The Sparkling Diamond ๐Ÿ’Žโ”‚Bont...

By sinful_siren_

320K 8.2K 5.1K

Sick and Tired of your everyday life you decide to step back into an elusive career of dancing, but little d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
About The Author

Chapter 20

4.4K 122 100
By sinful_siren_

"You're going to regret this, once Bonten finds me... They'll show you no mercy...." You stammer. Your cold, naked body shivers.

"Ohhh.. tsk.." Hanma smacks his lips.

"No one is going to find you, when I'm done with you." He laughs evilly, tracing the knife on your cheek.

"LET ME GO!" You shout, tears fall from your delicate face.

You shiver as the cold sweat covers your body, trying to wiggle out of the restraints. You can feel the warm blood drip from your open cuts on your stomach. Hanma was going to torture you, make you suffer for his brother's death. He wanted Bonten to pay, and what better way than to take away their beloved toy.

"Shut up, bitch!" He spits, striking your face with his fist. Your lip and cheeks bruised from the repeated hits.

You spit out the blood that fills your mouth. Hanma takes the knife and presses it down your stomach, creating another slice, you scream out in agony feeling the sharp edge slice.

"STOPPP, PLEASEEE!" You plead, tears descend down your supple cheeks.

"Once I get o-out of t-this chair... I s-swear I'm g-g-oing to f-fucking.. kill you!" You declare.

"Shut. up." Hanma orders. He stuffs a cloth into your mouth, to quiet your pestilent voice.

You shake violently in the chair, hoping it would somehow break you free.

"There's y/n's car!" Mikey shouts. Before the cars can stop, Mikey jumps out.

"Mikey, wait!" Kakucho yells, he brakes hard on the pedal, jerking the car to a harsh stop.

The cars stop and the men jump out. They inspected your car, seeing if anything was out of the ordinary, but didn't find anything. They draw their guns, cocking them, as they inspect the outside of the premises, but no luck either.

They make their way inside, Kakucho jimmies the lock on the front door. They quietly inspect the home, guns still drawn. They make their way upstairs, Sanzu's attention is drawn to two wine glasses on a nearby table. He picks them up, noticing one of them has a red lip mark on the rim.

"Hey, boss. I found something." Sanzu states.

Mikey approaches, taking a look at the glass. He throws it on the floor in anger.

"Guys..." Koko shouts.

The men follow Koko's voice into a bedroom. They all stare as they see your dress and shoes on the floor, their eyes glance to the messed up bed. Mikey's rage intensifies. He tightly grips his gun, blisters starting to form.

"Tear this fucking place apart. Find her now." Mikey orders.

They all start to rip the mansion apart.

"What the fuck is that noise?" Hanma queries.

He makes his way out of the basement to go see what was going on, he has the knife in tow.

You take the opportunity to try and free yourself. You tilt your head down as low as you can, lifting your leg to your mouth. You wiggle your toes to grip the cloth inside your mouth, after a few failed attempts you manage to pull it out.

Hanma makes his way to the main living area to see what was going on. He can hear the clashing and mumbling of low voices in his home. He grips the knife, slowly approaching the commotion.

His gaze meets the Bonten men, he immediately drops the knife, the hard metal reverberates off the marble floor.

The men hitch their eyes to see a distressed Hanma. Mikey's eyes glance down to the bloody knife and Hanma's bruised hand. Mikey eyes widen in horror as he sees the blood, raising his gun to Hanma, before he could shoot he hears a scream.


WIthout hesitation Mikey runs to the frightened voice he hears.

"Takeomi, Koko, and Ran grab this fucker." Mikey orders.

The rest follow Mikey, as he follows the siren's call.

You begin to fade, tired from the crying, the torture, and physical exertion trying to get out of the chair.

"Please someone help me." You whisper.

You feel warm hands embrace your face. You jolt in fear, thinking it was Hanma.

"We're here baby, we're here." You hear a low voice speak.

You take a weary glance to see Mikey's beautiful face. You can't help but cry seeing him.

"Mikey." You cry.

He furrows his brows, as a tear leaves the corner of his eyes. He strokes the waterfalls that fall from your face.

