Family ties

By _crazy_hooman_

508K 24.9K 10K

•[COMPLETED]• Leah Stevenson is her name. She lives a happy life unbeknownst of the things that had happened... More

(1) Flashback
(2) Kingstons & Stevensons
(3) Story
(4) Plan
(5) Attack
(6) Troy
(7) Dean & Chase
(8) Back to LA
(10) Home
(11) Old Mafia, New Don
(12) Hostages
(13) Almost caught
(14) News spread
(15) First Day
(16) Plan initiated
(17) A new face
(18) Plan sucessful
(19) Caught
(20) Finally!
(21) Reunited
(22) Reunited- part (2)
(23) Meeting her
(24) Revelations
(25) Revelations- part (2)
(26) Shocker
(27) Family huh?
(28) Meeting them again
(29) Official Mafia meet
(30) Dinner
(31) Date?
(32) School
(33) A Problem
(34) Threat
(35) Unexpected guest
(36) Mason's story
(37) Sunday
(38) Bye, mother
(39) Preparations
(40) Annual Mafia Gala
(41) Attack
(42) Truth
(43) Aftermath
(44) Talk
(45) Bad news
(46) Out in the open
(47) Living together
(48) Another attack
(49) Vacation?
(50) London
(51) Barely escaped
(52) Goodbye
(53) Matter at hand
(54) Apologise
(55) Intruder
(56) H for Hostage
(57) New plan
(58) Apology
(59) Decisions
(60) Goodbyes
(61) Theo
(62) More problems
(63) Making things right
(64) Sneaking
(65) Anniversary dinner
(66) Anniversary dinner- 2
Thank you!

(9) Reunited

9.5K 430 152
By _crazy_hooman_

Leah's POV:

We had landed in LA and were on our way to the base.

We had a hunch that boss would be there and we were proved to be right when Owen had called up there to inform our arrival and Levi had said he was in his office.

While Owen, Lan and I were relieved to be here and could crash at the very floor to sleep Troy, Dean and Chase were more awake than ever.

I mean I know why but seriously? a
Aren't their bodies yelling at them for rest? Or is it just mine?

Harry was just happy though. We could see even he is tired, but he was awake and glad to be back.

"Man I love home. This is so nostalgic. God only knows how many times I've driven down this street to the base. Ah those were the days", Harry was reminiscing as we rode.

I smiled hearing that though it still surprises me how these guys are reacting to this place. But I'm kinda sorta getting used to it slowly.

"I can imagine Harry. I have a vivid memory of these places too", Dean said with a small smile as he looked outside the window.

"It's a bit of a blur for me. But nevertheless enjoying it", Chase shrugged smiling.

"I got nothing", Troy said with a tight smile.

We all laugh at that.

"Yeah seriously it's a good thing I remember how my house looked like. But that's all you should expect from me", Troy chuckled shaking his head.

Everyone laughs again.

It would have been a sad thing to hear, but I guess everyone's eventually getting over the gap of ten years or maybe everyone's just too happy at this moment to see it the other way.

The rest of the drive was as quiet as it could be as everybody was in their own world.

"We're almost there. You can see the base's building from here", Landon announced.

"Oh yes there see!", Chase said cheerfully.

Dean poked his head out of the window entirely. Troy and Chase did the same from their respective windows. Harry just looked through the windshield.

Now that we were close to the base I realised something.

"We're not telling boss of this", I whisper warned to Lan and Owen showing my injured hand.

"Sure. It's not like it's a visible injury anyway", Landon nods sarcastically.

I narrowed down my eyes at him.

"Yeah he's right. Also it's not like boss is like a hawk capable enough to observe everything. He's just a rookie Don", Owen shrugged sarcastically

I rolled my eyes while those two snickered and high-fived with me sitting in between them.

"I meant no one mentions about this on purpose. Boss will be too busy seeing his kids to be able to spot this. Atleast not today!", I whisper shouted.

They chuckled while nodding. They better not.

"We are here", Harry announced in happiness getting our attention.

I look ahead and saw we had reached the gates. Landon put his hand out of the window and gestured the on duty guard to open the gates. The guard saw him and immediately complied.

The gates opened and we drove inside. I could already see boss and two more guys standing at the front of the building.

"Guys look", Chase almost whispered emotionally.

Troy and Dean follow his gaze and saw it was fixed on boss. I looked at their expressions and god it felt good to see them so happy. I couldn't stop the smile that formed on my face.

