Family ties

By _crazy_hooman_

454K 23.3K 9.3K

•[COMPLETED]• Leah Stevenson is her name. She lives a happy life unbeknownst of the things that had happened... More

(1) Flashback
(2) Kingstons & Stevensons
(3) Story
(4) Plan
(5) Attack
(6) Troy
(7) Dean & Chase
(8) Back to LA
(9) Reunited
(11) Old Mafia, New Don
(12) Hostages
(13) Almost caught
(14) News spread
(15) First Day
(16) Plan initiated
(17) A new face
(18) Plan sucessful
(19) Caught
(20) Finally!
(21) Reunited
(22) Reunited- part (2)
(23) Meeting her
(24) Revelations
(25) Revelations- part (2)
(26) Shocker
(27) Family huh?
(28) Meeting them again
(29) Official Mafia meet
(30) Dinner
(31) Date?
(32) School
(33) A Problem
(34) Threat
(35) Unexpected guest
(36) Mason's story
(37) Sunday
(38) Bye, mother
(39) Preparations
(40) Annual Mafia Gala
(41) Attack
(42) Truth
(43) Aftermath
(44) Talk
(45) Bad news
(46) Out in the open
(47) Living together
(48) Another attack
(49) Vacation?
(50) London
(51) Barely escaped
(52) Goodbye
(53) Matter at hand
(54) Apologise
(55) Intruder
(56) H for Hostage
(57) New plan
(58) Apology
(59) Decisions
(60) Goodbyes
(61) Theo
(62) More problems
(63) Making things right
(64) Sneaking
(65) Anniversary dinner
(66) Anniversary dinner- 2
Thank you!

(10) Home

7.3K 372 79
By _crazy_hooman_

Leah's POV:

Ahh I'm finally home!

I may be home, but I don't think I would advise myself to just walk inside through the front door.

My hand is bandaged and I'm not going to be able to hide it.

I walk up to my front door and contemplate my options.

I knew my father and sister were home as their cars are parked here, but what are the chances they'll see me walk through this main door and go up to my room..?

What's wrong with me?

I sigh as I try to think of something else.

I look around the house and my attention goes to the windows above.

Yup this might work.

But even I know it's not going to be easy to just climb up the walls and reach the window with one hand refusing to support.

But then again what else can I do?

"Screw this", I frown as I walk to the back of the house.

It's not like it's my first time climbing up from here. I've sneaked out a couple of times to attend parties with my friends.

I groan seeing the height I'll have to climb. My hand's gonna kill me.

Why the fuck did I chose the second story room for myself?!

I decide to land my bag inside the room through the window first so that I don't have to climb with it on my shoulder.

I pick up my bag and spin it in the air with full force to gain momentum and launched it towards the window so it can go inside the room.

But to my dismay the bag hit the window and came back down and landed right on my face.

I didn't realise my window was closed... Ugh

I knew I haven't locked it so I think I should be fine. I flung my bag on my shoulder and get ready.

I have to learn how to wingardium leviosa sooner or later.

I start climbing the walls. I adjust my legs and my uninjured hand in a way that not much pressure comes to my right hand where I'm hurt.

There are certain areas and corners where I can put my leg into and pull myself up. I've spotted and memorised them a while ago.

Comes in handy during urgent times.

Though as much as I tried, it wasn't much of a success as I'm a right handed and even though I was prepared for it, my hand was aching a lot since it's still a fresh wound.

I ignore the pain as I continued my climb with as much pace as I could.

I somehow successfully reach my window without once falling down. I first push my window open then flung one leg on the windowsill and pushed myself up and managed to sit there.


"Huh. Now that was an easy peasy lemon squeezy thing", I muttered.
sarcastically to myself.

I take a moment to catch my breath and look around the house. That's when my eyes met our oh so lovely neighbour Mrs Altman.

It seemed like she was in her garden watering her plants when she caught sight of me climbing up my own house like a thief. She was gawking at me.

"Oh hey Mrs Altman. How you doing?", I wave and smile normally like I didn't just get caught sneaking inside my own house.

