Bucket Hat

By glittershims

3.1K 255 9


Road Trip
Day 1
Hidden Message
Phone Call
Morning after
Making Plans
Tenth Floor
Soundcheck Day 2
The Call
Can't wait
Goodbye again
Lomg Time Coming
Kayla's coming!
Kayla's here!
New Beginning
Let Go
I Love You
~Alternate Ending~

Meeting the Members

66 6 0
By glittershims

The guys start walking toward us at the table, speaking Korean, while looking at me and Kayla. I see Jimin say something to Hoseok and they both laugh. Jin walks straight to the table and grabs a piece of fish. I felt naked. I know my face had to be bright red and I started sweating....bad. I didn't expect this. To see all 7 of them, together, without warning. Jungkook immediately jumps out of his chair and starts saying something in Korean to them, whining a bit. Kayla and I sit there, silently staring at the men, not knowing a thing they're saying. I glance at Kayla who appears to be sweating as bad as me, and she takes a quick desperate peek at me and then back to the guys. Jin says something really loudly and Jungkook put his hands on Jin's chest to keep him back. Namjoon walks around the far side of the table toward Kayla. She starts squirming in her seat as he approaches. I can see the terror and nervousness in her face, something I don't normally see from her. He smiles and reaches his hand out to her. "Hi, I'm Namjoon. Or RM if you're more comfortable with that." Kayla blinks slowly and even more slowly reaches her hand out to shake Namjoons. "H-hi.....I'm Kayla." That's all she says. All her confidence is gone now. He chuckles. Bows to her and turns toward me. He leans across the table and extends his hand to me. "You must be Ella then. It's nice to meet you." With my hands still on my lap I quickly run one hand on my dress, to get the sweat off, and reach out to grab his. "Yes, hello. Umm, it's nice to meet you too." Jungkook then comes over and put his hand on my shoulder to grab my attention. "I'm so sorry Ella. I told them about us having dinner but I didn't think they would come in. I didn't mean to put you and your sister in an awkward spot. Please forgive me." The room, that was so noisy only seconds ago, turns deathly quiet. I start panicking when I look to see all 6 members looking at me. I quickly tell Jungkook it's ok. "No Jungkook, it's fine! This is their room. I'm just a visitor. They can come in." I then turn toward the members and stand. "We can go so you all can enjoy your dinner. It was really nice to meet all of you. Come on Kayla." I look at her and quickly motion her to come with me. But she's not even looking at me, eyes still glued to the members.

"NO!!!" I jump when I hear Jungkook yell. I spin to look at him. He's staring at me with wide desperate eyes. He starts looking at his group mates, who all seem to smirk at him. Except Yoongi, who is looking at his phone. Jungkook turns back to me and has a different look on his face. He looks scared. "I don't want you to leave. I mean-well....you have not eaten yet. You must eat. Right hyungs? She needs to eat. They both do, right?" He looks for his friends to help him to get me to stay. They again exchange words in Korean with Jungkook getting a little loud and Jimin laughing. Namjoon then says something and they all get quiet. Jungkook sighs and scratches the back of his neck. "Yeah Ella, please stay. Jungkook told us about you today in our meeting. We'd love it if we could join you though to get to know you and your friend better. If that's ok with you, Kayla and JK." Namjoon looks at all three of us waiting for an answer. I can't exactly say no to BTS, like I'd want to anyway. Im also pretty sure Kayla would murder me if I said no. "O-of course you all can join us." I look at Kayla who is now eye fucking Yoongi, nodding her head with an idiot smile on her face. I internally face plant as I see Yoongi very briefly and subtly glance at Kayla, then back to his phone. "Great, thanks Ella. Guys, let's sit." Namjoon gestures for the guys to find a chair at the table. I sit down and turn to Jungkook. He looks at me and sighs again while running his fingers through his wavy hair. He is visibly flustered. After he sits I look at him and smile. I don't know what I was thinking because I then reach my hand over to his under the table and grab it to squeeze, to give him some reassurance. His eyes go wide and I see him stiffen while keeping his eyes on me. I realize what I've done and quickly take my hand back into my lap. I look down, embarrassed, and mumble "I'm so sorry" to him. I then feel his hand on top of mine. I look up quickly to him and see him smiling at me. He takes my hand and intertwines his fingers with mine under the table in my lap. "I like it. Let's stay like this, hm?" I feel him squeeze my hand and I smile and look down at my empty plate, feeling the heat creep up on my face and just nod.

