Bucket Hat

By glittershims

3.1K 255 9


Road Trip
Day 1
Hidden Message
Phone Call
Morning after
Making Plans
Tenth Floor
Meeting the Members
Soundcheck Day 2
The Call
Can't wait
Goodbye again
Lomg Time Coming
Kayla's coming!
Kayla's here!
New Beginning
Let Go
I Love You
~Alternate Ending~


88 7 0
By glittershims

Jungkooks hands start roaming my body, exploring every part, as our kissing grows more urgent. I feel electric currents run through my body when he massages my breasts over my shirt. I can't help but to moan into the kiss which fuels him on. I bring my hands from his back around to his chest and almost choke when I feel how hard his chest is. How can someone's chest be so hard, he feels like stone. As I'm exploring his chest he moans into my mouth and deepens the kiss, as if it could get any deeper. I feel his tongue explore every part of my mouth, like he's desperately searching for something. One of his hands slowly moves down my stomach until it finds the button of of my jeans....he starts fumbling with it, trying to get it open. I feel something new when he does this. Almost like a panic rising inside me. My fight or flight mode kicks in instantly. "WAIT!" I cry out and I push him up, almost knocking him off the couch, breaking our kiss. He keeps himself held up above me, hands on both sides of my body on the couch while we're panting, desperately trying to catch our breathes. Jungkook then sat up and ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm so sorry. I went too far. I'm sorry." He kept his eyes trained to the floor as I slid to sit up on the couch. I could see him wrestling with his thoughts against his emotions. "Please don't say you're sorry ok? You did nothing wrong. I was in the moment as much as you were." I pleaded with him as he kept his eyes on the floor. "Jungkook.....please look at me." After a few moments of him still looking down I placed my hands on his cheeks and raise his head up. "Please? Look at me." He slowly lifted his eyes to look into mine. I saw his regret and embarrassment. "Don't say you're sorry because..well..I'm not sorry. It just...happened. We did nothing wrong.....you did nothing wrong. Ok?" I tried to reassure him so he didn't feel guilty. He just stared, not saying a word. I can't really tell what he's thinking. "Do you regret kissing me?" I slowly ask, terrified of his answer. He's going to humiliate me. He raises his hands up and places them on top of mine and then smiles. "I don't regret kissing you Ella. I've wanted to know what your lips felt like since I first saw you at the concert. I know I should not say or feel that, but I did. But I went too far. And I'm so sorry for that. It was never my intention. This is not why I asked you to call me or come to my room. I didn't intend on this happening. You're just, very beautiful. I'm so sorry I went too far." I could have sworn I saw tears forming in his chocolate orbs. I choked back my own as I felt so guilty for making him feel this way. Like he was using me. I smiled and chuckled lightly though to try and calm him, while caressing his cheeks with my thumbs. "Hey....don't say that. We both got caught up in the moment. I-I liked kissing you. You're a really good kisser. And I wouldn't mind if we ever kissed again." I laughed again lightly when I saw his eyes light up a little. He looked down but right back up into my eyes, smiled and said, "I think you are good at kissing too. I like your lips, and I want to kiss them again." He quickly looked away and I felt my heart start to beat rapidly again. Jungkook just said I'm a good kisser! Jungkook said he wants to kiss me again. AHHH!! I was screaming internally at his confession and how utterly adorable he looked saying it. I mustered up all my courage and leaned in and softly gave his lips a kiss. When I pulled back his eyes were still closed and he was smiling. "Thank you." Is all he said and opened his eyes to mine. "Now no more apologies. Please?" I tell him and dropped my hands into my lap. He smiled and nodded while his cheeks began to take a rosy shade. I glance over at the clock on the wall and cringe. It's so late. I look back at this gorgeous man, that I have fan loved for more than three years and say, "But, it's 4:30 in the morning and you just had a really big night. I know you have to be tired and need to sleep. So I'm going to go back to my room because I'm tired too and my sister will send a search party if I don't get back." With that I stood up. I rubbed my hands on my legs while he also stood. I smiled at him and said, "Thank you for tonight. For the bucket hat, the message and phone number, and inviting me up to talk more in person and for the kisses. I had a really nice time with you. It was like a dream." He only smiled and nodded as he walked me to his suite door. I went to reach for the knob when he grabbed both my hands in his, turning me, and said, "I had a really nice time also. I don't want this to be the last time I see you or talk to you. Can I call you again? Or see you before we both leave for our own homes?" There's those butterflies awake in my stomach again. I blush and looked down at our hands. "You have my number now and I hope you use it and call or text me. And I will see you at your concert tomorrow, I have soundcheck and barricade again remember?." He shook his head and took a step closer, keeping a firm grip on my hands. "I don't mean I hope to see you at our concert, I mean...I want to see you again....like this. I want to talk to you again......and kiss you again before I have to leave back to Korea," he shyly confesses. Oh wow! That has to be the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. "I would like that too. Call me if you have any free time where we can see each other." With that he beamed and pulled me swiftly into his arms. He wrapped his strong arms around my form and squeezed tightly. "Jungkook.....I can't breathe." He quickly releases some of his grip but doesn't fully end the hug. Instead he laughs and brings one hand up to cup my cheek. "Sorry, I got carried away again noona." Noona? Ah, I think my heart just swelled even more. I'm not Korean but I've watched enough dramas to know noona is what they call a woman who is older than them that they feel close to. I won't lie, it sounded so sweet and sexy leaving his lips. He then leans in and kisses me one more time. He tilts his head and I follow to deepen the kiss. After a few short seconds we pull apart. "Goodnight Jungkook. Sleep well." "Good night Ella. Sleep well too." I giggled at his total cuteness and turned the knob and stepped out into the dimly lit hallway. I see two large men standing at the end of the hall on both sides of the elevator. I felt a little frightened and turn and look at Jungkook who just smiles. "They are security, to make sure no one enters this floor that isn't supposed to. You are fine, they won't bother you." Feeling reassured I nod and smile one last time at him, we both wave and I turn and start to walk to toward the elevator; when I felt a hand grab mine. Jungkook spun me around and pressed his lips on mine in a strong yet gentle way. He pulled away and smiled again and said, "I couldn't help it. I missed your lips already." I felt the heat in my face, knowing the two security guards witnessed the kiss, as I laughed and looked to my feet. "Thank you. Goodnight." I hear the elevator ding and door sliding open. I turn and step inside while he stands and waves. I push the number 5 and as the doors close he arches his neck and stands in his tip toes, as if trying to catch one last glimpse. I hear him softly say "Goodnight" as the doors close.