She just kept gawking.

"Um..well don't think much about this. I'm just uh.. experimenting something...for school project", I lied grinning.

God knows she can't afford another heart attack.

She narrowed down her eyes at me suspiciously and then rolled her eyes shaking her head as she went back to doing what she was doing.

"Back atcha bitch", I scoffed as I climb inside my room.

Now normally I would respect old people. I really would. But not her. She is a very annoying little person. Always complaining about something or the other.

She's got a problem with everyone except her oh so precious lovely little dog and cat who might I add are worse than her.

Anyway I look around my room and smiled wide looking at the same mess I always keep my room in.

Clothes, books, papers, shoes everything could be found at every corner of the room.

Even though Dad is the cleanliness ambassador of this planet, he doesn't get into my room because he knows he'll probably have nightmares later. He just scolds me to keep it clean once in a while.

Grace has given up entirely since I end up littering my room within an hour or so of cleaning it. She says it's like talking to a wall.

I walk past all my stuff and plop down on my bed feeling the exhaustion of the journey. My body was no way going to get up even if my brain commanded it to do so.

Deciding to deal with my problems later I fell asleep. This is probably the quickest I have slept.

Rowan's POV:

"Bye guys", Landon smiled and waved at us.

We wave back and he leaves soon after Leah does.

"Even I'm leaving. Gonna go have a pizza. I'm hungry", Harry pouts rubbing his stomach.

We all laughed. I shake my head at him.

"God I've missed your drama. It's good to have you back buddy", I smiled putting my hand out for him to shake.

"Oh it's great to be back Rowan", He grinned shaking my hand.

Owen smiled widely. I knew he's been missing his father like crazy so I was really happy for him.

"I have tons of stuff to talk to you about, but I understand you're tired and definitely need some rest so go ahead and we'll talk later", I smile.

"Yup not going anywhere anytime soon anyway. LA is my new humble abode", Harry snickers.

We all chuckled and soon Owen and Harry left the base as well.

I turn and smile happily looking at my sons.

"Let's go home. Our home", I said softly.

Those words meant the world to my kids. Why wouldn't it? After all this is what every Kingston is dreaming about.

"Lets goooooo!", Troy sprinted away somewhere.

"What are we waiting for!!!", Chase jumped excitedly and ran away after him.

We four look at the direction those two just went in and shake our head chuckling.

"Seriously where did they go?", Theo raised his eyebrows.

"Seems like some of us have plans to go back to the mansion on foot", Emmett joked.

I laughed. Theo chuckled.

"I'll go get those two before they run into a full on traffic road and get yelled at by some moody office employees", Dean rolled his eyes and walked towards the direction those two ran away to.

"Yeah please", Theo chuckled.

But at that very second Troy and Chase came back running in full speed towards us and slammed into Dean knocking him down.

I winced seeing that.

"Ahh fucking idiots", Dean groans in pain.

Chase and Troy wince as well as they crashed into Dean.

"Learn to put brakes guys. How many times do I have to remind you? Brakes!", Emmett shakes his head in disappointment as he helps them stand up.

"This is not you teaching us how to ride a bike like when we were kids Em. It's been years", Troy frowned as he dusted his hands.

"And yet you still forget to pull the brakes", Emmett rolled his eyes.

Chase bend backwards and cracked his back. Dean groaned holding his side.

"Now I know whom I'm not giving a car to ride", I said teasingly.

Chase and Troy's head turned towards me instantly.

"No. I'm a responsible citizen Dad. You can't do that", Chase pouts.

"Yes! Go Dad! No cars for them", Dean nods frantically.

"Oh shut it drama queen", Chase frowns.

"You-- ", Dean glared at Chase and Em stepped between them.

"Enough. These two will never stop fighting", Emmett scoffs.

"I know right. Kids", Theo said pretentiously.

Dean and Chase look at those two in disbelief.

It's funny how younger siblings learn from the older.

