Star Wars, The new Empire: pa...

By FrontierBrony

91.2K 1.9K 407

This is a story of time travel, war, love, peace, good, evil, and seniority. Set in the future of 760 ABY... More

Character bio/military might part 1
Military might part 2
Military might part 3
Chapter 1 the questions
Chapter 2, questions answered.
Chapter 3 The deal.
The arrangmeant.
The arrangmeant part 2.
Meeting the senate,
Jedi meeting
The ones part one
The ones, Part 2
The test
Same events, different sidaffects
The final act, but the new begining
Aurora clan
Settling in, Bringing in.
Space nam, Umbara.
Umbaran Battle Pulling weight
Umbaran battle, Destroying supplies.
Umbaran battle, killing brothers
Military Bio 4.
The chiss and old bonds.
The assessment and politics.
Horned brothers
Even the worst acts were right to someone.
The Force finds a way
Mandalore revolution
Mauls destruction
The Inhibitor chip
The last Damino and a New Tragety.
Wardog squadron
From Acolyte to Sith
Third battle of Geonosis part 2
Third battle of Geonosis part 3
Third battle of Geonosis part 4
Ghosts of the past.
To change fate.
Who's in control

Third battle of Geonosis Part 1

936 28 7
By FrontierBrony

1 month and 15 days until Order 66

This chapter of going to be a 4 chapter arc based on the retaking of Geonosis. These 4 chapters will than lead us to Anaxes because there will be A LOT of destruction in these chapters. I knew that Echo was the reason that Trench was beating the republic but I feel that if the Republic had lost a lot of its forces at Another battle than it would make Trenches Campaign easier. Plus I would love to show off the absolute mass numbers that the Separatists can have.

Also I just wanted a few chapters to show off the New empire. It sounds like a splendid opportunity I can not let pass. After this arc Yoda will be visited by Qui-Gon which will than lead to the attack of Mandalore. Don't worry as any character that weren't flushed out in this story will get their own arcs and story's in the next book. Sophia and Rachel are definitely some that need flushed out. But enough rambling, leave a comment and enjoy the chapter.

Lord Sidious sat in his office thinking. His mind was a blur as he rested from all the senate meeting he had been through today. Sidious was thinking of the end Goal of this war, the final solution for the Jedi and the Republic. He was the orchestrator of this petty war after all and he has deceived and killed many in his way. However as the Dark Lord of the Sith turned and looked out the window in his office did he think about the true end.


Sidious was obsessed with not dying. Sidious did not want the rule of two to continue, rather he wished for it to end with him. Sidious will have the last word and his word will be final. Skywalker would be the final Apprentice in the rule of two. The Dark lord thought of old times with his master, Darth Plageuis the wise.

Sidious smiled to himself as he remembered the night where he became the Master and killed the old fool that was his master. Plageuis tried to break the rule of two by keeping Sidious close to him, sharing his plans and thoughts. Sidious only sat and listened as to not show that truly didn't care. The only thing Sidious cared most about their relationship was the key to Immortality. If Plageuis figured out how to keep himself alive for centuries than Sidious would never be able to kill him and take his place.

However even after killing his master Sidious is no more closer to finding out the key to immortality than when he was alive. Sidious grumbled and rubbed his forehead as he concentrated on one thing...keeping himself steady.

The Jedi had investigated into Sifo Dyas recently, finding his ship and lightsaber. Sidious had been furious about the discovery and ordered his apprentice to fix his mistake. Not only had the clone sparked suspicious in the Jedi but than Sifo Dyas had sparked even more suspicious. After Anakin and Obi-wan had discovered that Dooku had been a reason for the clones existence the Jedi kept silent about the matter. They were in no situation to accuse anyone of anything without reasonable proof. The public hated the Jedi and if they accused someone of creating the army that was in the senate than that would be disastrous for them. So the Jedi kept quiet.

It's been almost 6 months since the New Empire has arrived and after finding and meeting their Emperor, Sidious's curiosity grew about the end game.

He was powerful...very powerful, maybe even as much as Palpatine was but he was so young. He used a lightsaber not like a cocky padawan but like a deadly and sufficient Killer, and a very well trained one at that. He made jokes and laughed but he had this aura of wisdom and knowledge that only someone as old as Yoda would have. Sidious had a high suspicion that Y/n was lying about his age, and that he himself had unlocked the key to the one thing that Sidious dreamed of.

