Ninjago: Missing Siblings (1)

By Lenkisa12

15.6K 401 129

When suddenly everything is falling apart by a certain Ninjago princess. (Y / N) and her best friend decide t... More

Author's note
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty-one
Chapter thirty-two
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter thirty-four
Chapter thirty-five
Chapter thirty-six
Chapter thirty-seven
Chapter thirty-eight
Chapter thirty-nine
Chapter forty: Way back Home

Chapter thirty-three: ,, Battle for Knighton''

274 9 5
By Lenkisa12

3rd person POV

The Knights tried unsuccessfully to stop the marching, destructive Stone Colossus. Unfortunately, the monster destroyed the last city on the way to the capital, Knighton. The knights stopped in the road and watched with concern the Colossus.

"I guess that's... it's over.- Aaron said.

Suddenly Merlok's voice sounded in the communicators.

- Nexo Knights! You must retreat to Knightonia and appear in the library. Our new plan to defeat the giant is the last resort!

The heroes nodded to each other and headed for the capital.

= Skip time =

The Knights finally showed up at the library where Clay, Saber, Ava and Robin were waiting for them doing the final revisions to the design.

- Failed to! What are we going to do now?!- Aaron asked, as he walked over to them with the others.

" Relax, We've always got a plan B.- said Saber.

Ava nodded and looked at Clay. - All cables connected?

- That's right.- Clay said with a smirk.

- Here we go! -she said by activating a function on the tablet, that transfers the wizard from Fortrex to the library.

They all stood silently praying for it to work.

- Wizard? Are you with us? -Ava asked, after a long silence.

The knights looked at each other confused. Clay, Saber, Ava and Robin all looked at the floor, sadly, as Merlok suddenly appeared on the small screen. Everyone sighed with relief and broad smiles.

"Er ... but why is Merlok here and not in Fortrex?- Aaron asked.

"Because that's what our very secret plan implies!- said Robin.

- And what about this... why don't you tell us what it is?- Lance asked.

- Or better! I'll show you! -said boy, and his chair began to spin around, going up and down.

The knights looked at this confusedly. Clay walked over to Ava.

- Whatever you planned, do it now. -he said as his hand began to glow with a very intense blue light that made him wince in pain.

Macy and the others gasped. - Merlok, what's the matter with him?!

"It's his powerful magic that circulates in his body and changes him. - he said, watching the boy.

Clay shook his head as he stood up.

- I'm fine ... let's continue. -Clay said, coming up to the chair.

Merlok asked Robin to turned on his work. The knights took their assigned positions while Saber jumped up and sat on the mech's shoulder of Aaron's armor. The floor began to shift its vertical position. Everyone became confused. It turned out that Robin had built a rocket inside the Merlok's library. Robin ordered the knights to jump out of the rocket and onto the head of the colossus, which they did. They tried to destroy the stone spikes with tablets of forbidden powers, but they were indestructible. Jestro sent the monsters to protect the Colossus. Monsters and their vehicles rushed on them. Knights heard a voice (Y/N) in communicators.

- Nexo Knights! Do you hear me?!

- (Y/N)!!

- Yes, we hear, sister. Everything's all right? -Clay asked.

"It's okay, but ... do you want me to make a strong entry or a normal one?

They became confused and Aaron and Saber smiled.

- Come on (Y/N)!, Give it to them! 

- I got this.- she screamed, laughing.

Suddenly the battlefield heard the loud roar of the dragon. The monsters looked around fearfully, and the Colossus looked sideways in surprise. The dragon struck the back of the colossus head with a strong force, pushing the monster a little forward. Clevertus roared again as he turned back towards the Colossus. The dragon stopped in the air with a menacing glare. A woman in a yellow kimono stood on his head, with long, loose, brown hair and (E/C) eyes. She looked at the Colossus, pulling out the wizard's staff and pointing it at Monstrox.