As the guys all start grabbing for food Namjoon says  something in Korean and they all stop. Once they stop he says something else, they all nod and sit back in their chairs. I look to Jungkook for a possible translation and he smiles again and squeezes my hand. Namjoon looks at me and my sister and says, "girls, I've told the guys that they have to wait until you both have chosen what you'd like to eat. And that there will only be English spoken for the rest of the time we're all here together getting to know each other. I want you both to feel comfortable." He's so sweet. "That's so sweet!" Kayla says out loud what I think. "Not at all, that's being polite hosts Kayla. Please girls, dig in, choose whatever you'd like for dinner. I can get you whatever you'd like to drink too since our maknae has forgotten his manners to a lady." At this Jungkook jumps up. "I will get their drinks hyung. Ella? Kayla? What do you drink?" I chose water while Kayla chose a beer. I kicked her under the table. She looked at me so I could try to say, as quietly and not irritated as I could, "Kayla, maybe choose a nonalcoholic drink tonight?" I couldn't help my teeth being gritted though. "Nah, if Kayla wants a beer she gets a beer. JK? Could you get me one too?" Namjoon is quite the host. Very charming. Kayla was putty in his hands at this point.

After everyone chose their food we all started to eat. "So Ella, are you a fan of ours? Are you an ARMY?" Jimin asks me with a little smirk. You want to be honest but don't want to appear like some psycho fan girl trying to score with a member. "Ah, haha, yes, I am a fan. We're actually here in Chicago for your concerts." "Really? Did you go to the concert yesterday then? And will you be coming tomorrow?" Jimin asks. "Hyung, you already know that answers to those questions. You know very well that she is the girl who caught my bucket hat at soundcheck." Jungkook cuts the conversation off, sensing Jimin just trying to make me nervous. "Sorry JK, I'm just trying to make a conversation with your new friend." Jungkook gives Jimin a glare while Jimin sips on his drink, smirking. Hoseok breaks the little tension that's building between the two men. "So where are you from then Ella? Oh, I'm sorry, and.....it's Kayla right?" Kayla keeps quiet and nods, still eye fucking Yoongi who seems like he could give two shits less to be there, eyes on his food now. I smile at Hoseok and warmly answer, "we're from Ohio. It's about nine hours from here driving." He smiles at me and nods triumphantly at completing a little conversation with me in English because he then says, "perfect English. Yes Ella?" I laugh at how adorable he's acting and nod. "Yes, perfect." He gives a big nod of victory and nudges Taehyung's side, who smiles at him. How cute.

The rest of the meal consisted of most of the members asking us questions like what we do for a living, how old we are, and what Ohio was like. Kayla stayed true to her word of one beer and switched to Coke after the one. The night was very pleasant, laughing at each other and just having nice conversations. They all did so well speaking in English. I found Jin to not be as funny as he appears in videos, he was actually very considerate, kind and mature. Jimin was probably the funniest, laughing about everything and his laugh was infectious. Hoseok and Namjoon were almost exactly like what I've thought them to be from videos. I guess Yoongi as well, he barely spoke or paid much attention. But, even though he didn't act like he wanted to be there, he never once tried to leave. I caught him a few times looking at his members and seeing small smiles. I think he really is more the type of loving from a distance. He seemed to look fondly at the others but never engaged in the conversations much. Taehyung I found to be the most not like I thought from videos. He was very very quiet. He didn't talk a lot and he had the thickest accent while speaking English. I thought maybe he doesn't speak it as well. But he seemed to observe me and Kayla the entire time. It almost made me uncomfortable a couple of times when I caught him looking at me. He wasn't looking at me in a negative way, he didn't really have any kind of look. He barely laughed when the others did. He seemed....off. Maybe Jungkook caught me feeling a bit uncomfortable because when I looked at Taehyung looking at me with no expression I felt his hand grab mine under the table again. It startled me and I turned to him. He squeezed my hand and gave me a warm smile, melting any discomfort I had.