Maybe he was overthinking and the Screaming voices of the senate had finally gotten to him. However Sidious knew that it would take a lot to Beat Y/n and his army. It would take millions of resources and hard work, but it could be done.

Sidious locked the doors to the Chancellor's office and retrieved a cloak from under his desk. He had an very calculated but if it worked than maybe there will be a way to destroy this False Empire once in for all.

Sidious stood up and put the cloak on. He typed a few keys into his console and waited for a reply. After a few moments Count Dooku appeared, kneeling before his Master.

"Darth Tyranus. I have a mission for you."


Y/n pov

I flipped three Eggs onto the pan with the force. The smell of bacon met my nose and I smiled as I used the force again to flip the bacon and grabbed juice from the fridge. Metal plates flew across the room and landed on the table which was flanked by silverware which landed next to the plates.

I hummed a small tune as I checked the clock again and saw that it was a quarter past 6, my guards should be waking up any minute now. I turned off their alarms remotely so that they could sleep in for a little while. I looked over and saw that the Eggs and Bacon were done so I turned off the stove and pulled them off the stove with the force. Very swiftly I moved the food onto the plates and smiled as the smell of Bacon filled the ships kitchen.

I woke up a little earlier this morning because of the Jedi council calling me. Master Yoda explained that their forces on Geonosis were completely overwhelmed and taken over by the Local Geonosians and Separatist fleet. apparently all the factories had been slowly rebuilt over the last 2 years and now the Separatists decided to now take the planet back with a very large fleet.

I wasn't told how many exactly but I was told that thousands of ships now were on Geonosis and millions of battle droids now were on the planet. I knew that Sidious had something to do with it but I didn't know what his overall idea was. He was obviously trying to influence the Republic that the Separatist threat was bigger than they realized but he'd been doing that for the whole war. Apparently from reports I had seen General Grievous, Count Dooku and many other high ranking Separatists had been moved to the planet to make the attack from the republic more tantalizing.

I was concerned though so I had volunteered my forces to help with the attack, as well as helping coordinate strategy and troop movements. I knew it was gonna be a long day...

Thats why I decided to make breakfast, to help clear my mind and feed my guards. My Father had put "cooking" as one of the requirements I had to learn in order to be emperor. No idea why but I guess he found it hilarious to torture me with something that I had absolutely no experience in. It took me 20 years just to get good at it, and even longer to perfect it. I loved my dad but I have this thought in the back of my head he made me do that course because I burnt his toast ONE TIME.

30 years of hell just because I burnt his toast. He had some sick humor sometimes.

I smiled and shook my head as I put everything onto the small sink that was magnetized so it kept everything in the sink. I rolled my shoulders and smiled as I looked at the small setup I had for the guards. However I felt as though I was missing...oh no.

I reached out with the force and pulled the toast from the little slot on the wall and cringed as I saw it was a little burnt. I shook my head and very quickly smeared butter on each burnt toast, 5 in total before putting them on each plate. There were five plates on the table with mine being closest to the little hallway that led to the rest of the ship. I sat down at my table and began eating quietly waiting for the guards to awaken.

It didn't take long though because not even 2 minutes into eating and I heard a bang and shuffle come from down the hallway. I smirked as muffled voices seemed to bounce and bang around the hallway before shuffling of feet strutted toward the Kitchen. I smiled as the 4 guards came walking into the kitchen with their helmets on and their lightsabers at their waist.

"Good morning. How did you all sleep?" I asked as I lifted some toast to my mouth and but into it. A crunch sound followed by the taste of burnt food hit my tongue and I did my best to not spit out the obviously bad food.

"We slept well your Excellency. How was yours?" Johnathan, the leading guard asked as they all walked into the room and took seats around the room. I saw how stiff their posture was and I chuckled to myself lightly.

"You can relax, it's gonna be a long day and relaxing will be few and far between. Might as well relax now." My voice immediately calmed the guards and many of them hunched forward and take sighs of relief.

"Thank you." The chorus of voices said making me nod.

"What's going on today?" Eliot a newer guard asked as he reached to lift his helmet off of his head. I watched with a small visible smile as Eliots bed hair got caught in his face. He was a human male who recently was chosen to be one of of my newer guards on this ship. To even be a candidate you have to be force sensitive which already made the hiring process difficult but you had to go through flash training which was long and grueling on top of the physical training.

He had red hair that went to his eyebrow and met his face in a contrast of white skin. He was 25 years old but he still had this goofy grin on his face. He was always able to make people laugh, often making me laugh to.

