The Untamed 2: Deranged Minds

Von Harini-Dissanayake

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People were dying in mass numbers, and nobody could figure out why. Everyone is facing fear and confusion not... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (Part I)
Chapter 12 (Part II)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (Part I)
Chapter 15 (Part II)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 (Part I)
Chapter 34 (Part II)
Chapter 34 (Part III)
Chapter 35 (Part I)
Chapter 35 (Part II)
Chapter 37 (Part I)
Chapter 37 (Part II)
Chapter 38 (Part I)
Chapter 38 (Part II)
Chapter 39 (Part I)
Chapter 39 (Part II)
Chapter 39 (Part III)
Chapter 40 (part I)
Chapter 40 (Part II)
Chapter 41 (Part I)
Chapter 41 (Part II)
Chapter 42 (Part I)
Chapter 42 (Part II)
Chapter 42 (Part III)
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49 (Part I)
Chapter 49 (Part II)
Chapter 49 (Part III)
Chapter 49 (Part IV)
Chapter 50 (Part I)
Chapter 50 (Part II)
Chapter 51 (Part I)
Chapter 51 (Part II)
Chapter 52 (Part I)

Chapter 36

171 7 0
Von Harini-Dissanayake

Amid Si Zhui's protests about disturbing others while they were asleep, Jing Yi not wanting to leave his friend's side for too long went to the next door and banged until someone answered and asked them to bring Hanguang Jun to Si Zhui immediately.

"Si Zhui, Hanguang Jun will be here in a few minutes. Shall I bring you warm water? Some tea? Something to eat? Si Zhui, aren't there a few medicine bottles left from what I bought from that town? Maybe you should have some."

"Jing Yi, I'm not sick."

"Yes, you are."

Si Zhui heaved a sigh. "Anyway, why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be asleep?"

"I was just helping our doctor and lady Li woke up screaming. So, I went to get Hanguang Jun and you as well since I thought you would want to be there. Who knew you were terribly sick as well?"

"I'm not terribly sick."

"You look pale as a ghost and your voice is as weak as a mule's."

"A mouse Jing Yi."


"Nothing. Hanguang Jun must be busy then. Here. Help me up."

"Where do you want to go?" Jing Yi asked, helping Si Zhui out of the bed. For some reason he felt like his friend's whole body was trembling.

"I will go to the infirmary. I don't want to disturb Hanguang Jun."

"Si Zhui, you are not fit to go anywhere. I already sent disciples to bring Hanguang Jun here. Si Zhui wait..."

Despite Jing Yi's protests, Si Zhui was already out of the door. But then, he hesitated. There was something about the darkness that was so unnerving. He knew Jing Yi was there and would accompany him all the way to the infirmary. But it was so dark. His while body shivered. It wasn't like he wasn't used to be out in the dark. He had sometimes walked inside forests all alone in the dark during night-hunting. But remembering that darkness... But he decided he would rather be with Hanguang Jun and senior Wei. So, the small journey to the infirmary through darkness was a necessary evil that's gonna end before he even notices. He went back for his sword. For some reason, having his sword by his side felt more secure. Then he was out there hanging onto Jing Yi taking one step at a time.

'We are already there, Si Zhui. Come on... one more step,' He kept telling himself. 'Now another. It's okay. Your body is just trembling. That doesn't mean anything. Hanguang Jun will heal you in a minute. Another step Si Zhui... Come on.'

"Lan Si Zhui...?"

The doubtful voice of senior Wei snapped Si Zhui out of his own encouraging thoughts. He saw Hanguang Jun and the disciple Jing Yi sent to get them with him as well.

"Hanguang Jun, senior Wei, Si Zhui was just like lady Li. He was all sweaty and then screamed himself awake. I told him to wait for you at his house, but he insisted on coming. No matter how many times I told him we should just go back and wait for you, he completely ignored me and kept going."

