Poisoned Flowers

Por urlocallhottie

6.7K 193 6

饾悁 饾惁饾悮饾悷饾悽饾悮 饾惉饾惌饾惃饾惈饾惒. Six siblings left to survive in dangerous world of crime. But reality is... they ar... M谩s

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148 7 0
Por urlocallhottie

Last night, Sofia, Arabella and I just layed in my room being happy that we did girls night after a long time. Then, all of our phones went crazy. It was urgent message that came from Leo. I dropped my phone down and we all just looked at each other feeling so sorry that everything need to ruin Marianna and Massimo always.

We stormed from my room to weapon room, where Leonardo came with boys.

When Leo told us what happened we all just went freaking crazy. I was just hoping they are fine. Leo asked, am I sure that I want to come and help them and I was 100% positive. I didn't want to sit home while my family fought. And im glad I went. Because of how many times I practiced with my brothers, I was comfortable with gun. It was scary at first, but I soon as I pulled the trigger, fear went away.

I felt powerful.

For the first time im my life, I felt like that. Am I bad person for feeling good when I took other lives? Probably. But they attacked my family, so I have zero guiltiness in myself right now.

I tried to sleep but my head was roller coaster right now. Massimo is lying in hospital, I killed someone, and tomorrow is our day to try to get closer to that girl who doesn't know thing about us and will probably be scared as hell. But, are we going to actually find her? What if we don't even find her at the end—

Alina stop.

I took deep breath and turned on other side. Everything is going to be fine. I hope so.

I went to our Base, just to take final steps for tonight. I can't fucking wait to make him suffer for even trying to kill someone mine. I knew Massimo will be fine, he is too tough to die. As we all are. But Rivero will pay for every single thing he did to my family in past 10 years. Before all work, I went to our medicine floor to check up on him.

I opened the door and saw Marianna sleeping on chair next to him. God, she must have stiffened from this position. I slowly shook her to wake up. She opened her eyes and jerked. "Sorry for scaring you but that position must hurt."

She sighed, making herself more comfortable on her chair. "Thanks."

I nodded my head pulling another chair and sitting next to her. "Did he woke up?" I asked her.

"Well doctor says the anesthesia has given away so he just sleeps. He should wake up soon." She answered while looking at him the whole time. I'm so happy he found girl like her and that they are finally happy. I was even tired of watching them being in love forever and doing nothing. I am proud now.

Mari stood up and put her purse on chair, "You want coffee too?"

"Yeah, sure. Thank you" I answered her. She left and after two minutes I heared sound from Massimo's bed.

"Why you have to be the first thing I look at when I wake up." Massimo said with laziness in his voice, still trying to wake up completely.

A big smile was on my face when I came closer to his bed, "Yo kid, I could cut this one tiny cable and you would be dead so better watch your mouth."

He laughed and I hugged him, "Fuck you, you scared us all." I said when we pulled off.

"I can't promise it won't happen again." He said through laugh. He was still very pale, with big bandage peeking out from under his shirt.

"Hey, Mari is here also. She slept here with you"

He straightened himself up a little bit. Grin took over his face. "I'm happy bro. Finally." He said

"And I can't be happier when you are. I'm glad you got out from that shit our father put you through. Believe me, if he has been alive for few more days... I would kill him instead." I said with nothing but seriousness and compassion on my face.

He nodded his head, "I know."

The door opened and both of us turned heads towards Marianna who has been in shock and beyond happy when he saw him talking to me. Massimo's smile only went wider. I couldn't help it but smile too at this view. She got closer to him and I took my coffee from her hand and left them alone.

Watch Massimo be the only one with family and kids in 5 years. Because me, fuck no. Maybe I only find someone normal to give birth to my kids because I do want them, to have legacy and heir, but to have wife and all that shit... yeah no.

I felt alive again when I saw him with his eyes open and that pretty smile I loved to see always. I excitedly hugged him, without being careful. "Oh, did I hurt you?" I pulled checking him.

He just pulled me back in his embrace, "No baby, you didn't. Relax."

"How are you feeling?" I lay next to him. He looked at me with little smile, "Now that you are here, much better." I just laughed at his words.

"But you didn't have to be here the whole time Mari."

"Of course I needed to" I said while snuggling into his chest. "The fuck I did to deserve you?" He said putting his chin on top of my head. "You deserve everything in this world Max."

He hummed, "Well I only want one thing from this world."

"And what is that?" I asked when he looked down on me. "You to have my kids and be my side forever."

His words took me out of this word. Im so fucking in love with this man, help me. When I think I can't blush any more harder, he fucks me up.

"You are going to get it one day." I answered brushing my lips against his.

"Can't wait." And his lips met mine. Fuck, he always warms up my heart.

"I can't leave you to go tonight without me." He said after couple minutes of comfortable silence.

I stood up, "Max, there is no way you're leaving this room until doctors say otherwise."

"Mari you know I can't just leave it."

"But you have to. Your operation wasn't even 24 hours ago."

"That's doesn't matter."

"Of course it does! Just please, don't do anything. For me." I said leaning my chin on his chest

"Fuck Marianna. I will try to, okay."

"Thats it." I said with smile and leaving one more kiss on his jaw.

I hope he would really relax and stay safe in his room and not just say it to make me feel better.

We talked a little bit and spend some time together. All of his family also came through day to check up on him. I was fascinated how his family was so strong, full of love and that feelings you actually are supposed to feel around real family. No one would said they are actually killers that work with everything but legal stuff. And I had that luck to actually be loved by them and excepted as family member. I can't be more thankful for that.

They helped me and showed me a family love that was taken away from me. I remember my parents a little bit. Just because I try to remember every single detail. I try to connect with any tiny little memory, just because I think if I forget those details, they are actually going to be gone. I'm not ready for that. Because those memories are only things I have left from them. And I swear I will give my kids so much, everything I wanted as little girl.

It was already close to night so I needed to go. I didn't want to leave but I had to prepare for tonight. I went to Leonardo's office where everyone's supposed to wait.

I entered the room and saw all of them sitting, talking, going over plan again etc. Girls ran over to me, "Are we ready to kill this motherfuckers?" Arabella said while hugging me.

"You already know the answer Bells." I said

"Okay people," Leo shouted getting everyones attention, "We need to go in half an hour to our destination. We prepared good, trained and what is most important have so much fucking motivation. Andiamo."  [let's go]

We all got armed, got our weapons, bulletproof vests and separated in cars that we organized in plan. I'm so fucking excited to kill someone right now. I needed it.

I was in car with Arabella and Luca. He droved while me and Bells sat in backseats. Our way for entering is from west. We talked a little bit but we were under so much adrenaline. That is thing we all love about this job. So we took our time to enjoy it.

After an less than hour drive we let Leo and boys pass us because they need to go in first. "Okay girls, I will park at around 3 meters form fabric. We hop out and go in three directions." Luca said as we got closer

"ALM, you're up next!" Camille, the assistant that stayed in Base making sure everything goes according to plan, said through our earpiece. And addressing us as ALM - Arabella, Luca and Marianna.

"It's fucking time." Bella said as she took her FN FAL gun preparing it. I did also with my Glock G17. "Andiamo!" [lets go]

𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐰𝐚𝐫.
I'm so excited rn because I planned a lot of good things for this story.

What do you think Alvaro, their father, did specifically to Massimo?

Vote and comment, ly.

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