Family ties

By _crazy_hooman_

508K 24.9K 10K

•[COMPLETED]• Leah Stevenson is her name. She lives a happy life unbeknownst of the things that had happened... More

(1) Flashback
(2) Kingstons & Stevensons
(3) Story
(4) Plan
(5) Attack
(6) Troy
(7) Dean & Chase
(8) Back to LA
(9) Reunited
(10) Home
(11) Old Mafia, New Don
(12) Hostages
(13) Almost caught
(14) News spread
(15) First Day
(16) Plan initiated
(17) A new face
(19) Caught
(20) Finally!
(21) Reunited
(22) Reunited- part (2)
(23) Meeting her
(24) Revelations
(25) Revelations- part (2)
(26) Shocker
(27) Family huh?
(28) Meeting them again
(29) Official Mafia meet
(30) Dinner
(31) Date?
(32) School
(33) A Problem
(34) Threat
(35) Unexpected guest
(36) Mason's story
(37) Sunday
(38) Bye, mother
(39) Preparations
(40) Annual Mafia Gala
(41) Attack
(42) Truth
(43) Aftermath
(44) Talk
(45) Bad news
(46) Out in the open
(47) Living together
(48) Another attack
(49) Vacation?
(50) London
(51) Barely escaped
(52) Goodbye
(53) Matter at hand
(54) Apologise
(55) Intruder
(56) H for Hostage
(57) New plan
(58) Apology
(59) Decisions
(60) Goodbyes
(61) Theo
(62) More problems
(63) Making things right
(64) Sneaking
(65) Anniversary dinner
(66) Anniversary dinner- 2
Thank you!

(18) Plan sucessful

6.5K 405 240
By _crazy_hooman_

Rowan's POV:

I ended the call after saying what I wanted to say.

My heart was in actual physical pain. The news that I just received makes me wanna throw things and cry at the same time.

I was alone in my office. Theo wanted me to talk to Massimo because he thought it would fit perfectly.

I couldn't control myself. My eyes filled with tears. I tried to hold the tears in and I couldn't.

I let them fall. I stood up from my chair and placed my hands on the table and took deep breaths.

Suddenly the door opened and Chase walked in.

"Oh hey Dad. When did you come- , He started and cut himself off when I looked up.

His eyes went wide when he saw my face filled with tears.

I immediately wipe them off and turned my back to him, but of course there was no point.

"Dad?", Chase whispered slowly in a scared tone.

I cleared my throat and sniffed as I turn to look at him.

"Yeah Chase? You need something?", I asked trying to act normal.

"What happened?", He whispered lowly.

I shake my head nothing. My eyes were almost filled with tears again.

Chase rushed out of the office immediately. He didn't even try to ask me again almost as if he knew I won't tell him.

I knew where he went and I sighed heavily.

In no time I heard running footsteps and Theo ran in with Chase on his tail.

Theo stared at me in shock. Chase closed the door and looked at me.

"Dad?", Theo asked softly.

"Boys it's nothing. Stop worrying about me", I shake my head.

Chase looked at his older brother with worry. Theo kept looking at me as he walked forward.

"Did something happen?", Theo asked slowly ignoring what I said earlier.

I didn't reply. I couldn't. I can't tell them about Jamie. It will hurt them a lot.

"Dad please you're scaring me. You never cry", Chase said carefully.

I looked away. They walked towards me and stood in front of me.

"Dad please", Theo pleaded.

I sighed heavily. I took in a ragged breath and prepared myself.

As much as I hate seeing my kids hurt they won't let this go and they also kinda deserve to know.

"I spoke to Massimo just now", I started.

They nod slowly.

"We had the talk we wanted to. Everything was fine till then. He agreed immediately. He wants his daughter like we planned", I said softly.

Chase smiled happily. Theo nods.

"That's good then", Theo said with a bit of confusion.

"It is, but then he said something that just- , I sigh shaking my head.

Fuck this hurts.

"What is it Dad?", Theo asked gently.

"He told me he was enraged when we took back our mafia and so he...he tortured Jamie", I whispered the last part as tears once again blurred my vision.

It took a second to seep in what I said.

