Family ties

By _crazy_hooman_

454K 23.3K 9.3K

•[COMPLETED]• Leah Stevenson is her name. She lives a happy life unbeknownst of the things that had happened... More

(1) Flashback
(2) Kingstons & Stevensons
(3) Story
(4) Plan
(5) Attack
(6) Troy
(7) Dean & Chase
(8) Back to LA
(9) Reunited
(10) Home
(11) Old Mafia, New Don
(13) Almost caught
(14) News spread
(15) First Day
(16) Plan initiated
(17) A new face
(18) Plan sucessful
(19) Caught
(20) Finally!
(21) Reunited
(22) Reunited- part (2)
(23) Meeting her
(24) Revelations
(25) Revelations- part (2)
(26) Shocker
(27) Family huh?
(28) Meeting them again
(29) Official Mafia meet
(30) Dinner
(31) Date?
(32) School
(33) A Problem
(34) Threat
(35) Unexpected guest
(36) Mason's story
(37) Sunday
(38) Bye, mother
(39) Preparations
(40) Annual Mafia Gala
(41) Attack
(42) Truth
(43) Aftermath
(44) Talk
(45) Bad news
(46) Out in the open
(47) Living together
(48) Another attack
(49) Vacation?
(50) London
(51) Barely escaped
(52) Goodbye
(53) Matter at hand
(54) Apologise
(55) Intruder
(56) H for Hostage
(57) New plan
(58) Apology
(59) Decisions
(60) Goodbyes
(61) Theo
(62) More problems
(63) Making things right
(64) Sneaking
(65) Anniversary dinner
(66) Anniversary dinner- 2
Thank you!

(12) Hostages

6.5K 373 80
By _crazy_hooman_

Sebastian's POV: (Rowan's elder brother)


That's the word that explains my feelings right now.

God I'm so tired of everything. I'm tired of this place, this cell, the treatment, this mafia, the Italian Don, my sons and well..the food.

But right now I'm just plainly...tired.

The actual one. You know physically tired?

Yup that's the one.

Today was a difficult day. I got punched twice for not taking shit as expected to. Probably got a bruise on the face. But what was hurting more was my back.

No I'm not old.

My back has been cramping as I'm not able to get a good position to sleep in this cell of mine.

First of all even though I'm a prisoner would it hurt to just provide me with a pillow and blanket? Assholes.

I lean my head on the wall as I felt sleep come. I sat there crossing my arms over my chest and closed my eyes to let the sleep envelope me.

Now this is comfortable!

I found a position I like and got comfortable.

Just when I was in the sleep zone I heard a clang noise.

I opened my eyes and saw my cell door open and a figure walk in. The guy walked towards me and plopped down next to me.

The cell door was closed again and I went back to my sleep zone.

Ahh I'm so relaxed.

Coming back from one full day of forceful work tends to make you a bit tired...hence sleepy.

God knows I was almost asleep when the cell door clanged open again.

I frowned in irritation as I opened my eyes and saw another figure walk inside the cell. This one plopped down on my other side.

The cell door closed again and I decided to go back to sleep before sleep goes away.

It's a fact that when your body is tired it's easier to get sleep, but who cares about your sleep when you are a fucking hostage. Right?

Once again ladies and gentlemen the cell door banged open making me growl in irritation.

Once again a guy entered and this time plopped down in front of me and layed his head on my lap.

"What does a man have to do to get some freaking sleep over here?", I complained loudly.

"Shut up. You're a prisoner. No one cares about your sleep", The guard snaps at me as he leaves once the cell door is locked.

"I do! I'm still a human unlike you asshole!", I retort back.

I heard chuckling from the guy with his head on my lap.

"Shut up James", I frowned.

"You're cute when you're irritated. It's funny Dad", James chuckled.

I heard a deep sigh from my left.

"And I'm scary when I'm sleep deprived. Wanna test me?", I grunt.

"Nope, not really. Apologies old man", James raised his hand in surrender and amusement.