"Sidious has ordered the Separatists to take over Geonosis again. There's way to many droids for just the republic to handle." I spoke passively as I finished the toast and went back to the bacon. I ate a piece of it and hummed in delight.

"And you want our forces to go in?" Din Packard asked as he removed his helmet and started eating to. He was more cold and calculating, reminding me that he was a soldier once before becoming a guard. Din was a Zabrak male with horns instead of hair but his skin was an off yellow. It looked like a muddy Yellow but there were scars that showed through his odd skin tone.

"Yes. Having them go in will be a sufficient measure. Commander Pixel and her forces will going to fight along with Admirial Titan. I will be going as well to help fight Dooku or Grievous if it come down to it." I paused for a moment as I took a sip of my juice. "I sensed many force users on the world. Knowing the Republic they wouldn't risk more than 5 Venators to a fight. Which is why we're sending the 10th fleet." The guards around the table looked at me a little shocked at the mention of that fleet.

"But most of that fleet hasn't returned yet. It would seem very risky to send that fleet without it being completely whole." John said as he started eating to. He was an older man in his 30's that had white skin that was ruffed up over time. Dark brown hair sat on his head mad a goatee sat on his face.

"Not only that, but if we send that many forces to one world without probable cause than it would be overkill. Why not the 6th or the 12th?" Din asked as he bit into his eggs. He calmed down at just the taste from the food and turned back to listen for my answer.

I sighed as I finished my plate and levitated it over toward the sink along with the glass I had.

"I believe it's time to show the true might of our Empire. The Dark Lord is testing me but I'll gladly play his game. If he wants to see how I'll handle a campaign than he should have had me invade Coruscant." Laugher caught my ears and I smiled as well.

"But in all seriousness I feel it's time to show the Sith and the Galaxy what happens when you Challenge and Emperor and everything he stands for." I stood up from my chair with my hands behind my back. The guards listened intently as I spoke intently.

"It's time to show them that this galaxy is not free for the taking, and that I'll fight tooth and nail for it all. And I'll do it from the front instead of a chair comfortably on Coruscant. It's time to show then we won't back down till the galaxy is free!" My guards smiled and raised their glasses. I raised my fist in the air and smiled brightly as we shouted together.

"To the Empire!"

"To the People!

"To the Force!"

I lowered my fist and smiled as I sat back down, feeling better than I had this morning. Just as I was about to ask another question Ronald the last guard spoke before I could.

He was a human male in his late 20's, his face always had this look of neutrality on it which was very odd to see sometimes. Most of the time he was silent but the question was actually needed.

"When do you leave?" I turned toward him with a little smile on my face and looked over at the wall where a clock was.

"In about 2 hours. The 10th fleet will be at Coruscant shortly where they will Rendezvous with the Republic fleet." Ronald nodded and went back to his food.

I sighed and sat in silence, preparing myself for the awful part of this mission.


I stood on the Bellator Liberty waiting for the Jedi and clones to start the meeting. I stood still with my hands at my sides as I looked over the strategy my clones and I planned out. My expression was focused as I went over and over again with the Strategy.

The Droids had built 3 factories and started shipping recourses for get the factories running almost as quickly as they came alive. One factory was a rebuilt one while two others were completely new factories that were building the fighters, bombers, along with tanks and other equipment needed for a long siege. Unlike before the droids had more tanks and walkers on the ground to help assaults against upcoming attacks. A shield protected the factory from orbital bombardment but that didn't mean it couldn't be useful. We came up with a plan to...

"Alright, now that everyone's here." My eyes looked up to Mace Windu who was now addressing everyone. Yoda, Anakin, Ahsoka, Kenobi, Rex, Palpatine, Commander Wolf with Master Plo Koon and Cody were here. It was a massive fight. "Let's get started."

A holographic display popped up between all of us. The display showed Geonosis and the blockade surrounding it. I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw that there were hundreds of ships waiting for us, thank goodness I brought the 10th fleet. Many Jedi around the room seemed to sigh in frustration as they looked at the fleet.

"Hundreds of ships led by General Grievous and his forces. We've counted the amount of ships's not good." Windu explained as the display zoomed in and showed all of us ships present. "128 Munificent cruisers, 50 Providence class destroyers, 47 Recusant Destroyers and 10 Lucrehulks." Windus voice seemed grim as he spoke. I watched with anticipation as 5 specific ships were high lighted in Red. Providence Dreadnought.