"Welcome home guys", I said softly.

Those three brothers turned to look at me with a smile.

"This is the end of ten fucking long years boys. Go crush your father into a bear hug. God knows he needs it", Landon said smile with light tears in his eyes.

Troy chuckled tears already forming in his eyes. Dean looked so relaxed with that smile on his face. Chase was taking deep breaths grinning.

They gave a nod to Landon.

Owen and Harry gave a happy smile to those three. For some reason everybody in here was so happy for those three boys. I mean it's obvious for Harry to be happy. Owen is a good guy that's why he's smiling. Lan gets emotional very easily so yeah.

But me?.. I was surprised at myself. I felt emotional for these boys that I barely knew. I've never felt like this for strangers. God knows what's up with me.

The car stopped a few metres away from boss. Owen, Lan and I got out and smiled at Rowan. He looked at us and gave us a grateful nod and smile. I was actually caught off-guard seeing boss looking so overwhelmed.

He so deserves this happiness.

I saw Harry, Dean, Troy and Chase get out of the car too. Harry joined Owen, but kept looking at Rowan and those two unknown guys with a huge smile on his face.

Those three brothers seemed to be frozen or in a trance.

For a second we all just stood there looking at them.

"What no hug nothing? Didn't miss me at all or what?", Rowan asked jokingly.

We all smiled while those three chuckled.

"Dad!", Troy yelled happily as he runs forward to hug him.

He literally crashed into his father who didn't seem to mind at all might I add and hugged the shit out of him.

"What you two brats need invitation now?", One unknown guy who looked younger than the other rolled his eyes.

"Em!", Chase laughs as he rushed to hug him.

Ahh so he's Emmett.

"Theo!", Dean squeals like a girl on purpose as he jogged towards the eldest brother.

The guy who I now know is Theodore laughs loudly at the dramatic idiot and hugged Dean without another second of delay.

I smiled at them and turned to see Lan smiling as he wipes a tear out of his eye.

Owen hugged his father smiling clearly able to relate to what those guys must be feeling.

They didn't break the hug for a long time. It didn't seem like they wanted to anyway.

Dean hugged Emmett next with a grin on his face. Chase went and jumped on Theodore excitedly.

The elder one laughed at that but nevertheless hugged him and kissed the top of Chase's head. Em playfully punched Dean's arm and hugged him tight.

Troy never let go of his father though. I had a feeling he was finding it impossible to leave him. Rowan didn't seem to want to let go either. He rubbed Troy's back comfortingly and spoke to him in a calm soothing voice.

The next second I heard a sob coming from Troy. He had his face hidden in his father's chest so I couldn't see his face, but I don't think I wanted to.

"I missed you so much Dad! I-I thought I'll never get to see you. It's been so hard. I felt so alone", Troy cried his heart out.


That broke me. That was the point I could not stop myself from shedding a couple tears. It was so heartbreaking to see that boy clinging to his father and just being so vulnerable.

Dammit! These tears!

I wasn't the only one crying though. I saw boss shed tears as he whispered some things in Troy's ear. Theodore, Emmett, Dean and Chase could be seen to have gotten very emotional. Chase was the first one to run and hug Troy crying a bit himself. He was then followed by the rest.

To see that family hug each other like that I felt a certain emotion in my heart I've never experienced before. God bless them.

That was the ten year gap they all experienced away from each other.

I quickly wiped my tears as I turn to see Landon doing the same. He started walking towards the building as he frantically wiped his tears from his face.

After giving one last look at the others I followed Lan. I saw him going off to a right and then inside a random unoccupied room.

I confusingly followed him. Once I got in I noticed him standing against one of the walls crying silently with his hands on his face.

"Lan", I said softly in a low voice.

He looked at me and immediately turned the other side and started wiping his tears and sniffing.

"Hey", I said slowly putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey Leah I-I uh just came here for um-- ", He started making excuses nervously, but I stopped him.

"Stop. Don't Lan. I can see you're crying and I know you're not okay", I said sternly.

He turned to look at me and sighed heavily.

"It's nothing trust me", Lan shakes his head giving me a fake smile.

I raised my eyebrows and crossed my arms.

"Yeah and I'm an idiot", I said sarcastically.

Landon sighs in defeat and goes back to leaning on the wall. I went and leaned along with him on the wall next to him. He slid down and I did the same.

