Family ties

De _crazy_hooman_

454K 23.3K 9.3K

•[COMPLETED]• Leah Stevenson is her name. She lives a happy life unbeknownst of the things that had happened... Mais

(1) Flashback
(2) Kingstons & Stevensons
(3) Story
(5) Attack
(6) Troy
(7) Dean & Chase
(8) Back to LA
(9) Reunited
(10) Home
(11) Old Mafia, New Don
(12) Hostages
(13) Almost caught
(14) News spread
(15) First Day
(16) Plan initiated
(17) A new face
(18) Plan sucessful
(19) Caught
(20) Finally!
(21) Reunited
(22) Reunited- part (2)
(23) Meeting her
(24) Revelations
(25) Revelations- part (2)
(26) Shocker
(27) Family huh?
(28) Meeting them again
(29) Official Mafia meet
(30) Dinner
(31) Date?
(32) School
(33) A Problem
(34) Threat
(35) Unexpected guest
(36) Mason's story
(37) Sunday
(38) Bye, mother
(39) Preparations
(40) Annual Mafia Gala
(41) Attack
(42) Truth
(43) Aftermath
(44) Talk
(45) Bad news
(46) Out in the open
(47) Living together
(48) Another attack
(49) Vacation?
(50) London
(51) Barely escaped
(52) Goodbye
(53) Matter at hand
(54) Apologise
(55) Intruder
(56) H for Hostage
(57) New plan
(58) Apology
(59) Decisions
(60) Goodbyes
(61) Theo
(62) More problems
(63) Making things right
(64) Sneaking
(65) Anniversary dinner
(66) Anniversary dinner- 2
Thank you!

(4) Plan

7.1K 370 64
De _crazy_hooman_

Leah's POV:

Everyone had gathered around here. The entire strength of our gang apart from the ones on duty at this moment had assembled over here.

Everyone was talking among themselves and most of it was about this meet. While few knew what this meeting was about, rest didn't.

Boss hadn't arrived yet. Owen and Landon had gone to the front of the stage where Rowan will address us all. I was standing among the other people in the crowd.

"Leah", I hear someone call me out.

I turn to find Eric and Steve some good friends of mine who are also the weapons instructors and dealers of our gang call me out.

'Hey guys", I smile seeing them walk to me.

"Hey, do you know what this meeting's about?", Eric asked me looking around.

I was gonna reply but Steve guessed it.

"Oh wait is this related to the Italian guy that was caught yesterday?", Steve guessed

Hearing him ask that many gang members around us turned to look at me curiously waiting for my answer.

"Oh yes. Boss questioned the guy savagely and got some really useful information. We might be really close to getting back you-know-what from you-know-who", I smirked happily.

I love harry potter...

"What?! Are you serious?", Steve asked surprised

I nod smirking.

"Fuck yeah! Now this is news!", Eric fist bumped in the air.

The gang members around us were muttering excitedly amongst each other.

"Also, the harry potter reference..bang on", Steve smirked impressed.

"I know right", I grin wide and hold my hand up for a high five.

Eric chuckled and high fived me first followed by Steve.

Suddenly we hear someone clear their throat in the mic. We all turned to look at Rowan standing there carrying a no shit face.

He had everyone's immediate attention. No more whispers or voices could be heard. Everyone's eyes were on him.

"Well I'm sure many of you already know why we've gathered around here. There's a good news for you all", Rowan started.

"HEAR HEAR!", Eric yelled loudly grinning.

Steve, me and many of the gang members chuckled. Owen, Landon and Rowan smiled.

"Ah looks like Leah has spread the news like a gossip already", Rowan smiled playfully seeing me stand next to them.

"Hey!", I smile in surprise at the unexpected roast by boss.

The entire crowd started laughing. Owen and Landon louder than necessary.

"Yes Boss. Probably Leah's most girlish action till now", Steve yells laughing, enjoying it naturally.

Everyone laughed louder obviously agreeing.

"If you're saying that because you think I'm in Eric and Steve's little gossip gang.. hell yeah. Talk about being girlish", I smirked at those two.

Everyone laughs again. Steve and Eric put me into a head lock playfully while I laugh.

"Okay okay that's enough. You guys can fight Leah for your dignity later. Lets get back to the main point here", Rowan said getting everyone's attention.

