Poisoned Flowers

By urlocallhottie

6.7K 193 6

š€ š¦šššŸš¢šš š¬š­šØš«š². Six siblings left to survive in dangerous world of crime. But reality is... they ar... More

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138 6 0
By urlocallhottie

"This is fucking unbelievable." Alessandro said
"Shit." Bella murmured as she saw screen in front of her.

Everyone are confused. "Well what the fuck is it?" Emilio asked and get up from his seat.

"He is in one of Paulo Arreto's business firms." Alessandro said

Leo took laptop from him, "He said that he wants to sell this one. But this is one of his best firms... I don't understand, only if he have some kind of deal with Marco so he needs to sell him his best firm."

"Paparazzi always catch him in here. We need to go and check it out." Arabella stated.

"But no one of us can go there, they will recognize us, tell Marco, he will run away..." Alina said finally after silence she took to think about this shock. Mari is must in so much pain right now.

Leo nodded his head at Alina's words. "I think its time to call her."

Alessandro frowned, "Leonardo"

"Wait are we talking about that hot Greek girl?" Emilio straighted up and looked at Leo and then back on Alessandro.

Alina and Arabella tried to hold their laughter when Ale gave Emilio the most deadliest gaze. "Oh." Emilio realized and sat back in his seat.

"No one knows beside us how she looks, so they can't recognize her. She is very good in all the tasks we gave her. She always did everything perfectly. The only one we can trust for this important job." Leo started.

Alessandro just shook his head. Leonardo called Luca to enter the room and call her to come to Italy. We are coming for you, Rivero.

After some time, when he managed to calm down and clean up, and after he gave Sofia time to rest, Gio decided to go and visit her. Doctor said that she has woken up and that headaches are there but in some time they will go away slowly.

He stood in front of her door for a minute, breathing heavely. Open the door Gio, he said to himself. And he did finally. After he opened the door for a little, he saw Sofia looking at roof with her head covered in bandage. She looked sideways after hearing door opening. Little smile growed on her face after she saw him, but she also saw that he was hurted.

"Hey." she said with hoarse voice. He came closer to her and sat next to her bed. "Hey." Gio answered

"How are you?" He asked after small silence was made.

"I'm better now. Feeling like my head is smashed but its okay." She said quietly

Gio nodded his head, "Well doctor says that is going to go away. So everything should be fine."

"Yeah." Sofia said

Gio couldn't gather strenght to ask her. But he needed to.

So he just spat it out.

"Did you know?" he tried to cover his shaky voice.

Sofia closed her eyes and then opened them again, now with one tear in her eye. "Yes"

"Then why didn't you tell me? After that terrible situation, when we lost our first one, why didn't you tell me now? And why would you risk and go out there and fight?"

"Look, I know everything and I'm so sorry. My period is not really regular, it never was. So when I didn't get it I thought it's fine. And I found out the night we needed to go in mission. I didn't want to let my friends down after what they all did for—" she started crying and got really upset when she remembered everything so Gio stopped her.

"Hey, I understand you now, please calm down." He took her hands and got closer to her

"You are not angry?" She asked with pulled eyebrows, cleaning her tears away.

"How can I be angry. I just wanted answers Sof, thats all." He smiled at her brushing their lips together.

"We are going to have baby, G" she smiled

"Yes we are, and we will keep the baby safe this time and nothing bad will happen, I promise." Gio closed his eyes.

"This is our second chance." Sofi said


Sofia's life was so much pain. Her father was always drunk, he had some kind of job but it was miserable. Even that little money they got, he would spend it on alcohol or on gambling. She lived in small house with him and her brother Luca.

The house was in a terrible state. Moisture everywhere, the walls threatened to fall apart, it was incredibly cold inside yet the front door could never be nicely closed or locked so they were robbed several times since they live in a dangerous part of France. They took only thing Sofia and Luca tried to hide. Her mothers watch.

Her mother was ill with cancer. However, her father never cared for her. It was just an obligation for him that he wanted to get rid of. The mother says that he used to be a good and charming boy who worked for his family, but as soon as she got pregnant with Sofia... he started to change abruptly. He would punch her mother and Luca. He fell into debt and would find salvation in alcohol.

He would make his mother work, and even too much. He would torture them. There was hell in that house every day. Luca used to have to go to his job for him because he was too drunk in the morning. He would skip school, he would always be full of bruises and closed and silent to others. The kids at school made fun of him. The mother would try to sew his clothes or gather some money for new, but the father would soon destroy anything nice they have in life.

As Sofia growed, she would watch so many terrible scenes. She got traumatized so much, that affectet her in life. She felt helpless. Now, if she can't help someone she loves, she would have a breakdown. She doesn't want to feel like that again.

Their mother was too weak to endure his torture and found herself in a hospital bed. He did not even tried to be there, in hospital with his dying wife. Only Luca and Sofia were in her arms and crying. She told them where she had saved some jewelry, which they could sell and get some money, and escape from father, but the robbers found it.

After she died, father would start to torture Sofia. And whenever Luca tried to hit back, it would end even worse. So he decided it's time. He took some money from criminals in France and took his sister one night and went to Italy. When they got there, he found a temporary apartment. He was renting a room from a lady. He found a job at a club and tried to make some money and give Sofia a better life.

