The rose and the wolf (A sona...


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When a girl named Amy Rose goes into the woods to a beautiful mountain sight on a full moon with many stars i... Еще

Author's Note
The BIG BAD Wolf..?
First time meeting and Familiar eyes..?
A bit of trouble
My New Wolf Friend
Meeting Sonic's Siblings
My Big Bad(Nice) Wolf
Christmas Party
Dropping Tempretures
Moving in and a Mysterious Guy
Roommates and Mistakes
Big brother, Movie night(afternoon), and Sky
Christmas Day and Troubling Pains
Sonic's complete Transformation and Kidnapping
Lost of a brother and Plan making
THE PLAN and...
An acquaintance of Shadows and Who?
Years Later...
Return of a Familiar Friend
Chaos in the Town and a Rose's rage
Freeing Sky and Abduction
Searching and Plans
Big brother and Sky on a mission
Rescue mission Successful
Taking care of the Rose and Friends
Doctors appointment and Unexpected circumstances
The unexplainable realization
Mrs. Robonik
Slowly building rage, and New help
Running out of Time
What used to be a lab and a New Guy?
The waking Rose and safely returned home
Learning something new and odd happenings
Packing up
Sky's Pain
Sonic's Pain
Hidden Secrets and Strang behaviors
Pain and...A date
Revealing Secret and Rage
Sonic's Interest/Crush
A Mysterious gift and Rainy days
Strange behaviors and Plan Making
The confession
Sleepover at Amy's and Nighttime work shift
Carnival and Secret protector
Author's note

Ticking Clock

464 21 4



Oh, man this chapter is going to be both long and a nightmare to deal with so prepare yourselves for this train wreck that's about to bestow upon you all! So do be prepared also uh quick warning:

I found a bit of inspiration from my past self, from the chapter above of what it used to be, so. Prepare yourselves. Also, I did a small choice wheel too...You'll find out what the choice wheel had picked for me.


Chapter 35


Amy was sitting in the back seat of a vehicle as she was holding onto two males who were both unconscientious at the moment, though one she had a feeling she knew what was wrong, but for the other...

She took a deep breath to help herself calm down as Shad was in the front seat driving as fast as legally possible, with his ears pointing forward knowing exactly where they needed to go...






Wait. Wait. Wait.

I can't just have you guys miss all the goods of this chapter and what happened to our main heroes.

Let's take a step back in the past, you guys deserve to know exactly what happened and how this happened.







Amy, Shad, and Sonic were now walking around a park after a nice lunch together as the pinkette looked around mesmerized by the beautiful scenery around her.

"This place is so pretty," she said happily, her tail wagging softly before she looked over to the two who smiled at her.

"It is, would you like a picture?" Shad asked with a soft tilt of his head as Sonic looked over to him "no thanks,  I like seeing things with my own eyes," she says pleased "I would," the blue speedster says, as the ebony male nodded his head.
"Alright," he says as Sonic's tail wagged softly until his ears pointed forward when he moved towards Amy who looked around the park while Shad took pictures.

"Hey, Amy? Can I ask ya about somethin'? If you don't mind that is," he says as the pinkette looked over to him.

"What is it?" she asked curiously with a soft tilt of her head "well, uh, it's about uh...Sky? You named him Sky right?" Sonic asked as the pinkette's ears perked up at the mention of her friend's name.

"Yes," she says wondering what exactly it was that the hero needed "well-" Sonic was cut off "I got the pictures you wanted. Am I intruding on anything?" Shad says while looking up from his phone at the two.

"No," Amy says as Sonic shook his head "thanks for the pictures man, I'll give you my number," the blue speedster says with a smile as he took out his own phone.

When Amy shuffled closer to look at Sonic's phone, seeing the pictures he had for his wallpaper that had him and Tails making silly faces at the camera together as she giggled at the image to which the blue hero's tail began to wag softly as he gave Shad his number.

Then after a while, they began walking once more when Sonic looked at the pinkette remembering his question "oh, right, hey, uh. So about Sky, can you tell me about him?" the blue hero questioned, as the pinkette looked up at him making eye contact with him.
"Why?" she asked a soft blush making its way to her face, though she couldn't look away since his eyes reminded her so much of Sky's.

"Well, I think at this point I'm the only one who hasn't met Sky yet, so. I thought maybe I could ask you since he was your pe-friend. He was your friend after all," Sonic says while quickly correcting himself.

"Right, you never did get to meet him did you? Ok, I can tell you about him, then maybe one day you both can meet each other," Amy soon said with joy her tail wagging happily.

"Uh, yea," Sonic replied though on the inside, he was a nervous wreck, there was no way he could pull that off, and he knows for sure that a robot imitation wouldn't work either, so that was also out of the question as well.

