Nintendo Main Story 1: Ocarin...

By ldlove3

1.5K 55 3

Peach is the princess of Mushroom Kingdom who lived a normal, perfect life. All of that changes when a family... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48/Last Chapter

Chapter 17

29 1 0
By ldlove3

(Peach's Point Of View):

We went back down to Kakariko Village to see if we could stay somewhere. When we got there, there were villagers surrounded by the entrance to Death Mountain, clapping. They were staring directly at us. We questioned what was going on.

"Great job!" One of the villagers said.

"You did amazing!" Another one replied.

"I know them! I know them! They gave my boy this amazing mask!" The guard we saw earlier said, holding his boy's legs on his shoulders.

"You all know?" Link said.

"Why of course we do! You broke the curse! And the guard told us it had to of been you guys because he let you into Death Mountain." One of them said.

"Curse? What curse?"

"The one in the inn!" They pointed to a building. "The one where the family who owned this inn right here were all turned into skullatas. They're free now!"

"What do you mean?"

"They've turned back into humans! The inn is open again!"

"Wow!" I said. "You broke the curse Link! You broke the curse!"

"I did?"

"Of course you did! It must have been when you defeated the monsters in Dodongo's Cavern!"

"Oh now I see!" Navi said. "Death Mountain and Kakariko Village must be connected somehow! It all makes sense why the curse is broken now!"

"I see." Link said.

"You all did amazing!"

"Actually it was Link who broke the curse!" I said. "He defeated those monsters in Dodongo's Cavern!" We all clapped for Link. Link was blushing a little but took in his victory. We went inside the inn where the curse was broken. There were villagers clapping for us in there as well. There was a family that came to Link. The father spoke. "The curse has been broken! Thank you! As a reward, we'll let you and your friends stay at our inn as much as you'd like."

"Thank you." Link said.

"That's very kind of you." I replied. They brought us to our room.

  I opened my heavy eyes and realized the warm sunlight on my face. I hadn't gotten this much sleep since being away from home. I laid there in my bed wondering how mother and father were. They must have been so worried about me; getting the guards to search all over the kingdom. It was a very small kingdom that we lived in but a peaceful one and I missed it terribly. Then I thought then again, mom's probably just mad because she thinks I ran away. All my annoyance and anger came back. Why the heck would she WANT me to marry this young?! And why would she be like that to me! Oh yeah, because that's how she is! It had been forever since she actually had the decency to be understanding of what I was going through. But what if she really was just worried about me. Crying every night because she had no clue where her only child was and felt that she failed me? Water drops came out of my eyes and I sobbed silently. I was upset but I still missed her so much. She was my family. Father was my family. I couldn't help but wishing that I could go home and just hug both of them so tight in my arms.

"What's that?!!!" Link said. I quickly wiped my tears and looked out the window.

"Really?! Why do you have to be so loud??!!" Rosalina shouted. "I'm trying to sleep here?! I'm not an early bird like you people?!"

"Look!" I replied. A bright light was falling down and went behind the tall rocks.

"Let's go see what it is!" Navi said. We all quickly ran to see where it ended. We went on the other side of the tall rocks and ended up in the graveyard. An old man, probably the grave keeper, was lying on the ground staring at a gravestone. A shovel was right next to him. The man looked as if he had seen a ghost!

"WHAT WAS THAT??!!!" The keeper said.

"Are you alright?" Link said.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine." He said. "I just have no idea what the heck that light was!"

"You saw it too?"

"Saw it? It almost hit me! Of course I saw it! And then it went straight into that grave there and just vanished!"

"What? It just... vanished?"

"Yeah yeah. Didn't you hear me the first time?" We went closer to the grave. Link looked down and saw the Triforce symbol.

"Link! You probably have to play the song Impa taught you!" Navi said. Link smiled and pulled out his ocarina. After he played the song, dark clouds started to cover the sky. Rain started to pour down and a lightning bolt came out of nowhere and hit the tombstone. We ran away from the tombstone as quickly as possible. In a split second, the tombstone was gone. We slowly walked forward and found there was a hole in the ground that had a ladder.

"Is this where the light disappeared?"

"Yeah it is."

"We should go down there and see where that light went Link." Navi said.

"Alright. Let's go."

"Great." Rosalina said. "Now my clothes are all wet!"

"C'mon Rose!" I said. "We gotta go see what's down there!"

"I am NOT going down there! I need to CHANGE!"

"Then go change and hold down the fort for us." I said.

"It's too risky for any of us to be alone. Someone should probably go with her. Who knows if Ganondorf has any minions or creatures of his around. Besides, we need to keep the stones safe. We're all at that risk now that we have them."

"I'll go with her." I said. "Just be careful you two."

"We will." Link said. "Let's go." Link and Navi went down the ladder and we walked back to the inn.

(Navi's Point Of View):

  When we went inside, we saw that it was a dark room with dry bones and skulls on the ground.

"Fire keese! Look out!" I said. 20 of them came swarming from the ceiling to our direction. Five minutes later, the fire keese were gone. Link sighed in relief.

"Let's keep going." We climbed another ladder up and went into another room. "Look out Link! That's poison!" I said. We saw the green smoke coming from the pools of poison on the ground. "We gotta look out where we're walking."

"Alright." As I looked up, I immediately saw a ReDead!


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