Bucket Hat

By glittershims

3.1K 255 9


Road Trip
Day 1
Hidden Message
Phone Call
Morning after
Making Plans
Tenth Floor
Meeting the Members
Soundcheck Day 2
The Call
Can't wait
Goodbye again
Lomg Time Coming
Kayla's coming!
Kayla's here!
New Beginning
Let Go
I Love You
~Alternate Ending~


84 7 0
By glittershims

The elevator doors open to a hallway that looks very similar to mine. The main difference I see so far is that there aren't as many rooms, I'm assuming because each room is bigger than the rest of the hotels rooms below them. "Right this way miss" the man says with another warm smile. I return his smile and follow him down the hall. About half way down he stops and knocks on a door. I can't ignore how my heart is racing and I notice how bad I'm sweating and shaking at the lack of movement now. A few moments later the door opens slightly. "Miss Ella, Jungkook-ssi." The door opens fully and he appears. Jeon Jungkook. My ultimate bias, looking a little different now from earlier, in a white oversized t-shirt and black basketball shorts. He looks at me and smiles shyly. I can't help but smile back and look down, feeling my cheeks catch fire. I can't believe I'm standing at his door right now. Jungkook then says something in Korean and bows to the man. The man bows in return, looks at me with a smile, then walks away down the hallway. I keep my eyes on the man walking away from me, mainly out of nerves. I'm terrified to look at Jungkook. "Ella?" I snap my head around to him. I must appear startled, even though I knew he'd speak to me. Im just so incredibly nervous. "Would you like to come in?" He smiles to me, eyes crinkling a little. "Oh, um, y-yeah. Thank you." I nervously say. He steps back into his room and opens the door fully for me. I hesitate, but then I walk in and he shuts the door. I then hear a lock click and I spin around wide eyed and look at him. He just locked the door! Nerves are growing more inside me, if that's even possible. He must have noticed because he sweetly looks down with a small smile, and then back to me. "I'm sorry. I only lock it so my hyungs won't barge in. We all do that with each other" he says nervously, scratching the back of his neck. " I can unlock it.....here...." He turns back to the door. "No, it's ok. You can leave it locked. I get what your saying. I have a nosy sister." He laughs, which makes me laugh, and we both awkwardly look in opposite directions. "Ummm, do you...do you want to sit down? We can sit on my bed-or no! Not my bed, on...the couch, or at the table in chairs. Wherever you are most comfortable to talk." His face has turned a bright shade of red and he starts scratching the back of his head again. It was so cute, and reassuring seeing him appear to be as nervous as I was. It helps me calm a little. I smile and say the couch is fine.

"Would you like something to drink? I have anything you'd like. Alcohol, or not alcohol. Coffee, tea, water, juice. Anything." He kept rambling, I could tell he is definitely as nervous as I am. I smile and say a water is fine. He gets up and walks to the mini fridge, grabs 2 waters, and hands me one. "Thank you." He sits down and stares at me smiling while twisting the bottle around in his hands. "You are a very polite woman." I look down again smiling. I can just imagine how stupid we both look. Almost like two teenagers having our first encounters with the opposite sex. "Thank you. You are a polite man." I look up and see his face turning crimson again. This sight makes me stifle a giggle and take a drink of my water. We sit in silence for a few minutes, neither knowing what to say. He finally speaks first, saying, "I'm sorry. I'm not very good at talking. I don't know what to talk about. I just wanted to see you again. And I'm very nervous." His words hit me like a truck. Those damn butterflies woke up again as well in my stomach. I felt the heat grow in my face as I smiled again, focusing on my fingers in my lap. "I'm sorry too. I'm....I'm also very nervous...so I don't know how to act or what to say" I confess to him. I look up and see him looking at me curiously. He looks adorable. We look at each other and start to laugh. The laughing helped the butterflies to calm down and Jungkook looked a little more relaxed too. "Ok then. Ummm....well...tell me about you Ella. You must not be from Chicago, if you're staying in hotel. Where are you from?" His almost perfect English melted my heart. How can he look so sexy and so adorable all at the same time? We proceeded to talk for the next 3 hours about anything and everything. I told him about Ohio and my job, and he told me about life as an idol and his hobbies, such as art and exercise. He's really into boxing right now. And he said he is trying to learn the guitar because he likes how Yoongi plays now.

