His Warrior Queen: A Haikyuu...

By literalsugamama

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Haikyuu!! Fanfiction Tsukishima x OC Ogawa Nakano needed volleyball to live like a fish needs water. She'd b... More

Foreword by the Author
Chapter 1: She Was the Queen
Chapter 2: Enter Sandman
Chapter 3: Killer Queen
Chapter 4: She's Just a Girl
Chapter 5: What I Did for Love
Chapter 6: Kageyama: So Kiss Me
Chapter 7: Let's Get It Started
Chapter 8: I'm Still Standing
Chapter 9: Demons (TW)
Chapter 10: Obsession
Chapter 11: Just One Kiss
Chapter 12: Tsukishima: Only in My Dreams
Chapter 13: Boy, Could He Play Guitar
Chapter 14: Got Me on My Knees
Chapter 15: The Reason
Chapter 16: Tsukishima: A Momentary Lapse of Reason (TW)
Chapter 17: Nakano: The Warrior
Chapter 18: Learning to Fly
Chapter 19: Pressure
Chapter 20: Tsukishima: Ramble On
Chapter 21: Work it Out
Chapter 22: A Moment
Chapter 23: Frustration
Chapter 24: Ladies' Night
Chapter 25: I Think We're Alone Now
Chapter 26: Boys
Chapter 27: The Time of My Life
Chapter 28: Step by Step
Chapter 29: Don't Stand So Close to Me
Chapter 30: Lies, Lies, Lies
Chapter 31: We Are Family
Chapter 32: What You've Done to Me
Chapter 33: We've Only Just Begun
Chapter 34: Dare
Chapter 35: Drowned in Desire
Chapter 36: Love Bites
Chapter 37: Relax
Chapter 38: Weak (TW)
Chapter 39: I Love You
Chapter 40: Brave Face
Chapter 41: You Say It's Your Birthday
Chapter 42: You Wanna Dance
Chapter 43: I Am a Paleontologist
Chapter 44: Passion
Chapter 45: Break Your Walls
Chapter 46: Magic Carpet Ride
Chapter 47: It Was Only a Kiss
Chapter 48: Kuroo: Where Can I Find a Woman Like That
Chapter 49: I'm Coming Home
Chapter 50: I'm Drunk
Chapter 51: All I Ever Needed Was the Music
Chapter 52: Please Let Me Explain
Chapter 53: Nakano: Go Crazy (TW)
Chapter 54: I'm Ready (TW)
Chapter 55: You Did It
Chapter 56: Simply the Best
Chapter 57: A Celebration
Chapter 58: A Hero
Chapter 59: Touch Me
Chapter 60: The Most Beautiful Girl in the World (TW)
Chapter 61: A Kiss From a Rose
Chapter 62: Stars in Your Eyes
Chapter 63: The Rose
Chapter 64: Can't You Come Out to Play
Chapter 65: Let the Music Play
Chapter 66: A Little Drunk
Chapter 67: From Me to You
Chapter 68: Feed Me
Chapter 69: Steppin' Out
Chapter 70: De-lovely and Delicious
Chapter 71: Hinata: Jump
Chapter 72: Nakano: Save Me
Chapter 73: Tsukishima: Stay (TW)
Chapter 75: Tsukishima: Never Meant to Cause You Sorrow or Pain
Chapter 76: Isn't it Romantic
Chapter 77: Lay Your Hands on Me
Chapter 78: You Can't Hide
Chapter 79: Get Back
Chapter 80: I Guess I'm Learning
Chapter 81: Goody Two Shoes
Chapter 82: I Won't Give Up
Chapter 83: Up to the Challenge
Chapter 84: Come Together
Chapter 85: Dance With Me
Chapter 86: In Your Eyes
Chapter 87: I Won't Do That
Chapter 88: Eye of the Storm
Chapter 89: Winter Wonderland
Chapter 90: Sleep Now (TW)
Chapter 91: New Year's Day
Chapter 92: Looks Like We Made It
Chapter 93: Rising Up
Chapter 94: Kuroo: This is It
Chapter 95: Bokuto: All Fired Up
Chapter 96: Tsukishima: I Wanna Know What You're Thinking
Chapter 97: Raise a Glass
Chapter 98: Don't Be Sad
Chapter 99: All I Wanna Do (TW)
Chapter 100: Feelings
Chapter 101: Home (TW)
Chapter 102: Take Me Home (TW)
Chapter 103: Try to Remember
Chapter 104: Kiss
Chapter 105: Nothing Else Matters
Chapter 106: Breakdown
Chapter 107: Special
Chapter 108: Kuroo: Same As It Ever Was
Chapter 109: Tsukishima: Two of Us
Chapter 110: Tsukishima: Where Your Destiny Lies (TW)
Chapter 111: You're My Best Friend
Chapter 112: Let's Get Down to It
Chapter 113: Yamaguchi: Welcome to My House
Chapter 114: Kuroo: I've Waited For You For So Long
Chapter 115: Kiyoko: Secrets
Chapter 116: Kageyama: I Know You Care

Chapter 74: Tsukishima: Nowhere That I'd Rather Be

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By literalsugamama

Someone is saying my name, I think.

"Kei?  Kei...wake up...please, Kei I need your help, love."

Nakano...that's Nakano.  I blink my eyes open, trying to get oriented.  It must be a little bit before dawn, because there's light coming from the windows, but not the full light of day.  I don't think we've moved so much as an inch since we feel asleep here in Nakano's bed.  I'm still spooning my beautiful blonde girl and I contract myself a little, squeezing her a little tighter.  She groans.

Not the response I was hoping for.

"Roses?  Are you alright?"

"I feel like I ran a couple of marathons yesterday.  Everything hurts, but my legs are the worst.  And I have to pee so bad I feel like I'm going to explode."

I try to stifle it, but I can't.  I laugh.  She chuckles weakly.  "I'm very sorry you're hurting, beautiful, but that's actually a really good sign.  Let's get you to the bathroom and take care of the immediate problem first, hmmm?"

"Yes, please.  Thank you."  The relief in her voice almost makes me laugh again.  I clamber out of bed, stretch a second, and gather her gently up into my arms.  "Good morning, my love," I say, giving her a little peck on the nose.

She looks very weary, probably from hurting so much, but she still manages to scrunch her nose for me and giggle.  "Good morning, gorgeous."

I carry her into the bathroom, and suddenly come to an uncomfortable realization.

"Uh...should I try to go wake up your mom, or..."  Looking at our reflection in the mirror, I once again have to stifle a laugh.  We are a disheveled mess, both with bedhead to rival anything Kuroo does to his hair.  How we managed to do that without changing positions eludes me.  She smiles at me in the mirror, noticing me noticing.

"Go ahead and set me on my feet, Kei.  I think I can handle standing long enough to deal with my clothes.  I'll call you if I need help, okay?"

I nod, setting her on her feet in front of the toilet.  She grabs on to the counter top for support, but seems to be able to stand up on her own.  "I'll be right by the door if you need me," I say, grinning and slipping out quickly so she doesn't have to stand too long.

But she can stand.  With minimal support.  Looks like her doctor really does know what he's talking about.  If she continues improving at this pace, I think its quite likely she will be back to normal in a couple of days.  But right now, I think she needs to take some ibuprofen.  A part of me wonders if maybe she needs to take the muscle relaxers again, but I think she'll argue against that pretty intensively.  Better to start with something simple and ramp up only if she really needs it.

Although, I have to admit, kissing my totally spaced out girlfriend last night was indeed quite enjoyable.  But it's tomorrow, and now I have to face what I pushed aside all of yesterday, what we decided to not talk about until today.  I'm not really ready yet, now that the moment is here.  

