The Bennett Witch

By KassidyHunter2844

443K 18K 1.2K

They said falling in love is beautiful; the person I loved killed me. To my surprise, I was reborn as Bonnie... More

The Bennett Coven
Good News
I'm concerned


15.8K 604 16
By KassidyHunter2844

Elena Gilbert was a selfish person and nobody could deny it I thought while staring at the spoiled girl as she and Stefan flirted at the party right in the view of Matt. Even Tyler felt sorry for the blonde as he silently handed him a beer and tried to distract him. Jeremy walked over to me and wrapped an arm around me gently kissing my head before whispering in my ear "A group of kids went into the woods Vicki went with them" 

To anyone else, it looked like Jeremy was whispering sweet nothing in my ear while I blushed but we both were worried Vicki was stubborn. No matter how hard we tried to get her off drugs she still went back to them at some point she even hit Matt and said he was just like their dad. After that Matt stopped trying those words had hurt him deeply. Looking at Matt I point to the woods and mouth his sister's name.

I knew that Matt was safe from Damon as he was literally covered in vervain as I had mixed it into his laundry detergent and his cologne not only that but Matt had his tattoo ink mixed with vervain so he was not edible to a vampire. As expected he came back without her and had a confused expression. Please tell me she didn't dodge him and went further into the woods like a fool.

Who am I kidding that is precisely what she did, with a sigh and a shrug I lent forward to grab a soda when I touched Stefan's hand and I saw it darkness a crow and death with a familiar pair of blue eyes. I pull back quickly and I look at him before walking over to Elena "hey are you and Stefan dating?" she looks at me and nods I look at her for a minute and then I speak softly "Maybe you two should slow down okay" I turn around before she could ask any questions and sit between Jeremy's legs his hands on my shoulder gently messaging them as he and Matt talk that is when it happens Tyler runs out of the woods with Vicki asking for help.

Immediately we run up to her and I sit down next to her "Anybody got alcohol?!" a bottle of vodka is given to me and I pour it on her bleeding neck before putting a cloth where Damon bit her and I look up "Has anyone called an ambulance?" I watch as several students pull out their phones while others hide the alcohol but my focus is solely on the girl in front of me.

I mumble a spell to slow the bleeding while we wait looking up I see students drinking water and then soda I guess they are trying to appear sober.  By the time the ambulance gets there I am talking to one of the EMTs about what I did to help while Matt got in the ambulance looking at him, I quickly hug him and let them leave.

Luckily none of our group was drunk so we left to go keep Matt company when we found him he was pacing outside her room his hands shaking and his shirt covered in his sister's blood. Walking over I hand him a clean shirt and guide him to the washrooms while Caroline and Jeremy stay in the room with Vicki. After some prompting, I get Matt to wash his hands and change shirts before pulling him into her room.

"How is she?" I ask as Matt sits there holding her hand "They said she lost a lot of blood and that it was most likely an animal attack" While we softly chatted we heard a knock on the door and in walks Stefan Salvatore " We found her bag in the woods" Matt just nods at him before turning back to Vicki eventually hero hair leaves and we all let out a relieved breath. My eyes grow heavy as we wait for her to wake up soon I fall asleep in Jeremy's arms. 


As the group of teenagers slowly fell asleep none of them noticed the blonde vampire walking into the room and staring at Vicki feeling slightly remorseful that his arrival in Mystic falls also seemed to bring his brother who had subsequently attacked the girl and her friends.

Silently slipping out of the room he stopped to look at the sleeping group more precisely the girl who had descended from the famous Bennett line. He was not too sure about her or her friends they seemed to know something about vampires while at the same time being oblivious.

Was it possible that he had misjudged them or at least he hoped he did if he was wrong and they were on to him Damon would either kill or turn them but his brother was unpredictable and dangerous first he had to deal with Damon before he dealt with anyone else.


Hearing my name being called I grumble I slowly open my eyes to see Caroline trying her best to gently wake Jeremy and me. Sitting up I look around the room then at Vicki "Hey, how are you feeling?" she looked at us a bit surprised that we were even here I just smile and point to Matt "He was really worried and a bit in shock so we thought we would stay with him to help out" I watch as the brunette nods and slowly grabs her brothers hand.

Matt jolts up and looks at her "You're awake do you know what did this to you?" Vicki's eyes fill with fear as she says one-word "Vampire"

I look at Caroline and nod as the blonde walks over and sits next to Vicki "Did he have black hair and blue eyes?" turning to Caroline she nods the fear in her eyes still showing as Caroline wraps her up in a tight hug "You are going to be fine he won't get you again okay" The room grows quiet as Vicki starts crying in Care's arms grabbing my bag I dig around before pulling out a watch and necklace.

"Keep these on they will prevent him from controlling you with his mind once you put it on only I can take it off" she looks at them and nods before slipping them on "Matt go get her some juice she needs to ingest some vervain" he nods and leaves the room while Vicki looks at us for answers so we start explaining.

By the time Matt returns she is all caught up and is willing to drink the juice mixed with vervain after drinking it I look at her "You will probably want to get a tattoo done with vervain and wolfsbane mixed into the ink for a more permanent effect"

After ensuring that Vicki was okay we left her with Matt as we left the hospital I noticed Stefan outside before I left I placed a vervain air freshener in her room no vampire no matter how high their tolerance would be able to walk into that room.

As I get in the car I realise that I deviated from my plan by saving Vicki, oh well if I know how things are going to go I might as well save all the people I thought didn't deserve the unhappy endings the show gave them.

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