Bucket Hat


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It all started with just being an ARMY and getting to finally see her ultimate group, BTS, live in concert. E... Еще

Road Trip
Day 1
Hidden Message
Phone Call
Morning after
Making Plans
Tenth Floor
Meeting the Members
Soundcheck Day 2
The Call
Can't wait
Lomg Time Coming
Kayla's coming!
Kayla's here!
New Beginning
Let Go
I Love You

Goodbye again

37 5 0

We all spent the evening in and around the pool. We played, ate, laughed, and just had a fun evening. We were now sitting together around the fire pit relaxing. Music is playing softly in the background....everyone falls into a comfortable silence. I'm sitting on Jungkooks lap, him holding me almost like a child, lightly rubbing my arm. I feel soft kisses every so often on my head and I feel content. "Did you have fun today Ella?" He softly asks. I nod and smile. "Mmm. The best." He hugs my body a little tighter and kisses my head again. "Me too. I am glad you came here." I turn to look at him and gently lean up to catch his lips. "I'm glad too." Suddenly Jimin stretches, slaps his lap, and stands up. Saying something in Korean the others nod and answer back and he then looks to me and Kayla. "I'm going to sleep. Good night." We both tell him Goodnight and he disappears into the house. One by one each member starts to head to their rooms for the night. "Are you ready to sleep Bella?" Jungkook asks me so I stand and nod to let him know my answer. Grabbing his hand, I pull him to stand and we say our good nights and head to our room. Once inside he takes me into a hug, resting his face in my neck. "Are you tired?" I wrap my arms around his slender trunk and shrug. He lightly kisses my neck and says, "I hope you're not too tired jagiya. I waited to have you all day. I need to feel you more again." I feel an almost automatic tingle in my core. "I've heard jagiya before but what does it mean?"  He smiles at my confused face and says, "it means honey. It's a term of....what is the English...." He's too cute! He closes his eyes as he's thinking, but I quickly help him. "Do you mean endearment? A term of endearment?" His eyes pop open and he gives me that adorable crunched up smile and laughs. "Ah, yes! En.dear.ment. But...you never told me if you are tired Ella." I give Jungkook a small peck on the lips and tell him no before I bite my lip. I know where he's going with this question. He looks down at my teeth tugging my lip and emits a small growl. "I'm glad. I will make you good and tired so you sleep well."

~4 days later~

I wake and feel a heavy weight on my body. I smile knowing who's weight it is. This is all still like a dream to me. I open my eyes and look at the sleeping man that has his body wrapped on mine. Jungkook is still sleeping and I take this moment to just admire him. His fluffy locks cover his face and his mouth is slightly open to allow steady breaths to flow. He looks so perfect and I still have to pinch myself to see if this is real. If I am really in a relationship with Jungkook. I smile and want to kiss him so bad. Licking my lips I start to lightly caress his tattooed arm. "Mmmm, that feels nice." His husky morning voice hits my ears, making me tingle again in my core. This man gets me wet just from speaking. We both lay in silence, knowing today is our last day....the guys will be leaving to go back to Korea in a few short hours. They're comeback is in two weeks. "I don't want to get up. I know once we do the time will fly until it's time for you guys to leave." He pulls me tight to him, burying his face in my neck and feathers it with kisses. "I know baby. I don't want to leave you." I hug him back. "I don't either. But you have a comeback to get ready for." He groans and rolls on his back. "I knoooow......pdnim has already been so generous to let us have a week off. We need to prepare." I climb on top of him, my legs straddling his waist and pepper his face with kisses. "And I'll be watching and cheering for you from home. Watching my strong sexy man sing and dance for the world." He smiles as he slides his hands to my back and pulls me down to him, caressing my face. He kisses my lips over and over and says, "Yes Ella. I'll be singing to all ARMYs but I'll really be singing for you. My beautiful girl." He leans in and kisses me one more long time and then stands up from the bed, pulling me with him. "But now....let's shower so I can take you on last time before I go." I feel my face heat up but smirk and make a dash for the bathroom. "Last one in has to wash the other!" He takes off and closes in quick, lifting me over his shoulder, making me squeal and laugh and start smacking his ass. I hear him growl as he opens the door. "Oh Ella....baby....someone wants punished."