I flicked his head hard twice making him wince and whine.

"Ow!", James winced and immediately shifted from my lap to the one on my left.

I glare at him and he pouts.

"Violent Dad on loose", James pulled out his tongue at me childishly.

"Let me fucking sleep now James or I swear to god you're getting body slammed", I warned him.

I lean my head on the wall again and hoped to get some sleep now.

"Damn. Did you hear him Charlie? He's threatening me", James complained.

I open my eyes and glare at him.

"He won't if you let him rest", Charlie said looking down at his face.

"I didn't stop him from resting, did I?", James frowned looking up at Char.

Innocent or dumb? I say dumb.

Charlie sighs heavily while I glare more intensely.

"You're still not letting Dad sleep big bro", Brody comments from my right side.

"Oh is it? That explains the irritable behaviour. Get some rest Dad. God knows you're quite violent when you don't get your beauty sleep", James chuckled.

I growled in anger. Charlie smacks James softly on the shoulder.

I decided to shut up myself because I know this idiot son of mine won't.

I go back to resting my head on the wall and getting into a comfortable position.

This time no one interrupted me and I was glad. I got into my sleep zone again. I could feel my mind getting a bit relaxed as I sighed.

But the god and the Italian Don hate me, don't they?

The cell door banged open AGAIN. I opened my eyes prepared to kill this guy who dare messes with my sleep.

This time one man walked inside with a trolley. He without a word picked up the plates filled with food and kept it down on the floor. Once he put five plates on the cell's dirty floor he walked out with his trolley and the door closed again.

I groaned. I can't get angry at this guy. He brings food for prisoners.

I heard a snicker this time and guess who did?


"Oh man, you're having a bad day pops", James grinned looking at me.

"I'm having a bad day since you were born", I gave a tight smile.

He gasps dramatically and sat up from Charlie's lap.

"Why would you say that Dad? He won't let this go now", Charlie groaned.

"Char! Did you hear him?! That's mean Dad", James frowned.

"Good. It was meant to be you drama queen", I said seriously.

Brody chuckled. Charlie smiled a bit shaking his head. James looks at us all clearly offended.

"You guys are unbelievable. No one loves me", James pouted.

I shakes my head. I love him a lot, but he can be annoying.

"How did you figure that out? Took you long enough", Brody comments.

"Oh man", Charlie mumbles.

I knew James just got a chance to act more dramatic.

"How. Can. You. Say. That. Brody!", James gasped as he leans forward and punches the boy after every word.

Brody was unphased. He didn't look like it even caused him the slightest of pain.

James then frowned like a kid and sat down on the opposite wall and crossed his arms huffing.

I looked to my side and saw Brody smirk in amusement seeing his brother. Charlie on the other hand sighs ready to comfort James.

"Not that I wanna talk to you mean guys but I'm curious. What's with the bruise on your face Dad?", James asked curiously.

Brody and Charlie turn to face me.

"Of course you're curious. When are you not? Also to answer your question. I got punched", I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Who did?", Brody gritted his teeth angrily.

For being the youngest and baby of the family he sure was intimidating and fiesty.

"I don't ask their names Brody. They're guards and not my ideal choice of friends", I joked.

My sons love me a lot so to see me like this it's always hard and annoying for them.

Brody is my angry youngest son. Hates disrespect towards anyone of the fam. Protective, but can come out as rude.

James is the clown. Loves to have fun and joke around. Loved by all, but as you can see, he can be annoying. Third.

Charlie is my mature son who loves taking care of his siblings and father. Believes in keeping us all together. Second.

Weston is well my smart, eldest and most understanding son. He's the most protective of his brothers. Calm and collected, but can cut your head off when angry.

"Next time you see him just point me to his direction. I'll skin him alive", Brody gritted.

"Calm down Brody", Charlie says gently.

"Calm down? Seriously Char?! How dare that mother fucker punch our father?", Brody cusses loudly.

James sighs sadly and looks at me. I smile assuringly at him.

