Mis-taken | JHS

By Nehxaa__

8K 1.1K 3.3K

It was neither love nor arranged marriage. They mistakenly got married. A marriage of compulsion for him and... More

Vlogger's marriage
Secretary's advice
her Boss
His father
3 month wedding?
Our house 👀
married life
her memories
hoseok coldness
A step closer to be friends
Taehyung apology
presentation practice
father observation
Jungkook's profession
Mr & Mrs Kim or Jung?
handcuffs fear
romantic dinner with a friend
previous love
They kissed?
min-hee succeed
movie time
two women to handle
Jungkook- the rescuer
min-hee challenged jungkook
wife's help
call from Namjoon
dirty blood
A kiss we won't discuss
kid freaks adults
another contract?
emotions on ice
True feelings
who's the father?
New baby
Two envelopes
hoseok temper
Taehyung's true feelings
wife is ready pt.2
idk the title
min-hee x y/n
Jungkook is gay??
caught in a lie
ice cream craving
indirect confession

wife is ready

180 25 40
By Nehxaa__

"If I go back, my three years of hard work will be in vain. They won't care where I am or whether I'm alive or dead... I can't let that happen. Please, I beg you, don't file for divorce now."

"So what do you suggest? We should stay married, knowing we don't love each other? Don't even know each other? Just to save your three years? Is that what you want?" you retorted, feeling conflicted.

"It's not just three years! You already know that I'm his illegitimate son. Father didn't even gave me his surname yet! And I'm planning to take over his business... I can't understand why my entire future depends on a person I don't even know." He referred you.

Hoseok continued pleading frustratedly, gripping your hands tightly. You remained in denial, looking down, but then you felt wetness on your hand. It turned out he was crying.

Before you utter a word, he went on his knees determine to convince you at my cost.

"So, what about your girlfriend? Will she accept this?"

"You don't have to worry about that. I'll take care of it." He cleared your doubt while focusing only on his career.

'I can't understand this guy,' you thought to yourself, feeling frustrated over his useless drama. Eventually, you relented and said, "Fine! I'll do it."

You pulled your hands back and reached into your purse, searching for a tissue to hand to him. He stood taking tissue.

"Thank you, thank you so so much! I can't believe you agreed," he said, wiping his tears. His happiness overwhelmed him, and he wrapped his arms around you.

A strange feeling washed over you when he did that abruptly. 'What was that?' you wondered to yourself. Perhaps you were relieved that he wasn't crying anymore.

"Do not touch me without my permission!" you exclaimed, pushing him away slightly. He immediately apologized, realizing his mistake. You stared at him with a stern gaze and spoke with a firm tone.

"I hate people who cry, who can't control their emotions and whine like a baby... So please, don't ever do that in front of me!"

"But emotions are meant to be shown... Still, I'm sorry. I won't cry again. Let's go downstairs!"

"What about reporters?"

"Oh, right! Wait..." Hoseok said, taking out his phone. He tried to come closer to you, but you maintained your distance. You noticed that he opened his phone's camera.

You raised an eyebrow, questioning his actions.

"Oh, this?" he said, gesturing to his phone. "If I upload a picture of us on my account, they'll get the confirmation and leave instantly."

You sighed and reluctantly allowed him to take the picture. However, your positions made the picture awkward. He insisted that you come closer and ended up pulling your shoulders, halfway hugging you.

You bit your lip and berated yourself for agreeing to his request, but you managed to smile for the pose. He released you as soon as the picture was taken.

"Now I'll upload this with a caption: Me and my lovely wife... #couplegoals #mylove #myeverything #wearemarried. Done!" he exclaimed, typing away on his phone. You simply stared at him, wondering why he was suddenly so happy.

The paparazzi left for now, and before they departed, you exchanged numbers with each other.


Everything is still under your control. You're staying married to Hoseok, not thinking about Taehyung. At least, that's what you tell yourself.

However, you're still unsure whether you're doing the right thing or just digging your own grave.

From the beginning, you've never done anything for others, especially for someone you don't know. But today, you made Hoseok genuinely smile because of you. It's a new experience for you.

While you were on your way home, you received a call from your neighbor. The news confirmed your fears that agreeing to Hoseok's plan was a grave mistake.

After Hoseok's photo was posted, the paparazzi found your house. They are now gathered outside your building, waiting for you to appear because the security won't let them in.

You almost near, but you can't go there now. Nevertheless, you decide to take a look at the crowd, hoping to find a way to sneak in. Hiding behind a pole near the building, you count the number of reporters.

Just then, a hand covers your mouth from behind and forcefully drags you away. You try to free yourself, but the grip is strong. The person opens a car door and throws you into the passenger seat beside the driver.

You gasp for air and realize it's a familiar face. He opens the other door and gets into the car, starting the engine.

"What the hell is happening, Y/N? Why are you married to that Hoseok, and how did it happen?" he asks, struggling to contain his anger.

"It was an accident, and now that I think about it, I don't owe you any explanation, Taehyung! I'll just go."

You say this, opening the door, but he grabs your hand, stopping you. He knows you don't owe him any explanation, and he feels ashamed for what he did as well.

"Where will you go? The reporters won't leave you alone. You can come to my house," he suggests.

"And why are you here?" you ask.

"I saw numerous articles about you and that guy together, so I came to ask you what is happening. You will get a divorce from him, right?"

You inhale sharply, making it clear to him just how angry you are. He starts the car, and you call Hoseok. After just one ring, he answers.

"You bitch! Because of you, I can't go to my house now! Just pray that I won't kill you when we meet!" You rant to Hoseok over the call.


(A/n: I have nothing to say except... Keep reading maybe it'll turn more interesting 🙂)

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