"Ok, well, Sky is very sweet and considerate. He took care of me when I was hurt and would constantly try to protect me all the time...He cheered me up when I was sad...Kept me warm when I was cold..." Amy says but soon her voice started to become smaller when Shad's ears lowered slightly.

Before he could open his mouth Sonic gently pulled the pinkette into a hug which took both Amy and Shad by surprise at the hero's actions.

"Sorry..." he soon said while pulling away giving the pinkette a soft smile "that must have been personal," he says until Amy sniffled a little bit "it's ok, you know you kinda remind me of him," she soon said.

"I do?" the hero asked confused "you do," Shad says earning the two's attention and popping their bubble as they both ended up blushing madly.

When the ebony male had announced himself to them when Sonic hummed thinking about it, he actually doesn't remember what he looked like in his werehog form and had forgotten to check himself out in the mirror or at least a river, since he was in such a rush to get back home to his siblings.

"Y-yea, you have the same eyes as him, and you're both so sweet and very thoughtful of those around you," Amy added on with a gentle smile on her face, remembering the good times she had with the large canine when Sonic soon yelped agian once more grabbing his head agian...

As he soon began growling at first then began whimpering, his ears pressed against his head "make it stop..." the hero whimpered while backing away from the two until Shad reached out to grab the blue speedster who soon swatted at his hand growling once more glaring at the ebony male who backed away.
To which Amy held her hands to her chest, looking at the blue speedster with worry "S-sonic," she soon stammer softly causing the hero's ears to perk up, earning said male's attention, when the before calmed down a bit as his ears lowered.

Slightly moving closer to the rose whose ears now pressed against her head watching the blue blur stumble towards her, his face then morphed into one of pain as he reached out to her, until he fell unconscious.

"SONIC!!" Amy screamed just as Shad was quick the catch the blue speedster "let's get him home, quickly," Shad soon said, as he lifted up the blue hero as the two soon began running. 

They luckily didn't make or cause a scene since the park was technically empty at the time but man who would have guessed what happened next on the way there...



Once they got to the house, Shad's ears perked up as he paused instantly "Amy, hold him for a bit," he whispered before passing the unconscious blue blur to the pinkette who carefully held him in her arms bride-style, as she made sure Sonic's head was resting either on her shoulder or chest while she watched the ebony male, open the front door and walked inside slowly.

The pinkette followed right behind him quietly her ears lowering as she didn't seem to know what was going on or how severe the situation they were in was.

That was until the front door closed behind her causing the rose to jump a bit, as she looked behind her at the door, her ears lowered a bit while holding Sonic's unconscious body close to her as Shad looked around the room his ears pointing forward.
"Young mistress, please remain close to me," Shad says in a whisper when Amy nodded her head silently following him around.

Until they went upstairs when Shad held a hand up as his ear twitched slightly "room," he soon whispered "huh?" Amy replied confused "get to your room. Now," he soon said quickly as the pinkette soon nodded before heading to her room quickly.

Just as something came flying their way which they both managed to avoid as the sound of a gun finally reached their ears.

When Amy began to panic, her mind racing as she was now hiding in her just as she was instructed to, while keeping Sonic's body close to her, as she hide her face into his quills shaking. Wishing that Sonic was away or that Sky was around, to make her feel safe agian...

As Shad looked forward to see Shadow...But he didn't seem right...

He looked...Off as if...

"Shadow..." Shad whispered when his ears perked up hearing the sound of a clock ticking could be heard "what is that sound..?" he muttered it was agitating and it seemed like Shadow could hear it too when the ebony male glared at Shad. Before running towards him...




Amy was now sitting in the back seat of a vehicle as she was holding onto two males who were both unconscientious at the moment, though one she had a feeling she knew what was wrong, but for the other...

She took a deep breath to help herself calm down as Shad was in the front seat driving as fast as legally possible, with his ears pointing forward knowing exactly where they needed to go. The car they were in was something he borrowed for quick transportation to a certain location as his eyes glowed softly.

He was also suffering from a few injuries he had substance from fighting Shadow, though he was quite thankful for Amy's quick thinking in getting Shadow to calm down...Though he did wish she took a different route than what she had chosen to do.

The ride there was quick but smooth with nothing stopping them in their tracks as Shad parked inside of a well-hidden parking area when he turned off the vehicle.

"Amy, you should take care of Sonic, I can handle Shadow," Shad says while looking over his shoulder at the pinkette who nodded her head "ok," she said before unbuckling her seatbelt as well as Sonic and Shadows.
Before carefully getting out of the car first then carefully scooped Sonic up into her arms and carried him away.

Though something was guiding her in a way, almost as if she knew how to help the blue hero out, but the bigger the feeling got the redder her face turned at the idea that appeared in her head as she soon heard her mother's voice, which echoed around her.

As she got closer to her destination, where she saw a group of butterflies flying around waiting for her, it was covered in flowers, almost like it was turning into a garden long before coming to this specific location.