- Monstrox, you vile necromancer! How dare you attack innocent people?! Do you have no dignity! If you think that you will win with us, you are wrong! We'll always keep you, even if you show up next season! -the woman shouted.

(Y/N), The Knights, Saber, Pythor and the Jestro's army got confused.

- What season?-  (Y/N) asked.

The woman looked at her with a slight smile. - It's such a metaphor.

Everyone regained their focus. Some monsters went to Clevertus and some to knights. The monsters circled the dragon laughing. Aya, (Y/N), and Pythor looked at them with raised eyebrows, then (Y/N) instructed Clevertus to freeze them.

"Will we hit him again?- Pythor asked, holding onto the yellow ninja's shoulders.

Aya nodded with a determined look. She sat down behind Pythor, when (Y/N) ordered Clevertus to punch the Colossus in the chest. The Stone Colossus was faster and hit lightning with forbidden power of fear at them, but the dragon avoided it.


As we were about to turn around and hit the Colossus once more, dark energy struck Clevertus, injuring him and disorientating us.

- What's happening?!- Pythor asked.

- We have to land! Clevertus won't hold us anymore! -Aya screamed, as I tried to steer him towards one of the surviving buildings.

I put my hand to the communicator.

- Clay, we have a problem! Someone shot us a dragon dark energy! Can you see someone ?!-I asked my brother.

There was a moment of silence.

"No, but are you okay?- he asked.

- This is how we land on one of the buildings.

When we landed, Aya looked at where the dragon was shot. She healed him and looked up at Thunderstrox Mountain.

- I know who did it.

- Who?!- I asked along with Pythor, as we stepped down from Clevertus.

She looked at the snake and took out her wizard's staff.

- Pythor, take care of Clevertus. Me and (Y/N) are going on Thunderstrox Mountain to stop this someone.

- I got it, master.- said the snake.

She looked at me, we nodded and she hit the ground with the cane, creating a golden-black portal, we jumped into it and we got there. We looked around.

"Don't lose your vigilance ... he's here. -Aya said.

- Who? -I asked, reaching for the sword.

Suddenly, a black fog appeared that surrounded us, blocking us light. We heard a sinister laugh and a faceless figure but with a long sharp horn stood in front of us.

 A/N: Photo not mine. Applause for its author.

- We're meeting again ... sister. -the monster said in a low voice.

I gasped, eyes widening in shock and looked at my mentor.

- Sister? - I asked.

Aya didn't say anything but gritted her teeth looking at the monster


"Oh ... didn't you mention me to her? I'm so ... depressed. -he said with false sadness.

"But ... you said he was killed by the Overlord.- I said confused.

He laughed out loud at my statement.

"You don't understand anything yet ... I am ... the Overlord!"

I felt my heart stop for a moment. - WHAT?!

Aya just sighed.

- Yes, he was ... he used to be a lovely young man, but then...

"I found myself in a magical place called Dark Island, where the darkness told me about a force beyond my imagination and I listened it... I was omnipotent for many years ... when my greatest enemy appeared ... The First Spinjitzu Master. I tried to destroy him with mine stone army, but this old man, with the help of my sister, won ... -he said, looking at Aya with daggers in his eyes.

-The island ceased to exist for many decades, until a primitive called Lord Garmadon freed it again. I began to manipulate him until I no longer needed him. I took over his body, but you and the grandson of the First Master stood on the way to victory again. Then I tried to destroy you with the help of technology and cooperation with this reptile like him... Pithro? But that white ninja beat me again. I decided to wait. I attacked my sister, exhausted her energy, sent her here. Then I attacked you and sent you here. I wanted you to find out about your heritage, so I watched you. I made sure everything went according to my plan. Unfortunately, even though you have found out the truth, you are still fighting.

-Wait, wait, wait! If you were watching me, I mean ... You attacked me in the museum! And you attacked me, Clay and Saber in that forest in the body of a snake?! - I asked finally understanding.

The monster nodded with a malevolent, low chuckle.

'Now it all makes sense.-  I said and looked at Aya with disappointment.