Once all the food was gone.....yes, I was shocked at how much they could eat, the members all stood to say Goodnight and say they had a big day the next day and needed their rest. Kayla and I stood as well and I looked to Jungkook saying I should let him go to sleep. Namjoon reached for Kayla's hand and brought it to his mouth and lightly kissed the top, telling her 'it was a pleasure to know her.' Cute. The others all said Goodnight to us and left the room. I turned to Kayla and smacked my hands together. "Well Kay, I think we should head back to our room." I see her look at me and then to Jungkook who stood behind me. "Ummmm.....I'll just head down by myself, I know the way. I'll let you two say goodnight alone." She smiles at me and winks. She thanks Jungkook for inviting her. He smiles and bows to her and she walks out. Jungkook then turns back to look at me. We both immediately start to get shy. He looks down to his feet and then back into my eyes. With a smile he asks, "could you stay a little longer? We will be leaving very early in the morning after tomorrow, and I'm afraid I might not be able to talk to you alone after tonight." Wow. My heart skips beats as I shyly look away and nod. "Ok. But I don't want to keep you up and you not get enough sleep before your concert. I don't want to be the cause of you being tired." He walks up to me smiling and cups my face with his soft hands. "You're worth being tired for." He then slowly leans in until I feel our lips touch.

Electric shocks runs through my body, the butterflies gone now, filling their spot with a different feeling. One I hadn't felt in a long time. Yearning. He pulls back, still holding my face, and locks eyes with me. "Thank you for coming today and seeing me again. I could not stop thinking about you." Oh wow! "Thank you for asking me to come to dinner. And for even letting my sister come. I think you made her dreams come true tonight." I say laughing. He chuckles and then looks into my eyes with his deep dark ones and says " I feel like my dreams came true too." My eyes go wide, still locked with his. He leans in again and kisses me. This time a little harder. I lean in too and grab his shirt at his waist to grip. He takes this as my approval and tilts his head to deepen the kiss and I do the same. I feel the need in his kiss and then feel one hand slide into my hair, grabbing a handful and lightly pulling as not to hurt me but hold me in place. I can't help but feel a little turned on by this act of dominance. I bring my hands around and run them up his back. I feel his tongue skim my bottom lip and I bring mine out to meet his. Once I do this he dives in. Our breathing quickens and his other hand leaves my face to wrap around my waist, pulling me to him. Our bodies are connected, not an inch of space left as we both grab at each other and allow little moans to leave our mouths. We are interrupted when someone clears their throat behind us. We break apart quickly, panting and turn to see Namjoon leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed, smirking at us. "Ahem....we um...have a concert tomorrow Jungkookie. No fun time tonight, you gotta save that energy for the stage." I was mortified! "Hyung!! We were just kissing!" As Namjoon turns to walk away, still smirking, he says, "Mhm...just making sure our boy is saving his energy. Night guys." Jungkook turns to me with apologetic eyes and I can't help but giggle. He sighs, relieved I'm not running out humiliated, and puts his forehead against mine. "I'm sorry. He ruined our moment." I hug him and place my head on his shoulder. "No one could ruin that moment. It will always be a perfect one for me. I'll never forget it." He wraps his arms around me and sighs into my neck, giving me shivers. "I never will either Ella."

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