One night, a huge fight took place in the club where he worked. He saw a tall, dangerous-looking guy walking towards the bar, when a man jumped him from behind. He had knife in his hands and took that guy from surprise. He started to put knife on his troat almost killing him but...

Luca smashed a glass into that man's head. The guy that Luca saved got off the ground and called his men to take care of person that tried to kill him. He approached Luca, and Luca doubted himself. Did he did the right thing? Who knows who these people are...

"Grazie. I'm Leonardo. Can I atleast have name from boy that saved my life?" That tall man spoke with bloody nose.

"It's Luca." he answered with his voice that cracked from fear.

"Come sit with me Luca. I think I have something with what I can pay you off." His voice was so deep, it made fear run in Luca's body.

And thats how they started their cooperation. He started working for Leo, with time he got better positions and more money. He bought a house and gave Sofia a life he always wanted. He also payed a psyhologist to work with her. She was really little when that trauma happened so he wanted to cure her.

Sofia met the Marchetti girls and went with them in school. So soon, she also met Gio. She was deep in that job with Luca, she started working out and continue bussines of selling weapons. Luca and Sofia were a team. They made something big.

Gio and Sofia had love at first sign. It was just a teenager love at first but... it was actually more than that. They were willing to give life for each other. He helped Sofia go throught trauma she had. And Marchetti's also. They helped her and her brother. She found family in them.

One time, she accidentlly got pregnant. She told Gio and he was actually happy. They wanted to have family, even that young they went throught so much, so they were ready.

Everything seemed perfect for a moment. But that moment was too short.

Sofia did love France because it reminded her of mom. She tried to push that awful memories and save only good ones and love for that country. Her mom was in love with culture of France and talked about history and places that she wanted to visit in her lifetime. Her mom never had money to afford it So Sof decided that she want to go and visit and do it for her mom.

She still had two cousins that she really loved. They were her only friends there. So she took the flight and came back for few days. She finally had money to explore the luxury and beautiful parts of that country.

She and her two cousins explored city and enjoyed life while she was only 3 weeks pregnant.

It was her third day there. About 8 p.m, she went to local grocery store to get some snacks and go back to apartment. She had phone in her hands, texting with worried and caring Gio. While walking down the street, she felt someone grab her leg. Her phone fell on the ground because of shock. Then she realized a homeless man sitting on the street that got her leg.

She tried to kick him off, but his grip only tighened. "You." Man said throught his teeth.

"What do you want? I dont have anything!" Sofia begged.

But that voice... it's too familiar. Man stood up and pulled her with his grip now on her shoulders.

There is no way... no, this cannot be true... fear of realisation was in her eyes. She started shaking when she saw his eyes.

"You ran away from your father. You don't deserve anything that I gave you! Worthless slut!" Man put her on ground and started kicking her with her legs.

Sofia got much stronger than he remembered. She now sold weapon and worked with it like she was born with it. She learned how to fight from the best but now... fear took control. For the longest time, she felt terror and fear.

She layed on the ground, crying, all memories that she put way back in her head, came again. She saw everything in front of her, all trauma that she worked on and all the mosters that she though she drowned came back to life.

Sofia! What are you doing? Wake up! You are strong women. You have child inside of you. Fight back, always. Voices brought her back to reality. It was like... it was like her mother talked to her.

She straighned herself up, started to fight back. Finally she got one strong punch on his face. "Don't put your fucking hand on me ever again!" He yelled

While he was distracted with yelling, she found a gun in the back of her pants. Still on the ground, she backed off, trying to catch a breath with gun pointed on her father.

"Sofia. I made you. And this is how you pay me back,ha? Put that down and wake up!" He stared with beg in his voice but anger still took off.

She was shaking. Dirt all over her, red face from blood and cries. "Shut up. The only thing you gave me is pain. Mom died because of you. Luca and I have the worst trauma still to this day. Because of you. Are you happy now, father? We needed to run and fight for everything alone." Her voice cracked because of all memories repeating in her head now.

Her father just stood with disgusted face. He couldn't say anything.

"Yeah, stay quiet father. Don't embarass yourself, you did enough for us."

Sofia laughed while getting back on her feet. "I did wake up. Look at me. I am wealthy now, have my own business, in happy relationship, with my real family. And what are you doing? You have become homeless without anyone, you beg on the streets and you look like you will fall apart at any moment."

She came so close to him laying gun onto his head, with rage in her voice she shouted at him ,"Fuck you bitch. Look how woken up I am."

And she shooted.

It's over.

But pain took over her body in that moment. She fell on her knees, shaking even more. "No, no!" Her cries were loud when she saw blood coming out of her. She heared police cars coming, people heared shout and cries, so someone must have called police.

And she's there all bloody, with gun in her hands, next to lifeless body. Fuck.

She put all her strength in trying to get up. Finally, she was walking. Still crying, with blood and dirt all over. When police car was closer, she started running for her life.

All panicked she called her brother. He tried to stay calm, telling her to find safe place to hide, and that he will call someone of his people in France to drive her to airport.

She came home still shaking. Her trauma came back. She killed her monster for real now. But that monster killed her child.


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