I waited for him to say it. I didn't wanna force him. I knew he will.

"It's just..I saw them out there and I just got this painful realisation of what I don't have", He said slowly trying not to shed any more tears.

I looked at him and my heart hurt. I understood what happened to him.

"What a family is like. They clearly love each other so much Leah and I just realised how I never had anyone I could share that love with. It just reminded me what it's like to be an orphan", He whispered at the end.

I momentarily closed my eyes feeling my heart break for him.

Fuck why does this happen to good people!!

"It's not like I'm not happy for them. Trust me I really am. But I just- I just feel like why not me, you know. I could have felt all that if I hadn't been left on the streets. I'll never feel that kind of family love and care", Landon shrugged smiling as tears fell down his cheek.

I looked at him sadly. I know how much he wishes he had a family.

"Gosh I'm just overreacting, aren't I? Ahh emotional fool like always", Landon chuckled feeling embarrassed wiping his tears.

"What? No. Don't say that Lan. Expressing or showing your emotions doesn't make you a fool okay? Never say or think that", I said firmly shaking my head.

He looked at me with a fond smile and nodded.

We sat there in silence. I held his hand in mine.

"So this is what it is to have a family huh? What we saw outside? I saw you get emotional too", He smiled softly.

"Ahh that was just momentary weakness you saw there. I wasn't actually crying", I said rolling my eyes.

"Sure", Lan shakes his head at me with a smile.

"I'm serious. See it's like yawning. Like you don't really wanna yawn, but when you see someone yawn, you yawn. Right? The same happened. I saw Troy cry and that made me shed just like a tear or something. So I was not crying. Not possible. If anything it's kinda Troy's fault. He caused many people to yawn..I mean cry", I shrugged rushing through the explanation.

Lan stared at me for a second and then started laughing. He shakes his head.

I smiled seeing him feel better. I managed to make him laugh.

"Anyway I like to believe the Kingston family is not a normal family", I said crossing my arms.

"Yeah? Why so?", He asked amused.

"Have you noticed the male population in the fam? We haven't even met half the guys", I said dramatically.

Lan chuckled nodding.

"Also what you said about missing that family love. Let me tell you that you aren't missing anything. It's all bullshit and a blatant lie. Have you seen my family? I mean Dad? Awesome! Sister? Not so much. I'm pretty sure she's adopted", I joked.

Lan laughed pushing me playfully.

"No I'm serious. If you wanna feel that family thing borrow my sister for a month. I don't mind. What's mine is yours... except my food", I shrugged.

"Okay okay. I feel much better now. Stop trying to make me laugh", Lan snickered.

I smiled happily. See I am a talented girl. People just don't see that.

"Okay now let's go before Owen sends a search party for us and I'm pretty sure boss should now hear about the attacks", He sighs with a smile.

I nod standing up pulling him with me.

"Before we leave know once thing Lan. Families are not always formed out of blood. Sometimes it's also because of love. You have a huge family made out of love. So never you feel like you don't have one", I said softly.

"I can joke all I want, but I don't think I will ever understand what you feel and I don't want to pretend like I do. But I know you deserve happiness so whenever you feel low or sad just know you have me or Owen to come to. We are your family", I smile softly.

Landon smiled wide and hugged me tight. I grinned patting his back.

"God this is so sappy", I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Way to ruin it idiot", He smacks me on the head.

I chuckled.

We start walking out towards the front of the building where everyone else was.

"Can you remind me to watch a horror movie tonight? I wanna check something", I said seriously.

"What?", He asked curiously.

"I wanna check if I still laugh at the horror scenes and not cry in fear", I said seriously.

"What the hell are you talking about? You always find horror movies funny. What's there to check?", Landon raised his eyebrows.

"Dude do you know the amount of tears I shed today? I never cry. Leah Stevenson didn't cry when she was born okay? This is too much. I'm afraid I'm becoming an emotion wreck", I frowned.

Landon laughs loudly and continued fast walking holding his stomach.

"Wha-? Lan I'm serious! This is not funny! I shed tears now! Something's wrong with me!", I shout seriously.

Landon just laughs louder as he jogs away. I run behind him.

Once I reach where everyone else was standing I saw Harry and Rowan hug each other sharing a laugh about something.

Troy wasn't crying anymore infact he looked the happiest. He was on Theodore's back. The others were excitedly hand gesturing while talking.

