Our Little

By SimplyAshhh

72.5K 1.8K 472

~ NOTE: THIS IS A SEQUEL TO BABY GIRL ~ Set about a year later. Alex and Lloyd are a married couple living... More

Welcome! And Pictures
Chapter 1 ~ The Beginning
Chapter 2 ~ The Afternoon
Chapter 3 ~ The Dream
Chapter 4 ~ Lloyds Family
Chapter 5 ~ Lloyds Family Part 2
Chapter 6 ~ Dentist
Chapter 7 ~ Sneaky
Chapter 8 ~ Ra Ra?
Chapter 9 ~ Searching
Chapter 10 ~ Ill Day
Chapter 11 ~ Meet up
Chapter 12 ~ Work Day
Chapter 13 ~ The Walk
Chapter 14 ~ Lost
Chapter 15 ~ Guilt
Chapter 16 ~ Don't let go
Chapter 17 ~ Goodbye...
Chapter 17 ~ Karen
Chapter 18 ~ Visitor
Chapter 19 ~ Planning
Chapter 20 ~ Driving
Chapter 21 ~ The Airport
Chapter 22 ~ The Flight
Chapter 23 ~ The Flight Part 2
Chapter 24 ~ The Island
Chapter 25 ~ Breakfast
Chapter 26 ~ Swimming
Chapter 27 ~ Hyper
Chapter 28 ~ Arrived
Chapter 29 ~ Useless Work
Chapter 30 ~ Airport Stress
Chapter 31 ~ Delayed
Chapter 32 ~ Heading Home
Chapter 33 ~ Grandparents House
Chapter 34 ~ Pier
Chapter 35 ~ Meal
Chapter 36 ~ Nursery
Chapter 37 ~ Magic Water
Chapter 38 ~ Hiding
Chapter 39 ~ Monsters.
Chapter 40 ~ Confused
Chapter 41 ~ Naughty
Chapter 42 ~ Wrong
Chapter 43 ~ Apprentice
Chapter 44 ~ Clingy
Chapter 45 ~ Accident
Chapter 46 ~ Excited
Chapter 47 ~ Mean
Chapter 48 ~ Dangerous
Chapter 49 ~ Panic
Chapter 50 ~ Newborn
Chapter 52 ~ Snuggle
Chapter 53 ~ Liana
Chapter 54 ~ Brave
Chapter 55 ~ Reward
Chapter 56 ~ Mum?
Chapter 57 ~ Court
Authors Note
Lol Another Authors Note
Chapter 58 ~ Conversation
Authors Note
Authors note :(
Authors Note
So long :)

Chapter 51 ~ Lily

723 19 14
By SimplyAshhh


~ Alex's POV ~

"You be a good girl for Ouma and Oumpa and remember to be nice and say 'thank yous' and 'pleases.'" I crouched down to tell Ali.

"I will Daddy." She said giggling. Lloyd then crouched down beside me.

"We will see you tomorrow cub." He held his arms to her which she fell into in seconds.

"Wuv you Dada." She said adorably.

"Love you too cub." He smiled as he pulled away. He kissed her forehead and she came to me.

"Wuv you too Daddy."

"Love you too cub." I kissed her forehead as she pulled away from the hug. She had her backpack with stuff to do and of course Ra Ra.

"Thank you for watching her." I said to them.

"Oh its no problem." Alma said. "You both just have a lovely night."

"You'll call us if you need us right?" Lloyd asked.

"Of course, you two just have a good time, don't worry." Dennis laughed.

"I try not to, it's just hard." Lloyd and I laughed.

We said our goodbyes and Ali seemed so much happier than the last time we let her stay at Alma and Dennis.' I just hated leaving her, I mean I was excited to have a good night out with Lloyd but being away from her is really hard.

Lloyd and I got into the car and he held my hand.

"So, where are you taking me?" He asked I guessed trying to change the subject.

"Ah thats my secret." I smiled.

"Will it be anything like my surprise when I proposed to you?" He smiled.

"I don't think any surprise could top that one." I laughed.

"Still the best day of your life?" He asked. I turned to him and saw his stunning eyes.

"Always will be." I smiled. We leant in for a kiss which did go on for a while which was just so beautiful.

"We going yet?" Lloyd rolled his eyes as we pulled away.

"Alright alright." I chuckled.

~ 1 hour later ~

We came to a restaurant which was right by the beach and I was finally happy to be here.

I got out the car and Lloyd got out too and I went round his side.

"Sire, may I have the pleasure to take you to the restaurant." I held my hand out.

"Oh I thought you'd never ask." He laughed. We held hands and walked up the small hill to the restaurant. It was only small which to be honest was much nicer.

We went inside and it did look stunning.

"Hello gentlemen, do you have a reservation?" A lady came over to ask us.