Jing Yi had been speaking to him? Si Zhui couldn't even remember hearing his voice. But, then again, he was so focused on making his legs move forward, his brain might have filtered everything else out.

"It is much closer to the infirmary from here." Wang Ji said. "Let's go there since you are already here. Lan Si Zhui, can you walk?"

"Yes, senior Wei."

"Si Zhui that's Hanguang Jun. Not senior Wei."

"It is okay. Do not talk and tire yourself anymore." Wang Ji said worriedly.

"Si Zhui, I'll give you a piggy back ride." Wu Xian said cheerfully to bring up the dampened mood crouching in front of Si Zhui."

"Wei Ying, I will carry him."

"Lan Zhan, it wouldn't be nice for the bright and elegant Hanguang Jun to carry anyone, especially inside Cloud Recesses. I will do it. Come Si Zhui."

Si Zhui meant to protest. The last thing he wanted was to be a hassle to anyone. But being so unenergetic, he didn't feel like nor couldn't fight back senior Wei's and Jing Yi's attempts to get him on Senior Wei's back. Instead, he just welcomed the warmth of senior Wei's back and hugged him even tighter, being comforted by the slow rhythm of his walk.

The four girls looked at them with wide eyes as they brought in Si Zhui. They placed him in the next bed and the doctor examined him saying he could not find anything physically wrong other than his body being very deficient of energy, just like the girl's.

"Hanguang Jun, is this the same thing that had been killing people? If so, that means we are definitely not safe either."

The girl didn't look scared at all though. What did Jin Ling call her? Was it Qi Xue? All of their eyes were turned to Lan Zhan except for that girl who called him a murderer. She was staring straight at him seemingly without even realising she was doing so. Wu Xian swore he would learn her name. But the way she was looking at him made him hesitant to even speak to her. What if she still thinks that he is the murderer? That wouldn't matter, but... Suddenly being aware that Wu Xian had caught her glaring at him, the girl averted her glance to the nearby wall.

"Lady Li, are you good enough to talk now?" Xi Chen asked as kindly as possible, making sure that she wouldn't feel pressured.

"I think she's too scared to say anything." Hong Guang said suddenly feeling sorry for her friend.

"I'm not." Li Mei Mei said a bit too harshly giving a sharper look to the Hong Guang.

'Someone who doesn't want to be associated with any weakness then?' Wu Xian thought with a slight smile remembering how he wanted to be seen as so strong all the time back then as well.

"I just... I can't exactly remember anything. I think I was fighting something. I just can't remember what exactly. I heard people talking as well even though now I can't remember what they were saying or whether they were saying anything specific in the first place. And then... and then I saw... I... I don't know..." She very visibly shuddered.

"Lady Li, did you... did you see the... the lights...?" Si Zhui stuttered barely able to speak through his trembling body as well. The fighting...? the voices...? He had seen those too.

"Light...? The two disks?"


"What two disks?" Xi Chen asked feeling chills running through his own spine.

"Zewu Jun... now that I think about it... they... they look more like eyes," Si Zhui said.

"Eyes?" Mei Mei asked. "But weren't their shape changing?"

Wu Xian was just wishing they would stop. This was giving him chills. They dreamt the same thing? How could that be possible? Of course, it couldn't be a dream then. But they continued with their little debate.

"You are right lady Li," Si Zhui said shuddering again seeing a mental image of what he saw. "It never really had a solid shape.

"No, actually, I think... I think you are right. Now that I think about it," Mei Mei covered her face hoping the image would go away, "I think it somewhat looked like a face." She finished in a barely audible whisper.

"What kind of face are you talking about?" Wu Xian asked not being able to contain himself anymore. He felt sorry for making them speak about it more. They both looked sickly pale. But he needed to know. It's better to get the information when the memory was still fresh in their mind.

"Senior Wei, it... it looked so scary. I know you told us to get used to looking at scary things. But, it was dark and there were two lights floating. They looked like very large disks. But... but the darkness... when lady Li said it... I think it's true... It looked like a face made out of a dark cloud. Only, it was too dark to be a cloud."

