Family ties

Galing kay _crazy_hooman_

451K 23.3K 9.2K

•[COMPLETED]• Leah Stevenson is her name. She lives a happy life unbeknownst of the things that had happened... Higit pa

(1) Flashback
(2) Kingstons & Stevensons
(3) Story
(4) Plan
(5) Attack
(6) Troy
(7) Dean & Chase
(8) Back to LA
(9) Reunited
(10) Home
(11) Old Mafia, New Don
(12) Hostages
(13) Almost caught
(14) News spread
(15) First Day
(17) A new face
(18) Plan sucessful
(19) Caught
(20) Finally!
(21) Reunited
(22) Reunited- part (2)
(23) Meeting her
(24) Revelations
(25) Revelations- part (2)
(26) Shocker
(27) Family huh?
(28) Meeting them again
(29) Official Mafia meet
(30) Dinner
(31) Date?
(32) School
(33) A Problem
(34) Threat
(35) Unexpected guest
(36) Mason's story
(37) Sunday
(38) Bye, mother
(39) Preparations
(40) Annual Mafia Gala
(41) Attack
(42) Truth
(43) Aftermath
(44) Talk
(45) Bad news
(46) Out in the open
(47) Living together
(48) Another attack
(49) Vacation?
(50) London
(51) Barely escaped
(52) Goodbye
(53) Matter at hand
(54) Apologise
(55) Intruder
(56) H for Hostage
(57) New plan
(58) Apology
(59) Decisions
(60) Goodbyes
(61) Theo
(62) More problems
(63) Making things right
(64) Sneaking
(65) Anniversary dinner
(66) Anniversary dinner- 2
Thank you!

(16) Plan initiated

5.9K 384 451
Galing kay _crazy_hooman_

Theodore's POV:

"It's been two more days. Have you gotten any information yet?", Dad asked me.

He walked inside and sat down on the opposite chair.

"Yeah Dad. I asked Owen to put our men behind their Don's daughter. I asked them to discretely tail her. They were supposed to know where she goes, what she does and what is the security around her", I informed him.

I've been hoping we find something useful which will help us out with our plan.

"Good. Our sources also agree that our only chance is either her or his wife. But the thing is the daughter will still get out of the house for school and stuff, but the wife doesn't do much since we've won this mafia", Dad agreed.

"So he's being cautious", I noted.

"Yeah. I think he always has trailed his family with security around, but now he's trying to be more careful", Dad said.

I nodded. Suddenly there was a knock on my door.

"Come in", I said instantly knowing it's Owen.

I was right. Owen walked in and nodded at my father and I taking a seat on the other chair.

"Any updates?", I asked eagerly.

"Yes. Our men we put behind the daughter have responded with some news", Owen smiled.

"What?", Dad asked curiously.

"They've been tailing her everywhere. The only time they see her outside the house is when she goes to school. She is mostly surrounded by guards. Always two with her and two more in a close distance", Owen started.

I nodded. I had expected this.

"Our men say that the only way we get her is when she leaves for school. There's too much risk otherwise. Four guards we can handle, but not when she's home. That place is obviously flooded with security and the Italian Don has his men literally everywhere", Owen explained.

I sighed. I looked at Dad and he seemed to be thinking the same.

"School it is then", Dad nods.

I agreed. Owen looked at me waiting for instructions.

"I want you to take a team with you. All extremely skilled. We can't afford any mistakes. Get the girl somehow without getting caught. Make sure the team is not too big. Too many men will attract attention", I said seriously.

"Consider it done", Owen nodded without hesitation.

I nod. He got up and left immediately no doubt to start the preparations.

"I hope this works", I said hopefully.

"It will son. It has to", Dad said seriously.

After almost five hours I was in my office with Owen and his team. Dad and Harry were also present here.

Owen had chosen Sam, Em and Dean.

"I think we four and two of our men waiting for our orders there in Italy will work fine. I have confidence", Owen said seriously.