"Yes, under the name of Jones for 2 people." I said.

"Ah yes, if you'd like to follow me." She got some menus from the table and then we followed her to the table which was by the window looking over the beach.

"Thank you." We both thanked her as we sat down and she gave us the menus.

We both then started to read the menu and all the stuff looked really good.

"What will you get?" He asked me.

"Probably the avocado with rump steak and vegetables." I said.

"Might have that too." He agreed.

We ordered our food a bit later and we were just talking.

"Oh god you really remember the time Liam and I were walking in the corridor to maths and I walked right into Mrs Clang." He laughed.

"I remember it like it was yesterday." I laughed.

"She ended up giving me detention for apparently 'not look where I was going.'

"I just walked past you laughing behind her back." I laughed drinking my wine. "That was the day I was with the new girl."

"What new girl?" He asked intrigued.

"Oh yeah there was this time you weren't in school and this new girl showed up and started to flirt with me." I laughed.

"What was her name?" He asked.

"Uh Lily I think." I shrugged.

He then looked shocked and he covered his mouth a bit.

"Did you know her?" I asked.

~ Flashback to 6 years ago ~

I was waiting at the gates for Lloyd to turn up with Liam and Jack and we were just on our phones casually.

"Whys he so late?" I groaned.

"He probably forgot his alarm. He always does." Liam replied still on his phone.

"Yeah but he's never this late." I said looking to Jack.

"He's got a point Liam." Jack said.

I took my phone out again and dialled his number and put it to my ear. It just came to voice message again.

"Its still going through to voicemail." I sighed.

"Well if he's not here I ain't doing no school shit today." Jack said grabbing his bag.

"Yeah same." I got my bag and Liam did the same.

"Uh hello." I heard behind me, as someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned round and saw a girl behind me holding a bag.

"Oh hello." I said not being rude.

"I'm Lily I'm new here today, are you able to show me round today?" She asked sweetly.

Bingo, this could be my chance to..

"Yes of course." I smiled as I turned round to go.

"Uh Alex?" I heard. I turned back around seeing Liam and Jack waiting to leave.

"I'll be round later... see ya." I smiled then catching up with Lily.

"I'm Alex by the way." I said.

"I hear you're the smartest guy in our class." She smiled.

"Nah, I'd say my best mate is smarter than me." We both laughed.  "Whats your first lesson on your timetable?" I asked.

"I have maths with Miss Vete." She said.

"Oh same as me."

"Is she a good teacher?"

"On Mondays mornings its a no." I laughed making her laugh.

"So I'm guessing that her on Fridays are not too bad then?"

"She's all good today."

I then felt a hand on my shoulder and looked to the side seeing Liam and Jack.

"Decided to stay then." I said.

"Weren't gonna make you do the whole day on your own were we." Jack said.

"Did Lloyd answer?" I asked.

"Still no." Liam said. "Sorry, I'm Liam by the way." He said to Lily.

"Hi I'm Jack." Jack said.

"Hey guys. Is your first lesson with Miss Vete?" She asked.

"Yep, we'd better hurry though." Liam said pushing me along quickly.

We got into the lesson and I sat were I usually sat, so Lily sat in Lloyds spot. Liam and Jack sat on the table beside us and we got our books out.

"Miss could I get an extra textbook please?" I asked.

"Yep sure." She searched around for one and then passed it to me which I thanked her for.

"I think we're up to page 46." I gave Lily the book.

"Thank you." She smiled flirtingly. I looked down a bit.

"Right class we are now onto page 46, Trigonometry, get some paper and something to write with and do up to question 5 for me." She said.

"Your joking the one day Lloyd isn't here." Liam leaned over to whisper.

"It's fine, I'll look up the answers on my phone." I whispered.

I got my phone out and looked up the first answer which I showed Liam so he could show Jack. I then decided to send Lloyd a quick message

'You good? It's trig today where you at?'

I sent it and then heard a phone go off. I looked to Lily and she immediately started to look at her questions.

"I've got the answers here." I whispered showing her my phone.

"Thanks." She whispered. We copied them all down up until question 5 and us 4 were all finished well before the others. Literally because all we did was copy the answers not the method.

"Does anyone know where Lloyd is today?" Miss Vete asked starting the register.

"He's not in today Miss." I told her. Sigh.

"Not like him." She muttered under her breath. She then called everyone's name on the register and we all answered. She also added Lily onto the end.

"Right Liam can you answer the first one?" She asked.

"Yes the angle is 25.3 degrees." He said.

"Correct." She smiled. Liam then looked to me and did a small punch in the air to say thanks.

"Alex can you answer question 2?" She asked.

"It's 67.9 degrees or 68 degrees rounded." I said.