I'm thinking to myself, considering running into the kitchen to grab us some water, placing the bottle of ibuprofen I found in her desk after rummaging about in her room quite a bit on her night table, when I hear a rather heavy thump in the bathroom.

I rush over, yanking the door open, and find Nakano in a heap on the floor, swearing like a sailor in aggravation.  I'm not sure if I should be mad at her or laughing at her.  I decide to go for the middle of the road option and be irritated.  "What happened?"

She looks up at me, face a bit red and now trying to stifle her curses.  "I decided to see how far I could make it on my own.  Apparently the answer was one step shy of being able to open the door."

"Dammit," I grouse at her, keeping my head down so she doesn't see the panicked look on my face as I pick her up off the floor, "I told you to call me if you needed me.  What are you trying to do, make your legs worse?  You really are an idiot."

I get my breathing under control and give her a minor glare.  She looks...crestfallen.  "I know.  I'm sorry.  I guess I should really know better, huh?"

I lay her gently back in bed.  "Dumbass, you missed your cue.  That was the part where you were supposed to tell me that you might be an idiot, but at least you're my idiot."  She looks at me a little dumbstruck, and suddenly smiles a bit.  Her smile brightens the room better than the sunrise which is slowly happening outside.  "Now, do you want to sit up or lay down while I do your legs?"

"My...wait, what?"

"Actually, first, you should take some ibuprofen.  Want me to get you some water?"

"Woah, slow down there, Kei.  What's going on?"

I run my fingers through her hair, smoothing it out a little.  "Well, you said you're in pain, so I figured some ibuprofen is in order.  The doc said you might need some.  Or are the muscles really bad - do you need muscle relaxers again?"

"No," she says immediately, and I give her a look.  "Seriously, no.  My muscles feel overworked but I don't think they feel particularly tight.  More like I used them too much.  Probably from being so clenched for so long yesterday.  You're right, the ibuprofen will be a smart idea."

"And then I'm going to massage your legs again.  Your doctor said to do it every two hours while you're awake until you can stand and walk again.  And I don't think taking a few steps and then falling in your bathroom counts.  Any more complaints from my patient, or can I begin treatment?"

She scrubs her hands in front of her apologetically.  "Alright, I give in, Dr. Kei, no more complaints.  Do your duty, sir."

I grin and give her a kiss.  "I'm going to get you some water.  I'll be right back."

She takes three of the over the counter pain pills, assuring me that her doctor has approved that for times when her legs are really bad.  I do the short version of a leg massage, just getting the cream in place and letting it do the work, trying not to irritate her already oversensitive muscles.  If I'm really going to be doing this every two hours, we're going to need to keep them quick, or I'll be doing her legs continuously.

Within about a half an hour, we're cuddled in bed again, this time, she's snuggled up facing me, her head against my chest as I lie on my back.  The blankets are on us again, and it feels warm and very cozy, but I don't think we're going back to sleep.  The Sun is rising, slowly brightening her room as the day begins.


Ah, here it comes.  I hum softly in response.

"I'm so very sorry, Kei.  I never should have stormed out the way I did."

I sigh heavily.  "Nakano, it was in absolutely no way your fault.  You did nothing to be sorry for.  You had every right to walk away from me.  I...I did something...awful...you have every right to still be angry with me.  I'm the one who's sorry, Nakano.  You'd be well within your rights to send me away and never speak to me again."

She stiffens in my embrace, and a small noise escapes her, like a soft squeak of alarm.  "I'd never do that."

"But if you did, it would be only what I deserved."  My voice is tight.  I can feel them, the tears, building, hot and painful.  I don't want to cry again, but... "I did the most awful thing imaginable.  I...I slapped you!  I hit you, Nakano, and I made you bleed, and I didn't mean to!  I tried to stop, but I couldn't, not in time, and I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry..."  It pours out of me, the anguish I've been holding inside.  I break down sobbing.  I hit the only woman I've ever loved.  I don't deserve to call myself a man.  At least, not a man who has any right to be with someone like her.

"Kei!" she gasps out, scrambling to flip our positions, cradling me in her arms as I cry myself silly.  I kissed those lips last night, over and over, trying somehow to heal what I had hurt so badly.  Did you know that, Roses, in your blanked out state?  Did you know why I needed to kiss you so much?  She's rocking me, trying so hard to soothe me, whispering tender words of love that only make me cry harder because I don't deserve them.  She's so kind, so loving, and I'm such a miserable bastard.  How is it possible she can forgive me for what I've done?  All last night, I wanted to say it, I wanted to break down and beg for her forgiveness, but I couldn't.  She needed me to be her strength last night.  But I can't take it anymore, and all I can do is pour out my shame and my fear as I cry in her lap.

"Listen to me, love," she says after a time, when my sobbing finally begins to abate out of sheer exhaustion, "I was very upset, and very hurt, yes, but that slap you delivered to me was not the reason why.  I know you didn't mean to hit me, but I kinda flung myself in front of you - I didn't really give you much choice.  But you meant to hit Shoyo, and I couldn't allow that to happen.  I actually intended for you to hit me, rather than Hinata.  If you hit me, well, I'd know why, and I'd forgive you.  If you had hit Hinata...the damage to your relationship, to the team, might have been irreparable.  And I know the damage to you would have been truly awful.  There'd be no escaping from what you'd done at that point.  So don't worry about slapping me - I'm just grateful you had the presence of mind to open your fist.  Actually, the fact that you were able to do that gave me the tiniest bit of consolation, as I thought about it later.  No, Kei, what hurt me the most is that, even after all we've been through together, you still didn't trust me.  Even after last time, when I told you that there is absolutely nothing Hinata can do to take me from you - nothing! - you still didn't trust in that enough to use words to deal with what was going on.  You just charged in, in a blind rage, letting your anger and your fear get the best of you, throwing your fists against a teammate.  There was no way I was going to allow that.  And that's what we need to talk about, Kei.  Because if you can't trust me, then we've got a very, very serious problem."

I can't look at her.  "I do trust you," I croak out, "it was Hinata I didn't trust."

"Not good enough," she says, and I flinch.  "If you trust me, then you have to trust me fully, trust that I will deal with anyone who tries to come between us.  And trust that if I feel threatened, I will reach out to you for help.  If I thought for even one moment that Hinata was truly trying to put any kind of a move on me, believe you me, I'd have stopped him.  But Kei...if you can't bring this under control, if you can't stop yourself from losing your temper when you get jealous...then...I...I don't think I..."

Now she's beginning to break down.  I look up into her eyes, I have to.  She has to know.  Gods, she looks so scared, so hurt.  I swallow, trying to make my voice work.  "Nakano, I swear to you, I will never, ever, raise an angry hand to anyone I care about ever again.  Not against a friend, a teammate, and certainly never, ever against the people I love.  I can't ever go through this again.  You're right, if I'd have hit Hinata, it would have been a mess, and I'd have felt horrible, but hitting you...I can't imagine feeling anything worse than this.  And I never, ever want to take even the slightest chance of ever having it happen again.  I promise you, Nakano.  And I beg you to please do everything you can to help me keep that promise.  I cannot apologize to you enough.  No amount of words will fix what I did.  But I also need to apologize to Hinata.  And I need you to help me work this out, to help me stop these feelings before they become so overwhelming.  But I swear to you, I'll slap myself stupid before raising a hand against someone in jealousy or anger again.  Please, Nakano, please believe me."

"I do, I do believe you," she says softly, cuddling me close.  The pain in my chest eases.  "I knew this was likely to happen, that you'd have to reach the absolute bottom before you could climb back out again.  I'm sorry, Kei, that it had to come to this.  You know I've been through my own struggles like this.  And I'm going to help you with yours.  You're not going to have to do this alone.  I love you, Kei."

