Family ties

By _crazy_hooman_

508K 24.9K 10K

•[COMPLETED]• Leah Stevenson is her name. She lives a happy life unbeknownst of the things that had happened... More

(2) Kingstons & Stevensons
(3) Story
(4) Plan
(5) Attack
(6) Troy
(7) Dean & Chase
(8) Back to LA
(9) Reunited
(10) Home
(11) Old Mafia, New Don
(12) Hostages
(13) Almost caught
(14) News spread
(15) First Day
(16) Plan initiated
(17) A new face
(18) Plan sucessful
(19) Caught
(20) Finally!
(21) Reunited
(22) Reunited- part (2)
(23) Meeting her
(24) Revelations
(25) Revelations- part (2)
(26) Shocker
(27) Family huh?
(28) Meeting them again
(29) Official Mafia meet
(30) Dinner
(31) Date?
(32) School
(33) A Problem
(34) Threat
(35) Unexpected guest
(36) Mason's story
(37) Sunday
(38) Bye, mother
(39) Preparations
(40) Annual Mafia Gala
(41) Attack
(42) Truth
(43) Aftermath
(44) Talk
(45) Bad news
(46) Out in the open
(47) Living together
(48) Another attack
(49) Vacation?
(50) London
(51) Barely escaped
(52) Goodbye
(53) Matter at hand
(54) Apologise
(55) Intruder
(56) H for Hostage
(57) New plan
(58) Apology
(59) Decisions
(60) Goodbyes
(61) Theo
(62) More problems
(63) Making things right
(64) Sneaking
(65) Anniversary dinner
(66) Anniversary dinner- 2
Thank you!

(1) Flashback

13.6K 461 54
By _crazy_hooman_

Third's POV:

It was just another day.

David was hanging out with his six year old daughter Grace after a heavy and delicious dinner.

The little girl was cuddled up to her father excitedly watching TV with no plans of going to sleep anytime soon like every other weekend.

David was as usual watching his daughter with utmost love as she was laughing, smiling and gasping at the movie. Even after six years he couldn't believe he was a father.

The two were watching the movie when they heard their door bell ring.

David was confused looking at the time and seeing that it's midnight. Who must be visiting them at this time?

David stood up and walked towards the front door. Little grace curiously following him.

David opened the door to surprisingly finding no one there.

"What?", He whispered in confusion to himself and looked here and there wondering who rang the door bell.

It was just a dark silent night with a bit of a cold in the air. He looked at the drive way and the empty roads finding no one there.

"Who is it daddy?", Grace asked curiously looking up at her father.

"No one baby. I think- ", David's voice was caught in his throat as he looked down.

He gasped in shock as he looked down at the basket which was kept near his front door.

There lay a little baby girl curled up in warm sheets sleeping soundly inside the basket.

David's eyes went wide and mouth fell open as he slowly crouched down to see the little child who probably wasn't much older than a month or two.

"What is it daddy?", Grace frowned as she peeked over her father's frame.

She gasped loudly as she saw a little cute baby. She happily ran towards the basket and bend down and stared at child.

David didn't stop Grace when she booped the little one's nose. He was still in shock.

He snapped out of his trance when his daughter asked him something. But instead of replying to her he ran outside his house and towards the roads looking here and there to hopefully find the person who left this baby here.

He looked everywhere but found literally no one. He ran down a few houses to hopefully find someone, but had no luck.

He breathed out in worry as he walked back towards his house glancing one last time at the empty roads.

When he walked back he saw the little baby was awake and Grace was squealing at her and gushing in happiness.

He knew Grace woke up the poor child.

He smiled shaking his head as he bend down to see the most beautiful pair of eyes staring at him.

"Daddy can we keep her. She's so cute", Grace pouts extra sweetly at her father.

David sighs smiling at his daughter.

"I don't know Grace. We don't know who's baby is she. We can't just keep her right?", David smiled sadly

Grace frowned immediately. David was right but she was not having it.

"But daddy!", Grace whines

David sighs wondering how to explain to his kid that you can't just keep other people's babies. They're not toys.

He was gonna reply to her when his eyes fell upon a small piece of paper peeking from behind the sheet layed up on the baby.

He curiously picked it up and opened it.

'Please have her. She has no one else'

David wondered who left her with this note here. But when he read those words he felt utmost pity for the baby.

He looked at the baby girl still staring at him. He smiled at her and picked her up from her basket and held her in his arms.

"Hey little one", David smiled brightly bouncing the baby.

The girl cracked a smile and waved her arms around.

David awed at the child. She was smiling which warmed his heart. He already cared for her.

She was so small and cute that she reminded him instantly of the time when Grace was born to him through surrogacy.

David wondered if this was just another blessing god had given him.

"Daddy see she likes you. Can we please keep her?", Grace pouts once again swaying left to right.

David smiled at Grace and then looked down at the baby who was now trying to reach her hand to David's face.

He looked into her eyes and just felt this sudden bond. It was love and protectiveness.

They baby girl looked at him and he felt like she was saying 'you better not say no'

"Yes Grace we'll have her as our newest family member. Say hello to your little sister!", David grinned showing the baby to Grace.

Grace gasped loudly with her hand on her mouth. The next second she was jumping in excitement.

"Thank you daddy! I have a sister! Yay!", Grace jumped yelling happily.

David chuckled as he stood up. He closed the door of his house and carried the baby in one hand and her basket in another and walked in.

Grace ran behind him still yelling and jumping in happiness.

David looked up and thanked God for this child. He didn't care who she was or who gave birth to her. He didn't care who left her outside his house. He just knew that she's his daughter and he'll give her his name.

He just knew that his family is complete. The one he always wanted and never had.

One father and two baby girls.

It was a bizarre thing to just adopt a baby he found at his door step. But he was gonna do it.

David carefully sat down on the couch with the baby in his arms and Grace jumped and plopped down next to him.

"What is her name daddy?", Grace asked smiling as she tried to get the baby to hold her finger.

David smiled at the baby in his arms and then looked at Grace.

"Her name is Leah Stevenson", David said softly giving her his name.

Hey guys!

So this is the first chapter. Hopefully you all liked it!

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