We two came and stood in our places like earlier.

"Oh there you are! I thought you both went somewhere as usual and were fighting about something", Owen jokes amused.

I rolled my eyes flipping him off. He flicked my head in return making me growl at him. Lan flicks his arm. Owen stomps his leg in return making Lan wince.

All this commotion got boss's attention. He walks to us with a smile on his face.

"Oh you guys I can't find words to thank you for this", Rowan said genuinely grateful.

Every was looking at us three now.

"Aww. You can give us a raise in the next pay check", I suggest smiling cheekily.

Boss smiled shaking his head. Everyone else snickered.

"I will. Trust me. But seriously thanks a lot guys", Rowan smiled softly.

Sir it's our job", Owen smiled.

Harry looked proud. Theodore and Emmett had a smile on their face.

"We're so happy for you. You've waited so long for this day. We would do anything to help you live this day", Lan shrugged smiling.


Everyone smiled in awe.

"Also you're smiling damn boss", I said teasingly.

Boss rolled his eyes with a smile on his face.

"I know right! You showed so many emotions today! Ahh this is so exciting! I knew you were more than a robot boss!", Lan squeals excitedly.

We all laughed. Boss chuckled.

"Anyway all in all we are glad you're reunited with them", Owen smiled softly.

Landon and I smile in agreement.

"You three never cease to surprise me with this loyalty you have towards me", Rowan shakes his head overwhelmed.

We three shrug like it's no big deal.

"Well anyway now I'm sure you know Dean, Chase and Troy of course. I'll introduce you to my oldest sons. Come on", Boss gestured for us to walk with him.

We three smiled at those two who also had a smile on their face as they walked to us as well.

So this is Theodore, my eldest and then Emmett, my second son", Rowan grinned wide.

Those two give us a respectable nod.

"And boys they're few of my most trusted and loyal gang members. Owen, whom you must remember to be Harry's son. Then Landon and Leah, the weird duo", Boss said teasingly.

"Boss that's not fair", Landon frowned like a kid.

"As you can see he is the weird one. I just go with the name", I sigh dramatically.

Everyone laughs in amusement. Landon punched me playfully.

"Well we really wanna thank you guys too for getting our brothers back", Theodore said gratefully.

"Yep. It must not have been that easy. I know my siblings", Emmett muttered smirking.

Dean flipped him off. Chase rolled his eyes. Troy frowned.

"Oh you have no idea", I smiled sweetly.

Everyone laughs again except Dean, Chase and Troy who gawk at us offended.

"But seriously don't thank us more. Lan looks like he'll cry any second", I said teasingly glancing at him.

Lan puts me in a head lock immediately grumbling under his breath. Everyone laughs loudly.

"Okay stop you two. Also how were my kids? Did they cause any trouble for you? You guys get along?", Boss asked with a hopeful smile to me and my friends.

Where do I start from?

"You should ask us that", Dean scoffs.

Boss shushed him and looked at us expectantly.

I share a look with Lan and Owen. They raise their eyebrows and I nod.

We're saying the truth.

"One is annoyingly innocent", I said.

"One is as grumpy as the day he was born", Landon said.

"One is a savage", Owen said.

"So..yup we get along quiet well", I nod smirked.

Boss looks at us for a second and then laughs along with the others. Dean, Chase and Troy smiled looking a bit confused as if not sure if it was a compliment or an insult.

"I knew you would get along. You all are of the same calibre", Boss commented amused.

Theodore and Emmett laugh. I frowned. Again insult or compliment?

"So boys what about you?", Boss asked his sons.

"I like them a lot", Chase grinned.

My friends and I smile hearing that.

"Owen is nice. Baby face and Leah are well.. tolerable", Dean shrugs.

Boss, Theodore and Emmett raised their eyebrows while the rest of us laugh. Landon glared at him. I show him my tongue.

"I like Landon and Owen, but Leah more. She saved my life after all", Troy smiled wide.

My eyes went wide. Oh boy

Lan and Owen winced hearing that.

"What? Saved your life?", Boss asked at once.

Troy nods affirmative.

"How? What happened?", Boss asked frowning.

No one said anything for a second. Everyone except Rowan, Theodore and Emmett seem to be unsure at where to begin from.

"Well? Leah?", Rowan said frowning.

Everyone turned to look at me. I cleared my throat subtly hiding my hand behind me.