"I'm sorry I hurt you, Nakano.  I don't ever want to hurt you again.  Certainly not physically, but not emotionally either.  Please, please forgive me.  Please, please don't let me go. I love you more than I can say.  And I always will, no matter what."

"Of course I forgive you, love.  And I won't let you go.  And I'm sorry if you thought I was, when I left the gym that night.  You were so brave, to start a relationship with me after what you'd been through, and then I did the very thing you feared I would..."

Brave?  Is this what she meant last night over dinner?  "But you didn't.  You told me, even in your own anger, that you loved me, that we would talk it out.  You're so much better than I am Nakano, such a good person, I need to learn from you, please, please help me to be better.  I know I don't deserve..."

"Shut up, Kei."  Her tone is a warning.  I fall silent at once.  "You know how you hate it when I speak unkindly of myself?  How you're working to teach me not to do that?"  I nod, too afraid to speak.  "Well I hate it when you speak of yourself as being unworthy.  And from now on, I won't allow it.  It's this belief that you aren't enough just as you are that lies at the root of your jealousy, and starting right now, we're digging it out of you.  So you are not to speak of yourself as being unworthy or undeserving ever again.  Am I clear?"

"Yes," I breathe out, scarcely willing to move as I see a fierce protectiveness light up her eyes.

"Kei, when you feel like you're not enough, please remember that I chose you.  This isn't some kind of arrangement our parents forced us into.  I decided I wanted to be your girlfriend, because of the person you are.  Not because I saw 'potential' in you - that you'd be so awesome if only I could change you.  That wasn't it.  I chose you because you are you.  Because I love you.  Just as you are.  For all that you are.  Yes, you've got flaws and faults and fears...just like I do.  And I love you.  So please, stop saying you're not enough.  It hurts me when you say it, and you promised not to hurt me anymore."

I flinch again, as if she'd slapped me.  She's right, I've promised myself I won't hurt her anymore. "I..."  A sigh escapes me, knowing the reality of the situation.  "Roses, I will do my level best.  I will work hard on this, I promise.  But...when I stumble, please, please help me.  I'm...I've felt like this for so long..."

Her fingers trail into my hair, and I can't help it, I purr.  That's the only way I can describe the noise that comes out of me when she does that.  "Just like you're helping me, Kei, I'm going to help you.  We're neither of us perfect, love.  But together, we're..."

"...real," I answer.  "Perfect is for idiots.  We're real, because we truly love each other.  Because we're not going to let the other one be anything less than the best they can be.  We're not going to let each other live with hurts when we can heal them together."  I can feel the tears sliding down my cheeks again.  I love her so much.  I want us to always be real.

Her laugh makes me look up, and she's got tears running down her face too, but her smile is wide and bright and makes me smile as well.  We're here, together, lying in bed, each of us crying and smiling and suddenly I know, without a doubt, that it really is all going to be okay, all of it.  Once again we'll take something bad and work through it and come out on the other side a stronger couple.  I laugh and wrap my arms around her and hold her tight.

"Oh my goodness, Kei, I love you.  You're just amazing.  Let's always be real, okay?  No matter what."

"Always.  Forever.  Thank you, Nakano, for taking such good care of me."

"I should be saying that to you, love.  It must have been so hard on you, yesterday, being so strong for me while holding all that inside."

"Actually, knowing you needed me made it easier.  Made it possible.  I...I'm different, for you.  Akiteru's said it...the King has said it...and I can see it.  You make me a different person.  A better person.  I can only do these things for you."

"Obviously not just for me, if other people are seeing it too, love.  Actually, funny you should mention Tobio.  He stood up for you, you know."

"He...he did?"

"Yeah.  I talked with him, before heading out for my run yesterday.  I'd been feeling so...weird and sad and scared...and when Tobio texted me, I figured he was going to insist that I leave you.  But then he said he'd talked to you, and he knew that you really loved me.  That after talking with you, he knew it would be okay, that you and I would be able to go on from this.  What did you say to him, Kei?"

I scoff.  "Not much, actually.  He called me, and as soon as I accepted the call, he started ripping me a new one.  I knew that was what he was going to do...and frankly, after what had happened and the way I was feeling, I just took it.  Because...ugh...he was right.  Stupid King.  I hate it when he's right.  But I couldn't deny any of the stuff he was saying.  And...I won't say I deserved it, because you'll get all mad at me again..." she gives me a look and I can't help but smirk at her,  "...but I will say I needed to hear it.  After he yelled at me for awhile, he asked me 'so what do you have to say for yourself?' and I said nothing.  There's nothing I can say.  You're right, I've been a total jackass, and now all I can do is wait and hope she'll talk to me again so I can try to apologize."

"So what made you text me?"

"Well, after I agreed with him, he was quiet for a minute, and then told me that he'd get back to me shortly, and hung up.  I didn't know what that meant, but then like a half an hour later or so he texted me and told me that I should text you.  That you might need a little push to get you to talk to me.  So I did."

"Tobio-chan, you little devil.  He was talking to me during that half an hour.  Advocating for you.  Telling me that it would be okay to talk to you, because he knew we'd be able to work it out."

"Crap...are you telling me that Kageyama brought us back together?"

"Sure sounds like it."

"Well, shit.  How am I supposed to live that one down?"  Nakano laughs.  We're quiet for a moment, as I realize something.  Now I have to know.  "Nakano, how come you didn't reply to me?"  

She kisses the top of my head.  "I was going to, but I'd been fighting this strange feeling of dread all day.  I didn't know what it meant, and I was scared that if I talked to you, that, well...you might end up breaking up with me.  I decided to go for a run before answering your text, planning to tell you we should get together to talk.  I guess we both know what that feeling of dread was really pointing to.  Kei, how did you find me?  How did you save me?"

"I saw you jog past my house.  I was in the garden, watching the sunset.  When I saw you go by, I felt this urge to follow you, so I did."

"It was you!  You were the person behind me!"

"You knew I was there?"

"Well, I knew someone was there, but I didn't know it was you.  I ran down towards Sakanoshita since I knew I had someone behind me that didn't seem to be leaving.  Thank the gods it was you!  If you hadn't been there, I don't think I would have..."

I squeeze her tight again.  "Please don't say it.  I can't bear to think about it."

She cuddles me, kissing my temple.  "But you were there.  You saved me."  She giggles.  "My knight in dark green sweatpants."

I scoff again, shifting around to bring us face to face, cuddling with our heads against the pillows.  She nuzzles me, putting her head under my chin.  So...maybe we will fall asleep again.  It's morning, but only just, and after the insanity of yesterday I won't mind spending some extra time just lazing around in bed with Nakano.  I can feel myself beginning to drift off...when suddenly Nakano sighs deeply.  I jolt back awake, concerned.  "What's wrong?  Do your legs hurt?"

"No.  I mean, yeah, they do, but it's okay, I'll deal with it.  I just...wish you weren't leaving."

"Who said I'm leaving?  What are you talking about?"

"Well, if you don't get up soon, you're going to be late for school.  I mean, I guess my dad can drop you off, but I'm not sure..."

"Roses, I think I can skip a day of school."

"Kei, you shouldn't."

"Why not?  You're still not able to move around well yet, and the doctor told me to treat your legs every two hours while you're awake.  That's my responsibility, to make sure it gets done."

Now she scoffs at me.  "I am perfectly capable of treating my own legs."

"Maybe so, but as you've already proven this morning, you'll try to push yourself too hard.  I'm not having you backsliding.  I'm staying here with you today."

"But Kei, falling behind in school..."

"...is not going to happen from one day.  We're the top two students in our class.  And Yamaguchi will bring us what we need to keep current.  So just stop it.  I'm not leaving here, not now anyway."

"But you'll miss practice too, and you should be..."