He gets worried and anxious when one of us is angry or something. He doesn't enjoy fighting and arguing between family. During these situations he's the most troubled one.

"Brody no cussing", Charlie said calmly.

Charlie always tries to instill some manners in his brothers.

"Oh fuck that. That's what you're worried about?", Brody snaps.

"Calm down. You can't do anything about this. Even I'm upset seeing Dad hurt, but retaliation will earn you nothing but problems. So just settle down", Charlie said sternly.

"You think I'm afraid of their punishments? Let them go ahead and do whatever they want. I don't care. I won't let that guy walk around with all limbs attached to his body", Brody growls in anger.

Charlie gives Brody a stern look.

He just doesn't want Brody to get into trouble.

"Brody enough", I said sternly.

James pulled his legs up to his chest and closed his eyes.

"Seriously? Since when did you start taking disrespect without any retaliation dad? You always snap back at them", Brody argued.

"I can. You won't. End of discussion", I said with a finality in my voice.

"Like hell! Fuck this shit. I will do what I want", Brody said angrily.

I was surprised now. He never gets like this so fast. I'm guessing something happened while he was out.

James just put his head down on his knees and arms around his legs that were pulled up to his chest.

"That's enough Brody", I heard a strong voice from the corner of the cell.

There it is.

I was wondering why I didn't hear him speak all this while.

"But Wes- ", Brody was gonna argue to him as well when he was cut off.

"Jamie", Weston whispered softly.

That got Brody's attention. He looked at James and his eyes went wide. In his angry state he forgot to control in front of him.

Charlie was quick to go to James. He wrapped his arms around the boy and muttered something in his ear. James relaxed a bit, but still kept his head hidden in his knees.

Brody stood up and slowly walked towards them. He crouched down and looked at his brother clearly feeling guilty now.

Brody will feel no guilt and remorse toward anyone but family.

"Jamie I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to fight like that. It's nothing okay. I'm not upset now", Brody said softly frowning.

"It's okay. I'm fine", James looked up and smiled weakly at him.

Brody was still not sure. He like Charlie hugged James too.

I smiled seeing that. These are my sons. So caring towards each other.

I look to my side to see Weston emerging from the corner of the cell. He walked towards me and sat down next to me looking at his brothers with a soft expression.

"Idiots. I know", I smiled.

Weston smiled a bit turning to look at me.

"You can sleep if you want. I'll make sure no one disturbs you", He said softly.

"You think I'm sleepy now? Thanks to these idiots walking in here like they own this cell one by one. I swear they're born to annoy me", I grumbled.

Wes smiled in amusement.

"Well we don't do that on purpose you know", Brody said suddenly.

We two look at them to see those three staring at us. James looked relaxed. Charlie smiling softly. Brody smirking.

"What?", I asked.

"Walk one by one in this cell. We only come here when they let us go. So really not our fault", James shrugged playfully.

"First of all this is my cell and not yours. You should be in your cells and second of all don't act cheeky. I know you four enjoy seeing me get irritated", I narrowed down my eyes at them.

Wes looked at me offended. Charlie gave me an 'are you serious' look. James grinned. Brody scoffs.

"This is our cell now Dad", James points out.

"It wouldn't have been if you went back to yours from time to time", I smiled sweetly.

"But yours is more comfortable and less dirty", Brody said smirking.

"There's no such thing as that. These are prisoner's cells for god sake", I rolled my eyes.

They all chuckled.

"Aw you know we enjoy staying together and around you Dad. That's why", Charlie smiled.

"Yeah yeah brats", I rolled my eyes.

"Oh come on don't act like you don't prefer us being in one cell", Charlie smiled raising his eyebrows.

I sighed smiling reluctantly.

He's right.

"Now come on let's eat before it tastes worst than ever", Weston said sitting up.

One by one we all pull our plates to ourselves. I frown pulling mine. Ten years and I still hate the food they give.

Never. I will never get used to this bland tasteless food.