"Oh please you two are no good either. If I leave you two in one room for a whole day you'll end up fighting over who's breathing louder", I scoffed at my elder sons.

"Ooo burrn", Troy snickers.

Theo and Em gawk at me. Dean and Chase smiled in amusement.

"Let's go home now before even Troy finds someone to fight with", I shake my head as I walk towards the parking lot.

My sons follow me grumbling under their breath.

I was enjoying this. It's been so long since I've had a chance to scold them like this face to face.

Ahh I missed this.

"Oh man. I think they broke my bones", Dean frowned with his hands on his side.

We all paused to look at him.

"Oh come on. Don't be a baby", Theo said nonchalantly playfully tapping his side on which he fell.

"Ahhh! Theo! Hip! hurting! dude!", Dean jumped in pain clutching his side.

"Okay old lady. Let's go", Theo shakes his head as he puts his arm around his shoulder.

We all laughed as Dean glared at Theo, Chase and Troy. First two didn't look phased at the glaring, but Troy went and stood next to me avoiding Dean.

"You're gonna let me drive a car right?", Troy whispered hopefully.

I merely chuckled and shook my head as I walk towards the car.

We all get inside my car and I drive towards the mansion.

On the way my sons just kept chatting about anything they could. I just happily listened to them. I missed this ranting, arguing, laughing, joking of these guys.

I assumed my kids won't stop talking for a while. We've all been waiting for this time and it's gonna take a while before we get used to this.

Soon we reached our very own family mansion.

"Welcome home boys", I grinned as I drove inside the estate.

All of them put their head out of the window and stared at the huge house they once lived in.

"Oh man it's the same", Theo awed.

"Nothing's changed since you left. You'll find the inside the same as before too", I smiled.

I never changed anything. I preferred it to be the way it was when they all left.

I soon park in front of the house and we all file out of the car.

My sons didn't waste time as they walked up to the main door glancing around at everything they can.

Theo pushed the door open and those five walked in together. I came in after them just watching their reactions and happily sighing to see them all back in here.

"Oh man this is exactly the same", Dean grinned glancing around.

"Wow. Our home. The Kingston mansion", Emmett stated with open arms.

They explore every single room and area around. They all scattered to all the directions and looked around. I went to the living room and settled down on the couch.

"Holy mother of God!!", I heard Chase yell from somewhere in the house.

I chuckled.

"This is still there! I thought it'll be dead already!", Dean yells in surprise from somewhere.

I frowned. What is he talking about?

"THIS WAS MY ROOM? The toys are still here! Guys!", Troy yells happily.

"MINE TOO! My books also!", Chase yelled back from his room I suppose.

Theo and Em were way more mature to act in glee like kids, but I'm sure they're enjoying it themselves.

After some time they all came down one by one.

"Damn Dad. You seriously haven't removed or replaced one thing. Heck even our beds are the same", Theo came and sat down next to me with a suprised smile.

I nod smiling.

"I know right! Even our clothes! Man I was too small back then", Em snickered as he took a place on the couch.

I laughed shaking my head.

Troy, Chase and Dean also come back. They had wide grins on their face as the plop down on the couch.

"I'm guessing you all are enjoying all this", I smiled.

"Oh yeah Dad. Without a doubt", Troy smiled wide.

Everyone else nods agreeing.

"I know all your rooms and stuff are designed for when you were kids. You can now design it the way you want. Go ahead and shop for all the stuff. I'm sure you'd need new furniture and clothes as well", I wave my head smiling.

They cheered loudly in happiness.

"Awesome. Tomorrow is shopping day", Emmett announced and claps his hand.

Everyone nods agreeing.

We just sat there then in comfortable silence for a while. Everyone in their own world.

"You guys um.. checked the other rooms or just yours?", Dean asked suddenly.

Everyone sighs hard and looks down.

"I didn't", Chase immediately shakes his head no.

"I couldn't even though I wanted to", Troy said sadly.

"Same. It might seem silly when you think about it, but I really didn't have the strength to open the door to even one of their rooms", Emmett stated looking outside the window.