"It's okay baby, we got you." He stammers, placing his jacket around your naked, frail body. You can feel someone messing with the handcuffs.

You look back to see Kakucho picking the lock, releasing your tired arms from the restraint. You immediately embrace Mikey, falling into his arms. He picks you up and carries you out of the dark, damp basement. You nestle into him, his warm body and scent brings you comfort. You close your weary eyes.

Mikey is silent, but rage boils within.

"That cock-sucker is dead." Sanzu hisses.

"Please... Let me kill him..." You mumble, before passing out.

You flicker your disoriented eyes, seeing all the worried Bonten men standing around you. You groan as you try to move, placing your hand on your head. Your other hand gently rubs your stomach feeling the sting of the cuts, you notice your naked body is now covered in a baggy t-shirt.


You slowly regain yourself. Once you come to you prop up in a rage.

"Where's that bitch" You grit your teeth.

"Y/n, don't worry. We'll take care of him." Ran says.

You look at Mikey, he can't help but feel guilty for not saving you sooner. You can see sadness in his dark eyes.

"Mikey. Please." You beg.

You wanted to make Hanma pay for deceiving you. For making you believe he was a good person, when in reality he was going to kill you to avenge his brother. You were angry that he would choose you, when you had nothing to do with his brother's demise. But you also boil with anger thinking about him hurting any of the Bonten men. They were yours now, you be damned if anyone hurt them.

Even if they were "cold monsters", no matter what they've done, you couldn't help but feel an unusual attachment to them. You knew deep down that you wanted to understand them, to learn them, to love them.

"Y/n, I'm sorry we didn't save you sooner." Mikey stammers, you can hear the immense sadness trailing in his voice.

"For that I will grant you your wish. Sanzu, take y/n to him. Keep an eye on them, make sure Hanma doesn't try anything funny." Mikey orders.

Sanzu nods, as he helps you up. You ignored your sore body, you were ready for revenge. Sanzu guides you to one of the spare bedrooms near the conference room, you notice that this room only has a table and a few chairs. Your eyes jerk to Hanma chained to a chair, his head hung low. Your rage heightens as you see him. You immediately approach him, pulling his hair to raise his head. You notice the men had already done a number on him.

But you were so angry, you couldn't control your impulse. The fact that he fucked you first and then wanted to kill you, made your blood boil. You ball your hand into a fist, and before you know it your hand hits his face over and over again. Blood splatters as you punch Hanma. He groans as he slips in and out of consciousness. You were about to land another hit until you felt a force stop you. You look to see Sanzu grip around your wrist.

"Sanzu, let go of me now." You hiss.

"Y/n, you're going to break your hand." He says with concern in his voice.

You furrow your brows at Sanzu, you never seen this side of him before, to see him worried. You drop your hand, releasing Hanma's hair from your other. You can't help but latch on to Sanzu and embrace him in a hug. Tears start to fall, as you grip tight onto the back of his shirt. Sanzu lets out a heavy breath and presses you closer into his chest.

"Sanzu, I didn't think I was going to make it. T-then you guys, y-you guys saved me." You cry.

He brushes your hair for comfort. You can feel his breath hitching and his chest stutter, you can feel small wet droplets hit your face. You look up to see small wet trails leaving Sanzu eyes. You pull back and caress your hand onto Sanzu's wet cheek, wiping away the tears. He caresses his hand onto yours, savoring your touch. Relief washes over him as he can feel your warm touch on him.

"Y/n, I don't know what I would have done if-" His sentence cuts out.

"Shhh, it's okay. I'm here, thanks to you guys." You comfort him.

You give Sanzu a gentle peck on his salty lips, he sighs in relief as he returns your kiss. He wipes away your tear stained cheeks and in return you do the same for him.

Then a daring idea strikes in your mind. You wanted revenge, what better way than to torture Hanma the way he tortured you.



"Do you have a knife?" You ask.

Sanzu looks at you, an evil grin forms at the corners of his mouth. He nods.

"Stay here, don't try anything. Let me go grab it." He orders. You nod and swear with your fingers you won't do anything.

Sanzu exits, going to grab the weapon.

While you wait, you approach Hanma, yanking his head back violently. He groans, feeling his head snap back. You press your lips to his ear.