"These are the Variants to the Providence. Massive Dreadnoughts that almost double the size of our Venators. Admiral Trench had one on the battle of Christophsis at the beginning of the war, however now they have 5 of them and Grevious is in charge of one." Anakin explained taking Windus place. I narrowed my eyes at the large ships, they weren't bigger than mine but they were powerful.

"My ships can take them. The X destroyer could pound on it with its Turbo lasers whiles the fighters can finish it off." I suggested. I already knew how I was going to destroy them but setting an idea of how to put that plan into motion could get some heads turning.

"Perhaps. These ships are not new but instead they are taken from all over the galaxy. Many of our forces are able to capture the outerim worlds because of them leaving their posts. Why would they sacrifice so much for a world we took years ago?" Ahsoka asked. Many of the Jedi and Clones looked at her with the same look of...unknowing. The Jedi looked amongst themselves like they didn't know either. Palpatine looked at everyone and with a trained eye I could see amusement building in his face.

"It's a last stand. They know their gonna lose this war. And they want to throw everything they have at the Republic before they eventually fall. This is our chance to destroy them. Which is why I have this." I pressed a few keys on my side of the holographic display and the Ships from earlier display disappeared and were replaced by 3 ships.

"The Bulwark star destroyer is an Interdictor. It creates a field around itself that acts like a magnet for Hyberspace. Ships cannot escape into Hyperspace or they get yanked out of hyperspace. I've been mining the Separatist shipping lanes to destroy any ships that have resources on board." I watched as Palpatines eyes flashed with anger and shock. His face showed a scowl for a moment before shifting back into its normal regal form.

"The republic has used this technology before, however mostly for space stations." Rex explained as he looked at the ship, curiosity in his eyes. "I've never seen it used for ships." I nodded and clicked another button showing the fleet again except there 3 specific areas highlighted.

"It has a shorter range so the idea is to have them placed here guarded by 3 ships in order to keep the Separatists here." Eyebrows rose at what I said and Windu spoke up.

"Why would we wish to keep the ships here? If we can force most of them to retreat than that would give us the chance to invade." I herd what Windu said and I shook my head while pointing at the large formation of ships.

"If we can destroy all of these ships than the Separatist Navy will crippled beyond repair. Their forces and navy will never be able to recover from this." I said with a determined look as I looked at the massive fleet. My reasoning was based on the fact that if you destroy this many ships than not only will the Separatist feel the sting of this defeat, but it would benefit the republic more rather than letting them get away. Those ships are not new so they had to come from somewhere. They were the ships from the reserve in the Reserve in the Separatist navy.

"I'm inclined to Agree with Y/ns theory." Tarkin said as he and Admiral Yularen appeared on screen. "If we crush them here than more worlds will fall easily into our hands." Yularen agreed as well even if the Jedi didn't seem willing to agree.

"What about the actual planet attack, there are a lot of droids out there." Ahsoka spoke again, looking at the map. I pointed toward the edges of the Separatist line. There was nothing but Munificents out there sitting without escorts. As you moved in the bigger ships started appearing but starting out on the end could very well be a starter in defeating this Protection fleet.

"I will have 57 ships in this battle. Most of my ships shall be at the front taking in fire from the separatist's ships whilst firing themselves. I will have my Drones screen and attack the front of the armada while piloted fighters led by the Wardog Squadron will push onto the sides of the fleet and destroy the Munificent cruisers. It will be a quick maneuver that hopefully the Droids don't take measures against them." I pointed to key spots on the map as it zoomed
Out to reveal the Bellator and the neighboring ships surrounding. Imperials were green, Republic were blue, Sepies were Red.

"Republic ships will be flanking yours, taking covering positions behind your capital ships while also getting in firing range of the fleet. If your forces and slowly whittle down the fleet on the sides than we can punch a whole right through the center and divide their forces." Rex explained as blue dots took on the screen.

"If we can launch all of our fighters and send a few bombers to support the sides than we can effectively cripple their forces. Hopefully we can Capture Grievous in the process." Plo Koon said as he and put both of his hands over his chest. I nodded and looked at the hologram in thought.

"I don't want piloted fighters screening against the Separatists. My drones are very capable and can effectively cover your ships and my own. Any of you Jedi that are flying should follow C group to the sides of the battle. I have a surprise for them." I chuckled as I looked at the map again, my mind rummaging with thoughts as I knew the Separatists wouldn't expect what I had coming.