"Ah, Si Zhui Xiong, but what would be so scary about a face made out of a dark cloud? I think it would look rather hilarious." Jing Yi asked in his usual mocking voice.

"Young master Lan, it's not hilarious at all." Mei Mei replied scowling. "If you saw it you might even end up peeing your pants."

Jing Yi was about to protest, but Qi Xue cut him off. "Yes, Mei Mei is not someone who's easily scared. And I don't think Lan Si Zhui is either. This is something really disturbing and I think we should take this seriously."

"Hmm, this young lady is right." Wu Xian said subconsciously tapping his nose again. "What if this thing they saw is connected to whatever is happening. Like they accidentally saw the face of a demon or something. Lan Zhan, wouldn't we be able to use this description to find our enemy."

"We definitely should try."

"I will get the students to go through books and you two can perform inquiry." Xi Chen said. "But this is not the time to do that. We should really go ahead and rest for the day. Lan Si Zhui, we did bring you to the females' side of the infirmary in this hurry. So, you might have to go to the other side. Wang Ji, please take him there. And as for you girls..."

"We are going to stay with Mei Mei." Hong Guang said. "I hate being alone when I'm sick. So, we are not going to leave her alone either."

"Fine, but I wish all of you would get some rest. Not getting enough sleep is not good for your health."

"Zewu Jun," Si Zhui spoke up looking very much like not being sure whether he should say what he was about to say. "If possible, I would like to go back to my place. I... I think I will be more confortable there since it's more familiar to me."

Xi Chen could see that both of them were still looking very unnerved. Of course, he would allow anything that would get their mind back at ease. And didn't the doctors say that there was nothing they could do to help them medically? "Of course, Si Zhui, if you would prefer that, you can go. But Jing Yi, you should go back home as well. It's way past your bed time. Your parents might even be worried because you are so late."

"But if I leave, who's there to look after Si Zhui?"

"Wang Ji and Master Wei is here. They can look after Si Zhui."

"But I'm his friend. If those three ladies get to stay with their friend, then I should get to do as well."

"Jing Yi, there are others who can look after Si Zhui very well. And you are a Lan disciple. So, you better follow your sect's rules and go to sleep." Xi Chen said somewhat strictly this time."

"Jing Yi," Wu Xian said pouting, "are you saying that Lan Zhan and I are not good enough to look after Si Zhui?"

Jing Yi opened his mouth, but what could he say? He would never say or think that Hanguang Jun was anything less than the best guardian and care giver anyone could ever have. But he just wanted to be with his friend so badly.

"Look Jing Yi, if you keep drooping next to Si Zhui exhausted and half asleep, it's not going to help Si Zhui now, is it?" Wu Xian continued knowing very well how much Jing Yi would hate to leave his friend. "So, why don't you take a few hours of sleep to gain back your energy so you can take care of your friend very well again?"

Jing Yi seeing no point in arguing with that left for his house with a drooping face. If he went home before his parents woke up, at least there would be a chance of them not noticing. So, hopefully he won't get scolded or punished.

Wu Xian offered to piggy back Si Zhui but he strictly refused this time saying he is feeling better now and was capable of walking. The three of them walked back to Si Zhui's place Wu Xian and Wang Ji on either side of him holding his hands slightly making sure they'll be able to catch him if he stumbled and fell.

Finally, they got him to his house and Wu Xian watched in surprise as Wang Ji so gently tucked him in. Years of practice in his movements. Of course, Wang Ji must have done this when Si Zhui was a kid. But he was more concerned abut Si Zhui. He was obviously looking at both of them in turns like he wanted to say something, but didn't dare.

"Si Zhui, have some sleep. I will check on you in the morning." Wang Ji began to retreat and Si Zhui suddenly sat back up.

"Ah... Hanguang Jun... I..."

"A-Yuan, if you don't want to be alone..." Wu Xian began not wanting Si Zhui to feel afraid and lonely.

