Bucket Hat

By glittershims

2.1K 252 7

It all started with just being an ARMY and getting to finally see her ultimate group, BTS, live in concert. E... More

Road Trip
Day 1
Hidden Message
Phone Call
Morning after
Making Plans
Tenth Floor
Meeting the Members
Soundcheck Day 2
The Call
Can't wait
Goodbye again
Lomg Time Coming
Kayla's coming!
Kayla's here!
New Beginning
Let Go
I Love You


36 5 0
By glittershims

Two days.....two full days it's been since landing and I haven't spoken to Jungkook. He's texted me a few times each day, constantly apologizing for not being able to call and telling me how much he misses me, but he says he's super busy with practices and meetings for the comeback in a little over a week. As disappointed as I feel and as much as I miss him, I understand that he's really busy. I'm sitting on the flight back home, playing on my phone, having given in to Kayla's begging for the window seat. I go into my photos and start looking at the pictures Jungkook has either sent me the past two days, or the few we managed to take together or I secretly took of him. I'm being very careful to not allow anyone around me to see my screen....that's a whole mess I don't ever want to go through. I'm now staring at my favorite picture of us. One I wish I could make my screen saver, but couldn't chance someone seeing it and leaking it somehow. It was one taken by Jimin of the two of us. In the picture the two of us are sitting in the hammock swing in the back yard. Jungkook has his arm around my waist and my head is on his shoulder. I am looking up at him while he smiles down at me. I remember I was telling him more about my job at that moment. Jimin said he couldn't help but take the picture because our looks to each other was genuine and he's never seen their youngest so happy. I think to myself that I'll need to thank Jimin again for capturing this moment for us. The ding from the over head is heard, indicating we're about to land and to be in our seats with our belts on. "Home sweet miserable fucking home" Kayla mumbles beside me. I laugh at my sisters enthusiasm to be home. "Ohio is so dull. I want to leave and never come back someday." "Don't say that, this is our home." Rolling her eyes as she grabs her bag so we can exit the plane, and she says, "yeah yeah." Grabbing her hand we walk hand in hand out of the airport to my car. "Come on....I'll drive you home."

I turn the key in the lock, then turn the knob to walk into my house I haven't seen in a week. I suddenly feel tired so I walk directly to my room and plop down on my bed after tossing my bag on the floor. I grab my phone out of the front pocket of Jungkooks hoodie I'm wearing and send him a text stating I've made it home and add a pic of me in my room. Doubting I'll get a reply because it's like 3am in Korea, I throw my phone down and stand up to take my clothes from the trip to the wash, except for Jungkooks. Once I am in the hallway I hear my phone ringing and I drop the armful of clothes and dash back to my room to grab my phone. On my screen I see a FaceTime request coming from an unknown number. There's no way I'm  answering some strange number so I decline the call, slide my phone in my back pocket and walk back to my abandoned clothes. The ding of a text sounds and I see it's Jungkook.

Answer the phone baby. I am trying to video call. I got an iPhone so we can video call.

A few seconds later the call comes in again. This time I hit the green button and my handsome man with a huge smile appears on the screen. My heart leaps up in my throat. "Ella! It's so good to see your face." I giggle at his choice of words and say, "Hey. Were you sleeping? It's like 3am there?!" His room is dark and I  can tell he's laying in bed. He looks so good! "I wasn't sleeping yet. We didn't get back to the dorms until shortly after 1am. I showered and have to calm down after I practice. I was hoping to hear from you so I could call you on my new phone to see your face. Ahhh.....I miss your face so much baby!" He starts rolling side to side on the bed, looking so damn cute. "I miss you too. So so much. Your shirts are starting to lose your scent already." I fake pout. He sits up against his headboard and leans to flick a lamp on. "Then I'll send you more." I can't help but laugh. He's beyond sweet. "You're funny. I'm happy with what I have. There's still some of my mans scent on them." His smile fills the screen as he says, "your man will gladly send you a shirt of his every day if that is your desire. I want you to be happy." Heat fills my cheeks as I blush and I shyly reply, "I am happy, don't worry. Just seeing your face makes me so happy. I mean, I miss you like crazy but I'm so happy." Suddenly he sticks his lip out and pouts into the screen. "Well...hmmm....I'm happy too but...I could be happier." I'm taken aback by his remark and worry starts to fill me. All the self doubt I have starts to creep up. Does he not like me anymore? Is he going to say he doesn't want to talk to me anymore? Is he going to say this is too hard already? "W-what do you mean?" I stammer and then swallow thickly. "Ummm....can you wait just a moment?" He abruptly states. "S-sure." He puts the phone face down on the bed so all I see is black. I hear him faintly talking in Korean to someone. My mind automatically races. Who is he talking to? Is it a woman? Does he have another woman there? Is he expecting some kind of deal like Kayla and Yoongi have, where they can sleep with other people and aren't a 'couple?' I start to shake as dread fills my body. Then I hear the door close and can hear him slide onto the bed and his face comes back into view. "Sorry. I needed to talk to my manager." I can do nothing but nod, terror still driving though my veins. "Are you ok Ella?" He asks as he can see me looking upset. I try to act fine, not sure how convincing I'm being though. "Hm? Yeah! I'm fine!" He scans my face seriously. "Mmmm.....I don't think I believe you. But will you do me a favor first?" Blinking rapidly I reply, "y..e..s..." He situates himself against the headboard again and smiles.