"Do, I really have to do it this way," she muttered while moving closer to the butterfly's location as the land around her began to turn greener as the butterflies began to swarm around her.

As her mother's voice echoed around her once more when the pinkette sighed softly as her hair flowered through the wind coming out of its side ponytail with the butterflies carrying away the hair tie that was used to hold her hair together, while Amy carefully placed Sonic down close to the pond as the area around them began to fill with flowers.

"I can't believe I have to actually do this...I never thought I'd..." Amy whispered to herself embarrassed as her necklace soon began glowing softly while the pinkette stalled a bit until the sound of a clock ticking could be heard.
It was so...Unsettling...And just came out of nowhere...

But she knew she had to deal with it for now and just...Focus on Sonic, so getting onto the ground she carefully started to remove the blue speedster's shirt feeling his normal body temperature a bit cooler than normal, as her ears lowered a bit "I-, I'll save you. Just like you've saved me," she whispered softly.


Shad was sitting in a chair beside a large tube that now currently held Shadow,  as the lifeform was resting.

His vitals were good, but his health was the main factor that the ebony male was worried about as it was going haywire, but what made him feel uncomfortable with the sound of a clock ticking...

He didn't remember seeing any clocks around the lab area, and non of the equipment ticks. So where exactly is that sound coming from?
Shad soon crossed his arms and leaned back in his seat keeping a lookout for anything out of the ordinary even though this area was pretty difficult to get to, he couldn't be too confident, not with a madman scientist and his supportive wife hidden in the shadows.

That fact irritated him, but he needed to keep his cool and keep his promise to his bosses- er parents! He needs to keep the two safe, and get them home soon.

Sighing heavily he tilts his head back to look at the ceiling, right now, he didn't feel any danger around his location as he lightly tapped his finger against his bicep while his eyes began to flash bright red before turning into slits, his anger slowly getting the better of him...


Amy was now carefully carrying Sonic into the pond, her face a bright red as she glanced down at the blue hero whose head was on her bare chest though she knew he wasn't going to wake up any time soon lucky her.
Plus she knew about the speedster's fear of water too, meaning she needed to do this quickly but carefully.

As she slowly went deeper and deeper into the crystal clear pond, as Lilly pads moved around their body almost as if in a dance as she managed to go deeper into the pond before completely going under.

When the two's bodies began glowing softly as she held the blue hero closer to her body before she closed her eyes trying to relax.

Until she felt arms snake around her middle startling her a little bit, but she didn't let go of the hero...The two could breathe easily so neither of them had to worry about drowning, kind of like the pond was providing them oxygen as Koyi fish swam around them.

Sonic's POV

Where am I?..

Why do I feel like I'm floating?

I tried to open my eyes, but that apparently was no use, but at the same time, I could see in a way. I wasn't in darkness which most would expect to see when you can't open your eyes.

Taking a deep breath,  I felt a hand go through my quills and could hear a light heartbeat that relaxed me 'now that I'm thinking about it, I feel more paralyzed than relaxed,' ok that was a lie where ever I'm laying it's very comfortable actually. 

'I guess I'm stuck here for the time being then...I actually don't mind that, this is surprisingly comforting,'

Their Person POV

Hours had soon gone by when Amy woke up in a beautiful garden that was filled with lavender, jasmine, and Chamomile as she smiled softly before nuzzling her face into a soft blue pillow until a hummingbird flew down chirping in her ear.
To wake her up, and while that was happening, Sonic himself began to wake up as well as he mumbled to himself and nuzzled his face into her chest without a second thought.

When the pinkette flinched, which caught, the hero's attention as his ears perked up "S-Sonic," the pinkette stuttered a bit when Sonic hummed responding to her.

"S-Sonic," Amy spoke up a bit this time causing the hero to remove his head "yea," he mumbled waking up a bit more until he felt the pinkette lightly pushing him away "d-don't look, j-just let go and roll over," she stammered.
"What's going on?" Sonic questioned confused "d-don't q-question, just l-let go and r-roll over," Amy stuttered out to which the hero finally obeyed her and did as he was told just as she sat up with her back turned to him covering herself embarrassed.

When Sonic finally grasped the situation he was in "what the? when?" he questioned as he soon sat up himself as he started blushing embarrassed his mind running wild.




2 months went  by

It now fell time and Amy was preparing to leave though she did want to at least say good by to everyone before it was time to head home.

Though she wasn't going to return home without some embarrassing memories hence she and Sonic were now avoiding each other like the plague ever since that day in the garden...

The blue hero wasn't doing any better either, considering his mind enjoyed torturing him about that day every chance it got it was seriously driving him mad at this point, maybe he should talk it out with Amy?  Or would that just make it worse? 
And he sure wasn't going to mention this to anyone but Amy, since well...'That' was something that happened between the two of them, and he's mostly hoping it remained between the two of them.

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