"I will stay." Wang Ji said finishing his sentence.

"Ah, Lan Zhan, it's fine, I will stay."

"No, Wei Ying, you were saying that you are tired since earlier. I will stay."

"But Lan Zhan, it's way past your bed time. I am used to staying awake at this time. When my usual bed time arrives, you will be awake. Then you will be able to look after A-Yuan as I go to bed. So, Lan Zhan, don't worry. We will be completely fine until you get up in the morning. I promise I would not take my eyes off A-Yuan for even a second. So, be assured and go and rest."

Wang Ji looked back at Si Zhui once. Then looking back at Wei Ying nodded, "Hmm," and left gently closing the doors behind.

Zewu Jun stayed a bit longer to put on some protections and transfer some spiritual energy to Mei Mei. Hong Guang found it very hard to look away from the angelic looking man. She saw that she wasn't alone. Both Chun Hua and Qi Xue also failed hiding their appreciating glances towards him. Mei Mei was the only one that seemed not interested. She looked so drained and out of it. But eventually Zewu Jun left and the female doctor who was remaining behind also left saying they could find her in a very nearby house if they needed to and assured them saying not to refrain from doing so in need. Then it was just the four of them.

"It feels gloomier and scarier with just us here. I wish one of those masters would return. They seem like they can fight any monster with no problem." Chun Hua said hoping no monster would appear.

"What? I like that we are alone." Hong Guang said. "I mean having them here is reassuring. But it being only us feel more... cosy."

"I also like when it's only us." Qi Xue said. "But, it would be nice if we have someone that knows how to deal with this for Mei Mei's sake. Both Senior Wei and Hanguang Jun went to look after Lan Si Zhui. I'm glad of that. But I wish someone stayed to look after Mei Mei too."

"Those big cultivators won't waste their time on us anyway." Mei Mei said. "I wouldn't even have minded being alone..." but she visibly shivered.

"Mei Mei don't say that." Qi Xue said sitting next to her and wrapping an arm around her friend. "You have all of us."

"Yes, we will stay with you. Who needs others anyway?" Hong Guang also sat down on the bed and Chun Hua followed.

"Thank you. But I'm afraid I would end up being a nuisance. It's not that I'm scared. Don't take this wrong. But I don't think I want to fall asleep again. I really rather not see that gruesome face."

"You think you would see that dream again if you go back to sleep?" Qi Xue asked. "Now that is kind of disturbing."

"But there is a chance it would not happen." Chun Hua said thoughtfully. "I mean, it happened after you fainted at the village. It's not like you fell asleep normally and all that happened."

"But Chun Hua, what about the Lan boy. Oh, wow I can't remember his name again." Hong Guang said crinkling up her nose disappointed at herself.

"Lan Si Zhui?" Qi Xue asked. "Well it is pretty bizarre that he also saw the same exact thing Mei Mei saw. I mean, there is a chance that he went night hunting on his own as well, but I think that's unlikely. But the thing is, he was sick like this a few days ago. Hanguang Jun had to transfer spiritual energy to him for him to make a full recovery. Maybe the ones that had been sick before are more gullible to be sick again."

"Thanks for the reassurance." Mei Mei said kind of jokingly. "That means I actually can get sick by just falling asleep now. Seems it's healthier for me to stay awake." Even though she joked about it, she couldn't get rid of the unsettling feelings. Yes, it was like black smoke with two white dishes roaming around the upper end of it. And she being a cultivator and all had seen way more gruesome things in life. But that mental image itself was making her feel sick all the way to the pit of her stomach.

"I do feel sorry for Lan Si Zhui, I really do." Qi Xue said. "But I'm glad a boy got hurt as well. If not, everyone would be pointing fingers at us and would be saying girls should know their place. See what happens when they act up. They don't even know how to do anything and go around getting sick."

Hong Guang crinkled her face knowing very well what Qi Xue was talking about. "Yes, they want us to stay inside houses like bread loafs sitting in their shelves and make babies."

