her face.

"You do realise once they know it's Leah you will lose her", She said crossing her arms.

"I will never lose my daughter", I said stubbornly.

She scoffs with a smile.

"Keep dreaming David. They haven't met her since she was born. You really think they'll let her out of their sight now that they know? You don't know them", She shakes her head.

"It's not just their decision if you have forgotten. Leah has an equal say in this. I will do anything she wants because unlike you I actually love my daughter", I said bitterly.

Her jaw clenched.

"Let's see what happens then", She said.

I don't reply, but just shut the door on her face.

I take a deep breath to calm myself. Now the thought of losing Leah was more scary.

When the time came Susan and I drive together to the Kingston house. None of us spoke on the way.

She was obviously nervous for what's going to happen while I just didn't want to speak.

The same guard that I always see stopped us again.

He grinned seeing me and walked to my side.

"Wow. We meet again sir. I may start thinking you're coming here to see me and not my boss", The guard smile cheekily.

Any other time I would have replied cheekily, but I was just too nervous to do anything.

"Can you let us in please?", I asked.

His smile flattered when he didn't get back a usual sarcastic reply. Thankfully he didn't pry and just let us in after glancing at Susan once.

Susan stared at the house and took a deep breath.

Someone's nostalgic

We get out of my car and head to the front door. I knock on it and looked at Susan.

She looked like she would prefer to be anywhere but here right now.

The door opened and we were greeted by Weston.

He looked at me and then at his mother. The no emotion face surprised me.

"Weston", Susan whispered in surprise.

He ignored her and gestured for us to walk in. I without a word followed him.

Once we reach the living room I saw everyone gathered around there except Troy.

Sebastian and Rowan were seated while their kids were standing around and behind the couches.

Brody and Dean were a bit far leaning on the wall.

The unsurprising part was none of their faces looked welcoming or even a bit happy.

I cleared my throat not used to standing in such a place. Seb and Rowan looked at me with a small smile.

I nod at them and walked towards the fire place and stood there to try and give them some privacy.

Susan walked in and everyone looks at her. She held her head high managing to show some courage and she stood there in this heels.

Sebastian and Susan looked at each other. While the woman had no expression the man had pure hatred on his face.

Susan broke the staring contest as she looked around at everyone.

"Hey Rowan", She smiled a bit.

Like me even Rowan and her were good friends in school.

Rowan just glared at her. Susan sighs like she expected it and turned her attention to her kids.

"Wes, Charlie, Jamie, Brody. You guys have grown so much. It's good to see you boys", Susan smiled softly.

"Wish we could say the same mother", Brody smiled sarcastically.

I take a deep breath.

Susan looked at him and back at Sebastian as if hoping he'll call him out for being rude.

Sebastian just crossed his arms and sat there.

Susan takes a deep breath and shifts her attention to the others.

"Theo, Em, Dean, Chase how you boys doing? Where's Troy?", Susan smiled softly.

"Better off without you. Also, Troy's none of your concern", Dean smiled sweetly.

Susan's jaw clenched now. She turned to look at the brothers.

"Really? You're gonna let them talk to me like that?", Susan said annoyed.

Rowan shrugged. Sebastian replied.

"Normally I would stop them, but it's you Susan. I don't mind this behaviour for you", Sebastian said.

"Why? Because we divorced? Or because we lost touch? Or because I hid our daughter?", She replied angrily.

Sebastian's jaw clenched.

"So you aren't that dumb. Good to know", Rowan smiled.

"Enough is enough. I didn't come here to get disrespected like that. I don't have to hear this", Susan grits.

She then turned to leave when Theo and Wes walked to her and blocked her way.

"Move", She said pissed.

I rolled my eyes. She's still trying to escape?!

"Susan just stop all the drama. You know why you're here", I said getting annoyed.

She turned to me with an angry glare.

"You shouldn't even be here. This is family matter David."

"Then neither should you. You aren't family", Charlie said sternly.

Susan turned to him.

"Really Charlie? You too. I thought atleast you wouldn't speak to me like that", Susan said with a bit of surprise.

"Why would you think that?", Charlie scoffs.

"Because I'm your mother. Brody doesn't remember me much maybe, but you, atleast you and Wes should know better than to judge me", She said.

I sighed. I should have come later.

"Do you even hear yourself? Mother? Really? What kind of mother leaves her own daughter on someone's doorstep? What kind of mother refuses to keep in touch with her own kids after divorce. What kind of mother keeps a secret as huge as the one you did from her family? Don't call yourself our mother", Weston said coldly.