Then, Chase gasped loudly with his hand on his mouth. Theo stared at me with a hard face. His eyes showed pain.

"It's not like I didn't think that they'll never get hurt or tortured there for ten years. I had accepted the hard truth long back, but..Jamie", I shake my head as my eyes filled with tears again.

My sons kept staring at me not able to say anything. Chase was on the verge to cry.

"He was treated like this because of me", I whispered sadly.

Theo took a step forward immediately.

"Dad- " , He started, but I cut him off.

"No Theo! It's true. Massimo lost it in his anger of losing the mafia. Jamie paid for that! My fault!", I almost yelled in emotionally in anger.

Chase shed tears now. I wanted to hug him.

"Dad no stop it. You couldn't have done anything about it! Stop doing this to yourself for god sake! We had to take the mafia if we want to save them okay? There's no question about that", Theo said sternly.

It was as if the roles had shifted.

I shake my head sighing.

"It hurts me too Dad. James is my little brother. God it pains hear about this, but we have to stay strong. Not for us, but for them", Theo whispered softly.

"He was unconscious by the time Massimo was done", I said slowly as my heart hurt.

Yes. This is what kills me.

I looked up at him trying hard not to cry. Theo's jaw clenched. He closed his eyes and looking down controlling himself.

"God dammit", Theo muttered turning away in frustration.

I wipe the one tear that fell off.

He then shifted his gaze on Chase who was now sobbing silently.

Theo immediately hugged his brother. Chase hid his face in his chest and sniffed.

I looked at Theo as he glanced at me. I could see the sadness on his face.

None of us said anything as he rubbed Chase's back softly trying to comfort him.

This is why I didn't want to say anything to them.

God knows how Em, Dean and Troy will react.

"Dad kill the girl", Chase said suddenly sniffing.

I looked up at him in shock.

He pulled his head away from Theo's chest and stared at me with anger. Theo didn't seem surprised though.

"Kill the girl", Chase grit angrily wiping his tears.

"Chase", I whispered sadly.

"No do it! They fucking deserve it!", Chase yells angrily.

This is the Chase I wouldn't have recognised a while back. This is the change I was talking about.

He's not just the calm and composed anymore. He's like that most of the time, bit now he can be angry and real angry in certain situations like now.

"Chase you know we can't do that", I said softly.

"WHY NOT? They hurt our brother Jamie godammit! Haven't they been through enough! The Armani family needs a taste of their own medicine!", Chase growls angrily.

I sighed heavily. Theo was looking outside the window.

"Chase if we kill her then we won't get our family back", I tried to reason.

This time he kept quiet with his jaw clenched. He knew I'm right.

Once it was sure Chase won't speak Theo decided that we should go home.

The conversation I had with Massimo was successful and it was as per plan so we needed to inform others as well.

We went home and Chase didn't waste time before telling his brothers everything.

Theo kept quiet all along. He just sat there on the couch. I was by the window looking out.

"What the fuck?", Dean growls angrily.

I closed my eyes. God help me.

"How can they do that?", Troy whispered in a wavering voice.

Oh man.

"Just fucking kill her! I'll do it if none of you can", Dean almost shouted angrily.

I turn to look at him.

"Dad we will find a way to save them, but this girl is going to die. That's it", Dean said furiously.

Before I could say anything he starts walking out.

"Dean stop", Theo said sternly.

"No", Dean replied as he continued walking.

Troy and Chase's eyes went wide in surprise.

"I said stop. It's an order", Theo used his Don voice.

This is the first time Theo has used that tone with his brothers. He hates talking to them like that.

Dean stopped abruptly. He didn't turn, but spoke.

"Not this time. Normally I would blindly follow your orders, but not this time Theo", Dean merely said and continued walking out.

I was going to stop him, but Em did it for me.

He grabbed Dean before he could leave the room.

"Enough", Emmett said softly.

Before Dean could protest he pulled him back to where we were and made him sit on the couch.

Dean was pissed obviously, but Em shut him with a look.

Yup Em can be scary.

Getting scolded by two brothers on the same must be a record even for Dean.

"Stop acting like a stubborn kid, will you", Emmett said sternly.