"I wonder whether Lan Si Zhui would have a hard time falling asleep as well." Chun Hua said more in the means of stopping the complaining than anything.

"Yes, true. Poor thing. He really is a kind soul." Qi Xue said sighing. "Mei Mei, you too. I wish there's anything we could do to make this go away."

"Hey, forget about sleep. We can have so much fun keeping awake." Hong Guang said so thrilled that for once there's no one there to scold her for keeping awake at night. "It's way better to be up when the sun is down. Let's talk nonsense about nonsense and do something fun."

"Yes, I have always wanted to do crazy things with girls. You won't even remember about that face in the morning." Qi Xue said. "I just hope that we have something nice to eat. That soup they offered us is already out of my system. Seriously is that all they offer their disciples as dinner?"

"Well, there was a lot of fruit too. You neglected them saying you didn't feel like fruit." Chun Hua said mocking Qi Xue. She was surprised at how at ease she felt with these ladies. Hong Guang is one thing. But these two are cultivators as well.

"Yes, I didn't feel like fruits and I still don't. Who has vegetable soup and fruits for dinner? No wonder they are so skinny."

"To be honest, I can do with some food as well. Will we be able to find anything at this hour?" Mei Mei asked not feeling much hopeful.

"Oh right, you didn't have anything after lunch. You must be starving." Hong Guang said feeling sorry for her friend.

"I can try and cook something if we can get into a kitchen." Chun Hua offered. "Hong Guang, would you help me out?"

"Ah, why are you dragging me into this? You know I hate cooking. Actually, I'm surprised you offered to cook. Aren't you tired?"

"Yes, Chun Hua," Qi Xue added, "all of us are tired. So, you don't have to cook anything. Cooking is really exhausting. Let's just find some food. I won't complain. I'll eat fruits. I'm not that hungry anyway. If we can find something for Mei Mei, I guess that would be more than enough."

"No, it's not that hard to cook. Cooking is actually relaxing. Plus, none of us really ate that much at dinner. I don't know about you guys, but I am starving. My only problem is finding a kitchen that we would be allowed in. And Hong Guang, I don't need that much help in cooking. But finding a kitchen and possibly breaking into it. I think you are better at those things."

"You are such a mom friend." Qi Xue said really feeling protected well looked after by Chun Hua.

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are." Hong Guang said. "But that doesn't matter. Did you just said 'break in'?" she asked amazed. "Wow what happened to you? You are now talking about breaking into places especially inside the Lan sect!?"

"Well, I learned the cultivators are good. Especially the Lan sect. So, I don't think they would blame us if we make food for just four people using their resources just once. Anyway, I think they would hate it more if we disturbed their slumber."

"I didn't ask for excuses. I was just surprised that you out of all people wanted to break into a kitchen."

"Well, it's not exactly a break in. I mean, if they haven't locked the kitchen, I don't think we would even have to break in. We can just walk in and borrow some things for half an hour or so." Chun Hua said not wanting to be put into the category of a criminal.

"No, no, no." Qi Xue said hurriedly. "Let's keep it at breaking in. That feels way more fun. I wish we all could go. Sounds like you two are going to have a little adventure."

"Qi Xue, if you want to, let's go." Mei Mei said sitting up straighter. "I only said I don't want to go to sleep. A little night stroll won't kill me. And didn't you guys say that we'll do crazy things to the point I forget what I saw? So, why are you trying to leave me behind?" She swung her legs off the bed and using Qi Xue's shoulder and the head rest as support, stood up. But immediately regretted it and was thankful for Qi Xue's fast reflexes as she caught her not letting her fall. Qi Xue slowly made her sit back down. Mei Mei could not help clenching her fists in annoyance. Why the hell are her legs so weak? It kept on trembling even after she sat down. Her vision dimed a little and she felt a wave of dizziness.