"Italians attacked at Troy's place", I said lowly.

There was no silence this time.

"WHAT!", Theodore almost shouted in surprise.

He looked at Dean and Chase. Those two nodded back which just pissed him off more and boy did he look more intimidating when angry.

"How did this happen?! Troy are you okay?", Emmett frowned giving a once over to his little brother.

"I'm fine", Troy sighs and was gonna continue but I stopped him with a pointed look.

He will not rat me out innocently to Boss!

Everyone in unison shifted their attention to boss who hadn't reacted yet.

He was... seething. Oh god.

He was drilling holes with that glare into the ground and shaking in anger. Rowan looked like the ferocious lion who you've poked by messing with his cubs.

"Boss Troy's okay", Owen said softly trying to calm him down.

Rowan's eyes flicked towards Troy. He seemed concerned obviously but only while he was staring at his boy. When he shifted his attention back at us the angry man was back.

I take in a nervous breath. This wasn't even half of what happened in last two days and he's already pissed.

He stared at us angrily and even though I knew he was not angry at us...oooh the shivers.

"That's not it though. We got attacked twice", I admitted.

Theodore and Emmett whipped their heads towards me instantly. Boss frowned.

"What?", Boss breathed out controlling himself.

I sigh and look at Lan.

"Yeah. Leah and Troy were attacked in New Jersey. Also, when we all were leaving for LA this morning the Italians attacked again in New York", Landon explained.

"And we escaped twice!", I quickly added.

Boss was as angry as can get. Emmett seemed angry too. Theodore was in a deep thought.

"First of all is everyone okay", Boss asked looking at us all who just survived the attacks.

Almost everyone glanced at me at time.

"Leah-- ", Troy began and I cut him off.

"--is fine like everyone else. Right Troy?", I said with a tight smile.

Troy frowned a bit at me but thankfully didn't say anything. He was clearly wanting to tell everything to his father right now and his innocent idiot self can't see his father is seething already!

The rest didn't contradict, but Harry gave me a pointed look meaning I have to tell Rowan at some point. I sigh and nod assuringly at him.

"Good. Now next I want to know in detail of what happened during both the attacks", Boss said in a deadly calm voice.

We all took turns in narrating the whole attack on New York first. I think I saw him smile a bit hearing Owen, Lan and I had kept the other's safety in mind in the beginning and asked them to leave.

He seemed real proud when he heard from Harry how we three awesome fighters took care of those good for nothing idiots.

Then I saw him turn to look at Lan in concern when he heard he was going to get hurt at the end, but sighed in relief when he understands Dean saved him.

"Good thinking Dean", Theodore patted his back.

"Your aims are perfect. I'm proud", Boss smiled.

"Thanks", Dean sort of blushes.

I wiggle my eyebrows at that. Lan chuckled. Dean glared at us two.

I wonder why he thinks we're tolerable?

"Next. New Jersey", Boss said seriously.

I started telling him everything before Troy did. I told him everything I did from the time I stepped in that place. I explained him Troy's escape to which he smiled a bit. Then I told him how I escaped while still raining bullets at them. Then finally Troy's driving skills.

I left the Mason's betrayal part to reveal it in the end.

"I can't believe this. How is this possible", Boss muttered angrily to himself.

"Rowan you should know that we understand how all this happened", Harry said seriously.

Rowan and the rest of us turn to see Harry walk and stand in front of him.

"What?", Boss looked confused.

"It was Mason. He betrayed us. He revealed the addresses to both our residence", Harry said in a calm voice but I didn't miss the jaw clenching and angry eyes.

"What?!", Rowan looked at him ridiculously.

Theodore frowned. Emmett looked at Chase who was right next to him who merely nods confirming it for his elder brother.

Now there were more than one angry lions over here..

"Yes. He betrayed us. When Leah said she saw some Italian men arrive at Troy's place. She saw Mason conversing with them at first. Before that it seemed like he was waiting for them outside the house", Harry explained.

"What? No. This is not possible. Mason would never", Rowan shakes his head adamantly.

I sighed. He clearly trusts that man so much.

The rest frowned. Lan and Owen share a look.

"He did Rowan. Ask Leah what she saw. Ask Troy if it was Mason who fired bullets towards him alongside those enemies of ours while he was in the car safe. He literally revealed his disloyalty to Leah when she confronted him. She even shot him to escape. Not deadly, just enough to injure him", Harry said pissed.