My heart hurt remembering them. I've got so used to just not indulging myself in those thoughts, but I can vouch for it being hard because even I hesitate before entering any of their rooms.

"Wes's room is right next to mine. I passed his first before entering mine. Trust me when I say that for a second I was back to when we were kids. Every time I would just pound my fists his door like anything as a joke and rush to my room and then hear him shout my name angrily for making him stand up to attend the door", Theo said chuckled half heartedly.

Everyone smiled sadly.

Ah he and Wes were always very close.

"God I miss them Dad. I miss Uncle Seb and his witty personality. I miss Wes, Char, Jamie and Brody", Theo said emotionally.

I see him staring at me along with others and I tried to not get emotional myself.

"I miss them too. Trust me I do a lot. It's only now that this house feels a bit energetic. Earlier it was just lonely", I shrugged looking away.

Everyone went quiet immersed into their own thoughts.

"We can't become like this", Chase said suddenly.

We all turn to look at him.

"We can't become emotional now. After so long we're close to saving them. After years and years of just dreaming things are actually happening our way. We have to stay strong and focus on getting them back. That's it", He said firmly.

"I agree. No more crying and moping. We've got to stay positive. It may have taken ten years for us to reunite, but we won't let it take any longer for them to reunite with us", Emmett said strongly.

I nodded agreeing.

"That's right. We're fucking Kingstons. We punch first and never apologize", Troy smirked.


We all turn to look at him confusingly.

"The first part was okay. What was the last line?", Dean questioned.

"Yeah I'm sure that's not how it's told" Theo said.

"Yeah well I said what I said", Troy rolls his eyes.

We all laughed teasing him more.

"Okay so now the next important thing. I need everyone's attention on this", I said sternly.

They got all serious hearing my tone and face me giving me their undivided attention.

"Now that we've earned our mafia back we need to take some really important decisions", I informed.

"Like?", Dean asked inquisitively.

"The titles", Emmett answered for me.

Everyone glanced at him and then me in realisation.

"That's right. The titles are needed to be allotted as soon as possible. I need to arrange for a formal meeting to announce this", I explained.

"You're right. The faster you make these decisions the easier it'll be for the mafia to function smoothly", Theo said rightly.

The others nod in agreement.

"I've already thought of the heads I'll be assigning you guys to keeping in mind of all your skills and abilities", I said.

"Cool can't wait", Dean smirked.

The other nod enthusiastically.

"Well I'm sure about one title. The Don's", Chase grinned looking at Theo.

I smiled along with others as we all looked at him. It's his obviously.

"Yeah well it's no secret who's going to be appointed the Don. There's a reason Theo and Em were sent into hiding. I wanted you trained for your positions", I shrugged.

Em smirked patting Theo's back. Theo sighs with a small smile not looking really excited like the others.


Dean smirked while Troy and Chase cheered in happiness.

It was a big deal after all. The mafia was getting a new Don.

"Okay you all should go get a shower and some rest. It'll be dinner time before you know it", I said smiling.

"Oh yeah. I wanna shower", Dean gets up to walk towards his room.

"Yeah you do", Chase snorts.

Troy and Em stifle their laughs as Dean turns back to glare at Chase.

"What was that?", Dean snarls threateningly.

"You stink", Chase said unapologetically.

That did it

Dean ran towards Chase who had already sprinted towards the stairs. One yelling in anger and one laughing loudly.

When will these two stop fighting?

Troy and Em snickered as they walk towards their rooms.

I look at Theo and he seemed to be in a trance.

I pat his shoulder making him snap out of his thoughts and look at me.

"Come on let's have a cup of coffee. I wanna talk to you", I said standing up.

He nods and follows me to the kitchen without a word.

I make some coffee for both of us and then give him his cup while I carry mine and gesture him to follow me.

We both then walk outside to our big garden. I sat down on the bench there and pat the seat next to me. He smiled a bit and took a seat.

It's peaceful around here. It's calm and quiet. I come here when I wanna just relax.