"Nakano, there is nowhere that I'd rather be right now than here by your side.  Please, beautiful, let me stay.  Let me stay here with you and hold you.  Please just lay here with me and forget about everything outside of these walls for right now, okay?"

A long pause, but I can feel her body relax against mine and I know I've won.  I fight to keep the smug look off my face...and I don't quite manage it.  But her eyes are closed and she sighs contentedly this time, so it doesn't really matter.

"Okay," she says, trying to sound like she's reluctantly giving in, but I can hear the note of satisfaction in her voice.  

We nestle in closer, entangling ourselves under the blankets once more, gently falling back to sleep in each other's arms.


"...sure I should be seeing this."

"Awww, what are you talking about?  They look like angels."

"Mmmm.  That sixteen year old blonde boy angel is in bed with my sixteen year old daughter angel, and you expect me to be happy about that?"

"Stop it, Tanjiro.  I know how much you like Kei-chan.  You're just trying to play the disapproving dad and tease him.  But you're much too fond of the boy to actually pull that off."

"Woman, you always ruin my fun.  I was hoping to completely terrify Kei-kun with my stern fatherly glare."

Emiko-san scoffs loudly.  I have to bite my cheek to not laugh.  

"Kei-chan, you're awake, aren't you?" Nakano's mother asks me.

I let my eyes blink open, and work to keep a smirk off my face.  "Yes, Emiko-san, I am now."

"Has she been awake yet this morning, young man?" Ogawa-san asks, nodding at Nakano, who is very gently snoring against my chest.

"Yes, we woke up around dawn.  Actually, she woke me up, because she had to go to the bathroom so badly.  She was able to handle standing on her own to use the bathroom and even took a few steps before her legs gave way again.  She's very sore, however.  I got her to take some ibuprofen and treated her legs before we fell back to sleep."  They both look very pleased to hear that Nakano was able to stand and move a bit, exchanging smiles.

"Kei-chan, I hope you don't mind, but we decided not to wake you up for school today.  After last night, we just weren't sure how Nakano would feel if she woke up to find you gone."  Emiko-san looks a little embarrassed, for some reason.

"It's fine, Emiko-san.  I'd already planned on missing school today.  I'd like to spend today with Nakano, if that's alright.  The doctor wants her legs treated every two hours, and I want to make sure she does it."

Ogawa-san laughs.  "You've been together - what?  Three months?"

"Four months officially, sir.  But we've kind of started including the months we spent getting to know one another before starting to properly date.  So, seven months, by that count."

"Well, either way, it's clear you already know my Little Warrior very, very well.  Stay as long as you like, Kei."

It seems like I should feel more embarrassed, as I chat a little more with my girlfriends' parents while they stand there, looking at the two of us in bed.  But I don't feel that way.  I feel at home.  It's so odd, in a way, but also wonderful.  After a few more moments, Nakano stirs at my side, looking up at her father.

"Do I smell bacon?" she asks him sleepily.

"I don't think so, Little Warrior," he replies, the inflection in his voice denoting his amusement.  I think I know what might be coming next.

"Could I smell bacon?" Nakano asks saucily.  I roll my eyes at her.  That was just so cliché. 

Ogawa-san laughs heartily, and Emiko-san rolls her eyes too.  "Well, someone is feeling better today," the lady says, and Nakano smiles broadly.

Together we agree that the gentlemen will go make some brunch while the ladies handle getting Nakano through a shower.  My pretty girl assures me that she will treat her legs properly before coming into the kitchen, freeing me up to assist her dad in preparing the food.  We're about three quarters of the way through making his strawberry French toast recipe when Nakano walks into the kitchen, leaning heavily on her mother's arm.  But she's walking, and more than just a few steps.  I smile at her, hands busily working on the food.  Her father cheers, then almost lunges forward when Nakano suddenly sags, her mother catching her and getting her quickly to a chair.

"Did you treat your legs?" I ask.

"Yes, gorgeous, I did.  And I was able to walk pretty far, with Mom's help!  So no grousing at me," she claps back, making me shake the spatula I'm using at her.

"You should be more polite to the person making strawberry French toast for you."

"Fair point," she says, smiling back at me.

"Were we this much of an old married couple at sixteen?" Ogawa-san asks his wife.

Emiko-san scoffs at him again.  "We didn't even know each other at sixteen.  Which is probably a good thing."

I arch a brow, looking at Nakano, and she shrugs.  "Why do you say that, Mom?" she asks.

A strange look crosses Emiko-san's face...at once lightly amused, but also somehow a little regretful.  "Let's just say that based on what he's told me, I don't think your Dad and I would have gotten along so well if we'd met that young."

No amount of gentle prodding from Nakano gets that line of conversation continued.  Instead, we all settle in to a rather decadent brunch involving large quantities of bacon and strawberry French toast.  Ogawa-san made konbucha to offset the sweetness of the food...honestly, I wish I had some of the mecha I usually drink at home.  But still, it's a nice meal together.  Nakano tries to convince me that it might be a good idea for us to try to go for a walk later.  All three of us shut that idea down immediately.  She then tries suggesting some volleyball practice in the backyard, which almost wins her father over to her side, until Emiko-san glares at him.  In the end, after we eat I walk my pouting girlfriend back to her bedroom, where we settle in to spend a lazy day watching movies and doing her legs.  Nakano insists on getting up and moving around fairly often, however, which I make only token protests about.  I do want to see how her legs are doing, after all.  She's able to get up and use the bathroom entirely unassisted (well, apart from a little furniture surfing) after our first movie, which brings a big smile to my face.

We're about halfway through our second movie of the day ("How to Train Your Dragon"...because Nakano demanded it) when I hear a small sort of murmur next to me.

My beautiful girl has fallen asleep, curled up at my side, and is once again gently snoring.  Dammit, she's so adorable.  I pull out my phone and take a picture of her and promptly set it as my phone wallpaper, because Nakano asleep is positively angelic.

Holding my phone brings me to the realization that neither one of us has really checked our phones at all today.  The school day is almost over by now - practice will be starting in a little while.  I should probably check in with someone from the team and let them know what's going on.

Sure enough, there's a ton of messages on the group chat.  But I've also got some other messages that I think I should probably reply to first.

Idiot Brother
Hey, did you you talk with Nakano yet?  Everything okay?

Akiteru was home this weekend, and caught me coming into the house on Saturday.  There was no way I could hide how horrible I was feeling at that point, and I just kind of blurted out what happened.  He was...surprisingly supportive.  And smart enough not to try to pretend he had so much more experience dealing with this sort of thing just because he's my older brother.  In fact, the only thing he said was to give Nakano some time - he was sure that she'd eventually want to talk it out.  That she wasn't the type to just completely walk away without trying to resolve things.  He was right, of course, but more than anything, I was grateful that he didn't try to pile a lot of advice on me at that instant, because I was no way ready for it.  He said he'd be there if I needed to talk, and just let me go into my room and collapse.  That was really all I was good for at that moment.  He's...actually not that much of an idiot.  Mostly.

Turns out I've missed several texts from him.

Idiot Brother
Mom just told me what happened!  How is Nakano?  Take good care of her, Little Bro.

Idiot Brother
Look Kei, text me already, will you?  I'm worried about you guys.  Hope everything is doing okay, especially with Nakano.  

That last one came in just eight minutes ago.  I should be nice and respond.  I give a few moments consideration to just leaving him hanging, but even I can't be that mean.

Hey, we're doing okay.  Nakano is going to be fine.  Her legs are already starting to recover.  We had a chance to talk things out this morning. 

Idiot Brother
Good to hear.  So glad you both are okay.  Check your phone a little more often, will you please?

I had slightly more important things to worry about.

Idiot Brother
I know.  Give Nakano a hug for me, okay?