I nodded slowly. I knew they were a strong team considering everyone was good at what they do.

"We've made a plan and I think it'll work. We guys know who's doing what and we're ready", Em smiled assuringly.

"I trust you guys. Do what you have to do. I want the girl kidnapped. Don't get caught and make sure when you come back you have no one on you tail", I said seriously.

They nod.

"Also remember you're there on a mission. Get the girl and come back. Dean and Em you two better not decide to improvise and run off to go see our family there", Dad joked.

Everyone chuckled and those two rolled his eyes. I smiled.

"As tempting as the thought is. We won't, don't worry", Dean smiled a bit.

"Good. Off you go then. All the best boys", Harry smiled.

They nod thankfully and left.

"Em call me if something happens. I'll help you out somehow", I said just before they were leaving.

He paused and turned around. Owen did too. They glance at each other and then at me in confusion.

"How will you help us there?", Em asked.

"Just trust me. Now go", I said.

They nod and leave. I sighed rubbing my head.

"Don't stress yourself Theo. They're trained men. They will be okay", Harry said softly patting my shoulder.

"I can't help but worry Harry. The man my father has hidden us from for ten years is right there and my brothers and friends are walking in his lair", I said looking at him and Dad.

Dad takes a deep breath. Harry looked worried for his own son.

I hope everything goes as per plan.


Leah's POV:

"So he left?", I asked curiously.

"Yeah. A few hours ago Owen, Sam, Dean and Emmett left", Lan sighs.

We two are on the field right now. I was overlooking a drill of the recruits Sam assigned me to. But Lan came and I asked Levi to fill in for me for some time.

"Why didn't he come see us before he left?", I asked annoyed.

Owen just left. We two wouldn't even know he did unless Sam and Dean our respective leaders hadn't told us that they're leaving on a mission.

"He must be stressed. I mean he is gone for a dangerous mission", Landon said sitting down under a tree.

"But still", I followed him and took a seat next to him.

"I just hope they come back safe", He said in worry.

"They will", I said assuringly.

I was concerned as well, but I knew they can handle themselves.

"Anyway we'll know when we'll know. Lets get back to work", I sighed.

"Yeah you're right. If I don't finish my work that grumpy man will get get another reason to tell me off", Landon grunted.

I chuckled in amusement.

"Dean's not that bad", I smiled with a shrug.

"Who's side are you?", Landon asked dramatically.

"Yours of course. But I didn't know there were sides?", I chuckled.

"There are and will always be. That grumpy man and I will always be enemies", Landon frowned.

"Enemies? Really? You work in his team for the mafia his family owns", I pointed out.

"Yeah so?", Landon crosses his arms.

I shake my head and start walking towards the drills.

David's POV:

I was working in my office when I received a call on my phone. I glance at the number and roll my eyes.

I decided to ignore it as I really wasn't in the mood to deal with her.

The phone stopped ringing after a while and I sigh in relief. But to my annoyance it started ringing again.

I grunted and stared at it. I felt like throwing it away. It stopped and I just put it on silent so I'm not disturbed again.

I don't want to talk to her and I hope I never have to see her face again.

After an hour or so my work was done and I glanced at my watch and saw it was almost dinner time.

I stood up, grabbed my stuff and walked out to Grace's office.

I knocked on the door and went in when I heard a come in.

"Oh hey Dad", Grace smiled from her desk.

"Honey you done for the day? If yes, we should head home", I smile.

She checked her diary and her schedule.

"Uh yeah. I guess so. This is just the last file and then we can leave. You can wait here", She smiled.

I nodded and sat down on the couch and she got back to work.

Suddenly my phone vibrates AGAIN in my pocket and my jaw clenched. I ignored it again.

"Dad I think your phone is on vibrate", Grace said not looking at me though.

"I know", I grit my teeth.