"It already does Wes", James grimaced as he took his first bite.

"Well we can't do anything about it right. So just endure it", Brody said as he took his first bite.

He grimaced when he did and it seemed like he was resisting the urge to puke.

"Fuck this. I would rather starve than have this", Brody gave up and pushed his plate away.

Everyone looks at him.

"Brody it's never going to taste good. That doesn't mean you stop eating. Just finish it so you don't have to go to bed empty stomach", Charlie tried to reason.

"What's the point Char? Even if I eat it I'm sure I'll puke. So either way I'm going empty stomach", Brody shrugs rolling his eyes.

Charlie's jaw clenched. Wes sighs.

"Then resist the urge to puke and swallow it down like a pill or do anything you want. But either way finish it", Charlie said seriously.

Brody was going to argue but one glare from Charlie and he huffed. Begrudgingly he pulled his plate back and ate the food.

I smiled in amusement. Wes shares a look with Charlie and smirks.

Brody can never win over Charlie if he's persistent. And Charlie is only like that about a handful of things.

Also, he knows if he doesn't listen to Charlie, Wes will intervene. If not them I will, so he can't do much about it.

We finished our food and layed down next to each other.

The boredom gets to you when you have nothing to do except stare at the dingy walls.

"What do you suppose they're doing?", Charlie asks randomly.

We all were layed down next to each other and were either staring at the ceiling or just laying with eyes closed.

"It's hard to imagine", James said softly.

It's one of the common topics we converse about. They are always in our minds.

"I'm guessing that they're working on getting us out", I said without any sign of hesitation.

I heard a scoff no doubt coming from Brody.

"Me too", Wes said softly.

"You think so?", James asked turning his head towards me.

"I know so", I said confidently.

"How come you're so sure Dad? Not that I don't think you're right. Just your confidence is sometimes else", Charlie asked curiously.

"I know my brother. Your uncle is a very strong and a stubborn man. He will never give up on us", I said with a smile.

I miss him so much.

"There it is. That optimistic attitude always gets to me", Brody said snarkily.

"Brody", Wes warned.

"No offense Dad, but I think your expectations from Uncle Rowan are too high", Brody said ignoring Wes.

I was not offended or anything. I was not even surprised. I know he's given up.

"Why do you think so?", I asked calmly.

"Really? You gotta ask?", Brody snorts.

"Why Brody?", I repeated.

He sat up straight and looked at me frowning.

"Well Dad it's been ten years", Brody said in a duh voice.

"That doesn't answer my question", I said softly looking at him.

He frowned staring at me.

"Dad wants to know why you do think we shouldn't have hope and expectations from Uncle Rowan", Charlie said with a smile clearly enjoying the conversation.

Brody rarely gives input in this aspect. He just stays quiet when we talk about our family out there. He keeps it inside him. We all know he doesn't have hope.

"Again like I said it's been ten years. If something ought to have happened it would have by now, don't you think?", Brody said crossing hai arms.

"Not necessarily", Wes said sitting up himself.

Brody scoffs shaking his head.

"Brody you don't know what he's doing or what he's not doing to save us. Neither do I. But I know my brother and I like to believe he's working on it", I said with a smile.

"Working on what exactly Dad? A plan? Or a break in? What exactly?", Brody asked seriously.

I sigh thinking of a way of how should I make him understand.

"Look Dad I don't have anything against Uncle. It's not like I hate him or don't trust him. I genuinely miss him, but I'm not going to blindly have hope on them. I'm not an idiot waiting for a miracle to happen", Brody said with no emotion on his face.

Wes smiled lightly shaking his head at his brother. Charlie was amused. James frowned.

"What will it take for you to have just some hope and positivity?", James asked rolling his eyes.

"Nothing. I lost all that when ten years happened", Brody retorted.

"Son one thing you have to understand is that it's not going be easy for Rowan. From what we know the mafia's gone. He doesn't have anything to begin with. He can't just march over here and demand for our release from our enemy. He has to be very careful", I explained.