"So wanna talk about it?", I asked him while taking a sip from my coffee.

"Talk about what? You said you wanna talk about something", Theo said confused.

"I did. I meant talk to about what's going on in your mind", I said with a smile.

He sighs and takes a sip of his own coffee.

"Mmm. You make really good coffee Dad", Theo smiled appreciatively.

"Thank you", I said softly.

"You've got to make more. Like everyday. I love it", Theo grinned taking another sip.

"Distract me all you want, but we're having this conversation", I said with an amused smile.

He groans looking at me. I chuckled.

"Why are you convinced I have something going on in my mind?", He asked curiously.

"I'm your father. I know when something's bothering you", I said confidently.

He smiled shaking his head.

"I saw your reaction inside when the titles part came up. You didn't seem too enthusiastic about it. I would even go to the extent of saying you weren't happy at all. I wanna know why. So spill", I said taking another sip.

He sighs heavily looking ahead at the trees and shrubs. He doesn't say anything for a while and I wait patiently.

"It's just me Theo. You can tell me anything, you know that", I said softly.

"I know Dad. It's just-- I just don't what you to think that I'm running away from my responsibilities", Theo said with a small frown.

"I'll keep an open mind. So spill already", I said with a smile to ease his nerves.

He chuckled and nodded. He paused for a second before he confessed.

"I don't think I wanna be the Don", He blurted out.

He immediately faced me after he said that and looked at me for my reaction.

I know he can read reactions and I'm pretty sure he was looking for a disappointed look on mine.

Oh this boy

"And why is that?", I asked calmly.

"That title's not mine", Theo said honestly.

Ah so this is it.

I smiled a bit. I didn't say anything and waited for him to continue.

"This is Wes's right not mine. He is supposed to be the next Don. After Uncle Seb, his first born becomes the new Don. It's tradition", Theo said formally.

"He isn't here", I said slowly.

"I know, but that doesn't mean I take what's rightfully his. It's not right. I know that I was trained for this position all these years. I always knew I'll one day have to take this position without a choice even though it's not mine to take and I always thought I'll deal with it when the time comes. Well now the time's come Dad. What should I do?", Theo sighs in frustration.

I smile softly. What he just said convinced me that I've managed to raise them well even from far away.

Talk about the love these brothers have.

"Why are you smiling?", Theo frowned.

"Well I'm happy that's why", I smiled.

"Happy? Why?", Theo questioned surprised.

"Your consideration for Wes makes me happy. You're thinking about him and the right thing so I'm proud", I said softly.

He sighs smiling a bit.

"That still doesn't answer my question. What should I do Dad? It's not like I can say no to the position even if I want to. It's not like I can just take up the position even though I know I shouldn't. This is frustrating", Theo complained.

I was amused, but decided to just calm him.

"Fine. Let's just view both the scenarios. This way your doubts will be cleared or atleast you'll get a better perspective over this", I said thoughtfully.

He nods immediately and turns to me.

"First is if you take up the position and became the Don. What's wrong with that? You'll fulfill the duties of a leader of this mafia. There will be people looking up to you. As far as Wes is concerned you think he'll be happy seeing you not taking up the title only because you're concerned about him? He'll punch you in the face for doing what's right when you should be doing what's needed", I said truthfully.

Theo stared at me. I continued.

"Now next, if you choose to not take up the Don's title. What happens then? The newly earned American mafia will be left without a leader and it will become weak. And don't tell me to take up the title. It's not mine anymore. It's the next generation's duty. Also Em won't take up the title if you refuse and you know it. He'll ask you to do it. So how does this end up? Definitely not well", I explained.

He stared at me as he listens to whatever I'm saying intently.

"Now you know what happens with the either of the choice you make right? One brings chaos and instability and another has no loss in store for you. So what do you think you should do?", I asked shrugging.

He looks ahead at those trees again looking deep in thought.

"I should do the right thing. But in this case the right thing is to take up the position for the greater good", He sighs.

"That's right", I nod agreeing.

He nods and takes another sip of his coffee.