She looked up at me in surprise hearing my tone. I'm hardly ever annoyed, but these days one mere call can make my blood boil.

"What happened?", She asked curiously.

"Nothing you need to worry about", I smiled weakly.

She will be very angry if she knows about this.

"Dad", Grace gave me a look.

"It's nothing. It's just this annoying person calling since morning which I'm trying to ignore", I rolled my eyes.

"Who is it?", She frowned.

I didn't reply.

"Okay...well switch off your phone then", She said after a while seeing I'm not answering.

"I can't. I'm expecting a call from our new dealer", I sighed.

She nods sympathetically, but didn't ask anything else.

After a while she was done with her work and we both headed back home.

I had just parked the car in my garage and had gotten out. Grace walked ahead of me while I grabbed my stuff from the back seat.

We were headed to the main door when Grace spoke up.

"Mrs Walker?", Grace said in a surprised tone.

I look up immediately to find the one person who's calls I've been avoiding sitting there outside my door on the porch.

I told her not to come to my house unless I call her the last time she came here.

This is the second time she's been waiting outside like this.

She stood up seeing us. She gave Grace a smile and me a look.

"What are you doing here Susan?", I grit my teeth angrily.

Grace turned to look at me in utter shock. She knows I hardly am disrespectful to anyone.

Susan walks to us with a gentle smile on her face which doesn't suit her at all.

"Oh you wouldn't pick up my calls since morning, so I decided to visit you", She shrugged smiling.

Grace looks at me in realisation. I glared at Susan.

"Look Mrs Walker, I'm a busy man. I have tons of important people to reply and talk to everyday. I just don't attend unnecessary or unimportant calls when I'm working", I retorted with a smile of my own.

Her jaw clenched, but she still manages to smile. Grace was flabbergasted.

"I can understand. I know you're a busy man David. Your fashion line has always been your dream since school and now that you're so famous I can imagine the work load", She nods in understanding.

Grace frowned.

"Look Susan, if you want anything get an appointment with my secretary and we shall meet", I said flatly.

"I know, but this was important", She insisted.

"Your order is still going to take time if that's what you're here for", I said rolling my eyes.

"Again, I know. But this is not about that either", She smiled softly

"Then I'm afraid you have to leave now. You see my daughter and I are very tired after a hard day at work and we need some privacy. You know family time", I said sharply.

Her face hardens.

"I'm sure you do. Speaking of which, where's your other daughter?", She asked looking around as if hoping to find her.


"None of your business", I said coldly.

Thank the lord Leah texted me that she'll be late for dinner.

Grace kept staring at me not knowing what's going on.

"It is my business and you know that. Also, don't get so snappy David. You've changed a lot since high school. You were never this short tempered", Susan grinned.

Even she isn't the same as I remembered.

Grace looked at her with raised eyebrows and a expression which said 'leave before I throw you out myself'

I didn't put it past her to try so.

"Yeah well what can I say, some people just tend to bring out the worst side of you", I said sweetly.

Her jaw clenched again.

We both stare at each other in irritation.

I know why she was here. I knew what she wants and I will be damned if I give it to her.

"Dad let's go inside. I'm hungry", Grace said holding my arm.

Susan looked at her and then back at me.

"I'll let you know when your order is ready. Till then don't pester me", I said with a finality.

I turned to leave and pulled Grace with me.

"You can't avoid me like this forever David", Susan called out from behind me.

I stopped, but didn't turn to look at her. Grace turned, but I push her gently inside the house.

"Watch me", I replied coldly.

I hear stomping noises and I immediately ask Grace to go in.

"Go", I said seriously.

"No", Grace said in concern looking behind.

"Grace in now", I said sternly.

She looked at me uncertainly and walked inside after a bit of hesitation.

I then turn to look at my once upon a time best friend.

She stormed towards me in anger.

"You can't do this David. I have the right- , She started.

"Shut up! You lost the right long time ago", I snarled at her.