As Kayla and I stand together watching Jungkook and the others load the vans I start feeling a knot grow in my throat. He's about to leave. Again. And I don't know when is the next time I will see him will be. He turns to me once he's loaded his bags and smiles a sad smile while walking to me. "I'm loaded." I keep trying to swallow the knot while I smile and nod. Yoongi walks up and grabs Kayla by her waist and pulls her to him, kissing her a little roughly. She throws her arms around his neck to give it right back. "I'll be in touch" is all he says, slaps her ass while smirking and then turns to walk to the van. "Time to say goodbye Kook" he says to Jungkook and pats his shoulder. He nods and turns back to me but his eyes go to the ground. He grabs me softly at the waist and pulls me into him. When he looks up to me I see his beautiful dark orbs glistening. Seeing him on the verge of tears is all it takes to forget the knot and let me eyes well up. I hug him tight. "I'll miss you. Have a safe trip and be safe." He pulls back from the hug but keeps our bodies close and grabs my face with his hands. He brushes the tears from my cheeks that have now started spilling out, as I see a couple run down his and reach up as well to brush them away. He then kisses me with so much passion it makes my knees buckle. It hurts my heart, it was so passionate. I could feel his feelings for me through the kiss. "I will miss you so much Ella. I don't want to leave you." He puts his forehead on mine while we both are still holding each other's faces, and kisses me again. I hear Namjoon from the van. "JK, we have to go." He nods while still kissing me. "Like today Jungkookie" I hear Jimin laugh. Jungkook breaks the kiss and locks his teary eyes with mine. "I will call you as soon as we land if you allow me. It won't be a good time of day for you." I shake my head, still allowing all my sadness to pour from my eyes. "I don't care what time it is, I'll have my phone by me, waiting." Taehyung yells this time, "Jungkookie!" He yells something back in Korean and then kisses me hard and pulls away, Smiles and keeps his face to me as he takes steps toward the awaiting van. "I'll see you soon my love." I smile through my tears and say, "I can't wait." With that he winks and blows me a kiss and jog to walk to the van and climb in. Kayla walks up to me and puts her hand in mine and we watch as the vans drive away, carrying the man who I am scared to admit is overtaking my heart and I'm falling for. Once they're out of sight I can't help but break down a bit. Kayla hugs me and says, "it'll be ok El. You have two months before work starts again. I'm sure you'll see each other again before summer is over." I nod as I wipe my tears from my face, even though it's pointless because more replace them. "Someone is falling in love." I pull back and laugh, wiping your face again. "Shut up Kay." She grabs me again and pulls me into a hug. "I won't sis, because I know he's falling in love with you too. And you deserve it." I shake my head at her crazy assumption. Could he really feel as strong for me as I do for him? "Yes Ella....I think he feels just as much for you as you do for his ass. I know that's what you're thinking and I've seen the way he looks at you. That's a look of love sis." She grabs my hand and pulls me into the house. "But now, let's go get our suits on and spend the day sulking in the pool." The guys told us to spend a couple more days at the house before heading back to Ohio. They also paid for our tickets back home.

I walk into the room I shared with Jungkook the past week and it felt different. Not as bright although nearly everything was white and cream colored. It's been twenty minutes since he drove away and my heart is aching from missing him. I walk to the bed and lay on his pillow, hugging it. His scent was still on it. I felt tears come again and I let them, just laying there...feeling. Missing a man I honestly don't know that well but feel like I've known for years. I'm not sure how long I laid there, it felt like hours, when in reality it was maybe a half hour or so. I hear my phone go off and I quickly climb off the bed to grab it. When I open it the tears I had just gotten to stop start flowing again.

We are about to go. I miss you already. I stole one of your shirts. I hope you aren't upset. It smelled like you. I left some of my clothes for you too. I put them in the closet. I will call you as soon as I get off the plane. I will be thinking about you every second.

I wipe the tears from my cheeks and almost run to the closet. Inside I see two of his hoodies, two t-shirts, and a jacket hanging. I walk over to them and bring them to my chest. Pulling them all off the hangers, I carry them to the bed. Kayla bursts in in her bikini. "What the hell Ella! Why aren't you dressed?" I turn to her and she sees my tear streaked face. "Awe sweetie....you're breaking my heart." With a pouty face she walks over and hugs me. "He left some of his clothes for me." I almost whisper. Kayla gives me puppy dog eyes and says, "That's too sweet. Yoongs didn't leave me anything except a sore vagina." I slap her and laugh while wiping my face. "Give me a couple minutes to change and I'll be down." She nods and walks out. I pick up my phone and send Jungkook a text I'm sure he won't see for a while, but will see once he reaches Korea.