Susan takes a deep frustrated breath in.

"I had my reasons for everything you just listed Wes. I- ",

She was interrupted by Sebastian.

"Really? What are the reasons exactly?", Sebastian glared at her.

"My daughter would be better off than living in this house where she probably wouldn't be safe Sebastian", Susan said angrily.

I frowned in confusion, but the rest looked very pissed.

"Who gave you the right to decide that by yourself?", Sebastian said angrily.

"Right? Really? She's my daughter", Susan retorted.

"OUR DAUGHTER!", Sebastian yelled standing up.

Rowan stood up too probably to keep Sebastian back in case he loses it.

Susan didn't flinch or reply.

"How could you huh? You literally told everyone that she died. You left our girl somewhere just assuming she'll be taken care off. You kept us all unaware of this even though you knew how much we were looking forward to the youngest baby of the house!", Sebastian accused her.

"Seb I didn't leave her just anywhere. I left somewhere where I knew she would be safe. I was only protecting her", She said softly.

"Really? Again you made that choice yourself. You disappeared from LA. You've come back after 16 years and you're saying you cared?", Sebastian looked at her in disbelief.

"Of course I care! I came back for her!", Susan exclaimed.

I couldn't hold back.

"So soon? Why? Could have taken a couple more years", I said sarcastically.

She glared at me.

"Dav- ", She started only to be interrupted.

"Stop talking back to him. Tell me where she is. Now!", Sebastian demanded.

Susan didn't reply and looked away.

"Susan?", Rowan spoke.

She didn't reply.

I was wondering why. She clearly can tell them she's with me.

Everyone stared at her angrily.

James stands up and walks to his mother speaking for the first time since we came.

"Where is my sister?", He asked calmly.

Susan looked at him.

"Jamie please understand- ", She began explaining.

"Where. Is. She?", James grit in anger.

Some where surprised to see James like that. Even I was. I thought he was a kind, jolly kid.

"I can't tell", She shakes her head

"Why? Haven't you given us enough pain? Are you trying to win the worst mother in existence award or something?", James glared at her.

"I'm not a bad mother. I just made certain choices you don't agree with", Susan replied.

"Nope. Bad mother", James said with a deadpanned expression.

Susan sighed heavily.

"For fuck sake just say where our sister is godammit", Emmett said in annoyance.

Everyone was slowly getting angry. Especially the calm and collected ones.

Susan looked torn between I don't know what. She looked at me with hesitation almost as if expecting me to intervene.

I stand there with no expression.

Yes I'm nervous about them finding out about Leah, but I ain't a liar or cold hearted man.

She finally exhaled in defeat.

Here we go.

"She's here in LA. Her name is- ", Susan started, but was interrupted.

The front door was opened and we heard voices.

"I'm home!", Troy called out and I heard rushing footsteps.

Everyone turned to see Troy jog fast inside the living room looking here and there and locking eyes with his aunt.

"Woah woah what's the hurry man?", I heard a very familiar voice.

My heart started beating rapidly. I stood straight immediately and looked at the direction from where Troy just came.

My heart dropped when I saw who walked in.


My eyes gawked at my daughter smiling and looking at Troy.

She smiled looking at everyone and then her eyes fell on Susan who herself was baffled might I add.

I was by the fireplace so I don't think she had seen me yet.

What the fuck..

Third's POV:

Leah looked at everyone not noting their pissed off expression or even the tense atmosphere.

Her eyes swept by everyone and fell on a woman she didn't know. But she frowned in familiarity. She had seen her somewhere.

"Guys", Troy said snapping out Leah, Susan and David.

Troy had been wondering since morning if they had found out about his lost sister. He was anxious to know and desperate to reach home.

Leah finally realised who the woman was. She didn't remember the name, but she knew that she had seen her at her house once. Her Dad's client she was.

What was she doing here?

She frowned and looked past and her eyes caught another figure standing a bit away from everyone and she almost gasped in shock.

"Dad?!", She said loudly with a massive shock.

All the Kingstons frowned in confusion as they look at Leah and the David.

"Leah?", David said nervously which nobody noticed.

"What?", Rowan said in shock.

"Dad?", Theo raised his eyebrows.

Leah gulped freaking out wondering how her father is here in the Kingston mansion.

"Leah what are you doing here?", David asked in surprise.