She was taken aback. Not many people have seen this side of me. But she will face the worst of me if she continues what she's doing.

"Doesn't change the facts", She said angrily.

"Oh it changes them very much. There's no going back from the choice you made back then", I said emotionlessly.

She just stared at me for a second. She had nothing to say.

"I'll be back David. Whether you like it or not", She said confidently.

"Just stay away from my daughters", I said rolling my eyes.

Her jaw twitched when I said that. She surely wanted to say a lot to me that moment, but she knew she can't.

It's her fault after all.

"Now leave my house before I have to force you to", I said seriously.

"You have changed a lot. There was a time when you would have never spoken to me in this way. We were best friends", She almost whispered sadly.

"Exactly. We were. Past tense. Besides the Susan I remembered would have never done what she did either. It's downright disappointing", I replied. without hesitation.

She glared at me at the disrespect and then turned to walk away in anger without another word.

"And know one thing", I said just before she was walking past the gates.

She stopped and looked at me.

"Next time I see you outside my house without my permission you will regret it massively. My family and I don't welcome strangers like that", I said coldly.

Rude. I know.

Susan grits her teeth and leaves not before she gives me one last glare.

I take a deep breath and walk inside my house and closed the door behind me. I turned and was not surprised to find Grace standing there staring at me.

I knew she will want to know everything after witnessing my questionable behaviour. She obviously heard us as well.

"What was that?", She breathed out.

"You know eavesdropping is not okay anymore", I said shaking my head.

She always was the rule breaker since birth. Then she trained her little sister as well.

I headed to the living room with her following me.

"You said to go inside the house and not that I can't listen to your conversation", She said smartly.


"You're not a kid anymore Grace. It's rude to listen to people's conversation like that when your own father sends you in as he doesn't want you to", I said as I sat down on the couch.

"You're scolding me for my behaviour after what you did out there", She looked at me in disbelief.

"Touche, but I'm the father remember?", I joked.

She frowned. I pulled her cheeks chuckling.

"How long are you going to avoid it?", She asked seriously.

I sighed heavily.

"What was that Dad? You clearly hate the woman and there was so much subtext there that I didn't understand at all", She said in confusion.

"And you don't have to", I said looking at her.

"Oh Dad please. I'm older now. You don't have to hide everything from me. Leah yes, because she's still a kid. But me? I understand stuff now", She argued.

I sighed hard. My rub my hand all over my face in frustration.

I guess she has the right to know.

I turn to look at her and she sat straight waiting patiently.

"That woman is Susan Walker. She was my good friend back in school", I started.

Here we go

"We were best friends until the end of school. Then we lost touch and she never tried to contact me even though she lived her in Los Angeles after that", I said looking at the fire under the mantel.

"So this is why I was genuinely surprised and happy to see her the other day outside our house waiting for us", I said.

I saw Grace nodding in understanding.

"She at first told me how she missed me all these years and how she's so happy for me that I had achieved my dream to start my own fashion line. She even placed an exclusive order from us", I said.

"She then suddenly wanted to talk to me alone. That is why I asked you to leave us", I explained looking at her.

She nodded in understanding.

"After all that unnecessary talk she came to the main point. She started asking about you and Leah. Random questions about how I got you guys and everything. Then she asked me if she could meet you two. I was okay with it obviously. I didn't think anything was weird until then", I said remembering that conversation.

"Leah had come home exactly at that time. She informed me of her arrival like always and then went to her room. But Susan was staring at her with a weird expression in that brief moment. Then she started asking me questions repeatedly about Leah. It was so..unnatural", I said angrily.

Grace frowned.

"She asked when she was born, who carried her, how she was bought up, how old is she and all that kind of questions with a weird desperation", I said.

"Why?", Grace asked immediately getting defensive for her sister.

"I asked her. She waved it off like it was nothing. I let it go at first. Then we were just having a normal conversation when again out of nowhere she asked for Leah. I was suspicious now. I asked why a bit more sternly", I said.