Dean rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Unbelievable", He muttered.

"No you're unbelievable Dean. You think we don't want to kill that girl for revenge?", Emmett frowned.

"Then- ", Dean started.

"We can't dumbass! Not now we can't. Don't ask me why for god sake", Emmett warned him.

Dean rolled his eyes again. I sighed.

"God you and Chase are so the same sometimes and yet you fight all the time", Theo scoffs.

Those two rolled their eyes shaking their head.

"But Jamie", Troy whispered with teary eyes.

I sighed looking away.

Emmett hugged Troy. Theo rubbed his face with his hands.

"Troy trust me we can't do anything about that right now. It's sad, yes. It's hurts, yes. But we have to stay strong", Emmett said softly.

Troy nods trying to get a grip on himself.

"Oh please stop saying that. We've been strong our entire life for fuck sake Em! How much more stronger do you expect us to be?! There's a limit to fucking everything!", Dean waved his hand in frustration.

Emmett sighs and looks at Theo for help.

"Till they are back. Stay strong till they're back", Theo said.

Everyone looks at him.

"James is my brother too. I get it. We all feel the same thing. But remember what we decided the day we came back to this house", Theo said seriously looking at all of us one by one.

"We can't get emotional now", I concluded.

Theo nods in agreement. Em smiled a bit.

"Focus boys. Trust me we will get our revenge soon. I will make sure", I said confidently.

We will. Yes. No one gets away with this.

My sons nod slowly in understanding even Chase and Dean.

Once everyone was settled down Theo spoke up.

"Finally our plan seems to be going the way we wished for. I think this is a win", Theo smiled.

"It is. The Italian Don is desperate now", Emmett smirked.

"Oh trust me he is", I scoffed.

For the first time Massimo quietly took the disrespect sent his way.

"Good then. We make him trade like we decided", Dean smirked.

"Exactly. This way there will be no chance he will try something. He can't risk his daughter's life", Chase grinned.

Everyone smirked and nodded.

I was happy now.

The news about my nephew did make me upset, but the fact that in all these years first time we're so close to saving them in all.

It's a big win already for my family, but it'll be a greater win once I get them all home.

Our plan is as simple as it can get.

Just trade.

The complex part was the kidnap part, but that's perfectly executed now. So it's a clear path for Seb and his kids to come home.

As much as I would like to keep Nicole here so that Massimo suffers I want my family back as quickly as possible.

Our priorities are very clear.

See you soon brother.

"What about your school starting Troy? I believe it's in a few days?", Theo asked suddenly.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at them.

"Yeah. It starts in a few days", Troy smiled nodding.

"Did you get everything you needed?", Emmett asked.

Troy nods affirmatively.

"Everything? Are you sure? Did you buy all the stuff I wrote in that list I gave you? Because that has everything you'll need", Emmett asked seriously.

Troy nods again.

I smiled a bit. Troy getting babied is not new.

Chase silently awes. Dean smirked ready to tease Troy. Theo grinned.

"You better check again little brother because if you tell me that you missed something at the last moment I will punch you", Emmett warned.

Ha ha.

"Hey why're you being mean? I said I have everything", Troy pouts offended.

"Good", Emmett smiled and pulled Troy in for a hug.

Troy rolls his eyes and tried to push him away. Everyone laughs.

"You know I'll be going to the same school as Leah. Infact we will be in the same grade. I'm happy", Troy smiled wide.

I smiled. Oh that's why I chose that school for him. Atleast he'll have a friend.

"Ask her if she's happy. Poor girl", Dean comments with a smirk.

Troy was so offended. Chase smacks Dean with a glare. Dean just laughs. Theo and Em shake their head.

"For your information she knows about me joining her school and she's also coming with me on the first day", Troy puffed his chest.

"Oh is that so?", Dean asked with a smile.

"Yeah", Troy nods with a smile.

"Did you ask her to come with you because you're nervous for your first day?", Dean asked stifling his laugh.

"Yes...No!", Troy immediately gasped.

Dean snickered, but got smacked in the head by Chase.

"Why are you nervous?", I asked softly.

"I'm not", Troy denies frowning.

"Troy", I gave him a soft knowing look.