Brody stared at me. Others listen to my intently.

"I've given it a lot of thought. They aren't exactly safe out there as well you know. You might not remember this, but I do. I remember the Don coming to us and boasting about how his mafia has defeated ours. How he is the leader of our mafia as well now. He's even killed your grandparents. Rowan is basically alone out there with his kids. He has no power in comparison to the Italian Don", I said thoughtfully.

I've given his situation a lot of thought these years.

"It's not like I haven't thought about just giving up hope you know. Some days are really hard here and they take a toll on you and make you just feel so vulnerable. Those days I just assure myself that I have someone out there who will not rest until he gets us out. Trust me son I know my brother", I smiled.

Brody sighs hard staring at me.

"Come on Brody. Don't act like you don't remember our Uncle and brothers. They're as stubborn as they come. They care about us. They won't just leave us here to rot", Charlie grinned optimistically

"I agree", James smiled wide.

Brody didn't say anything and just fixed his gaze on his lap.

"Have hope buddy. Our family will do something", Wes assured him.

"I just hope your expectations don't come crushing down one day", Brody comments.

No one says anything. What would we say?

It pains me to sometimes just think about how my sons have had to grow up. They spent ten years of their childhood like this.

This is not how it was supposed to happen. They should have had a happy life growing up surrounded by their family.

Talk about things never happening the way we want them to happen.

"I wonder how our brothers are doing", James wondered.

I smiled imagining it myself. My nephews were a handful I can say that. I remember how they loved to test my patience as kids.

"I like to believe they're the same as before", Weston said with a grin.

"And that is?", Brody looked interested suddenly.

"Well as far as I remember Theo was the bossy guy. Always using the elder brother card along with Wes on all of us", Charlie rolled his eyes.

We all chuckled. Wes smirked.

"Emmett is the mixture of calm and fiesty. Prefers staying out trouble. Also, can't tolerate us brothers at all", Charlie chuckled.

He was closest to him considering their age.

"Dean is the brat. Always moody. Will argue whenever he can. Never one to follow orders", Charlie smiled shaking his head.

James laughs nodding. I smiled remembering some memories.

"Chase is the obedient kid. Loves his books and studies. Never once got into trouble. A little shy if you may", Charlie continued.

Everyone nods smiling in agreement.

"Then there's Troy. Like Brody the baby of the house. The two of them couldn't be more different than each other. He's always smiling and pumped up with energy to play", Charlie chuckled.

We all laugh and nod at that. Brody smirked.

"I wonder if they all are the same or have changed over the years", I said softly.

"Who knows Dad. Changed or not I just miss them", Charlie sighs heavily.

"Me too", Brody and James said together.

"Can't wait to see them", Wes said.

I miss them too.

The cell door opened again for the hundredth time today and I saw the night shift servant come to pick up our empty plates.

I sat straight looking at him.

"Kit it's been a while we've seen you around here", I said waving at him.

"Hey Sebastian. Yeah I was on leave", He shrugs smiling as he picked up our plates and put it in his trolley.

Kit is the only guy over here who has ever treated us like a human. He is a sweet guy who always has a smile on his face.

Took him a lot of time to trust us enough to start on a hello basis, but ten years was enough to create a friendly bond.

We see him once a day or sometimes when on a double shift.

"So how you doing?", I asked with a smile.

"Good. I'm guessing you aren't", He said pointing at my face.

"Yeah. It's a mark of bravery", I said waving it off.

He shakes his head with an amused smile.

My sons rolled their eyes. They hate it when one of us is hurt.

"I have some news for you", Kit said with a smirk.

My sons sit straight looking at him intently. I look at him questioningly.

He's not a spy or something if that's what you're wondering. He's just a servant over here. He never gets involved with the danger stuff. He's just a worker trying to earn a daily wage.

I never asked him to do anything for me. I don't think he will even if I do. He likes to just stay away from this stuff.