Sure.  Will you be home this weekend?

Idiot Brother
Nope.  Got some plans with friends this Saturday.  But I'll see you guys soon, I'm sure.

Thanks, Akiteru.

Idiot Brother
For what?  I didn't do much of anything, other than worrying.

Yeah.  But that was enough.  

Idiot Brother
Anytime, Little Bro.

Next, I should probably answer Kuroo.  I texted him Sunday morning, wondering how I was supposed to convince the only girl I've ever really given a damn about to talk to me again after I slapped her.  It wasn't long before he was calling me, and getting me to spill the whole sorry mess on him.  Kuroo can be maddening, but when you're in a pinch, he's a hell of a good friend.  He listened, and then made me realize that yeah, I was going to have to take my lumps for this one, and make some serious damn changes.  I'd been a colossal jackass, and I was going to have to take responsibility for that if I wanted to show Nakano I am not a total jerk.  And if I wanted to make sure this never happens again.  This crap with Hinata has got to end.  I've still got some work to do in that regard, but I'll worry about that tomorrow.  Anyway, talking things out with Kuroo made it possible for me to deal with the King when he called me, and based on what Naka-chan told me, probably saved my ass.  If I'd have been a smartass about all this, Kageyama would have turned completely against me, and I don't know what might have happened after that.  But instead Kageyama actually went to bat for me with Nakano, and I think that made a difference.  I owe Kuroo a lot, damn him.  

Hey - how is everything with you and the Pretty Setter?

We're okay.  We had a chance to talk everything out this morning. 

Before school?  You guys must have been up really early.  How are you feeling about it all, bro?

Yeah, we were up before dawn.  Nakano was almost hit by a car again on Sunday night.


She was out for a run when this out of control car came flying down the road she was crossing.  I was following behind her and managed to pull her out of the way.  We're okay, but the whole experience kind of overwhelmed her.  Her legs seized up and she couldn't move them at all.

Crap is she at a hospital?  Look, Bo and I can be on the way in like thirty minutes, an hour tops.

Calm down, Kuroo-bro.  Nakano is here with me at her house.  Her legs are recovering just fine and her doctor says she should be back to normal by the middle of the week.

Dude, don't scare me like that!  My heart can't take it!  I'm too old for this kind of shit.

You're 18.

I'm still older than you.

Akaashi's right, we should just call you Pain in the Ass Kuroo-san all the time.

Sounds like you've had a hell of a weekend, bro.

Yeah.  Thanks for your help yesterday.  

That's what bros are for, my man.  Your pretty lady loves you, you know.  

Yeah, I know.  I don't know why, but she does.

Humility is all well and good bro but don't go thinking you're not worthy of her.  She chose you, that makes you worthy.  Don't insult her intelligence by thinking she's wrong.

Dammit, how does he do that?  I swear, he's as bad as Nakano sometimes.

She said the same thing to me today.  She's apparently decided that I'm no longer allowed to say that about myself - that I'm not worthy.

Good.  She's right, that's probably where all that rage against Hinata is coming from.  You've made him the focus for your feelings of inadequacy.  

I had no idea we were going do therapy by text today, Kuroo-bro.

I call 'em as I see 'em, bro.

And he's not wrong.  Nakano would agree with him.  But the question is, why?  I mean, I guess part of me knows why.  I never did talk to Akiteru about his feelings about Udai - I'm going to have to do that soon.  But my own feelings of inadequacy go back beyond Hinata...even back beyond what happened with Akiteru when I was in middle school.  I can't remember ever feeling any other way.  I've always had this feeling that I could never be enough, no matter how hard I tried.  I wish I knew why.  

Dammit, I need to do more than wish I knew why.  I need to work to find out why.  I'm not going to allow this to ruin my chance at happiness with Nakano - hell, more than that, there's no way I'm going to fucking allow this to make Nakano unhappy.  And the first thing I'm going to have to do is find a way to apologize to the Shrimp.  Acknowledge these feelings I've got, and talk it out...oh gods I'd rather do literally anything else than have a deep talk about feelings with that tangerine-headed moron.  Ugh, I did it with Akiteru...I'll just have to find a way to do it with that bouncing idiot.  And I should probably apologize to Daichi and the team as well.  I look down at my sleeping beauty.  Do you have any idea what I plan to do for you, beautiful?  What your love has brought me to?  Apologies are not something I usually do, Roses.  But for you, I'll do anything.

You okay, bro?  You know I'm here, if you need to talk it out.

I know.  Thanks Kuroo.  I'm doing okay.  Just want to make sure she never has to go through this again, you know?

I know.  And I know you'll keep that promise, bro.  Because I think your feelings for her outweigh any other feelings you've got inside you, don't they?

Interesting way to put that, Kuroo-bro.  But once again, he's not wrong.

Yeah.  You're right about that one.

Tell the Pretty Setter we're thinking of her and to get well quick.


You know I have to tell the Gym 3 boys.  And Kenma.  They'd hurt me if they found out I knew something like this and didn't tell them!

Try not to go overboard, Kuroo-san.

What?  Me?  Overboard?  Perish the thought, my dear kohai.

I'm not answering him anymore, he's just going to drive me crazy.  Instead, I open up the Crow VB group chat.  Time to touch base with the team.  Things are already a little out of control on there.

Server Boy
Has anyone seen or heard from Tsukki or Naka-chan today?  They didn't come to class this morning.

Six Boy
What?  That's weird.  I hope everything is okay.

Seven Boy
I mean, they did have a fight on Saturday, didn't they?  Maybe they needed time away from each other.

Libero Boy
Maybe they needed time to make up!

Goddess Girl
Stop that, Noya.  I can't imagine either Tsukishima or Nakano skipping class over something like that.

Ace Boy
Kageyama, have you heard from Nakano?

Setter Boy
Not since Sunday afternoon.  I'll try to call her.

Manager Girl
I just tried calling her, she didn't answer her phone.

Captain Boy
Alright guys, relax.  Let's get through the rest of the day.  Hopefully one or both of them will touch base with us before practice.

Captain Boy
If not, maybe we'll start with a run today...don't Tsukishima and Nakano live in the same neighborhood?

Decoy Boy
We can run to Naka-chan's house and practice on her backyard court!

Good gods, practice is gonna start soon.  I'd better send a message before the whole damn team shows up.

Blocker Boy
Hey guys.  Nakano was almost hit by a car on Sunday evening.  The shock overwhelmed her legs.  She's doing okay now, but she won't be back to school or practice until late in the week.  I stayed home with her today to take care of her.

Eight Boy

Goddess Girl
Oh my gosh!

Six Boy
Is Nakano alright?

Libero Boy
What happened?

Server Boy
Tsukki please explain!

Setter Boy

Manager Girl
Oh no!

Captain Boy
Tsukishima can you give us any more details?

Blocker Boy
She was jogging across a street when an out of control car came right at her.  Her legs locked up and I had to grab her and pull her out of the way.  She couldn't feel or move her legs at all.  Her doc says it was just from shock and she'll be okay in a few days.  Her legs are already working better - she's able to move around and walk a bit but she's still weak.  We have to treat her legs every couple of hours so it's just easier for her to be at home right now.

Decoy Boy
Tsukishima you saved her!

Captain Boy
Okay, thanks Tsukishima.  When do you expect to be back?

Blocker Boy
I should be back at school and practice tomorrow.

Vice Boy
Glad you were there Tsukishima.

Libero Boy
OUR ANGEL!  Get better soon Nakano we miss you!

Captain Boy
Alright Tsukishima.  Thanks for letting us know.  Nakano, feel better fast.  Now everyone quit texting and get in the gym!