- Why didn't you tell me? Am I not worthy of your trust?

Aya sighed dejectedly as she looked at me.

- I tried to explain it to you, but I was afraid that there is evil in me too. And you will not want to be with me.

- I understand...I forgive you. -I said smiling.

She smiled at me gratefully. Overlord grow an angry growl.

- YOU ENOUGH SENSITIVITY !! I WILL DESTROY YOU BOTH !!- he shouted summoning the sword.

He lunged at us at the speed of light... I mean speed of darkness, he swung his sword, I jumped back and Aya teleported behind him and kicked him in the back, throwing him off balance.

The demon roared, a beam of darkness fired from his hands. I did the same and our rays collided with each other. His power was too strong for me, so he shot me, rejecting.

I quickly got to my feet, the monster was charging at me, Aya push him and they fell to the ground. They began to clash with their weapons, the monster knocked her to the ground, he was about to stab her with a sword. I shot him with my energy, pushing him slightly backwards.

I took advantage of it and kicked him in the face, distracting him. He regained focus, black energy appeared in his hands, he hit the ground creating spikes that were heading towards me, I jumped back at the last moment.

I summoned my power and rushed at him, he did the same. We started to fist, I punched him several times in the face.

He growled, then hit me on the chest, throwing me back. I bounced off the ground twice and hit the stone, I stunned.

Aya summoned her staff, she used a spell on the demon. She picked him up with a golden aura, twirled it several times around its axis until she threw it against the ground.

He lay on the ground without moving, we looked at each other confused, we approached him carefully, sword and staff drawn. We looked at his "face", suddenly his body began to glow purple and turned to fog.

The fog started to form the shape of a dragon, when it disappeared, we saw a huge dragon looking at us hostile.

A/N:Photo not mine. Applause for its author.

We looked at each other wide with fear.

- He's allowed to do that ? -I asked, slowly withdrawing.

"I mean ... he turned into a dragon once, so ... yeah?" -Aya said looking nervously at me.

The dragon roared and began to breathe deep purple fire at us, Aya used magic to create a shield. She groaned trying to hold the shield as long as possible.

"Don't you have some spell to change as much as he does?"- I asked.

She was breathing hard, gritting her teeth.

"No... no... I ... don't have a idea.

The dragon stopped breathing fire, instead hitting its massive tail and paws on the shield. Aya's magic started to wane, I had an idea.

- Aya I have an idea, remember when you said we could use our power? - I asked when I remembered the conversation about my skills in the temple.

- Yes ... what about this.

- I will use the power and turn into a dragon! - I said.

"I don't know if ... it will succeed ... but ... it's worth ... trying ... be careful ... I'm letting go of the shield." - she said.

I focused my power, my vision was engulfed by light.

3rd person POV

Aya let go of the shield, pushing the dragon's head away, making him lose focus. He shook his head and roared. He was about to attack again, but saw the yellow ninja shine with a yellow blinding light. Meanwhile, the girl accepted her power. Her eyes glowed with white light, her mouth opened as the power passed through her body. The yellow energy consumed her completely, trapping her in a sphere of energy. From this sphere, dragon wings and a tail began to grow. The light flashed completely blinding the siblings. When they opened their eyes, they saw a powerful yellow dragon. The creature opened its glowing yellow eyes, snarled at its rival, standing proudly. Aya looked up at the enemy dragon with a smirk.

A/N:Photo not mine. Applause for its author.

- And what do you say, brother, now? -she teased, crossing her arms.

Overlord stared in surprise at his sister's apprentice, who was staring at him menacingly.

The yellow dragon roared and rushed at the enemy, pushing him from mountain. The demon regained focus, he roared as well, and the beasts charged at each other. They started firing powers at each other, trying to show which was stronger. (Y/N) has created a shield against the attack. As the beam hit the target, she lowered it and flew towards the dragon, pushing her head against it. The monster grabbed her with its claws and pushed her away from him towards the ground and fired a beam at her again. 