"I-I uh, I came to drop Troy home since h-he didn't get his car today", Leah said slowly still reeling in shock and worry.

David frowned deeper.

How did she know Troy?

"Leah, David is your father?", Troy asked in shock.

Leah nods slowly her heart beating rapidly.

"Oh my. David she's one of your daughters", Rowan said with a shocked, but happy smile.

It hadn't yet clicked to Rowan that his best friend's daughter was working for his mafia and how David will not be happy about that.

David nods slowly.

Everyone smiled a bit. Sebastian smiled curiously for a second forgetting about Susan.

Susan was beyond confused. She kept wondering why her daughter is here and how the hell does she know them!

"Dad what are you doing here?", Leah asked anxiously.

David hesitates, but luckily Rowan replied for him.

"Oh what a small world. Leah your father, Seb and I were best friends in school. We've known each other since a long time", Rowan grinned.

Still didn't click.

"Oh really? How nice", Leah smiled weakly.

She cursed her luck so bad at that moment. What are the chances?!

"How do you know them?", David asked curiously.

That's when it clicked to Rowan. His eyes went wide immediately.

Now he was freaking out.

"Oh um Troy is in the same class as mine. It's his first day so um I uh showed him around", Leah smiled nervously.

David nods in understanding. This time he cursed his luck. What are the chances?!

The remaining Kingstons were a bit confused at first wondering why Leah chose to not tell about how she knew them.

But then it clicked to Theodore.

He immediately looked at all his brothers silently catching their attention and cautioning them with his eyes slightly shaking his head gesturing towards Leah and then David.

They all slowly nod in understanding.

David knew he has to leave now with Leah. He can't stay. Leah can't know like this. He wanted to sit her down and explain everything to her.

"Oh cool. Small world indeed. Um I think we should go then. I was leaving myself", David quickly walked towards Leah.

Everyone looked at him curiously. Susan frowned.

"Yeah we should. I was heading home anyway. Hungry", Leah immediately chuckled rubbing her stomach.

Both had their own reasons to want to get out.

"Oh you are? You can have something here", Troy suggested thoughtfully.

Leah and David both wanted to face palm at Troy's innocence.

"No it's fine", Leah gave a daring look to Troy to speak.

Rowan knew why Leah wanted to leave fast. So he helped.

"Um it's fine Troy. I'm sure Leah would rather prefer to go home. She must be tired after school", Rowan smiled softly.

Leah nods thankfully and waved at everyone and immediately rushed out.

David gave one last look to Susan who still didn't know what was happening.

He then looked at Seb who gives him a nod of understanding though not really knowing what happened to him suddenly.

For Rowan helping keep Leah's secret was more important at that moment so he didn't think anything weird about David's behaviour.

David immediately leaves after looking at Susan.

Susan was just beyond confused. She had no idea whatsoever.

The Kingstons turn their attention back to Susan.

"Do we know where she is?", Troy asked hopefully wanting to know about his sister.

Everyone shakes their head no. Troy frowned.

"Why?!", He asked not understanding.

"Aunty Susan here refuses to tell anything", Chase said irritated.

Susan looked at them all in disbelief.

"I don't understand", Susan muttered.

"What? You don't understand what we're asking you? Where is she Susan?", Sebastian demanded.

Susan frowned. She was right here!

"Why are you asking me? Shouldn't you already know?", Susan said in confusion.

All the Kingstons look at her ridiculously.

"What are you talking about? How would I know?", Sebastian replied in irritation.

"Because you've already met our daughter Sebastian", Susan states.

That came as a big shocker to them all.

"What the hell?", Rowan mumbled in disbelief.

Everyone looks at Susan as if she's gone crazy.

"You seriously didn't recognise your own daughter?", Susan asked in disbelief.

Sebastian frowned. Rowan looked confused.

Weston and Theo slowly looked at each other realising at the same time.

Brody and the others had their own theories for a second when they all had met Leah the first time.

For them she looked very familiar, but obviously no one could place the resemblance to their own father.

Leah was a lot like Sebastian. Not just personality wise, but looks as well.

"She was right here in the house! Just now you met her!", Susan exhasperated.

Everyone's eyes went wide and jaws reached the floor.

"Leah is our daughter Sebastian", Susan said loudly

She was finding it ridiculous that they indeed hadn't realised yet.


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It's finally here! 🙌

Stay tuned to know what happens next.

Next update may take a while as I've updated two chapters today.

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