Yes thats right." She wrote the answers on the board and was so relieved that I looked the answers up. It would have helped if Lloyd was here though.

~ 1 hour later ~

"Alright class so homework tonight is questions 5 to 15 on Trigonometry and you must show your workings." She called out as everyone loudly packed away. "It's due in Monday."

I looked to Liam and Jack and groaned.

"It's fine we'll get Lloyd to do it." Jack said.

We got our bags and I walked out with Lily. I then started to walk and talk to her but was stopped by Liam and Jack. They then stood between me and Lily a bit.

"Bro, usual place?" Liam asked.

"Maybe in a bit." I pushed past them to walk with Lily.

"So, where were you at before you came here?" I asked.

"Oh um.. I was at a school in um.. Birmingham." She smiled.

"Oh cool, is it good being here?"

"Yeah I think its really nice, and I got a great tour guide." She bumped my shoulder a bit and smiled.

"I'm pretty irresponsible though." I laughed.

"Not in my eyes." She said rather deeply shocking me a bit. She stopped walking and I turned to her.

"Well I-." She then came a bit closer to me and my eyes widened a bit. Was this really happening right now... Like we had only met like 2 hours ago. She put her hands on my shoulders and our faces came closer.

~ Liam's POV ~

"Bro usual place?" I asked him.

"Maybe in a bit." He replied and then he caught back up with Lily. I watched them walk away down the corridor and they were laughing together.

"He's seriously going with her." I spoke.

"It's obvious she's flirting with him." Jack said.

"No...no he wouldn't give into that. Not Alex." I looked down.

Jack then looked down the corridor seeing them stop.

"Well I'm not standing here waiting to see him fucking kiss her or something." Jack said. I stopped him before he could take a step.

"If he fucking kisses her I swear to god." I said crossly. I followed him down the corridor and saw them by the wall which Lily had pressed Alex up against. My eyes widened and I started to sweat. They started coming closer and closer and each time they got closer I glared more.

Their lips finally touched so I stormed over there.

"Hey what the fuck!" I pushed Alex off her and he looked to me.

"Bro whats your problem?" He asked angered.

"I-." I then looked to Lily and then Alex seeing what I had just done then remembering I shouldn't say a word on what I was thinking.

"Hey!" Alex pushed me hard. "I asked you something." His angered state was definitely taking over.

"Why you kissing her you've only known her 5 seconds." I said crossly.

"Longer than you've known a fucking girl." He said pushing me again with his angered eyes.

I glared at him and then walked off leaving them. Jack followed after me and I knew I shouldn't have done that. I let my stupid fake thoughts take over then. 

~ Alex's POV ~

I was so angry at Liam for doing that. How could he just storm in and do that to me, he knows I've never had a shot at a girl. Maybe cos I never tried to be with one but still.

I got no pleasure from it though which was really strange.

Lily looked rather shocked and she walked away.

"No Lily wait I-." She didn't turn back and I knew she wasn't gonna come back.

I just stood there and sighed. The one day Lloyd wasn't here.

~ Flashback Ended ~

"I was her."

"What you on about?" I asked not understanding.

"Was that the day you guys were waiting at the gates and you were gonna go home but Lily showed up and you showed her to Miss Vete's class and you couldn't do the trig so you looked the answers up and showed them to Liam, Jack and Lily and then you got homework and said that I could do it because you had to use a method and then you denied going to the usual place and went to kiss Lily and you ended up fighting with Liam?" He asked.

My eyes widened and I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"But how do you-."

"I was Lily." He smiled.

"You fucking serious?" I was beyond shocked.

"I'm fucking serious." He laughed.

"I knew something was off about her." I added. "It wasn't me going mad." I laughed.

"I remember I had like a full on voice crack and you looked at me like... you good?"

"But why did you do it?" I asked.

"Well cos.. you know.. back in school us 4 were such good friends but I did fancy you, like a lot a lot. I thought that was the only way I could... you know."

"Kiss me?" I asked. He nodded.

"That's really weird we both had a crush on eachother all through school but we never said anything."

"It was such a hard secret to keep."

"Ah so thats why Liam and Jack got annoyed, maybe they knew it more than we did."

"Oh gosh yeah, cos Liam really went for you." He laughed.

"Its so weird to think now that the first time I kissed you was when we were 16." I said.

"Now I get to do it all the time." He leaned over to grab my head and pulled me into a kiss.

Gosh I know I always say it but I love him so much.

Hey guys,

I would like to thank: Tanner4life so much for giving me the idea for this chapters. Was such a fun one to write and I think its nice we got to see all the boys relationships back in school. I have lots of your guys' ideas so working on all of them atm. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Leave suggestions for future chapters. Don't forget to vote. Have a great day!

Don't forget to Social Distance! :D

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