She shook her head, and swiftly flew away gracefully avoiding the dark dragon's rays. She circled him as the demon desperately began blowing dark mist around him, trying to hit her. When he lost his breath, (Y/N) this time she fired lightning bolts at striking him. He roared in pain when (Y/N) shot him again, this time with her power, and stuck into his back with the power of the earth. The demon looked at her and started talking to her.

(A / N: You know, they are dragons and all.)

"You cannot defeat me ... where there is light there are also shadows!

- You have said it already! But I can do it again ... Unless my light drives them all out!! -she exclaimed, grabbing him in an iron grip and they started running towards the ground.

She stopped at the last moment and flew up, spinning, holding the Overlord.

"This is the end... this time for good !!"- she screamed, releasing him and pushing him.

- You can't beat me again!!- he said and began to circle her and lock her in a cloud of darkness.

Aya watched this with concern. - "Hold on (Y / N), please"

(Y/N) looked for the enemy dragon as it circled her in the shadows. The ruler grabbed her with his body, opening his mouth to bite her head off. (Y/N) was desperately trying to free herself from his grip, when she saw what he was about to do, she hit his mouth with a beam of energy, the dragon released her and he started to choke. (Y/N) took advantage of this, soared high and began flying towards the gem on the purple dragon's chest to destroy it. Her form was absorbed by the light, transforming it into an arrow and piercing the lord's dragon's chest through. She turned back into a dragon and watched as the opponent began to destroy himself and the cloud of darkness dissipated.

(A / N: You know how the End Dragon dies in Minecraft? Well, that's it.)

After all, she headed to the ground, and when she landed she changed back into a human. She stands in front of her master who looks at her proudly.

- And what? ... How did I do?- she asked smiling nervously.

The woman said nothing, just hugged her.

- I am proud of you, my student. -She said moving away from the embrace.

- Proud? -she asked.

- Of course. You have overcome a great evil without my help. I trained you wonderfully (Y/N). -she said smiling proudly.

The girl smiled but then frowned.

- But that was your brother. Are you not angry that... "-she began feeling guilty.

The woman smiled and shook her head.

- You didn't destroy him (Y/N).

- How this is possible ?! After all, he ... - she began, when she was interrupted by a man's groan.

They looked towards the sound and saw a young man trying to get up.

- You changed him (Y / N). By destroying the jewel on his chest, you set him free from evil. -The woman said coming up to her brother.

- It's been several thousand years since I saw you in good shape. I think it's time to forget about the differences. We were to rule the Valley of Light together, dear brother. -she said kneeling in front of her brother.

- The Valley of Light ?! Several thousand years ?! - asked (Y/N) in disbelief.

The man looked down in shame and hugged his sister.

- Will you forgive me?! I've missed you so much, sister.- he said crying.

- Me too. - she said shedding a tear.

The girl was moved at the sight of it until she heard the monster scream loudly. She looked there and saw the Colossus falling.

- They made it.- she muttered to herself.

She looked at the siblings.

"It's you guys get to know each other and I'll go to Clevertus and the knights." -She said, changing into a dragon and flying away.

= Skip time =

(Y / N) POV

I flew to the place where Clevertus was, returned to my form and landed on his back.

- How'd it go? -Pythor asked, crawling up to me.

I looked up at him in surprise, but realized that Aya had used an invisible barrier spell that had hidden us. I waved my hand.

- Meh could be worse, we caught this someone and it's okay. - I said.

He nodded his understanding. I turned to the dragon.

- Clevertus to the ruins of the Colossus, if you can. - I said.

The dragon bounced off the roof and flew down to the monster's remains. I spotted Merlok and Clay standing among the stones and instructed the dragon to land in front of them.

- Hello guys! Have I missed anything?- I asked nonchalantly stepping off Clavertus.

Clay laughed and walked over to me and hugged me. We pulled away from the hug and I hit him on the shoulder, he grimaced.