Rowan was more shocked than ever. For a second it looked like he forgot to be angry while he was busy getting shaken up.

"What?", Rowan muttered lowly contemplating everything.

"Look even I was beyond shocked when I heard this. But it's true. I know he's a good friend of ours since many years ago, but that just makes his betrayal even more preposterous", Harry grit his teeth angrily.

"These two barely managed to escape for god sake", Owen grunted in annoyance.

I sighed heavily looking at boss.

"That son of a bitch", Boss growls angrily.

Harry nods sharing his feelings.

"I don't know about why, but how is clear now Dad. He obviously revealed his own location to those guys. And it doesn't take a genius to find out Dean, Chase and Harry's location", Theodore said in understanding.

"Exactly. He must have traced one of their numbers as we've all been in contact for years", Emmett said smartly.

Everyone had the looks of realisation.

As much as I have grown to hate that Mason. I must admit that he's smart. He did all this without anyone doubting him.

Rowan closed his eyes as his jaw clenched at the clear annoyance and anger. He pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.

I don't think it took a genius to figure out that he was blaming himself for trusting that guy.

"It's not your fault buddy", Harry said softly.

"It is and you know it. I should have been more careful. I should have taken more steps to conceal your identities", Rowan grits.

His sons clearly wanted to comfort their upset father. Can't say I didn't want to. Owen and Lan also looked at boss in sympathy.

"Shut up man. Do you even realise how much you've done to keep all of us safe for a decade? We have kept low all this while. We didn't leave the city. We didn't do anything suspicious enough to get the Italian Don's attention. There's only so much even you can do Rowan and you did your level best", Harry said irritated that his friend is blaming himself.


"Whatever else you think you should have tried and you didn't do would be waste if it was Mason who was giving out our locations", Chase said shrugging.

"Exactly Dad. You couldn't have done anything about him", Dean said seriously.

"And don't say you should have figured or seen his betrayal come. There was no way. I didn't see it coming and I lived with that son of a bitch", Troy said frowning.

Rowan looked at all of them and sighed agreeing in defeat.

He then walked towards Troy with a sad look on his face.

"I'm so sorry Troy. If I had known he was like this I wouldn't have put you with him. Man it scares me to even think of all the chances he had all these years and what he would have done to you", Boss said taking a deep breath.

Troy hugged his father immediately.

"Don't say that Dad. I'm okay. It's alright. You trusted your friend like anyone would", Troy sighs comforting his father.

I smiled a bit seeing that. How tables have turned. Troy is comforting someone.

Boss let go of him nodding and sighing in defeat.

"God now I have to start worrying about my friends and people who we deeply trust in the mafia? Because why worry about your enemies when your own friend can try taking your life", Boss said in frustration.

Harry sighed clearly having no answer to that.

Everyone remains quiet for a minute. Boss then looked at us three.

"And what have I done to gain you three I will never know", Rowan said softly looking at us three.

We naturally just smiled at him.

"I know you'll say it's your job. But I don't think many would just voluntarily just put their life at stake like you did when you helped my sons and best friend help escape", Boss smiled sadly.

Owen, Lan and I smiled wide in answer.

"In short you mean to say we're awesome and you love us enough to give us a raise right? Aww thanks boss", I said excitedly in one go.

Everyone laughs. My friends shake their head at me. Boss looked at me fondly.

"Where do I begin with you Leah. I can't have imagined it to be easy for you to save Troy. As much as you hate to hear it you're still a kid. The youngest I have and you still showed so much courage and loyalty", Boss said softly.

Owen pats my back proudly. Lan grinned winking at me.

"Aww boss. Just give me a raise like I said and promise to never scold me for being late in future", I grin wide.

Rowan chuckled shaking his head at me. Everyone laughs.

"I agree with Dad. You had smart reflexes to help my baby brother escape and you kept the fighting to yourself", Emmett smiled thankfully.

"Right and from what we hear you escaping was extremely hard as well. Managing with a gun and knives against so many guys is really commendable. You could have gotten hurt yourself", Theodore said gratefully.

Boss nods in agreement smiling at me.

"Oh she did get hurt", Troy grumbled under his breath.

My eyes went wide. Everyone turned to look at Troy immediately.

"What did you say?", Boss asked frowning.

Uh oh.

I hear Lan look at me with sympathy. Owen cleared his throat.

