By swimming-pools-drank

255K 3K 571

Hallie Parker... Was instantly recognized as the new girl on the island. Also known as the girl who changed R... More

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5.2K 65 8
By swimming-pools-drank

Hallie's POV:

Rafe taught me how to install new locks on a door this afternoon.

Which was definitely not even that hard, I could have just watched a Youtube tutorial and probably figured it out. Although, I was glad he was here, even though I was sure there was no way he wasn't tired of me by now. I felt like a lost puppy with how much I had been relying on his presence lately, which isn't necessarily a good thing.

"Rafe, thank you for helping me with this. I don't want you to feel like you have to stay with me again, I should be fine."

I watched as he looked up from putting away the old locks in a drawer, and met my eyes with an unreadable expression on his face, "If you want me to go Hal I can, I just figured you probably would want me to stay."

I do Rafe, but I'm scared that I'm rushing this with you the more I see you. My feelings are only growing.

"I mean, do you not need to be home?"

He reluctantly nodded, but I could tell he didn't want to leave.


"I'm sorry Rafe. I'm not trying to push you away. I just- It's just getting difficult to take this slow when we see each other all the time-"

"So we don't."

His gaze was already on me when I looked back up, and he continued, "We both know what we want."

He was right. There really wasn't anything else I wanted other than him, and as much as I needed to contain my emotions, I didn't want to. He made it easier to trust, and I enjoyed every moment we spent together like it was a drug. I just felt like there was something wrong about jumping into this neck first. That people would view it negatively or something along those lines. Although, a part of me felt like if we didn't jump now, we would be drug into it eventually anyway.

"Do you know what you want?"

His face changed with my words, as if I was a little girl asking the dumbest question ever, "She's right in front of me."

I couldn't even help the smile that formed on my face. He always had me smiling.

I watched as he closed the drawer and then moved his feet over to me almost instantly. His arms came around my waist and his blue eyes were on me, as if I was the most important thing in the room.

"Do you?"

I let my arms fold around his hips, "I don't think I've ever wanted something more in my life."

I felt his grasp around me tighten, and without another moment, he had my body off the ground. I wrapped my legs around his back, my arms going to his neck, and our eyes met once again.

"Hal, you don't even know how much I've wanted to hear those words."

I didn't waste any time to connect my lips to his after that, it was brief and soft, but needed.

Rafe already meant the world to me and I honestly couldn't believe there hadn't been a girl to scoop him up yet. He was the definition of sweet, not only with his taste, but also with his actions.

After he pulled away, we stayed in each other's embraces for what seemed like hours, and I instantly felt cold when he put me back on my feet. Thankfully, the feeling didn't last long, because he seemed to feel the same and stayed by my side for the rest of the evening.

"Have you ever seen Mamma Mia?" I looked back up at him with my words.

"What's that?"

"Oh my god, are you actually kidding me?"

He just laughed, but I was so not even messing around. Who the hell hadn't seen that movie?

"Upstairs, go." I gave him a shove away from me, towards the staircase.

"It's probably some chick flick isn't it?"

No way he just said that. It's literally like the best movie ever.

"Rafe. Don't diss it when you haven't even seen it."

I heard him groan and then watched as he retreated to my room, with Sadie on his heel. That was another thing. Sadie hated being away from me, but ever since Rafe had been in the picture, she was usually up his ass. It honestly was shocking to me, because she never had been attached to any of my other friends like this, or even my mom, so I know that she definitely loved him.

At that, I didn't want to make him wait any longer on seeing my favorite movie, so I rushed over to the pantry and grabbed a couple of bags of popcorn. After sticking them in the microwave, I went out back to grab some beer, and then went up to my room when it was done.

I tossed Rafe a bag of the popcorn as well as a beer, before sitting down on the edge of the bed and finding the movie.

"Can you at least tell me what it's about?"

I swear this boy.

"No, I'm not spoiling it. You just have to watch."

"Ughh, come on angel. Just give me a little description."

I felt his arms around my waist and I immediately should have known what he was trying to do.


His grasp only tightened around me, and I felt his head come to the side of my neck, the hot breathe hitting my skin.


When his lips just barely brushed the lobe of my ear, I almost dropped the remote, and I didn't even notice I was holding my own breathe.