"Yeah well this is LA Dad. I don't know anyone here..well except Leah. I mean I can make friends easily but that was in New Jersey", Troy frowns.

I shake my head with a smile. He's so innocent.

"Are we really brothers?", Dean commented sarcastically.

"Oh shut up, will you!", Chase punched him on the back this time.

Troy rolled his eyes. I sighed.

"Oh don't worry Troy you'll be fine", Theo smiled assuringly.

"Yeah thank the lords Leah will be with you", Dean grinned.

This time Em smacked Dean. Theo shakes his head. Troy glared.

"Enough Dean", I gave him a look.

Dean did a zipping his mouth gesture and smiled.

"Actually even Leah said something like that", Troy frowns a bit.

"What?", Chase asked curiously.

What did she say to my son now?

"I don't know. Something about me getting crushed there because of my innocence", Troy said in confusion.

Dean stifled a laugh. Theo grimaces. Chase smiled looking away. Em looked sympathetic.

Oh boy.

"Oh but she also said she'll have my back and that's all I need", Troy grinned happily.

Oh thank the heaven.

"Aww that's sweet of her", Emmett smiled.

"It is. Didn't expect any less from Leah", Theo nods with a smile.

"Me too. She's a good friend", Chase grinned proudly.

"Also capable enough to break bones if needed", Dean smirked.

I rolled my eyes.

"Not everyone's a Dean in highschool", Chase gave a tight smile.

I chuckled. Dean rolled his eyes.

"Anyway I'm glad you're going with her on the first day. She can show you around as well. It'll be easy if you have a friend there", I smiled with a shrug.

"I know right. I like her. She's cool and fun", Troy smiled.

Everyone chuckled including me.

"Yeah she's surely different than most girls her age", Chase nods.

"What do you even know about girls let alone one of her age?", Dean scoffs.


"You asshole!", Chase grit his teeth.

That did it. Those two started pillow fighting.

I groan. This is all day everyday.

"Leah is really different Dad. I mean I don't know she seems quite.. known for some reason", Theo shrugs with a confused smile.

I smile.

"I know right. I mean many times she just seems so familiar", Emmett said softly.

So I'm not the only one who thinks that?

Sebastian's POV:

As usual I was in my cell doing literally nothing.

I had already counted the bricks on the wall more times than you can imagine.

I mean ten years dude.

"I'm bored", James frowned.

"Who isn't?", Charlie sighs deeply.

I look around and saw Brody lying on the ground with his hands behind his head. Wes was in his corner as usual. Char and Jamie were seated in the middle of the cell.

"Can't they give us a board game or something?", Jamie pouts.

"They were planning to, but then they realised we were their prisoners", I smiled.

Charlie chuckled. Wes smiled in amusement. James rolled his eyes.

His injuries were better now. They're still hurting, but the antibiotics are working with the pain.

The door clanged open again at the same time like everyday and in walked Kit to deliver our food.

"Hey Kit", I smiled.

He waved with a smile.

I pushed Brody to wake him up. He did and groans as he saw Kit with food and then he sat straight.

Wes stood up from his corner and came here.

"You seem tired", Charlie said frowning a bit.

I looked at Kit and indeed he looked tired and definitely exhausted.

"I am boy. I'm doing more shifts than usual, more duties than normal", Kit sighs heavily as he puts our plates down.

"Why?", I asked.

"More importantly are you getting paid extra?", James asked frowning.

I shake my head with a smile.

"Nope the pay's the same. Also because the Don's a bit angsty", Kit replied.

"When is he not", Brody commented.

"True. Since that fiasco in America he isn't happy at all", Kit shakes his head.

I smiled shrugging.

"Well the Kingstons are doing a good job then", Wes smirked.

"They are believe me", Kit scoffs.

That tone didn't just get my attention. All four sons of mine looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"What does that mean?", Charlie asked curiously.

"Oh you don't know? Oh wait. How will you? Silly me!", Kit smacks his own head.

We all look at him in amusement.

"Anyway so I heard the guards talk again. They seem to be discussing the Don's behaviour a lot these days. Again I'm not sure, but your family has done something major this time", Kit shrugs nonchalantly.