Grace nods affirmative like she approved of the way I responded.

"Then she revealed something to me that shook my world", I said taking a shuddered breath in.

"What?", Grace demanded immediately.

I paused wondering how she will react to this news. She's certainly not going to be happy.

"Susan is Leah's mother", I said loudly and clearly.

Her eyes went wide in shock. I sighed leaning my head on the back of the couch.

I know how my elder daughter was feeling at this moment. I was astounded myself when Susan told me that.

Only Grace and I know Leah is adopted. Leah has no idea and I don't want to tell her.

After a few seconds Grace spoke up.

"No. No way. She's lying", She said angrily.

"She isn't", I said without hesitation.

"What? How do you know that?", She demanded angrily.

"I checked the certificates she had", I said.

"Those could be fake Dad!", Grace argued.

I sighed. I thought the same thing.

"I did a DNA test", I said with a heavy heart.

There was a pause.

"What?", She breathed out.

"I regret doing it. Susan kept saying she's Leah's mother and I kept denying it. Then she suggested for me to do a test. I was against it at first Grace. I would never do that. But I tried every other way I could possibly think of to know if what that woman claims is true. But none of the sources were reliable", I admitted.

My heart felt the guilt of doing that. I had no option.

"In desperation to know the truth I took a strand of Leah's hair from her hair brush and gave it for testing with Susan's sample. I made sure everything happened in front of my own eyes. I didn't want to risk anything", I said looking down.

"As much as I hate to admit it. Susan was right. She's Leah's biological mother", I declared.

There was a tense silence between us. The two of us didn't know what to say or do.

"I feel guilty for doing a DNA test of my daughter without her knowledge", I said feeling so bad.

"What? No Dad! It's not your fault. Why are you feeling guilty?", Grace frowned.

"It's not right to do it like that without Leah's knowledge", I shake my head feeling heavy.

I sighed not able to know what to do about this feeling. Grace scoots a bit closer to me.

"Dad you had to know okay. Susan's claims were not just anything. This is serious therefore necessary. I say you did the right thing", Grace said sternly.

"I don't think Leah will feel that when I tell her", I whispered sadly.

"She will Dad. She loves you the most. She is mature for her age. She trusts us. I'm sure she won't be mad", Grace tried to make me feel better.

I shake my head in disbelief.

"Dad today or tomorrow this had to be done anyway. Whether secretly or with Leah's knowledge, it was supposed be done to know the truth. It's fine", Grace said softly.

That makes sense.

I mean even if I wouldn't do anything now Leah would definitely not trust a random woman claiming to be her mother.

I sighed letting it go. I'll deal with this feeling when I tell Leah everything. It won't be now or anytime soon, but I know the day will come.

"Fine. I'll let Leah decide what she thinks about this", I sighed.

Grace nods.

God when did our lives become so problematic?

"So now what? Susan's here to reconnect with Leah? She wants her daughter?", Grace scoffs in disbelief.

"She does actually. She told me she wants to take Leah back", I informed her.

My blood boiled at the mere thought.

"Why now?", Grace enquired.

Exactly why now?

I stood up and paced around in anger.

"Exactly what I asked her. Who the hell does she think she is? One day she decided to leave her baby on my door step and then after 16 whole fucking years she's come to take her without any explanation?", I spat in anger.

Grace looked at me. I could see she was pissed as well.

"I even asked her Grace. I asked her why did she do that? I mean which mother leaves her one month old baby on someone's door step in the middle of the night just like that?", I grit.

"What did she say?", Grace asked curiously.

"She says she won't tell. More like can't tell. I don't know why, but if she thinks she can just come here one random day put a bomb on me like that and just take my daughter away then she has another thing coming", I said angrily.

Grace nods in agreement.

"She said she couldn't trust anyone else with her daughter's life so she chose me. She was sure I would take her in. But my question is why would she even do that? After years of not being in touch with me she randomly does this?!", I scoffed.