As I walk down the hall back to my room my head is spinning. It's like I'm in a dream. Did tonight really happen? I kept saying to myself. I made out with Jungkook. The Jeon Jungkook! Oh my god! I can never tell a soul due to the NDA I signed but I wouldn't anyway. This was a special and unforgettable night for me. Something that I could have never imagined in my wildest dreams. And I would never want to start any kind of rumor or gossip about him, or any of the members. No one would believe me anyway. It's all too unbelievable. I open the door to my shared room and quietly tip toe to my sisters bed. She's still sound asleep and although I want to wake her so bad to tell her what happened tonight, I just smile and turn to wash up for bed. Inside the bathroom I stand in front of the mirror and stare at my reflection. Images of the night flash in my mind and I'm left smiling and blushing. I touch my cheeks remembering his touch, I glide my fingers over my slightly swollen lips and can still feel his lips. I can feel his tongue and the magical way it hypnotized me. I laugh and shake my head, get changed, brush my teeth, and crawl into bed. Just as I'm about to fall asleep I hear my phone buzz on the table across the room. I am startled and jump out of bed, and scruff across the room. When I pick up my phone what I was not expecting to find appears on my screen. A text from Jungkook.

Goodnight Ella. Have sweet dreams.

"Ahhhh!" I squeal quietly while hugging my phone to my chest. I run and jump under my blanket with my phone still in my hand. I type back to him-

Sweet dreams Jungkook

I push send and slide my phone under my pillow. It takes me all of two minutes to fall asleep but my dreams are beautiful that night, because they were filled with Jungkook.

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