Suddenly Kit peeked out of the cell door as if to check if the guards are there or not. He's never done that before so that made me curious.

"Look you're the oldest prisoner over here and you know I hate getting involved into anything that will bring me trouble, but I just thought it wouldn't hurt for you to know this", Kit said cautiously.

"What is it?", I asked raising my eyebrows.

My sons stare at him with a frown.

"Something's happened. I don't know what, but it's got the Don all riled up. He's unnecessaryily yelling at anyone he can", Kit informed us.

"What's so special about that? He's always like that", Wes said seriously.

"No this is different. I heard him mentioning your last name. What was it? Oh yes Kingston right?", He said remembering.

It's not a surprise that everyone here knows us. We're the oldest prisoners over here. The big sign of victory of this mafia.

The Kingstons who once owned the American mafia. The former Don of the that mafia rotting in a cell.

It's quite an achievement.

"Yes", I nod to confirm.

"Hmm yeah. He was yelling in frustration regarding that name. I didn't think much about it before, but then I heard the guards fuss about how he underestimated some guy named Rowan. Do you know any Rowan?", Kit asked tilting his head to the side.

My eyes went wide hearing that. Before I could reply he began talking.

"Anyway the guards also mentioned about some fiasco in America. Something about a fight and multiple deaths. I didn't have a chance to hear much about that, but people are so not happy with whatever it is. Don especially. He's raging fire like a dragon", Kit shivered to prove his point.

I was very stunned to say anything.

In all these years I've never heard anything about my brother. No news nothing. This is the first time in ten years I've heard something.

"Anything else you heard about this?", I said immediately.

"Nah. You know me. I don't pry into all these things. I just happened to hear this and thought you'd be interested as your last name came up so many times", Kit said nonchalantly.

"What of the multiple deaths in America? Who died?", Wes asked with a serious face.

"This mafia's men. I don't know how many and who all, but I think it happened a couple days ago", Kit shrugged.

My sons and I share a look.

"Anyway, got to go. Hope you're still alive the next time I see you", Kit gave us a mock salute as he pulled his trolley out of the cell and locked it and walked away.

He always jokes about finding me alive the next time we meet. He knows how much hatred people have for us over here. So it's always like we can actually be murdered anytime the Don wishes.

Once he was gone there was silence for a while.

"Uncle Rowan has done something", Charlie said slowly

"I guess. Kit mentioned something about how the Don's all riled up about underestimating my brother", I smirked.

"Yeah Kingston name has popped up. That's got to have something related to Uncle", James said thoughtfully.

I turn to look at Weston who seemed to be in a deep thought.

"Also a fight that happened couple days ago in America? Italian men died. That's got be Uncle right? Unless this son of a bitch has more enemies who would mess with him", Brody suggested.

I nod smiling wide. I had a good feeling about this.

"Kit mentioned uncle's name. That's so not coincidence right? They've got to be talking about him", James said surely.

I nodded.

"Oh that's him for sure", Brody nods affirmative.

"We just don't know exactly what it is", I commented.

Everyone went silent of a while thinking about the new found information.

"What are you thinking about?", Charlie questioned Wes seeing he hasn't uttered a word yet.

Wes looked up at us all snapping from his range of thoughts.

"Our family had caused some fiasco in America. It's not just anyone. Note the keywords. Kingston. America. Rowan. Fight. Death", Wes said mentioning the keywords using his fingers.

I nod slowly. Everyone does.

"I don't know what he's done, but this is the first news we've got in ten years. Rowan's got a plan I guess", I said proudly.

"Hell yeah", James snickered.

We all smile.

"Seems like you've got a reason to hope now Brody", Wes smirked.

I grin wide. Charlie slaps Brody's back smirking. James was happy.

Brody's face showed a genuine smile for the first time in a long time.

I can't wait to know what you've done brother.

Hey guys!

Hope you liked this chapter?

This is the first glimpse of the hostage Kingstons whom all the commotion is about. The characters introduced as well.

Stay tuned for more :)

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