Vice Boy

Nakano stirs in her sleep next to me, giving out a small groan and rolling over restlessly.  It's been quite a few hours since she took anything for the aches in her legs.  Since she's rolled away from me anyway, I slip off the bed and out to the kitchen to grab some more water for her - she should probably take some more pills when she wakes up.

Ogawa-san is in the kitchen too, making another cup of tea.  "How's my Little Warrior doing?" he asks me as I get some water from the fridge.

"She's asleep at the moment, sir.  She seems a little restless though.  I'm guessing when she wakes up she'll want some more ibuprofen."

He seems to consider something, glancing towards the stairs.  "Well, since both our ladies are napping at the moment, perhaps you'd like to join me in the living room for a bit, Kei.  Want a cup of tea?"

Interesting.  I wonder what this is all about.  Well, I'm certainly not going to say no to my girlfriend's father.  "That sounds good, sir, thank you."

We settle in the living room, each with a cup of the konbucha.  Ogawa-san definitely seems to have something on his mind.  I can't help but feel a little nervous as he looks me over, although when a small smile comes over his face it does make me feel a little better.

"Kei, you asked me before if I had any experience with strong feelings of jealousy," he begins.  I nod, surprised that we're already coming back around to that.  He'd made it seem like it was something he wouldn't want to discuss all that soon.  "Well, I dodged your question before, because while you're right, I do have some personal experience with it, the story isn't really mine to tell...or at least not mine alone."

"If you don't feel like you can tell me, sir..."  He waves a hand to stop me.

"It's alright.  I've talked to Emiko about it, and she said I should go ahead and share the tale with you.  You see, it's Emiko-san who has the temper in our relationship."

My eyes widen, and despite my best efforts, my mouth drops open.  "Emiko-san, sir?"  I can't really conceive of that.  She's never struck me as the type to lose her temper, or even have much of a temper.

Ogawa-san nods.  "You'd never know it from the way she is now.  She's worked very hard for a lot of years to learn to control it, and she's done an incredible job.  She has a few tells that I know of, that show me when she's in the grip of an anger that she has to work to control.  But I don't imagine you've had any occasion to see that side of my wife as of yet."

"No, sir."

"You know the story of how Emiko and I came to a be couple."  I nod, and he continues.  "Well, when that happened, I was all of 20 years old, and head over heels for this beautiful girl who chose me.  But, I was also a fresh-faced young navy boy who went around in a uniform all the time.  Believe me when I tell you that I wasn't in the market for anyone else other than Emiko...but there are girls who just can't seem to resist a young man in a uniform."

"Groupies," I say with a chuckle.


"Oh, well, that's what my senpai calls them.  Girls who like to hang around the volleyball captains just because they're captains.  Groupies."

Ogawa-san gives out a chuckle of his own.  "Good word for it.  Well, anyway, I attracted the attention of 'groupies' from time to time, as I went about my daily life.  I never encouraged it, but Emiko...well...let's just say she didn't take too kindly to those girls.  Most of the time she'd just glare at them and they would back off, but once in a while words would get exchanged.  It happened off and on in the first few months of our relationship.  At first, I actually thought it was kind of cute, the way she would defend her territory, if you will.  I rather like being that territory."  I can't help but smile as Nakano's father does the same.  "But, I started to notice that Emiko was getting more and more upset each time a girl would flirt with me, even in the most minor of ways.  And not just at the girls.  Her anger would linger, and would often be directed at me.  I reassured her over and over again that I wasn't interested in any girl other than her, and she would always apologize and feel terrible after getting mad at me, but still.  I began to realize that my sweetheart had a serious problem with jealousy."  His smile was gone now, and I could see the soft sadness in his eyes at the memory.

"I'm guessing things kind of came to a head, at some point."

"Indeed.  I'd met Emiko for lunch one day, at a café not too far from the base.  She was a college student, and I was a navy man, and it made for tough schedules.  We took any opportunity we could get to spend a little time together.  It was springtime, and the weather was nice, so we sat outside.  A lovely lunch date.  We were getting close to our time limit, and Emiko excused herself to go to the restroom.  So I waited, just watching the people going by, when suddenly a lovely young lady clutching a map comes up to me, looking for directions.  She was polite, and very pretty.  I don't know if she was a 'groupie' or not, but she seemed to be genuinely lost, so I helped her figure out how to get where she needed to go.  She smiled and batted her eyes at me and thanked me, and I preened and puffed out my chest, feeling like a knight in shining armor for possessing the incomparable skill of map reading.  She headed off, blowing me a kiss as she left.  And I as turned around to sit back down to wait, Emiko slapped me hard across the face."

Ouch.  I wince just hearing the words.  No wonder I felt like he had experience with this...he did, except the roles were reversed.  And Emiko-san's slap was deliberate.

"Well, you can imagine my surprise.  And it only got worse when the young woman I'd given directions to stormed back over to tell off my angry girlfriend.  I just sat in my chair, dumbstruck, as this random stranger yelled at Emiko, telling her that she was a complete fool for treating me that way when I'd done nothing but be polite and helpful.  How if she were my girlfriend, she'd cherish me and never raise an angry hand at me.  And how Emiko didn't deserve to have someone like me if that's the way she was going to treat me.  I just watched as Emiko went from angry to horrified.  The lady I'd helped eventually stopped, thanked me again, and left.  I opened my mouth to try to talk to my girlfriend, when she burst into tears and ran."

"Wow...what a mess."

Ogawa-san laughs.  "Truer words were never spoken, Kei.  I sat there, completely confused, for another hour.  I was late getting back from lunch and got into all kinds of trouble with my commander.  And on top of that, Emiko refused to answer my calls and messages.  A full week went by, and I was really afraid my romance was over.  And worse, I wasn't even sure how I felt about it all.  I knew I still cared for Emiko, but did I want to be with a woman who had that kind of temper?"

A week.  A week?  Gods, I think I'd die.  It was a solid twenty-four hours before Nakano and I spoke to one another again in any way after that disaster in the gym, and every second of it sucked.  How the hell did they make it a week?  Of course, Nakano and I are together so much...maybe it was easier since they didn't see each other all the time anyway?  Or maybe that's the difference between being sixteen and being twenty.  I shake my head a little, focusing back in on the story Ogawa-san is telling me.  "How did you get Emiko-san to talk to you again, sir?"

"Well, first, I talked with my best friends about it all.  They helped me figure out two things.  The first was that I definitely still wanted to try to make things work with Emiko, if I could.  And the second was that, for that to happen, she was going to have to agree that taming her temper was going to be a priority.  I left her yet another message, telling her that I loved her and that I wanted to talk this all out, but that if I didn't hear from her in the next twenty-four hours, I was going to assume she was no longer interested in being in a relationship with me and I was going to let her go.  Well, she showed up at my place a couple of hours later, in tears.  That was a long evening, let me tell you.  But we talked a lot of things out, including the fact that Emiko had been cheated on by a boyfriend she'd had in high school.  That experience, combined with her temper, led to the mess we'd found ourselves in.  It hurt, a lot, going through all that.  But we made it through, and Emiko promised me that very night that she would do whatever it took to learn to control her temper.  And I promised to help her.  And we've kept those promises to one another, and many others, over the years, Kei-kun."

"How did she get control of her temper, sir, if I may ask?"

"At first, she was rather ashamed of what had happened, and the mere memory of that was enough to quell her anger.  But after a while, that faded, and she needed to find another way to remind herself to keep her cool when she felt like she was about to lose it.  She tried a lot of very traditional things...counting to twenty, squeezing my hand, biting her cheek...none of them really helped enough.  Don't get me wrong - she was a lot better.  She never got physical with anyone again after that day.  But she still felt like her temper was on the edge of overwhelming her when she got angry.  It was quite a long time before she was really able to master it."