This is so weird.

"I know Dad. There's so much I don't understand here", Grace sighs.

"Me too. And this is why I'm not ready to let her be anywhere near Leah", I said strongly.

Grace nods in understanding.

I raised Leah. She's my kid. It's my job to keep her safe and protected.

"If she's the mother? Who's the father then? Is he not in the picture? I mean the letter that came with her in the baby basket did say Leah has no one", Grace asked remembering.

"I don't think we can trust the letter Susan wrote and left with Leah. She could be lying for all we know", I shrugged.

Grace nods sighing.

"Though I do know who she married back then. But she wouldn't speak of him when I asked about him. That's why I'm more suspicious about this", I explained.

Grace frowned curiously.

"Where is the other parent? Why is he not here for his daughter? Does he even know his daughter was left at someone's doorstep? And if he does then he's okay with that? Where is he now? Where were they all these years? There are so many fucking questions, but no answers at all", I waved my hand in exhasperation.

This is frustrating.

"Oh god. You did the right thing Dad. You sent her away and didn't let her meet Leah. This is too twisted", Grace appreciated.

"I know and that's why I haven't said anything about this to Leah. I mean I did think that maybe one day when she's old enough I'll tell her that she isn't mine. I'm scared to do that, I really am. But now her mother is back and I'm not sure anymore", I said as my jaw clenched.

I sighed taking a seat back on the couch.

Problems do come out of nowhere.

"You said you know who's Susan's husband. That means you know who's Leah's Dad?", Grace suddenly asked.

I look at her and nod.

"I don't know her husband. I know Leah's father though", I admitted.

She looked at me in disbelief.

"What are you talking about?", Grace asked obviously confused.

"Susan wasn't a Walker before. According to her she married a couple years back to her husband. She divorced Leah's father way before", I explained.

When Susan told me this I was shocked myself.

"Oh okay. So the father. You know him?", Grace asked next.

"Yeah I do. We all were together in high school. I was good friends with his brother which soon made me friends with him as well", I said remembering those days.

Everything was good and fun back then.

"So do we know them?", Grace asked hopefully.

"You haven't met them. But I think you've heard of them. The Kingstons", I said softly.

Her eyes went wide and mouth was wide open.

"Are you joking?! The Kingstons?! One of the wealthiest family around here! The ones that are all over the news right now? You were friends with them?!", Grace almost yelled in shock.

I nod at everything she said. Yup the Kingston family.

"HOLY SHIT! Leah is a Kingston?!", Grace yelled in realisation with her hand on her mouth.

I nod again.

Funny how after years even after losing touch with them they somehow manage to come back into my life.

"Are you sure Dad? Sure we are not misunderstood?", My daughter asked seriously.

"I'm sure. The dates match. Susan confirmed as well", I sighed.

16 years back I know who was Susan's husband.

"So what's the father's name?", She asked curiously.

I turn to look at her. She was looking at me intently.

"It's- ", I was replying to her when I was interrupted.

"Dad I'm home!", I heard the front door open and Leah's yell.

I shut up immediately. Grace sighed and we both silently agreed to discuss this later.

Leah walked inside looking cheery. I turn to greet her with a smile.

"Welcome home princess", I smiled softly.

Leah walked towards me and hugged me tight. I kissed her head putting my arms around her.

Wish I could protect her like this all the time.

Grace looked at her sister sadly. I knew she felt bad for Leah.

Leah smiled letting go of me and then turned to Grace and jumped on her hugging her as well.

"Woah woah. What's with your happy mood today?", Grace chuckled hugging her back.

"Nothing. Just had a good day at work", She smiled.

I smiled. Atleast someone had a good day.

"Okay now I'm going to go start preparing the dinner. You two go and freshen up", I said softly.

They nod and walk towards their room. I stand at the end of the staircase and look at them chatting happily as they walked up.