"I'm going to fucking kill you." You whisper, you can't help but form a devilish grin thinking about your revenge.

You were evolving. You were no longer going to be the damsel in distress.

Sanzu returns, your eyes meet his elated face before looking down to the huge weapon he is wielding. He places it in both his palms, stringing one palm along the sharp edge.

"This is my prized possession. I don't let anyone touch it."

"But for you my love, I'll make an exception."

He places the katana into your beat up hands. You admire the beautiful weapon, it's blade sparkles against the room lights.

"Sanzu, are you sure?" You ask.

"Yes y/n." He says.

He can see your face drop.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

You set the katana on a nearby table.

"I want him to suffer, but how is he going to suffer when he's passed out cold." You say in a disappointed tone.

Sanzu smirks, you can see him rummaging into his pocket. He pulls out a small baggie of pills.

"This is what we have these for." He grins, shaking the bag.

He pulls a pill out, forcing one down Hanma's throat.

"This is a stimulant, he'll be awake within five minutes."

You look over to Sanzu. Another daring idea crosses your mind. You stumble up to sanzu.

"Can I have one?" You ask.

You can see the surprise in Sanzu's face as you ask, to see you actually wanted one. Without hesitation he grabs a pill from the bag. You stick your tongue out, he delicately places the pill on the tip of your tongue, gliding his finger onto your tongue after placing the pill. You smirk then roll your tongue back into your mouth, gulping it down.

Five minutes go by, Hanma raises his once dreary head. He begins to yell as he comes to, feeling his restraints.

"Shut up fucker." Sanzu hisses, giving Hanma's face a punch.

You walk up to Sanzu, stopping him from sending another hit.

"Now, now, Sanzu, you're going to break your hand." You mock. He smirks at you for mocking him.

He walks up to the katana on the table, grabbing it, he then places it back into your hands. You take a moment to practice swinging the blade. Sanzu quickly jumps out of the way.

"Woah y/n... That's not how you swing it."

"Let me show you."

Sanzu approaches you, swinging you around so that your back is flushed against his chest. His arms wrap around you, as his hands wrap around your hands.

He fixes your hand on the hilt, "Here, you hold it like this."

You can feel his hot breath on the back of your neck, his large hands embracing yours. His chiseled body rubbing against yours. The drug starts to kick in.

"Then you swing like this."

His arms guide yours as he shows you how to correctly swing the katana. You smile, knowing this was his way of showing affection, letting you use his most precious katana. Your heart flutters at the small act of affection.

"Is this how Sanzu shows his love?" You question.

Sanzu let's go, watching as you swing, "Perfect y/n, just like that." He smiles.

You lower the katana, turning to Sanzu, approaching him. You take a moment to stare into his eyes, your heart racing from the drug and now adrenaline, you pull him closer, nuzzling your lips slowly into his. His lips embrace yours, you both melt into a deep sensual kiss. You gently pull away, a smile plastered on your face as you lay small pecks on his scars. He smiles in return, before motioning you forward. All the while Hanma has been trying to escape out of the chair.

"Go ahead, gorgeous."

"Kill him."

You don an evil grin as you swing around to face Hanma. He yells, begging for his life. His yells intensify the drug running throughout your system, amplifying the adrenaline you feel coursing in your veins. Your heart rate increases, sweat begins to drip, you grip tightly onto the katana. You walk slowly towards him.

"I want you to beg for mercy." You snapped.

Then I want to watch the hope in your eyes die when you realize that mercy isn't coming for you, karma is."

As Hanma begs for his life, his frightened voice echoes throughout the mansion.


You hike the katana up, placing your hands just like Sanzu showed you. Your eyes glance over to Sanzu, you see him leaning against the table, proud of the beautiful sight he sees. He gives you a sly grin, nodding at you to continue.

"Of course he looks incredibly hot just standing there"

"Stop. Focus." Shaking off the intrusive thought.

You give him a smirk, taking the katana and swinging it down onto Hanma.

The drug and your rage pester inside you like a sickness. You repeatedly strike Hanma over and over as he screams. His screams pierced through walls. Blood splatters all over you and the katana as you slash.

Your eyes burn red. 

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