"Ok. I want you to walk down your stairs." What? Confused I tell him, "I'm already downstairs on my couch....why are you asking me that Jungkook?" He looks at me surprised and a little embarrassed. "Oh! Ok.....so now I want you to walk to your front door." I start feeling anxious but obey. I get up and slowly walk, silently, to the front door. "Ok. I'm at my front door???" His smiles gets bigger and I see him start to bounce a bit in his spot. I can also feel my doubt starting to melt away. "Do you see anything outside?" I suspiciously look at him but walk to the side window and peer through the curtain. In front of my house I see a black van that looks too shiny to belong here. "I see trees, flowers, my mailbox, and a black van." He giggles a little and then says, "open your door. And stand there." "What? Why? You're freaking me out!" His huge bunny smile fills my screen as he leans closer to the phone. "Just do as I say....please baby." Hearing him call me baby sends a calm to my anxiousness. I open the front door and step out onto the porch. "Ok, I'm on my porch. Now what do I do?" "Just wait" is all he says with a giggle following. I stop paying attention to him when I notice a man get out of the drivers seat of the black van. He glances at me and then turns to the sliding door and pulls it open. My heart starts racing. "Jungkook, what's going on?" He says nothing but stares at me, smiling. The man pulls out a huge silver box and turns to start walking toward me. "Jungkook?" I start to look between the man approaching me and the man on the phone screen. "Are you Ella Jones?" After I nod he hands me the box and smirks. "Have a nice day miss." With that he turns and walks away. I just stand there, confused. Jungkook is grinning and giggling like a child at this point. I know he knows what's in the box. "Go inside and open it jagiya." Shutting my front door, I walk to my kitchen table. I sit Jungkook against a vase in the center, so I can still see him, and with shaky hands lift the silver lid. Inside I find flowers. A LOT of flowers! It's full of beautiful purple, pink and white roses. Bringing my hand to my mouth I let out a gasp. I look at the phone. "Did you do this???" He laughs and nods. "Did they turn out nicely?" He asks. "Yes. They're beautiful Jungkook. This is too much though." He beams and says, "That's not all. Look in the box a little better." With wide eyes I start to scan the box and notice a small tan box in the corner. I look at the man who is smiling and clearly excited. I grab the box out and show it to Jungkook. "What is this?" He can't hide his excitement, bouncing again in his bed. "Just open the box Ella." I do as he says and open the lid to the box.

Inside I see a delicate looking silver bracelet. The metal design looked as though it was braided together and in the center there's a small flat plate. Looking closely at the plate I see something written in Korean. "Jungkook...." I look at him in the phone. "What?....I'm....I don't know what to say." He's giggling a little, still bouncing like a little boy. "Do you like it? It's white gold, I noticed you only wore silver jewelry but silver wasn't good enough for my girl. I hope it's ok for you." I feel my eyes get wet and I am speechless. I don't know what to say. "Jungkook....this is....this is too much. It's beautiful. How did you do this though?" He laughed, threw his arms out and  said, "I'm JK!!" I can't help but laugh at his cute innocent arrogance. "What does it say?" I ask, looking at the engraving on the plate again. He bites his bottom lip. "It's my name." I look back at him, my heart starts to beat fast and hard in my chest. "There's one more thing...." Wide eyed I watch as he raises his tattooed arm up to show a bracelet that matches mine  on his wrist. "I got a matching one....and had your name written on it. This way I feel like you're always with me, even when you're far away. And I am with you." Oh.my.heart..... He looks down shyly and then back at me with the softest smile. I feel a tear streak down my cheek. With shaky fingers I put the bracelet on the same wrist as his. I scan it with my fingers, touched by this sentiment. It's like a couple gift. "I love it. Thank you" I whisper. Jungkook throws his head back on the headboard. "Ahhh......I want to kiss you badly right now! I don't like this! You are too far away!" I laugh and blow him a kiss when he looks up at me. "Ahhhh!" He clutches his chest at my air kiss. "You are too cute jagiya! I wish you were next to me right now so I could kiss you and make you mine." Laughing I say, "I am yours. Whether next to you or on the opposite side of the Earth.....I'm yours."

I see his smile disappear and it startles me. He looks at me seriously and just stares. "Jungkook? You ok?" He says nothing but shakes his head, no smile showing still. I start to feel the anxiety coming back from the look on his face. "What's wrong? Did I upset you?" He sighs. "Ella....baby....I can't do this." I'm taken aback at his comment and I feel like someone punched me in my gut. What? "Wh....what?? What do you mean?" He brings the phone close to his face again and says, "I need you by my side Ella. You have a whole summer from your job still, so....will you come here and spend it with me?"

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