A dangerous gamble

By pennythesquish

1.6K 59 187

(beyblade mafia AU) Y/N L/N is a midnight Hostess at vibrance who has had a run in with the devil her whole l... More



55 2 9
By pennythesquish

Word count minus bold notes: 4866 words. FINALLY a new chapter after months!!!! The book is finally updated and the way that I want it to be!! Please give these new chapters a read! I am so excited to start writing new again!! The book is starting to get crazy so keep an eye out Everyone!!!

Content warning: cussing, alcohol, stalking, weapon's, talk of weapon's, knife play, blood play, cheating, yelling, degradation, name calling, forceful sex.

She ran until she was out of breath, tears blowing in the wind as she was still upset from the argument that her and Nile had. She ran through the gates when she saw that the front door was wide open. She stopped in her tracks as she was worried Hart and them had already gotten back. "Fuck... I'm screwed.'' Y/n ran into the darkness and slammed the door, turning on the lights. There was no one there, the house was the same as she had left it.

She ran upstairs and grabbed the clothes out of the washer and dryer, flipping them quickly, grabbing a basket and running to Dalia's room to get the other baskets. She grabbed the baskets and made a dash to Hart's room, throwing the clothes on the bed and quickly starting to fold them. She kept her eyes on the window, looking out for headlights, signaling that Hart had returned.

As she was folding laundry she heard the downstairs foyer room slam, causing her to jump. She looked over to see the bedroom door was fully closed, she tiptoed over to quietly lock the door. There was a slam at the back door, followed by the sound of breaking glass. Her phone buzzed, it was a text. Y/n gulped as she made her way to her phone, looking down her eyes widened, it was that same unknown number. "Where are you sugar? Look who's the coward now, you wanna see my face? Come downstairs and no one gets hurt.'' She gulped, she knew that Hart wouldn't get home until her blood was splattered all over the walls.

Y/n crept towards the door, when there was another text. "Come on out my sugar~ you know your impatient to see my identity~'' y/n gulped as she threw open the door. All of the lights were on downstairs still, she looked over the stair case, seeing nothing below. As she stepped back all of the lights downstairs had shut off, it was nothing but black. Y/n screamed as she backed up against the door, worried that her stalker was finally going to kill her.

"This isn't funny! Just leave me alone!'' There was another glass smashed, followed by a text. "Can't do that sugar, you know I can't, just come out and we can talk, I would never hurt the one I'm destined to marry now would I~" y/n gulped as she read the message, she backed up until she felt the door handle, she opened the door and ran inside, locking it as she grabbed Hart's gun off the nightstand and sat ready to fire.

The bright lights of a limo caught her eyes, they were back, she knew that her stalker would be caught. She sat up slowly as she dropped the gun and unlocked the door. She leaned back on the bed as she started to fold the laundry. The door knob twisted, she gulped as she didn't hear anyone come up the stairs. It was Hart, he started to loosen his tie when he walked in, looking at Y/n with a small scowl.

Y/n gulped as she looked over at him. "How was your night sir?'' Hart turned his back to her as he started to take off his shirt, folding it before he put it in the dirty laundry bin. "It was fine, the others are still out drinking so it's just us for now. How was your night? Didn't disobey me did you?'' Y/n shook her head, putting the laundry down as she put them in the basket to take them to the boys rooms. "No sir, you had my word remember.'' Hart scowled as he had his back turned, biting at his cheek as he knew she was lying to him.

He turned to her with a smirk. "What a good girl, you stayed home and obeyed like a good pet does.'' Y/n nodded as she smiled softly, grabbing a basket and heading towards the door. Hart smirked as he watched her walk out. Once she disappeared into King's room he growled under his breath, walking into the bathroom as he slammed his fists on the counter. "You stupid fucking bitch, how dare you sit there and lie to me when you know it won't do anything but get you in trouble.''

Hart made his way into his office space, looking at the tracker on his computer from the necklace, it said that Y/n hadn't left the house, the tracker had the location pinned in the bedroom all night long. Hart knew that Nile wouldn't lie to him, he looked like he was about to piss his pants when Hart confronted him in the bathroom.

He made his way out of the office, seeing that Y/n was putting away their laundry, when she stood up he saw that she didn't have her necklace on. He felt his eye twitch, as his anger rose more. She found out that their was a listening device in her necklace, and that's why she left it behind. Hart walked past her as he laid down on the bed, crossing his arms behind his head. Y/n looked on with confusion as he didn't say anything to her.