Eric and Steve gasp looking at boss. I chuckled along with others making those two playfully glare at me.

"Okay so for those who have no idea what this is about, we captured a high rank italian member yesterday and after a particular session with me we have successfully managed to find out some really useful information", Boss smiled satisfied.

There were some happy cheers heard from the crowd.

"So we've made a plan and I assure you that if this goes as we have decided then tomorrow you all are going to be a part of my very own American mafia", Rowan smirked.

Now there were many cheers and claps heard including mine.

"You all know how my family's generations old owned mafia was taken away from me. So now its time we get it back and for that I need all your help. Are you guys with me?", Rowan asked loudly.

"Yeah!", We all yell together.

Rowan smiled gratefully.

"So here's how it goes. Owen has divided you all into groups. Each group will be headed by one of the higher ranked officers. One will be headed by me. Owen will tell you about the teams at the end of this meet", Rowan announced.

We all nod in understanding.

"Next I wanted to tell you what we found out. As we all know the Italian Don uses the American mafia for mainly shipping, manufacturing and lodging over here since he gets a lot of business in this place. Their main dealings and highly classified meetings and stuff happen only in Italy as that's been their original base for decades. So over the years they have been lessening and lessening their security over to this base as not many members stay here and also the fact that their Don doesn't often come here", Rowan explained.

We all paid attention to everything he said.

"So the lead that we have received is that tomorrow there is going to be a huge consignment deal getting signed in Italy and they have orders to have tight security there which means not many men are going to be assigned at this base. To be sure I've asked our men who are spying on them to check this particular lead as I didn't want to take any risk. They have confirmed the lead saying they have spotted lines of cars filled with men leaving the base. So now we hit when they're weak and least expecting it", Rowan smirked evilly.

I could just imagine how happy and content he must be after getting this information.

The gang members could be seen sharing the same smirk as their boss.

"We will obviously scan the place first and then you all will infiltrate into the base from your assigned positions. Having been one the former heads of the American mafia I have the advantage of knowing many secret passages to the base and particular offices which I'm pretty sure those bastards know nothing about. I will capture the main office first with my team and slowly we take each floor. Some teams are going to be assigned at the border of the base as well for backup and also because I don't want anyone to escape", Rowan continued explaining.

We nod.

"Your team heads will give you the more detailed information and otherwise you can always contact Owen. Landon will give you instructions regarding the technical stuff which he is really good at, like the alarm disabling and ear piece you all need. If this goes as per plan trust me we will win. As far as I know I've said everything. Anything else boys?", Rowan turns and asked Lan and Owen.

They look at the file in their hand and shake their head at him.

"Good so get instructions from Owen here about your groups and then start your preparation as we execute this tomorrow", Rowan said seriously

We all cheer in confidence.

"Also, kill anyone in sight. I'm not interested in prisoners", Rowan said like the boss he is.

The entire crowd roared like animals.

Rowan walked down the stage and Owen took over. He started appointing teams. I was waiting for mine when I saw Landon trying to get my attention. I look at him and he gestured for me to come to him and boss.

I nod and walk towards the corner where they were standing.

"Wassup?", I asked crossing my arms looking at them.

Landon nervously looked at Boss who sighed back. I narrowed down my eyes at them.

"You won't be coming tomorrow Leah", Boss said seriously without wasting a second.

excuse me?

"What?", I asked trying not to show my irritation

"Leah it's not safe-- ", Landon started but I interrupted him

"Thanks for stating the obvious Lan. I know the seriousness of this mission so I know it can be dangerous as well, but what does that have to do with me coming tomorrow", I spoke sharply.

Landon sighed heavily and looked away. He never wants to have a serious argument with me. We both hate it so much and I'm pretty sure he heard my tone and decided to not say anything anymore.

'Leah that was my decision. You won't be part of the attack tomorrow", Boss spoke clearly using his don tone.

This man!

"May I ask why? I'm one of your best fighters boss. I should be there", I argue.

From the corner of my eye I saw Owen occasionally glancing at us. I know he knows about me not being a part of the plan and he is probably just figuring out how pissed off I am.

"No doubt in that Leah, but you're also the youngest here and not to mention your family doesn't know anything about your work. So if something happens what will you tell them?", Boss said seriously.