"Mei Mei, I think you better rest." Qi Xue said as kindly as she could. "I'll stay with you. Don't worry. Let's talk about boys till Chun Hua and Hong Guang come back with something yummy."

"Qi Xue, if you want to go, I'll stay with Mei Mei." Hong Guang offered not wanting to let the opportunity go, but wanting to help the friend that had always been nice to them in any way possible. "You might even be able to magically open a door or something."

"No, Hong Guang, you guys go. Our stubborn Mei Mei seems more weaker than she let on. I think it's better if I stay with her. And, no, I can't unlock doors with magic."

So, Chun Hua and Hong Guang left behind the safety of the infirmary. At least that's how Chun Hua felt. Hong Guang on the other hand was way too excited to even remember that there was potential danger. They tried to be as silent as possible and stayed well away from places that looked like houses or dorms not wanting to disturb anyone asleep. It made it feel more adventurous except for the fact that, that was all they could find. Houses, dorms and halls. Where were the kitchens? Don't they have any main ones? Do all of them cook individually at their houses?

Hong Guang was about to say that they better turn back before they got lost and have to wonder around all night when something big came down from the sky. Chun Hua gave a small scream but Hong Guang could tell it was a person. Her initially thoughts were Wei Wu Xian. She still didn't even get a chance to properly introduce herself to him. And also to apologise for calling him a murderer. Then she was reminded of that kind Master, the ghost general. She hopefully looked at the person because she hadn't seen the ghost general again and was looking forward to meet him again. But she saw to her dismay that the person was wearing white clothes.

"Where are you ladies headed to, at this hour?"

Wow. Another damn handsome face. Why are these annoying Lan disciples so good looking? You can't even properly be annoyed at them when they have faces like that. And why can't the disciples of their sect nor the people from their village be good looking like that. So annoying.

"Ah, master, I really hope that we are not doing anything inappropriate." Chun Hua said almost stuttering because Hong Guang clearly didn't look like she was interested in answering. This little brat only shuts up when Chun Hua really wanted her to speak. "Our friend is in the infirmary. And because she was sick and all, we couldn't have a proper dinner. So, we were just seeking for a place where we could find some food."

"There's really no one that could prepare you food right now. Our sect has a rule that all the disciple's must follow a proper sleeping schedule. We usually do not even post guards during night time and set up barriers. Only after this problem arose that Hanguang Jun suggested we post guards during night as well."

"Well, we don't want anyone to prepare food. If there is a place to cook, we can do it ourselves. If not, we would be grateful with any food Master can offer."

"We usually do not open our kitchens at night. But we shouldn't let our guests remain hungry. So, let me show the way."

It didn't feel as adventurous with the disciple leading them. Hong Guang was slightly disappointed. But when they went to the kitchen, Chun Hua was so enthusiastic to see all the food she could use to prepare various dishes. The disciple bid them good night saying he would report this to the grand master in the morning according to rules. Chun Hua told him if he waited, she would like to share some food with him, but he declined saying now that his guarding shift had ended, he better go to sleep without delay.

Chun Hua was listing all the dishes she could prepare. "It's a pity that I cannot find any meat anywhere. Qi Xue and Mei Mei would have loved some."

"Excuse me? I would have loved some too."

"You can go without meat for a meal. It's not like you did anything to make you really hungry anyway." Chun Hua meant it as a joke. She didn't expect Hong Guang to look so aghast and dismayed. "Okay, there is jackfruit. I can make a dish using it that would taste a lot like meat. So, cheer up."

"You must be tired. Sit down and tell me what to do. I can cook very well when I put my mind into it. It's just that I don't usually do that, I am not familiar with recipes. What vegetables should I wash?"

"Hong Guang, it's fine. I'll cook. You can help me a little. You don't like doing it anyway. And if I couldn't cook, I wouldn't have taken the assignment."

"No, I'll do it. You can leisurely guide me. It is my fault that this happened to Mei Mei. I shouldn't have suggested the séance in the first place." 


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