"Than I believe this is settled. Tomorrow at 0700 we will attack Geonosis. Y/n your forces will go in first while we will come in and pick up what you leave behind." I nodded and smiled. It was probably better that Venators were staying off to the side. They were never Capital ships to begin with and they should never be a front line ship. They are more carriers with bigger guns than anything. Besides when the wars over I will be reshaping the Venator into an actual fighting ship, while also still beings a carrier.

"Alright, I except that." Windu nodded and everyone turned toward the Chancellor to see if he had anything to say. Palpatine looked over the plan one more time and nodded in approval, making me roll my eyes.

"I wish you all luck tomorrow during the battle. Be careful, and good luck." Anakin nodded and smiled toward his friend at his approval. I coughed into my hand as the transmission cut out as we all prepared for the battle.

I looked over at Admiral Titan who stood at attention. His eyes were forward as he waited for an order. "Admiral. Prepare the troops for battle." Titan saluted and ran out of the room while I turned around and walked toward the glass window that separated me from space. I walked skillet toward it with clones and recruits saluting me as I walked by. Once I was at the window I looked out into the vast reaches of space. My eyes focusing each and every ship as I counted tossed the numbers and strategies in my head one more time.

The Republic will have 50 ships, 30 Venators, 10 Acclamator landing craft that will be used as support along with 10 corvettes for fighter support. I have 57 ships in this battle. 23 Furor Destroyers, 3 Bulwark destroyers, 20 X Destroyers, 5 Fray Carriers and 5 Carnage Carriers disguised as Acclamators which the design of the carrier was based of the Acclamator. And obviously I have the Bellator which will lead in the front. The Carnage Carriers will hold our Tanks and other supplies that we will need for this campaign but they will also carry drones.

I brought a hand to my face and to my eyes. It's time to test if I'm really prepared to lead the empire again.


The next day, 0650 Geonosis.

General Greivous stood on the new Invisible hand with his arms behind his back. He watched silently as the dead black of space was the only thing he was watching as the time ticked by. Grievous's patience was wearing thin as he sat his fleet above this dust bowl of a planet. It was a useless waste of recourses and time to put in a planet that held no use anymore. Grievous protested sending 10% of all Separatist forces to this planet but apparently Sidious had given the order himself and ordered Dooku to take the planet, as well as to stay there and oversee the building. With the Geonosians it took no time at all time at all to build another 3 foundry's and start pumping droids out.

However even with 2 million droids on the ground and over 200+ ships in space...something felt wrong to the General. Call it his warrior instinct or maybe something of the past coming to haunt him, but Grievous knew that all this work and all these battalions of droids are not here to keep this planet. Something else was Afoot here but something in the Cyborgs mind couldn't figure out what.

From behind Grievous a figure approached and raised their hand. A cloak covered them as they approached silently from behind but the Generals body didn't react as the hand touched his shoulder gently and squeezed lightly. Grievous looked down at the figure that touched him and saw a woman with bright yellow eyes. Grievous would have killed anyone who dared to touch him but this girl was different. She had something that many did not...his respect.

"Good evening my dear." Grievous's voice was raspy like always but this time he had a sort of softness and care to it, very lightly but it was there.

"Hello Grievous. How goes the watch?" Her voice was soft and caring, definitely a contrast to the broke and despaired voice that she had only a few weeks ago. Her hand removed from his shoulder and down to his hand where the normally aggressive General delicately held her palm.

"Nothing special, the same old Stars and space. I still am very hesitant to even be here when I could be killing Jedi, or training you." Rachel Doom smiled up at the General with a flirtatious look, a small and coy smile on her face as her other hand trailed up his mask and brushed the edges of it.

"You can train me whenever you want." She smirked lightly as Grievous chuckled lightly. Rachel's smirked stayed for a second as she stared into The Generals fierce predator like eyes. However the moment moment was ended when a beeping sound was heard and the two turned away toward a Tactical droid that was standing 5 feet from them.

"What is it?" Grievous demanded as he turned away from Rachel toward the droid. His voice was raspy and full of annoyance again as he asked what the problem was.

"Sir, there are ships coming out of Hyperspace shortly. They are Imperial ships, no republic ships detected." Grievous nodded even as Rachel's body froze up next to the Cyborg. She stood completely still at the name Imperial, because she knew that only meant one thing. Y/n was here.