"Seems like there was no way to hide it after all", Lan whispers in my ear.

I elbowed him making him wince and pout.

"Troy? What was that?", Boss asked seriously.

Okay how can I escape this time?

Jumping down the window? You're standing on the ground idiot!

Gun? You're gonna shoot bullets on whom exactly?

Play dead? Yup this might work.

It's official. I'm crazy.

"Leah got shot while saving me Dad", Troy said honestly.

I look at him to tell him that I'll kill him but that cheeky boy avoided my gaze expertly.

"WHAT?!", I heard a yell.


I grimaced as I closed my eyes and looked down praying that I become invisible.

Where is the invisibility cloak when you want it?!

There was no way I can escape this. If I run away boss will catch me. I can't play dead also.. obviously.

"Leah?!", Boss almost shouted in surprise.

I was so nervous that I failed to notice the worry mixed with fear in his voice.

I opened one eye and looked at him.

"Yeah?", I squeaked.

"You got shot!", Boss exclaimed in shock looking at me.

"Yeah?", I repeated squeaking again

Boss stared at me in worry and anger mixed this time.

"Why was I not informed about this?", Boss asked in a fuming deadly calm voice.

I looked up at the sky like I didn't hear him. I admired the nature. It's so beautiful and peaceful.

Ahh the little things we miss living our hectic life..

Knowing what I'm doing Boss made a frustrated noise. I've done this every time I'm in trouble.

"Landon?", Boss gritted his teeth.

"She asked us not to inform you", Landon quickly admits in a wavering voice.

I snap my head at him with a look of betrayal.

There's a lot of betrays by friends these days! Almost as if it's some kind of flu!

He gave me a sorry look. He gestured at boss and shrugged as if saying there's no point of lying now.

I close my eyes looking down in defeat. So much for hiding it!

"Leah", Boss spoke with gritted teeth.

Thank you god for this life.

"Yeah?", I squeaked eyes still closed.

"Look at me", Boss said calmly this time almost as if he didn't want to make me scared.

I open my eyes and look at him. He was angry clearly but was controlling it.

"You told others not to inform me?", Boss asked calmly.

Deadly calm.

"Yeah?", I squeaked.

Is it me or am I really just stuck at 'Yeah?' for a while now?

"Why?", He asked.

I gulped.

I look at others. Harry was as serious as Rowan. Dean amused at me. Troy was not at all sorry. The audacity of these two!

Chase was sympathetic though. Theodore and Emmett had no expression.

"Um..didn't want to worry you?", I said sounding more like it was a question.

"You didn't want to worry me huh?", Boss asked crossing his arms.

I nodded frantically.

"Seriously Leah! Come on!", Boss exasperated.

I sighed. He walked towards me and stopped right in front of me.

"Where?", He asked seriously.

I silently revealed my injured hand that I've been hiding behind my back all this while and raised it to show him.

I look at him as he glanced at my wrist. His face contoured into worry. He examined my wrist and accidentally touched the area that the bullet grazed making me hiss in pain.

He immediately looked at me and frowned. I swear he looked like Dad when he scolds me for ruining his kitchen.

"You really thought hiding it from me would work? Leah this is a bullet injury for god sake! Are you serious? I've repeated this over and over to you to inform me first when you get hurt during a mission so many fucking times! Why are you like this?!", Boss scolded me.

I pouted. I really did. No kidding.

"And you two. She said not to tell me and you obeyed? Really?", Boss glared at Owen and Lan.

Those two looked down.

"You guys know how she is and you supported her", Boss shakes his head in disbelief.

None of us three said anything. We knew we would get scolded.

"Boss I'm sorry. I was careful like you always tell me to be, I swear! My back was turned towards those guys when they were firing at us! I couldn't have done anything about this", I tried to defend myself.

Boss looked at me in confusion.

"Wait a second. You think I'm angry because I think you weren't careful enough and got shot?", Boss asked seriously.

I nodded.

"Leah I'm pissed yes, but not at you for getting shot. I'm angry because you didn't inform me. You're my responsibility Leah. What if this wasn't a manageable injury? What if you were gravely hurt? You're 16 for god sake! The one thing I repeatedly kept telling you before you three left LA was to inform me if something happens. If you would have informed me I would have made arrangements for you to come back here right that instant and get treated for the injury", Boss frowned.