I look expectantly at Ogawa-san, waiting for it.  I've been thinking about such things since Saturday, of course, all three of those ideas have come to mind.  But if there's something that will help more, I'd like to know about it.  However, the twinkle in the man's eye is making me a little nervous.

"No, it wasn't until she held our daughter in her arms for the first time that Emiko knew she had to crush her temper under her heel for good.  She told me that once she saw little Amalie, this little person who needed her so much, she just knew there was no way she'd ever be able to allow herself to lose her temper like that again.  Not even at the girl herself...who believe me, did plenty of things that should have driven Emiko right over the edge."

I can't help it, I laugh aloud, and Ogawa-san joins me.  "I don't think you want me to try the same method for reining in my temper, sir, at least, not just yet."

"No, I should say not, young man.  I'm not quite ready to be a grandfather at this stage of my life."

Hearing him call himself a grandfather brings me up a little short.  That future is so...tantalizing.  I want that for us, for Nakano and I.  To be a family, to join our families, link them together with kids that are equal parts of both of us.  To see our parents dote on our own children, their grandchildren.  I feel warm inside thinking about it - not just the pleasant tingle at the idea of making those children, but a longing in my heart to have that life with Nakano.  It never fails to shock me a little, when those feelings come up, and I guess it must show on my face a bit as Ogawa-san smiles kindly at me.

"You'll be alright, I think, Kei.  You're by nature a thoughtful person, you take your time and consider things.  Rash action is not usually something you're given to.  I think this incident has shocked you enough that there won't be a repeat of it."

"Not if I have anything to say about it, sir.  Thank you, for telling me about this."

"Not at all.  Just...forgive Emiko if she seems a little embarrassed, next time you speak to her.  It still bothers her, all these years later."

I wonder if that's why she looked a bit embarrassed this morning.  And if...  "Is that why she said the two of you wouldn't have gotten along when you were younger, sir?"

Ogawa-san chuckles.  "As I've said before, I was a lot like you at your age, Kei.  Tall, blonde, handsome, athletic.  However, unlike you, I also was convinced I was every young lady's dream boy.  I had a reputation in high school for generally having no fewer than four girls on the hook at any one time."

"Four, sir?  Really?"

"Really.  That was more of a maximum than a minimum, but I didn't do anything to dissuade people from believing it was the other way around.  I was quite the idiot.  Lucky I didn't get my face slapped all the time, back then."

"How did you get anything else done, sir?"

He blinks at me a couple of times, and then bursts into hysterical laughter.  He stands, and I follow suit, the man clapping me on the shoulder.  "Kei, you're definitely a much wiser young man than I was at your age.  Go on, go check on my daughter.  I'm glad we got this chance to talk today."

"Me too, sir, thank you."

I chuckle to myself as I make my way back to Nakano's bedroom, trying to imagine her father as a high school playboy.  I guess I can sort of see it.  I'm still laughing a bit as I open the door to find Nakano sitting on the edge of the bed, her head in her hands and her body shaking, like she's crying.

I'm at her side in a flash, wrapping my arms around her shoulders.  "Roses, what is it?  Are your legs hurting?  Do you need some medication?"

As I settle in beside her, speaking, she gasps and turns to look at me.  Her blue eyes widen in shock and relief, tears spilling from them.  The look on her face tells me instantly what happened.  She woke up, and I was gone.  And she panicked.

"Ahhh...yeah...I am k-kinda sore.  P-probably be a g-good idea for me to t-take some more ibuprofen," she stammers out, trying to get up but unable to because I keep a firm hold on her.  She ends up nuzzling into me.  

"Nakano, my love, I am not going to leave you."  My arms wrap around her even tighter.

"Huh?  What?  I..."

"I know what happened.  You woke up alone.  I'm sorry for that - I got up to get some water so you could take some meds when you awoke and ended up chatting with your dad.  But, Roses, I told you this before and I'll say it again - even if I'm not physically with you, I've not left you.  I love you, and I'm not going anywhere.  I promise it."

"I...I'm sorry, Kei," she sobs out, breaking down again.  "But, you were gone, and I..."

"Shhhh," I shush her, cradling her against me and rocking her a little.  "It's okay.  It's been an awfully rough couple of days, hasn't it?"

"Yeah," she sighs rather wetly.

"I'm sorry, love.  I should have realized.  Come on, let's get you cleaned up, and you should take some meds, and then I'm going to do your legs again.  Do you want to start 'How to Train Your Dragon' over again?"

She shakes her head, wiping at her eyes.  "Why don't you pick something for us to watch, love."

I grin, helping her up and getting her headed towards the bathroom.  "Okay.  But first, you should probably check your phone.  I bet there are some texts you'll want to see."

We spend the rest of the day together, just the two of us, and there really is nowhere that I'd rather be.


I end up staying for the entire day on Monday, and after telling Ogawa-san about what happened when I came back into Nakano's bedroom after our chat, staying the night again.  Nakano looked rather relieved to hear I wouldn't be leaving, but she did insist that I had to go back to school the next day, and I dutifully put up a pouty little fight just so she could be the one to insist and 'win' the argument.  I could tell she was feeling guilty about being needy.  Idiot.  After what's happened to her over the past few days, she is definitely allowed to be a little needy.  And I am more than willing to play the pouty boyfriend if it makes her feel better.

It feels good, curled up again together, warm and cozy under Nakano's black and white quilt.  I know my phone alarm is going to go off soon, but I've got absolutely no desire to get up even one minute early.  In fact, the only reason I won't be snoozing that alarm is that I'm quite sure Nakano won't allow me to.  I might try anyway, though.  See just how far I can take the pouty boyfriend act.

We talked a lot last night, about all kinds of things.  I made sure we talked about the fact that my leaving to go to school today was not my leaving her.  I don't think I could bear to see her crying again like that.  Dammit, I really am just so ridiculously weak for her.  Even now, even knowing that I really can't justify taking another day off, if she wakes up and cries for me, I think I'd find it awfully hard to leave her.  I can't find it in myself to feel badly about that, though.  I just don't care if she makes me weak anymore.  I'd rather be weak with her in my life than go back to being the lonely jackass I was when this school year started. 

We did talk some more about what happened.  Mostly about why Hinata just seems to set me off so badly.  I mean, I'd heard people talking about 'seeing red' when they get mad, but I never thought that was really a thing.  Until it happened to me.  I swear, when I saw him jumping around, holding Nakano, kissing her, my vision swam and everything really did go red.  I've never felt so angry about anything before in my life.  I think Ogawa-san's assessment of me was correct - I'm not generally an impulsive person.  And now that I've experienced that, I don't think I'll ever forget the way it felt.  It was a physical pain in my chest, that just seemed to then explode into my brain.  I swear I could feel my blood pounding through my veins.  Knowing how that feels, I'll be ready.  I'll never allow that feeling to take me over again.  I'm never putting Nakano through that again.  She's been through more than enough.

By the time we were getting ready to sleep last night, she was moving decently well.  Not exactly ready to go for a run or play volleyball yet, but she could do most simple tasks without her legs collapsing out from under her.  I know she was really hurting most of the day, though.  She took more ibuprofen before bed.  I could tell she really didn't want to, but I could also see how exhausted she was from just dealing with the constant aches.  I remember how much it wore me out when my fingers were first injured.  I'm hoping she will feel better today.  

The alarm goes off at last, and I prepare to play the part of the sleepy boy who doesn't want to get up.  Instead, my warm snuggly girl snoozes the alarm and mumbles something about how I won't need so much time to get ready anyway and nuzzles into me.  A soft chuckle rumbles through me and I hold her close, grateful for a few more minutes to live in this fantasy before I have to go back out and face the real world.  Someday, I'm going to make the fantasy reality.  Just wait and see.