"What?", I immediately asked.

"I'm a worker Sebastian. How'll I know? But I do know the guards said that the Don has been in his periods since yesterday. Though his only mood swing is anger", Kit shrugged.

If I hadn't been so invested into thinking about what happened this time I would have laughed.

"Anyway you didn't hear this from me and also I need to get going", Kit said pulling his cart out.

"Thanks again", I said with a small smile.

"Don't mention it. Also, hope you're alive the next time we meet", Kit waved at us and left.

I shake my head as he leaves. He's the only type of his kind.

"What happened now?", Brody asked pulling his plate of food to himself.

"I'm a prisoner Brody. How'll I know", Jamie mocks Kit.

Everyone chuckled.

"It's something major as he said. So I guess we'll know soon", Weston shrugged.

We all agreed and continued with our food.

"Now I feel we're really going to get out of here soon", Charlie smiled softly.

"We will", I grinned.

Oh how much I wish to see Rowan and thank him for everything he's doing.

See you soon brother.

David's POV

I continuously tap my leg on the floor as I anxiously wait on the chair in the cafe.

I can't believe she's late.

I glance at my watch and then at the door. When will Susan come? It's been 5 minutes past our decided time.

Is she even serious about this?

I scoff as I drink my coffee.

After our first conversation when she dropped a bomb on me I knew I need to get as many answers as I can.

She will answer my questions whether she likes or not. Otherwise she ain't getting anywhere near my daughter.

The door bell chimes and I look up to see the door open and Susan walk in.

She looked around the cafe and finally spotted me. She waved at me and walked towards the table I has occupied.

"I can't believe you're late", I shake my head disappointedly.

She frowned a bit and looked at her watch as she took her place on the chair in opposite of me.

"I'm 5 minutes late David", She raised her eyebrows.

"So? This is not important to you or what? Punctuality is an important thing Susan. A quality everyone should possess", I pointed out.

Now I get why Leah is late everywhere.

"Still the same I see", Susan smiled softly.

I rolled my eyes. Yup I've always been like this.

People nowadays just don't appreciate good qualities.

"Forget it. I arranged this meeting because I wanted to talk to you about Leah", I said seriously.

She nods and was going to say something, but I spoke first.

"I will ask questions. Many questions, Susan. I hope you have answers to them all for your sake", I said sternly.

She looked at me with hesitation.

"Look David. Some things are just not that easy to talk about or explain. So I don't guarantee I will tell you everything", She said clearly.

What the hell is wrong with her?

"If you're reluctant then I guess we can end the meet before it has started because I'm not here for anything else", I said standing up.

She immediately put her hand on mine and stopped me.

"No stop! We need to talk please. I will answer okay", She sighs heavily.

I stare at her for a second and then nod and sat down.

"So what do you want to know?", She asked softly.

Oh I have a list. Where to start from?

"I know Seb is Leah's biological father. After you told me I actually noticed many things similar between them. But what I want to know is that where is he?", I asked straight away.

She dodged this topic last time. This time I won't let her.

She sighed hard rubbing her hands on her face as if she was afraid this was going to happen.

"I don't know Dave", She replies.

"What? What do you mean you don't know?", I scoffed in disbelief.

"After we got divorced I was not in touch with him. I left LA", She shrugged.

I stare at her with raised eyebrows.

Susan and Sebastian divorced. Still can't believe it.

"Okay then. Now you're in LA and don't tell me you don't know where the Kingstons live. So why didn't you bring him with you when you came to see me after years?", I retorted crossing my arms.

Susan looked away. She didn't reply.

I stare at her continuous waiting for her to talk.

"Can I get you something?"

Suddenly we get interrupted when a waiter approaches our table.

"I'll have a sandwich", I said.

"Me too", Susan shrugged.

The waiter smiled with a nod and left.

Susan looked everywhere but me. She either couldn't face me or she just didn't want to.

Suddenly I realised something. A thought enters my mind and my heart skipped a beat.

"Oh hell no", I mutter in shock.

She looked at me this time.

"What?", She asked curiously.

"When did you and Seb get divorced?", I questioned seriously.