My lips formed into a thin line of frustration. He knew he got me there.

"I let you go to other missions Leah. I do and give you all the freedom you want and you know that, but tomorrow's thing is not a normal mission and I can't risk you. I can't risk your father killing me if anything happens to you", Rowan said with a bit of a smile.

I tried to control. trust me I did, but then I smiled.

ugh I cant even stay pissed!

"My father will kill the bakery shop owner, not a gang leader, if something does happen to me", I sigh with a smile.

Rowan smiled shaking his head. Landon glanced at me from the corner of his eyes.

I knew there was no point in arguing. Boss's orders are his orders, but I also didn't argue because what he said made sense. What will I tell Dad if something does happen to me? He freaks out even if I get a scratch or nose bleed.

"Fine", I shrug letting it go.

Landon sighs in relief. Boss nods with a satisfied smile.

"Also, if we need backup we will inform you. That's only if we need you. The plan is full proof though", Landon told me.

"Done", I nod in understanding.

"Okay so now that everything is discussed I'll take my leave as I have to go back to work. You guys can help Owen and then leave when your shift is over", Boss told us both.

We both nod at him and he leaves towards his office.

There was silence for a few seconds and then..

"Sooooo", Landon looked at me expectantly.

"Yeah yeah everything okay", I roll my eyes smiling a bit.

He was just worried I was still upset.

"Oh thank god", Landon sighs heavily with a hand on his heart.

I chuckled putting my arm around him. He put his hand on my shoulder and we walked towards the stage to help out Owen.

When Owen saw us come to him grinning like that he knew everything was okay so even he let out a relieved smile.

It took a couple of hours, but we informed everyone of their job in detail and cross checked again.

We took record of the weapons needed and checked with Eric and Steve if they're available.

We basically readied everything and double checked again in case we missed something.

Finally when the work was over I left for home. I reach home and plopped down on the couch exhausted.

I checked my phone and saw a message from Grace informing me that it'll take them one more hour to reach home. So basically I was alone at home and extremely bored.

I saw the time and it was almost dinner time so I decided to make dinner for us three knowing Dad and Grace will be extremely tired and hungry when they come home. I texted my sister to inform her.

Don't have anything outside. I'm making dinner :)

Oh boy. Don't burn the food or the kitchen please :p



I smile shaking my head and walk towards the kitchen and began preparing the food.

While making the food my mind diverted to the story boss told us today. I couldn't help but wonder how his brother and nephews were at this second. Ten years as hostages is rough. Nothing any one of us can imagine or relate to.

For some reason this affected me more than I thought it will.

Boss's story, his kids, his brother, his nephews and his mafia. basically Kingstons were in my mind.

It just made me realise how easy my life is. I have a wonderful father and a loving sister. I legit don't have to worry about anything except school. I have everything I need.

I just hope that family reunites soon. I genuinely hope for that.

I was in my own world thinking about the things that happened today at work. It was a long day indeed. While my mind was occupied I didn't even hear my father and sister entering the house.

"We're home Leah", Dad announced as I hear footsteps coming towards the kitchen.

Soon enough I saw Dad and Grace peeking their head inside the kitchen and looking at me.

"See. I told you she won't burn down the kitchen Grace", Dad grinned proudly looking at the food I prepared.

"Oh I believed you when I smelt delicious food instead of burnt", Grace drools over the food.

I roll my eyes at those two and ready the food at the table.

"You guys can wash up and dig in", I smiled.

"Oh thanks Leah. I am so hungry. Dad is hangry though. Some employees at work experienced it first hand", Grace smiled playfully looking at Dad.

He nods repeatedly very seriously. I laughed as they go up to their rooms to freshen up.

Once they come down we have dinner together. They appreciated my skills for some reason. I assumed it's just because they're hungry.

I mean..come on that's the only explanation.

I ace at shooting, not cooking.

After dinner those two immediately went to bed clearly very tired. Looks like we all had a long day.

I clean up and go to bed early myself. I knew I didn't have to go to work tomorrow, but that didn't stop me from worrying about the others.

I just hope everything goes well.

Next day

I woke up by myself at around eight. I did my daily business before heading down.

The house seemed empty and it was confirmed when I saw a note in the kitchen.