"Rachel, go back to my quarters and wait there. If things get bad than find an escape pod. You are not ready yet for this fight." Rachel opened her mouth to retort but as she looked up she saw that even though Grievous was giving her an order she could still see the good intent behind it. She could see the care in his eyes which she rarely saw, but there were moments. Rachel nodded and walked away feeling more defeated and secluded than before. The Cyborgs expression softened as he watched her leave but hardened again as he turned back to look out the glass. It was time to fight. "Raise the shields and launch all fighters, we will not waste a second on them."

Out in space though it was silent for a few moments, no sound and no movement beside the fighters of the separatists launching and flying to form units. However after another moment a Bellator appeared in real space far away from the Separatist fleet. After it appeared more ships started appearing next to or around the Bellator as it started launching Fibers from its underbelly. After 20 seconds all of the Imperials were on location and ready to fight.

In the hanger of the Bellator Y/n hopped into his fighter and lifted off the ground quickly taking off and flying out of the hanger with his guards following him in their fighters. 50 Avengers and Bombers followed Y/n out of the hanger and into space as the Emperor reached up and turned on the communicator in his ship.

"Alright here we go people, let the drones screen fighters while we pick off the stragglers. Bulwark Destroyers I want your Interdictor fields activated now!" He didn't wait for a moment to respond as he flew up and over the top of the Bellator. Hundreds of Drones flew past him toward the many many Droid fighters that almost looked like a cloud as it approached.

"All squads check in!" He said as he flipped a couple more switches in his cockpit. His weapons systems flared to life and he smiled as he gripped his fought controls with a relaxed manner.

"Zildjian squadron checking in." A clone said over the mike.

"Shadow squadron checking in." A female voice spoke over the mile. A dark purple Avenger flew over Y/ns head and he smiled at the ship.

"Nickel Squadron checking in, it's a pleasure to fly with you." A Twilek male said, his thick accent giving away his heritage.

"Wardog Squadron checking in, this is Heartbreak one." Y/n looked over to his left and saw an Avenger fighter fly next to him with A Sabacc card. The card had  a Heart with A knife through it which made Y/n chuckle and nod toward the pilot who waved back.

"All pilots this AWACS Callsign Thunderhead. Your orders are to attack the Munificent frigates on the edge of the fleet while the Drones screen against fighters. You must be precise and quick."

Y/n took a hard left and started heading toward the side of the fleet. His ship kicked into high gear and he flew quickly, while still making sure the bombers behind him kept up.

"You must protect the bombers as they make their way toward the ships. You are equipped with Proton torpedos in case you need to destroy vital parts of the ships." Thunderhead spoke again. Y/n rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Geese does this guy ever shut up. You were briefed yesterday about this mission." Y/n sounded annoyed as he piloted his ship past a Furor destroyer which started firing at the Droid fighters. A CWIS started firing from the front of the ship and aimed toward the mass amount of droid fighters.

"For once I'm inclined to agree." Another voice said over the mic. A females voice, she sounded quiet but not tired.

"Heck yeah man. My only regret in this battle is not hearing the Emperor tell Thunderblock head to shut up." Y/n chuckled into his mic as he thought of something to say.

"Thunderhead, shut your trap." Thunderheads voice shut off almost like music when you hit pause. Almost everyone was quiet after that if it weren't the fit of Giggles that Y/n heard from Wardog Squadron.

"I like you man." The same pilot from from before said. Y/n shook his head and rolled his eyes as he smiled brightly.

"I appreciate it. May I have your name?" Y/n asked as he flipped his ship around and turned a group of oncoming fighters that approached quickly.

"Second Lieutenant Alvin H Davenport, but I respectfully ask to be called Chopper your excellency." Y/n tried to remember where he heard that name from as the droids got even closer to his ship. After another second it clicked.

"You're the one my Clones tell me shoots his mouth off on the radio. I've a lot about you Chopper, many good and bad things." That was barley the iceberg but Y/n wanted him to know that he knew who he was and what he did. It was quiet for a little bit and Y/n was about to engage the droids when he heard Chopper again.

"Uhh..yes sir that's me." Y/n smiled and switched on his laser cannons, diverting power to his shields and Cannons rather than engines.

"You have my blessing to say whatever you want on the Radio, as long as you can make your teammates laugh." And with that Y/n switched pff the Radio and started engaging. If he kept it on another second longer he would have heard some colorful Cursed from Chopper directed at well...everyone. Blaze and Nagase were laughing in mere moments.

I know this is a shorter chapter but I feel that's it's appropriate to end it here. This is part one after all and we have a lot more to get through. Leave a vote, comment, or just read comfortably. And have a wonderful day. love ya guys

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