Her face scrunched in confusion, but she replied.

"16 years ago", She said.

My eyes went wide. A bulb flashed in my brain.

"Oh for god sake Susan please tell me Sebastian knows he has a daughter", I groaned loudly.

Susan looked at me as if she was caught off guard. She blinked a couple times as I raised my eyebrows at her.

"O-Of course he knows David. You think I would hide this?", She nervously chuckled.

So weird.

"Then why isn't he here?", I asked crossing my arms.

"David this is very personal thing and between me and Sebastian", Susan frowned.

"Oh really? Well you have a PhD at getting personal. You're coming between me and my daughter", I glare at her.

"She's not your daughter", Susan shakes her head.


Without thinking I slammed my hand on the table angrily rustling everything kept on it.

"Watch it Susan. Leah is my and only my daughter. You better get this in your head. Giving birth isn't everything. I raised her as my own", I snarl threateningly.

I was surprised by my anger. I am a usually calm person.

People near our tables glanced at us for a second and then went back to their food and company.

"David I didn't mean it like that", Susan looked at me sadly.

"Oh I know what you meant. Anyway fuck that. I will get as personal as I want and you will have to answer the necessary questions Susan. This is a serious matter. I hope you understand the gravity of the situation you're in", I said sternly.

She closed her eyes in exhaustion then took some deep breaths as if trying to calm her nerves.

"Fine. To answer your question Seb isn't here because he's not in LA. And before you ask again yes he knows about Leah, but our daughter was born at the time of the divorce and Seb didn't want to do anything with a new kid", Susan replied softly.

I frowned hearing that.

"Sebastian? Seb didn't want to do anything with Leah?", I asked to confirm.

She nods stoically.

"Are you sure we're talking about the same guy?", I asked seriously.

I don't know what to think now. The Sebastian I knew back at school was not like this. He has a big heart. Why would he abandon his own little girl?

"I know it's a surprise to you, but things change David. You keep telling me I've changed since highschool. So why is it hard to believe Sebastian did to?", Susan said seriously.

I stare at her for a while. Things kept running in my mind. I didn't know how to deal with that.

"Okay forget about Seb for a while. My next question is why did you leave your own baby at my doorstep?", I asked.

She looked like my words stung her. Like she was actually hurt by hearing that.

"I had no option. I had to do it", She almost whispered.

"Why?", I persisted.

"You won't understand", She replies.

"Try me", I said.

She shakes her head repeatedly in frustration.

The waiter then arrived with our food and kept it on the table and went away.

"I don't think you were homeless or not capable financially to take care of your daughter. You were rich", I point out.

She still didn't speak, but just looked down.

"I genuinely hope you have a very strong reason for leaving your baby behind and actually vanishing from LA. Otherwise god help me I will never let you anywhere near Leah", I said with finality.

She looked up this time and gave me a hard look.

"You know I can just sue you", She glared at me.

I chuckled.

"Oh try it. I beg you try it. I wonder how your case will work at the court. A mother abandoning her own baby for no reason. Yup go ahead", I scoff and nod.

Who is she trying to scare?

Her jaw clenched.

"I adopted Leah legally. I raised her. I took care of her. I fulfilled all her wishes. I provided her with the best food, care, treatment, house, education. I've treated my daughters as princesses. Most importantly I have loved Leah like her own father Susan", I said lowly.

She stared at me letting my words sink.

"And that's why I will always be indebted to you David. Trust me I knew what I was doing when I left her with you", Susan said softly as tears formed in her eyes.

I shake my head and look outside the window.

"Doesn't change anything. If you think you're ready to let Leah know about everything then you have another thing coming. She will not forgive you. I know her", I said.

"Maybe she won't. But I want her to know because I want to earn her trust and take her with me", Susan admitted.

My heart skipped a beat.

"What? What do you mean take her?", I asked with raised eyebrows.

"I came here for her David. I wish to take my daughter back to where I live with my family", Susan frowned a bit.

"What family?", I looked at her ridiculously.

"I have a husband back in London. We both are divorced. He has a kid too. I wish for us to live together with Leah joining us", Susan smiled.

I stare at her for a second.