"Look son I know Wes and you are very close. You would never even think about taking something which is his. But this is a situation with no choice. You got to do what you got to do", I said seriously.

"I know. I understand", He nods.

We stay in a comfortable silence and finsihed our drink.

"You know why I sent you into hiding when I could have easily had you with me and properly trained you myself? I could have sent Em to Troy. Why didn't I do that?", I asked him.

He turned to look at me and shakes his head.

"The day I made the hardest decision of my life. The day I sent you boys away I didn't know if Sebastian or Weston were ever coming back. I didn't know if they're going to be alive or be dead by the time my mission's over. So in that case you were the only one who I could count on to take this position Theo. I had to make sure you were ready for that day. I had to be prepared for any scenario. That's why I sent you way. To keep you safe, but also so well hidden that no one could reach you. The fate of our mafia would lie in our hands when the rightful Don is not here that time", I explained casually with a smile.

Theo stared at me with lips parted in surprise.

"Yeah. I decided all that on the very day we lost everything. I had to keep a lot in my mind", I nod looking ahead at the beautiful weather.

None of us spoke for a minute.

"Wes is a born leader and the rightful Don yes. But until he's back, which I know he will be soon be, you handle his position. You protect his position son", I said seriously.

I turn to look at Theo. He smiled wide nodding.

"I will. I will make sure this mafia's fully ready for him when he's back", Theo grinned.

I nod smiling. He looked better now. I was glad my reasoning helped him.

"Damn I feel light. This thing has been bothering me for so long. Now I feel good after you've made it so simple and easy. Thanks Dad", Theo grinned wide clinging his cup of coffee with mine.

I chuckled doing the same.

"Well it's my job. Also someone has to be the smarter one over here right? And who better than me?", I smirk playfully.

He laughs. "Now you sound like Em."

I shrugged grinning.

We sat there for a while talking. After some time I heard my sons yelling from inside demanding food.

We both laugh and head inside to have a family dinner.

Proper family dinner.

Leah's POV:

I woke up quite late after the much needed sleep. The sun seemed to have set when I woke up.

I yawned loudly as I scratch my itchy head my eyes still closed.

I stood up and decided to have the much necessary shower. I should have taken a bath as soon as I arrived home, but sleep was more important.

After that I was so much in a mood for some delicious food. I walked towards my door and opened it to go down to eat something.

Coincidentally at the same time Grace happened to cross my room most likely walking to her office in the end of the corridor.

She saw me and I saw her.

"AHHHHHHHH", She jumped while yelling.


I seemed to have forgotten once I woke up and had shower that my family doesn't actually know I'm home. So Grace's reaction was not exactly wrong...

I heard running footsteps and soon I saw Dad running towards us. He looked at Grace and then me and his eyes went wide and open was mouth.

Grace and I spared our vocal cords just after that.

"Jesus Christ! You scared the shit out of me Grace!", I gasped with a hand on my heart.

She stared at me with utter disbelief.

"I scared you? You scared me idiot! What the hell Leah?!", Grace scolds me looking a bit shaken up.

"What? I just...walked out of my room", I pouted defending myself.

"Exactly! My sister who was supposedly in New Jersey walks out of her room out of nowhere and scares the shit out of me. No biggie", Grace frowned with her hands on her hip.

She has a point. And that's very rare.

"Yeah well. I'm back!!", I said cheerfully with my hands in the air.

Grace didn't look impressed. She raised her eyebrows at me. Dad decided to snap out of his trance.

"Leah? When did you come home? Shouldn't you be gone for another day? You were going to arrive tomorrow", Dad looked confused.

"I was? Oh um.. yeah. The seminar got over early so I whooshed back home", I nervously chuckled.

Grace still looked unconvinced. Dad raised his eyebrows.

"Okay? Why didn't you call us?", Dad asked curiously.

"It was a surprise!", I said extra cheerfully.

"Yeah? Well mission accomplished", Grace smiled shaking her head holding her heart.

I laughed. Dad chuckled and hugged me tight.