Thank you for the clothes. They also smell like you. I miss you like crazy already. Your pillow even smells like you. Call me when you can. Thinking of you always.

After I hit send I change into my bikini and then grab one of the t-shirts Jungkook left and slide it over my suit. Pulling it up to my nose, I smell him again and then head to the pool.

It's been 11 hours since the guys left so I know they will be in Korea soon. Me and Kayla laid around the pool all day talking about the past week. We are both not the best cookers so we made some ramen for dinner. We were laying in the living room watching a kdrama together when Kayla's phone beeped. She looked at it and sat up smiling. "What?" I ask anxiously. "They landed, that was Yoongi letting me know they made it ok." I frantically grab my phone to have it in hand and impatiently wait for Jungkooks call. My screen lights up and I fumble to answer it. "Hello?!" "Hi Ella. We just landed safely." His sweet voice was the most beautiful sound I'd ever heard-besides when he sang to me in bed. I close my eyes that tear up, smile and say, "I'm glad you made it safely. Did you have a good flight?" With a tired voice he replies, "Yes, it was long but good. I tried to sleep as much as I could. But it was hard because I didn't have you beside me. God I miss you!" I feel my tears now cascade down my cheeks. "I miss you too. So much. And thank you for leaving your stuff. Im wearing a hoodie right now." He chuckles on the other line and I can hear bustling of what I assume is everyone exiting the plane. "I wish it was me on you and not my hoodie. But for now, send me a photo of you in it. I want to see you." I immediately pull the phone away and snap a pic and send it. "Did you get it?" "Not yet, there will be delay because of how far it has to travel.....wait, there, it just came in." I don't hear anything for a moment which I guess he's looking at the photo. His voices comes in softly, "you're so beautiful. This makes me so happy but miss you even more." I laugh and wipe my tears away and tell him I want a pic in return. A few seconds later a text comes in and I open it to see a tired looking angel in a bucket hat. "You look tired." Chuckling again I hear some of the members in the background. "I'm ok. But I am going to have to hang up. We are about to do our walk through the airport. It can get crazy." I laugh, knowing what those walks are like from YouTube. "I've seen a lot of videos of you all at the airport. Be careful." He starts talking to someone in Korean and then comes back on, "Ella I have to go now. I'll call you when I can. We have meetings at the company. I don't know when we will leave for the dorms." "It's fine. I'll talk to you when I can. I know how busy you are. Especially when your comeback is in a couple weeks." He gives a little chuckle and says, "I'm gonna go now baby. I miss you." I smile and feel a tear stream down my cheek again. "I miss you too.....bye." The line goes silent. "They're getting ready to go through the airport" I tell my sister. She jumps up and grabs the remote, startling me. "Ooh! Maybe we can catch a live stream of it!" God I love her! She thinks of everything.

She somehow finds such stream and we both sit on the edge of the couch glued to the glass screen in front of us. Within five or ten minutes we hear girls start screaming and they start to emerge through glass doors. First we see managers, many we saw at the house when they picked the guys up. The first members to appear is Yoongi and Jin. Kayla starts to squeal and bounce on the couch. "Ooh look at that sexy man!" I can't help but laugh at my sister fangirling over the guy she slept with probably a dozen times in the past week. Then we see Hoseok and Jimin, followed by Namjoon. Then Jungkook appears with Taehyung by his side. Jungkook is barely visible under his signature black bucket hat and mask. He's wearing oversized joggers, a shirt, and a bomber jacket...all black. He starts bowing and giving small waves here and there. My heart soars seeing him in real time. That's my man on that screen is all I can think as my heart expands with pride. They make it through the large crowd quickly and they're gone. We both sit back on the couch and Kayla pipes in first. "For a man all covered up he still looks sexy as fuck El." I lightly smack her leg for her remark. "What?! I'm just stating facts, but relax....I don't want your man. I got my own slice of sexy. Did you see him being all antisocial to the fans in that leather jacket? Damn!" I roll my eyes laughing but have to agree, even when Jungkook is so covered you can barely tell it's him, he still looks so good. And he said he's all mine.

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