In the end, she snoozes the alarm twice, and then she is the pouty girlfriend when I drag myself out of bed the third time it sounds.  She gets up begrudgingly, but then makes me a lunch and a quick breakfast before I have to go.  She's definitely moving better - she doesn't seem to be in quite so much pain.  She promises to do her legs, I promise to bring her the work she's missed after practice.

"Besides," I say as I gather my things together, "I want to hear how your doctor appointment goes today."  She's looking at me with sad eyes as I pick up my bags.  "Hey, it's okay.  Don't look at me like that."

"Sorry," she mumbles, reaching up and cupping my cheek.  "but I'm going to miss you."

"Idiot," I say lovingly, which makes her grin.

"Yeah, but I'm your idiot."

"That's my girl.  I love you, Roses.  This isn't leaving, it's just going to school for me and the doctor for you."

"I know.  I'm sorry if I've been..."

"Shhhh, you are not sorry.  You are fine, and your feelings are understandable.  This is just a reminder that leaving you is not in my plan."

We walk to the door, and I put my shoes on.  Time to go.

"I love you, Kei.  See you this evening."

I give her a kiss, feeling a little like we're a husband and wife getting our day started.  She senses it too, and we both chuckle.

"See you later, beautiful."

"See you later, gorgeous."

I head out towards Karasuno with a little smile on my face.  Everything really is going to be alright.


I definitely wish I could have stayed with Nakano today.

I mean, it hasn't been a horrible day or anything, but in what universe would anyone prefer to be sitting in a classroom doing schoolwork over cuddling in bed with a beautiful girl?

Okay, it's not just that, although that's a pretty big deal.  Over lunch, I ended up giving Yamaguchi the full story of everything that happened over the weekend, in rather intensive detail.  I tried to just tell him the short version, but he wouldn't have it.  I guess it wasn't so bad, but there are major parts of this story that I'm very not proud of, and don't want to have to keep reliving.  But it's Yamaguchi, and he knows just how to push and pull on my emotions to get me to spill the whole thing, and how I'm feeling about it all.  Of course, he managed to say something insightful again.  I'd just finished telling him about my inexplicable rage over seeing the Shrimp doing his victory jump around with Nakano.  I'd complained at him vaguely that I just couldn't understand why that orange-haired freak always seems to be able to push me over the edge so fast.

"Hinata is almost your exact opposite, Tsukki," Tadashi mused, "He's small, and loud, and expresses all of his emotions the moment he has them.  You...aren't that.  You're quiet, and you keep your emotions inside of you.  You'd rather die than show intense emotion in front of others most of the time, even though I think you feel things just as strongly as Hinata, if not more so.  Well, now you've got Nakano in your life, and she brings those emotions of yours a lot closer to the surface than I think you're really used to, and its like that all the time.  Dump Hinata into that mix, and all of sudden you've got all these strong feelings, all at once, and I think sometimes it just overwhelms you.  You're not used to dealing with so much emotion so fast, and before you can get things under control, well, something comes pouring out of you.  I think this was just a case of overload.  Don't beat yourself up about it, Tsukki.  Just work on getting used to it.  Nakano is breaking down the walls you're usually behind, and overall, I think that's a good thing.  She'll help you adjust, I'm sure, and I will too.  You're my best friend, and I want to see you happy.  So don't let this weigh you down okay?  You'll get through it."

Dammit Tadashi, how is it that after all these years, you can still surprise me?  Everything he said makes sense.  I guess I hadn't really thought about it that way.  Ah Roses, you've really turned my whole world upside down, haven't you?

Of course, the other reason I'd hoped to avoid the long lunch discussion with Tadashi is that I knew I'd have to go through most of it again in the club room as we prepared for practice.  The minute I walked in, everyone began demanding to hear the full story of what happened to Nakano.  And so, here I am, telling the entire tale of Sunday evening for the second time today.  At least this time I didn't have to start with the disaster that was Saturday.

But unfortunately, I can't escape it either.  Once I get through the story again, and everyone gets back to getting ready for practice, Daichi heads down to the gym first.  I follow, figuring it's better to get it over with now.

"Captain, I need to..."

He turns to look at me.  "No, actually, you don't, Tsukishima.  I think I know what you're going to say, and I don't need any kind of apology from you, nor does the team.  Based on what I've heard, this is for you and Hinata to work out.  So make sure you do."

"Did Hinata tell you what happened?"

"No, he didn't.  And how I know isn't really important.  I consider the matter closed, as long it doesn't affect the team.  Does that work for you, Tsukishima?"

"Yes, sir."  Well this isn't at all what I expected.  But I guess he has a point.  The person I really need to talk to is Hinata.  Not that I particularly want to do that either.  I'm not entirely ready for that conversation at the moment.

So naturally who comes bounding down the stairs but the ginger lunatic himself.  "Hey Captain?  Can we get flowers for Nakano from the team?  I think that would cheer her up!"

Daichi laughs.  "Sounds like a great idea, Hinata."

"Don't tell her Tsukishima!  It should be a surprise!" Hinata looks at me like nothing happened between us.  Is he that dumb?  It must be so nice to live on only one brain cell.

"Why do you think I would tell her?" I ask, looking at the Shrimp.

"Well, I'm sure you're gonna go see her after practice, and tell her all about your day, and I don't want you to mention that part.  It will be way better if she doesn't know they're coming!"  

Yamaguchi is right.  Hinata just expresses anything he thinks or feels right in the moment.  I'm not sure if I feel sorry for his complete lack of control or envy him the total emotional freedom he seems to have.  No, now that I think about it, it's neither of those things.  I think I'm just amazed that someone as impulsive as he is has managed to stay alive for sixteen years.

"Flowers for Nakano?  I love that idea, Hinata," Yamaguchi says as he comes down the stairs. 

Practice is long and tiring and not nearly as enjoyable without Nakano there.  I know it's ridiculous - we already spend so much time together - but I find myself looking around the gym for her, and then feeling sort of sad and irritated when I remember she's not there.  I also find myself watching Hinata fairly often as I try to figure how to talk him about this.  This isn't like the talk I had with Akiteru.  In this case, I'm the one who did something stupid, and now I need to try to explain myself.  Except I still don't really understand why the hell I acted that way in the first place.

We're on a ten minute break after our passing drill and I'm just sitting against the wall, drinking water and trying not to think too much when the King sits down next to me.

I give him a sideways glance.  "Something I can do for you, Your Majesty?"

He scoffs, and drinks some water.  "You're such an asshole."

I arch a brow at him.  "Is that what why you came over here?  To insult me?"

"Please.  You really consider my calling you names insulting, at this point?  It's what we do."

Dammit, he's not wrong.  And there's something I really should say to him, too.  I sigh, and just plunge ahead.  "Look, King...Nakano told me about her conversation with you on Sunday.  About what you said..."

"Don't even go there, Shittyshima.  I didn't say any of that for your benefit.  I told her the truth so she could decide how she felt about you knowing all the facts.  If she'd told me she was done with you after what you did, I'd be happily helping her move on.  So you don't owe me anything at all.  What I did, I did for her."

My turn to scoff.  "Right."

"Besides, even if you did think you owed me something, you've already repaid me."

I look at him, a bit incredulous.

"You saved her life.  If you hadn't been there when she went running, she might have died.  So I'm damn grateful that you love her as much you do, you ass."  He finally looks at me directly, and I can see he's totally serious.

We have this weird understanding, Kageyama and I.  We don't really like each other, but we both love Nakano, and it binds us in this annoying way.  But at the moment, I can see in his eyes that he really is thanking me.  He really believes I saved her life.  It's making me kind of uncomfortable.

After all, I'm no hero.  If I hadn't been such a jackass, Nakano might never have been out for that run in the first place.

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