"What's wrong Hal? Cat got your tongue."

I hated that he was right. The cat definitely had my tongue, and I couldn't even get any words out until after he moved away from my ear.

"You're dangerous Cameron."

I heard a little laugh come from behind me, "You know you like it."


"Whatever helps you sleep at night." I turned to face him at my words, smirking.

He just rolled his eyes, "Oh yeah."

I couldn't even contain my giggle at that, he was so adorable, and honestly, my weakness.

I moved from the end of the bed and got comfortable next to him, feeling his arms around me in an instant, and finally was able to get the movie up and playing. We didn't say much through out it, only because I didn't want to interrupt anything, but with the few glances I stole at the boy, I could tell he was enjoying it.

It wasn't until around the end that he actually started singing along to the movie and I literally felt my heart melt. I could tell he didn't want me to know he liked it, because when it ended, he was totally denying that fact that I heard him singing. Which, I thought was pretty funny, but I didn't push it anymore, knowing I was right.

"You know you liked it."

"It was okay, I guess." He smiled.

"Oh whatever, you liked it."

Just as I went to fall into his embrace again, my phone started ringing. I groaned as I rolled off the boy and grabbed the device from the side table, seeing that, of course, it was my mom. I answered it without another thought, but put it on speaker so Rafe could talk to her too.

"Hey Hal."

"Hey mom."

She sounded sad, which was never a great sign.

"What are you up to sweetie?"

I looked over to the boy next to me, "Well, Rafe and I just wanted Mamma Mia."

"Oh I love that one!"

"See? It's good!"

Rafe just laughed, "Okay yeah, it was good."

My mom definitely got a kick out of Rafe's defeat, so did I, and we were all giggling with the dirty blonde.

When the laughter stopped, my mom was the first to speak up again, "So Hal, I uh- I can't come home this weekend."

I sighed as she continued on, "But, I didn't know if maybe you wanted to come to Chapel Hill instead?"

"That would be fun."

"You should bring Rafe too, I would definitely like to see him."

I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face at her words of wanting to see Rafe, because it only meant that she liked him.

"I think we could do that. The only problem is Sadie."

I heard Rafe's voice from behind me, "Sarah can watch her."

"I would hate to make her do that."

"She wouldn't care, she's usually at home on the weekends anyway."

"Okay, well we can talk to her."

My mom spoke up again, "I'm sorry Hal, but you guys can stay at the hotel I'm at right now, and maybe we could take a look at UNC again?"

"That's probably a good idea, I haven't been there in a while."

"Okay good. And I'll call the police station and work out the rest of the paperwork with them, so you don't have to worry about it."

"Are you sure? They were really nice to me this morning."

"Yeah, I can handle it Hal. Just keep me updated about Sadie and hopefully I'll see you this weekend."

"I will mom, I love you."

"Love you too."

I sighed as I put the phone down. I didn't mind to go see mom this weekend, especially since it had been over a week now since she left, but I didn't want Rafe to feel like he had to go. I also felt terrible to ask Sarah if she would watch Sadie. There was always Kie? Even then, I had only hung out with them a couple of times and I couldn't ask her to do that.

"Would you want me to go?"

"Only if you want to Rafe, that's a lot to ask. I just don't know when she'll be back, so I would like to see here at least for a little bit."

He nodded and brushed the hair out of my face, "I would love to go."

I had a feeling that he did.

"Okay, and if Sarah can't watch Sadie, I can ask Kie. She wouldn't have to do much, Sadie goes in and out of her dog door to the backyard. All she would have to do really is feed her."

"Sarah should be able to do that, it'll be fine."

"We could leave tomorrow? Maybe go eat dinner somewhere?"

I saw a smirk form on Rafe's face, "Are you trying to hint towards a date?"

"You said it, not me."

Before I could even pull my thoughts together, I felt Rafe's fingers start poking my sides and I instantly erupted into laughter. He didn't stop until I literally had tears coming from my eyes, and finally decided that was enough. I felt the boy pull my body flush to his after that, seeming to try and comfort me.

"A date weekend with Hallie, who would have thought?"

I scoffed, "Not me."

His lips met the side of my hair and I smiled at the contact. God, this boy was too perfect.

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