"And suddenly you had this thought? Of including Leah into your new family?", I asked without hesitation.

She was hurt but what I said. It was obvious, but I didn't feel bad.

"No! Of course not. You know what David you'll not understand any of this. Just ask whatever you need to", Susan frowned.

I mentally scoff.

I'm not understanding? Really? More like she doesn't know how to make me understand because there is nothing to understand.

"What's the point of asking you more questions when you're not willing to answer them properly. I'm not convinced Susan", I shrugged.

She gave me a hard stare.

"Maybe that's because you probably don't want to get convinced", Susan said lowly.

"Do you even hear yourself? You know what I'm done for today. See you later", I shake my head.

I got up and paid for the food and left without another word.

I get in my car and drive home.

God this situation is so twisted. My head is aching now with all this drama.

I reached home and straight away laid down on the couch to relax.

"So how did it go?", Grace asked.

I look up and saw her looking at me hopefully.

"Leah home?", I sigh sitting straight.

Grace sat down next to me and shakes her head no.

"I don't trust Susan", I merely said.

"Elaborate?", Grace asked curiously.

I nod and tell her how it went.

"Some things don't add up. She's so non trust worthy, weird, suspicious and what not. For being a mother she doesn't have even one trait", Grace shakes her head in disbelief.

I nod in agreement.

"I don't know Grace. She's still not clearly telling me why she left Leah to us and that itself is a big question mark to me", I said.

Grace nods.

"Then she's acting all abnormal and not to mention always hesitant before replying to me about anything I ask. Almost like she's planning her lies which might make sense to me", I shrug.

"And about Sebastian? God I still can't believe that part. Divorce is one thing, but not caring about Leah is just...unlike Seb", I frowned.

"Dad you don't know that man. Yes you did once upon a time, but people change. Like this Susan friend of yours. Who knows what's the truth", Grace shrugs with a frown.

I sighed rubbing my face with my hand.

I don't know what to think anymore. God can just someone tell me what's happening?

"Leah is so not leaving this house. I'm legally her father. Susan can do whatever she wants, but she ain't getting Leah", I shrugged confidently.

"Hell yeah. My sister ain't going anywhere. Her mother can sue us. Father can show up. Heck even the entire Kingston family can come here for all I care, but they ain't getting her", Grace rolls her eyes.

I smile a bit and nod.

We sat there in silence for a while before Grace spoke up again.

"Dad nevertheless we still need to know the truth right? I mean if Leah should hear about all this then she better know the whole truth right?", Grace whispered sadly.

"Yeah", I nod nervously.

"Then what will we tell her when we ourselves aren't sure about anything. Except that Susan Walker and Sebastian Kingston are her parents", Grace stated.

I gave it a thought. She's right.

"Susan said Sebastian is not in LA, but few days ago the Kingstons were in the front page right?", I asked turning to look at Grace.

"Yeah. It was about this Rowan guy and how his sons made an appearance after years", Grace nods.

I remembered clearly them. I did read the newspaper.

"Yeah. Rowan is Sebastian's younger brother. I was first best friends with him actually", I informed her.

She nods in understanding.

"So I guess if there's any way we can find out more about this and Leah's past then it's from the Kingstons. Atleast through Rowan I can try to speak to Sebastian also", I suggested.

Grace's face brightens.

"Yeah. Actually that's a good idea. Atleast we can know if Susan is actually saying the truth or not. Also we might find many more answers", Grace shrugs.

I nod.

I think it's time I have a chat with my old buddies.

"It will be like a mini reunion of old best friends I guess", Grace chuckled.

I know right!

"I thought reunions are fun", I scoff.

Grace snickered nodding.

I sighed thinking about how will this meet go. I hope it's better than the one with Susan.

Why are my ex- best friends suddenly a pain in my ass?

I never thought that after years my daughter will be the reason I see them again.

Well to be fair I also didn't think their daughter will be my daughter...

Funny how our lives interwined in this way after school. I guess I'm making a trip to the one and only Kingston mansion.

See you soon Kingston brothers.

Hey guys!

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Also, pardon me for the very late update. I wrote this one also quite fast so I hope it's good.

Stay tuned for more to come!

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