Clearly you woke up late. No issues we know you don't have work today.
Have breakfast and warm the couch.

Love ya,

I laughed reading the note and warmed my breakfast Dad made for me and walked towards the living room to watch tv while eating...cuz why not?

Before eating I decided to text Landon once.

You guys left?

He replied soon enough.

nope, but will in some time

okay take care and call me if you need help

yeah okay.



I snickered putting my phone away and eating my breakfast.

Rowan's POV:

I was now getting ready in my gear and strapping my weapons with them.

I was so pumped up with energy. I was going to do anything today and get back our mafia.

Once I do that my first promise to Dad will be fulfilled. Then I'll go to the next.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Landon.

"Hey boss you ready?", I heard him ask me.

I turn and saw him standing there ready himself.

I smile and nod.

"Cool. Everyone's waiting for you in the main hall", Landon smiled.

I nod and gesture for him to go on. He left and I look at myself checking if I have everything.

Then I glance at the photo I have hidden under my drawer. I take it out and look at it. A smile immediately formed on my face.

It was a collage photo of all my sons in their now age. Chase made a collage of their singles and sent it to me and I framed it.

It makes me feel we're together.

"We'll see each other soon boys", I whisper smiling.

I kept the frame back and headed out.

I reach the main hall and I instantly hear the voices of everyone go down and soon there was no noise at all.

They at looked at me. Owen and Landon stood on my either sides.

"So this is it. The biggest and the longest mission of ours is here. Years spent into the making of this gang to be capable enough to fight for my mafia. I actually have no words to thank each and every one of you. This was mine and my family's battle, but you guys made it yours as well. Gosh I have no idea what I did to get such loyal members. I guess I'm lucky in that area. Back then my mafia had loyal people in it and now so does my gang. Even when I lost a lot years ago I didn't lose the loyalty of my men and I am fucking proud of it", I smiled wide and genuine.

My gang members grinned happily back at me.

I look at Owen and Landon who had a big smile on their face. They nod affirmatively at me.

"So yeah. Let's go and kick some ass", I nod smirking.

"Yay!", Everyone yells together with energy.

We all were getting ready to disperse to leave when Landon stopped us.

"Wait wait everyone. One minute. I've got something to say", Landon said stepping in front of the mic.

I look at him curiously and then at Owen. He shrugged back at me clearly having no idea about it.

The gang members stop and look at Landon.

"Um actually Leah asked me to give you guys a message before you leave", Landon cleared his throat.

I saw Owen hiding his smile. I sigh knowing it's going to be something crazy.

The gang members look at Landon intently.

"Here goes nothing", Landon whispered to himself nervously.

I almost laughed at that.

"So she said... I may not be here, but you all will need a Leah effect so here it is. GO FUCK THOSE BASTARDS YOU LOSERS! IF POSSIBLE DON'T DIE AND ALSO... DON'T COME BACK AS PUSSIES COZ WE ALL KNOW YOU AIN'T GOT ANY! UNDERSTAND? GRRRR", Landon yells Leah's message out.

A minute of silence for what happened...

The word surprise would be an understatement for what I felt that second he finished.

Only Leah.

Let me repeat..only Leah.

Owen was red by now from all the laughter he was holding in.

The gang looked at Lan with wide eyes. Literally everyone stared at him for five full seconds.

Landon got more nervous and conscious when he got no reply.

"I knew I shouldn't have listened to her", He grumbled to himself.

I hear somone clear their throat. I look up and saw it was Steve.

"Um...Lan what was the grrrr in the end?", He asked curiously.

"Uh I don't know. She asked me to um..growl for some reason", Landon frowned shrugging.

That did it. Everyone and I mean everyone burst into laughter.

"That message is so Leah like..weird yet funny", Eric laughed his ass off.

The crowd agreed with him. Landon sighs in relief seeing it wasn't a disaster as he thought it would be.

"Yup Leah sure knows how to motivate you guys", I shake my head chuckling.

He crowd laughed agreeing.

Landon kicked Owen in the ass when he wouldn't stop laughing at him.

I shake my head at these assassins. They hardly behave like one.

"Okay guys. Let's head towards our destination", I order everyone.

Everyone was serious again and we left our gang's base.

Hey guys!

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