"Oh I missed you. When you're not home it feels so empty", Dad pouts kissing my head.

"Gee thanks Dad", Grace smiled sarcastically.

I chuckled. Dad rolled his eyes. Grace smiled happily and hugged me tight.

"How did you get in?", Grace questioned curiously.

"Yeah we would have seen you come in. We were home all day", Dad stated crossing his arms.

"Um...", I said sheepishly.

They stared at me expecting an answer and muttering um, uh, ah.

"You climbed the window didn't you", Dad gasped loudly in realisation.


He narrowed down his eyes at me.


His eyes went wide in horror.

No!", I said quickly looking at his reaction.

"Leah Stevenson! What is wrong with you!", Dad scolds me.

Grace grinned making faces which showed how much she was enjoying this. I glared at her.

How dare she do the same thing I do to her!

"You could have got hurt! You might have fallen down! It's a two floor climb! Have you lost your mind?! Grace has she lost her mind? Oh my god! Why are you so crazy!", Dad rambled angrily.

"Deep breaths Dad", I joked imitating deep breathing exercises.

"Oh you little cheeky girl-- ", Dad narrowed down his eyes at me angrily.

"Okay okay stop guys. Dad please scold her later. She must be hungry now, right Leah?", Grace came to the rescue.

"Oh yeah. Very hungry and I wouldn't mind Dad's tasty cooking", I pout rubbing my stomach.

His weakness is baby eyes.

"This is not over young lady", Dad huffed glaring at me, but let it go.

He marched down the stairs no doubt to prepare some food for me.

I sighed in relief. Grace chuckled.

"Come on now", Grace puts her hand around my shoulder and pulls me down.

The dinner was ready soon and we three sat down to have the food.

"What happened to your hand?", Grace asked suddenly.

I looked at her and saw her staring at my right wrist in worry. Dad follows her gaze and spots my injury I tried to hide in my long sleeve so badly.

"I uh..sort of hurt myself during a baking lesson", I lied with a small smile.

I hate lying to them, but it's for their own good.

"Oh god. You okay? Does it hurt a lot? Did you get it checked with a doctor?", Dad fussed like always in concern.

Dad is always so concerned about us. I love him!

"Oh it's really nothing Dad. It's just a small thing. Even you get that sometimes while cooking right? It's normal", I shrugged trying to not let it become a big deal.

If you all get shot normally? ...yeah.

"Okay then", Dad nods in relief.

I smiled gratefully and finished my food.

"You know Leah, one of these days you've got to make something you learnt in this workshop of yours. I can't wait", Grace grinned excitedly.

"Oh yeah me too. I wanna have some tasty cake or cookies or anything you wanna make. I'll allow the more than normal intake of sugar that day", Dad said equally eager.

"Yeah sure. One day", I nod smiling nervously.

I need to learn how to bake!

We finished our food and I decided to watch tv for some time as there was no way I was going to get some sleep when I've already slept for hours some time back.

Dad and Grace went to sleep as they have an early start tomorrow.

I was watching tv, but my mind went back to the events that took place these past few days.

It's crazy to imagine that just a day ago I was in the middle of an action scene which included guns and killings.

For some reason killing our enemies didn't upset me as much as it should have. It's almost like I'm used to this even though I'm not. It was my first time.

I mean I've had many encounters which have ended up in a fight or more during our missions, but they've never been to this extent.

Talk about being so weirdly wired.

Lan and Owen occasionally joke about how if they didn't know better they would have thought gang kinda dangerous life is in my blood as I'm so natural at it.

But it's a joke obviously. My father hates blood and gore movies. He's more of a rom-com fan. Grace although enjoys all genres she's not weird about these things like I am.

I'm so different from both of them.

Grace clearly got our father's talents and skills. She's a copy of Dad whereas I'm nothing like him. Except maybe good looking. Hehe.

Anyway not all kids are the copy of their parents so I'm definitely one of those kids. Big deal.


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Soon you'll read about the rest of the Kingstons as well.

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