God please keep us together and happy always.

I then started preparing the food in the kitchen.

All the while my mind was occupied with the same thoughts of the day Susan first came to visit me.

The day that shook me to the core.

I also remember one particular day as clearly as it was just yesterday. The day Leah came into my life.

She was just a little bundle of joy back then. So small and innocent. I had felt an instant connection to her. That's why I didn't hesitate to make her my daughter.

It's not that I didn't try searching for her family. I did.

But it was so strange that there was literally no record of an one month old baby in any hospital which fit Leah's description.

How did that happen is something I still don't understand. I mean Kingstons do have good connections being a damn rich family.

Again.. suspicious.

I let it go then because I didn't know she was a Kingston. I assumed that Leah really didn't have anyone.

I took her in. I legally adopted her.

Growing up it was so easy to forget that she's not my blood because there was never a reason to remember that.

She was my babygirl and Grace's little baby sister.

Now call me selfish but I don't like the fact that her mother's back. I'm afraid to lose her.

I sighed heavily.

Why is Susan back? Why didn't she just tell me about leaving her kid to me? If she needed help I would have in any way I could. We were best friends.

In all these problems it's Leah who's going to get squished like a vegetable in a sandwich.

Sooner or later I'll have to tell Leah. As much as it would be difficult for me I have to be the one to tell her.

She's not a baby anymore. I can't make such choices for her. I will be her father if she wants to be with me. But if situations arise where she chooses her mother...I guess I will accept that.

My eyes fill with tears for some reason. I don't want to lose her.

Wait why am I overthinking this?

I shake my head to lose those thoughts.

I then shift my attention to Susan's stranger behaviour.

Why was she so reluctant to reveal anything about her past? She literally didn't answer any of my questions except one though. About the divorce.

And what about her ex- husband? Leah's father is still not here to speak to me like her mother is.

Does he not know?

Or does he not care?

No...he was not like that back in school. He was a good guy. Caring and all.

But who's to say he hasn't changed like Susan has?

Susan left him long back as he told me so they may not be in touch anymore... but he would know about his daughter right?

Also their divorce is beyond my understanding. They were a great couple in school.

"God this is so frustrating", I groaned.

I readied the dinner and walk to my room to change and freshen up.

On the way to the bathroom my eyes fell upon the newspaper on my bed. I saw a picture which caught my eye.

I frowned a bit. I lifted the paper and read the headlines.

"Kingston boys make an appearance after a long decade"


My eyes went wide as I read more. There is was a picture of the boys with their father.

Rowan has five sons?! Wow. I didn't know that. I just remember two even though I haven't met them ever.

How would I? He decided to not keep in touch after school.

I put the paper away walking to the bathroom.

This keeps getting weird.

After years my ex-bestfriends are coming into view. Both being Kingston. being an ex- Kingston now.

I wonder when the third will make an appearance.

I scoffed thinking that.

"Won't be long I guess", I told myself.

Next time I see Susan I'm going to force her to talk about this. She has to answer my questions about her and her ex-husband for me to know more about Leah.

After all, Sebastian is Leah's father.

Hey guys!

The father's been revealed! 😸

Hope you like this chapter?

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Theodore has a plan. Is it going to work?

There's a lot going on right now so stay tuned for more :)

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961K 22.9K 47
All Adeline Kingston has known is pain. Years of agony, anguish and anger. Brothers. Addie has 7, not that she knew. When she is reunited with her ol...
253K 13.7K 52
Two years ago, the Kingston family learned what it meant to stumble through hell with battered hearts and betrayal running deep inside their veins. A...
80.9K 2K 44
Charlotte was taken away from her family at the age of two by her mother. Charlotte has become your stereotypically troubled teen and spends her tim...
9K 279 33
A SWEETER POISON: Who are you when no one is watching? .... How do you destroy a monster, without becoming a monster yourself? .... All her life, May...