- That's for being stupid.- I said with a smirk while he chuckled.

- (Y / N)!- the voice cried.

Saber ran up and knocked me to the ground.

- Hi, Saber. - I said.

- And how did you stop this guy? -he asked, coming down from me and looking curiously.

- Yeah, it's alright now.- I said, standing up.

- So ... what now?- asked the lion.

I looked at my brother and uncle, and they shrugged their shoulders.

= Skip time =

In the evening, the King and Queen hosted a party for thanks defeat the forces of darkness. Everyone was laughing and rejoicing. Merlok laughed and fired fireworks from his mechanical staff. Jestro returned to normal, but he had to atone for his actions, so he was sentenced to clean up the damage that the Colossus had done together with this sculptor. Our mother, Wanda ... ran away, we still in conflict with all this, but we are getting along. Clay has promised to find her to find out why she has become bad. Merlok then came to us and promised that he would tell us everything. I leaned against the castle's observation deck and looked at the stars thinking. I heard footsteps, looked in that direction. They're knights, Merlok, and Saber.

- Are you okay (Y / N)?- Clay asked.

I took a deep breath and looked down.

"Aren't you glad we won?"- Macy asked.

- I'm so glad, but ... we already helped you defeat Jestro and I found Aya, so for a moment I thought about going home but ... I don't want to leave you. In Ninjago I have a lot to do and fight evil. But you are here and I have no idea what to do. -I said putting my head in my hands.

They looked at each other with sadness.

- Perhaps I have a solution, my student. -a female voice said.

We looked ahead and saw Aya and the Overlord on Clevertus flying very close to us.

- Aya? Overlord? What are you doing here? - I asked.

-The Overlord ?! -the knights and Saber asked.

They stood in a defensive position and Overlord huddled on that name.

- Please don't call me that. Call me Darkness or Shadow. -said Overlord.

"Okay ... Shadow." - I said.

- ... What did you say about the dissolution? -Saber asked.

The siblings looked at each other.

- Come on, let's show you one place.- Aya said as she departed on Clevertus.

I conjured an elemental dragon, the others boarded. I caught Merlok in the claws and we followed Clevertus. We landed in the middle of the forest where there was an elevation with a cave. We looked at it with confusion.

- That what the cave should help?- Axl asked.

Darkness chuckled and looked at us.

- It's not just a cave, dear boy.

He looked at Aya, nodded at each other and fired magic into the cave until it glowed blue. It was a portal!

- This is a special portal that covers two realms: Ninjago and Knighton. From today you can teleport between the lands with it.

"Woah, it's a awesome!" -Aaron said excitedly.

- Yes it is.- Aya said with a chuckle.

- Thank you. - I said

- You're welcome. Thanks to you, I got my brother back, and you got your family back. So we're even. -Aya said with a smirk.

I smiled at her and we hugged.

- Well, we are already flying to our land. -Darkness said.

-Oh! What is this Valley of Light? - I asked.

She smiled at me.

- You'll find out soon. Goodbye my student.- she said getting on the ridge of Clevertus.

- We will see each other again?- Saber asked standing next to me.

- Of course I will, my lion friend in a while. - she said.

- Goodbye Nexo Knights, Merlok, Saber and the brave ninja (Y/N).- Darkness said as they took to the air.

- Goodbye my master. -I said quietly to myself as the dragon disappeared into the portal in the sky.

Lance walked over to the portal and put his hand in it.

- So what when we go? -He asked.

I looked at him and then at the others.

"In a while, Lance, I want to meet my family home first." -I said, looking at Clay.

- But first the most important thing... rest.- Saber said, gaining support from Macy, Aaron and Axl.

- Yes, Saber, first rest. -I said with a smile.

The Knights and Saber cheered.

I created a dragon, we mounted it, and we flew off to Knightonia.

A / N: Wow that was strong right? Well, the story is almost running to its end, but there is still a little bit left to do. For the time being, there will be a time of calm ... for now. See you in the next chapter, comrades.

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