I look down feeling bad that I disappointed him.

"I think it's my fault I let you go. I knew this was a dangerous mission. I was just so focussed on saving Dean, Chase and Troy that I just didn't consider your safety. The only condition I let you be a member of the gang was that you will never do dangerous missions and I only forgot what I said", Boss said upset.

I look up at him feeling bad.

"Anyway after seeing this I'll surely remember it now for the future missions. I definitely learnt from my mistake", Boss said with a frown.

"What?! No! You can't do that!", I said getting angsty.

"I can. I'm your boss remember?", He said sternly.

"But--", I started arguing.

"Leah enough. Stop arguing. You got shot for god sake. You think I wanna risk your safety now?", Boss said sharply.

"Boss I knew what I was doing when I joined the gang. You have to understand that I'm not as young and immature as you think I am. I understand the risks and I still wanted to do this. You're acting like you guys don't put your lives at risk when you go on missions. This is hippocracy", I argued angrily.

"Leah", Lan warned me in a scolding tone.


I take a deep breath and shut up.

"Sorry", I whispered to boss.

I didn't mean to talk to him like that. He's more than just my boss and I really respect him.

"Leah I'm just concerned about you okay. You family doesn't even know what you do. I may be a cruel man, but I'm not like the Italian Don. I care about my people. I will not just put your life in danger selfishly. It's the same as why I didn't include you in the attack team for acquiring my mafia", Boss said softly.

I look up at him and he was looking at me like a protective father. Well boss in this case.

"I understand you love this job. But safety is also our prime concern right? I could easily just ask you to leave the gang, but I'm not doing that. I know you. So please understand what I'm trying to say. Maybe when you grow up a little okay?", Boss said gently.

I nodded knowing he's not exactly wrong to care about me.

"Now I'm sorry I got angry earlier. You just did a huge favor on me and I got carried away", He whispered apologetically.

I gawked at him. He apologized?!!!

It wasn't just me though. Everyone gawked at him. Harry was had a curious amusement on his face though.

"Yeah yeah I know. Just this once though. I'm still your boss", Rowan said sternly.

I chuckled involuntarily. He smiled at me.

"Does it hurt a lot?", He asked looking at my hand.

"Nope", I grinned.

"Liar", Boss scoffs.

I saw Theodore and Emmett share a surprised look and smile.

"You got shot for the first time. It's never easy the first time", Boss sighs.

I smiled at his concern.

"Get this checked by our doctor okay?", Boss said seriously.

I nodded.

"You boys okay? Any injury you two hiding like this one?", Boss asked with raised eyebrows.

"Nope", Owen shakes his head frantically.

"You think we have a death wish?", Landon scoffs.

Boss smiled. Everyone laughs. I roll my eyes.

"Thank you guys. You've done us a great duty", Emmett smiled thankfully.

"Don't thank us anymore please. You already have a lot. I swear Lan will cry", I said seriously.

Everyone chuckled while Lan flipped me off.

"Okay you three go get some rest. God knows you need it after some really tiring days. Take a week off if you will", Boss told us.

"Oh thank you sir! I need sleep!", I said dramatically.

Owen and Landon shake their head. Everyone else laughs.

"No need for a week boss. I'll be back tomorrow after today's day off", Landon said.

"Me too. I know the work load's increased. You need all hands at deck", Owen nods.

"Oh thank god you two. Trust me I've been buried under so much work since yesterday", Boss exasperated.

We all chuckled in amusement.

"Anyway you can have a week Leah. Let that hand heal", Theodore said thoughtfully.

I nod thankfully.

"Bye guys", I wave at them as I turn to leave.

"Bye. Take care", I heard all of them say.

I had just taken two steps when I was hugged from behind.

"Thanks once again and not just for protecting me, but also the talk", Troy whispered softly.

Gosh it's so hard to be mad at him.

I turn and narrow down my eyes at him. He gave me an innocent smile.

"Boss are you sure he's your son? He's too innocent for this world", I smiled pulling his cheeks to which he swatted my hands away frowning.

Boss laughs in amusement. Everyone else chuckled.

"I'm afraid he is and I agree on the innocent part", Boss nods.

"Yup that's my baby brother", Theodore smirked.

"Not a baby", Troy hissed.

"Oh shush you are", Emmett grinned.

I laugh along with others and leave then.

Now let's hope I can hide my injury from Dad and Grace.

I can right?

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