Jungkook turns his head and lets out a huge yawn. It's really late, I didn't even realize the time. 4am. "You're tired. I should go so you can rest." I start to stand and he grabs my hand. The feeling of his hand engulfing mine both startles me and sends an electric jolt throughout my body. He's touching...no, holding my hand right now! Breathe Ella. "No! I'm not that tired. I don't want you to go yet. I like talking to you." I look at his eyes as they are pleading with me to stay. I sit back down, but say, "I feel bad though, you have to be exhausted. You worked so hard tonight. You need to sleep." Jungkook shakes his head, still keeping ahold of my hand. "We don't have schedule tomorrow, I can get plenty rest then. Just stay a while longer. U-Unless you are tired and need to rest." I had to admit I was also exhausted. It was a long day and it's now past 4am. But I lie, because I don't want to leave any more than he wants me to. "I'm not that tired. I can stay a little longer. But just a little, because I know you have to be exhausted." He smiled and leaned back on the couch. He still keeps ahold of my hand. I look down at our hands, his thumb slightly brushing the top of mine, and then look up at him. He's staring at me with an expression I can't read. "Can I...can I ask you a question?" He's looking in my eyes but I see the nervousness in his black orbs that he's trying to conceal. "Of course" I simply reply to him. "Do you...umm...feel a...umm, what is the word..ah!...connection, with me? Yes. Do you feel a connection with me?" Huh?? Did he just ask me that? I just stare. I can't form a single word and I'm sure my mouth is hanging open. He's looking at me expectantly as I try to form words. But what do I say? My brain is failing me. Do I say the truth, which is yes? Or is that make me look like some crazy fan girl? Ella! Talk you idiot! "Honestly? Yes, I think I do." I smile and look down quickly, feeling my cheeks burn. This can't be real. I feel his grip on my hand get a little tighter and feel his body move closer to me. "Ella? Can I ask you another question?" My stomach is spinning and flipping, causing me to feel nauseous and excited and nervous. I'm shaking, which he has to feel, and I can't look him in the eyes. With my head still looking down at our hands I just nod. "Would you allow me to kiss you?"

Oh.my.god. Is he serious? Is this really happening? Jeon Jungkook just asked if he could kiss me? ME! What do I say? What do I do? And I hear Kayla again, 'once in a lifetime El.' My brain is malfunctioning. This isn't real. Still looking at our hands, which I'm confident now he can feel mine shaking, I just nod, not attempting to croak out a word and make myself look like an ass. I feel him slide more, getting a little closer to me on the couch, and then I feel his soft hand under my chin. He gently pulls my head up and I reluctantly look between him and the wall behind him. His eyes lock on mine. "Ella? Look at me." I feel paralyzed, I just sit there looking into his delicious chocolate eyes. He leans closer, inch by inch, until our noses almost touch. "Do you give me your consent to kiss you Ella?" His husky voice, while staring into my eyes, has me shivering and feeling slightly aroused. The way he asked for permission instead of just diving in had my heart doing somersaults. "Yes" I whisper, then he tilts his head and leans in. I feel the electric shock when his lips touch mine. He's soft and gentle, but it's enough to make my ears devoid of hearing anything other than his breath. I sigh into the kiss and rest my hand on his leg. I didn't mean to, that's just where it ended up. When I did this though he deepened the kiss a bit. He brought his other hand to my face and held it softly while tilting it to the side. I then brought my hands to the front of his neck and that's when I felt his tongue caressing my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I opened my mouth enough to allow him in. He deepened the kiss even more and moved one hand to the back of my neck, pulling me into him. I felt him nibble on my bottom lip, then his tongue explores my mouth, and I explore his. A moan slipped out of my mouth involuntarily as I was so lost in the moment. Jungkook then moved one hand down to my waist and slowly leaned me back on the couch and rested my head on the pillow there. I easily allowed him to and wrapped my arms around his neck. I lost myself again and found myself lightly clawing at his back. He then growled and pushed the kiss deeper yet, pushing himself down onto me more. I could feel his arousal on my leg which made me moan more. I was so nervous but so worked up at the same time. It's been quite a while since I had been intimate with a man. He started to push himself down onto me more and moaned, which sounded like a song. "Ella" He panted between kisses. I could feel the heat building in my core, so I bucked my hips up to meet his thrusts down. We both became needier as we dry humped each other. I moaned as just the friction from his hard length against my jeans was enough to set me at the edge. He said some words in Korean that I had no clue was, while he rubbed his hands down my sides to grab my hips. He grabbed them harshly, which made me moan even more. He broke the kiss and looked down at me gasping for breath. He then touched my face and said, "You are so beautiful Ella." What the actual fuck! Is this really happening? Should I let it happen or stop it? A million thoughts were running through my head all at once as I looked into his eyes. I could see the desire and lust, but I could also see kindness. Once in a lifetime Ella. No regrets. It's been so long and you deserve this too. Who better than a gorgeous idol, your freaking bias, for a one night stand? Fuck it. As I wrestle with my thoughts I'm looking into his eyes. He's panting and eager, but he's waiting. He wants my consent before he continues. Wow, this is new. I smile and grab his face, pulling him down to mine. My lips collide again with his and it's fevered this time. So much want and desire being thrown to each other. "I want you so bad Ella. I know I shouldn't, but I do." He breaks the kiss again and his hands are cupping my face. I can't believe I'm laying on this couch, at this moment. He looks from my eyes to my lips several times. "I don't know what to do." He says as I can tell he's struggling just as much as I am about what is happening right now, and if this is a good idea.

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