"Here. Now.'' Y/n gulped as she looked back at him, with his eyes still closed he beckoned for her to come to him. Y/n crept over to her side of the bed, laying next to him, hesitantly resting her head on his shoulder. Hart wrapped his arm around her as he looked down at her, lifting her head to see her neck. Y/n gulped as she knew that she forgot to put her necklace back on.

"Where is it?'' "Where's what?'' She heard Hart growl as he lowered his gaze, grabbing her by the throat and pulling her in to him. "Don't play games with me y/n. Where the fuck is your necklace." Y/n gulped as she looked at him, he held her face so there was no way for her to look away from him. "It's on the vanity in the bathroom... I took it off when I was cleaning so no cleaning product.. splashed up and got on me.'' "Why didn't you tuck it in your shirt? or why didn't you put it on immediately?'' Y/n felt her hands starting to shake, she knew that she was in trouble if she couldn't get her necklace.

"I'll be right back.. I have to pee..'' Hart let go of her face as he watched her get up. Once she was in the bathroom he leaned over into her nightstand drawer, following his hunch he found the necklace, scowling as he knew that she lied to him again. Y/n came back out with her hands behind her back. "I found it..'' "shut the fuck up.'' She stepped back as she was taken back by this. She stopped in her tracks when he held up his fist. He had the necklace in his hand, the diamond dangling below. She froze as she wasn't sure what his reaction was going to be.

"when will you learn to stop lying to me? I told you from the first day that you stayed here that there is nothing I hate more in this world than a liar isn't that right y/n?'' Y/n leaned against the door as she was trying to think of what to say. "yes hart. You told me that there is nothing more in this world that you hate more then a liar.'' Hart threw the necklace as he stood up and pinned her against the wall by her throat.

"then why the fuck do you keep doing it huh? Are you that fucking stupid that you do nothing but lie and lie and lie? Just ending up with me having to put you in your place! I swear to god Y/n I will kill you with my bare hands if I have too. I am not afraid to get blood on these hands." Y/n started to cry as the grip around her neck tightened, the more he yelled the harder he squeezed her neck. Hart threw her to the ground, watching as Y/n struggled to catch her breath, gasping as the air returned back to her lungs.

Hart grabbed her by her hair, forcing her to look up at him. "don't you dare lie to me sugar, it wont get you anywhere but 6 feet under me.'' Y/n's eyes widened as she started to remember something from a while ago.


"You will be mine sugar.'' Y/n sighed as she tossed the letter in the trash, ever since her and Kyoya broke up she has been getting creepy letters, all of them calling her sugar, and how this person sees her everyday, saying that they wish they had the courage to just take her home with him. That he wants nothing but to kiss her and claim her body as his. She sighed as she made her way out of her room and out to see what Maeve was doing. 

Maeve and Dio were sitting at the table playing a card game. "hey sis wanna jump in?'' "No thanks dio, I'm waiting for Nile to come back home, then I'm gonna head out with him for the night.'' Dio frowned as he slammed his cards on the table. Maeve laughed as she pulled him into her arms. "come on you stinker, go get some soda from the fridge.'' Dio's eyes lit up as he ran into the kitchen.

Maeve looked at Y/n as she sat down, she noticed that her sister looked even more sad than she normally did. "are you okay Y/n? You look upset?'' Y/n sighed as she grabbed Maeve's hand and took her into her room. She leaned down and grabbed the note from the garbage can. "Here.. this is the 7th note in 3 days Mae, I don't know what to do.'' Maeve bit at the inside of her lip as she read the note, the nickname sugar sending chills to her core.

"Is there any possible chance that it's Kyoya? Or one of his friends? This started 5 days after you guys broke up, I don't know about you, but to me the timing is really weird and a coincidence that I don't like y/n... I think that we should tell the police.. you have gotten a lot of creepy letters and gifts lately, I don't want anything happening to you.''

Y/n sighed as she sat down on her bed, Maeve sitting next to her. "I just want them to leave me alone, me and Kyoya had the messiest break up and now I have this, someone who is obsessed with me. What the hell is gonna happen next. Anyway, how is that Hyoma guy that you're talking too?'' Maeve blushed as she looked down at her feet, twiddling her thumbs as she looked away. "he's such a sweetie, he wants to take me out on a date tomorrow night, he called me pretty.. he said that he could see himself spending the rest of his life with me.''

Y/n smiled to see her sister so happy, like her, Maeve hasn't had the best of relationships either, her last ex was a shit show. He was just really gross and didn't know personal hygiene, and he tried to rub his weird hobbies off on Maeve. Y/n pulled her sister in for a hug, giving her a kiss on her head. "Just be careful okay, I can' t wait to meet this Hyoma kid, anyone who makes my sister this happy is automatically approved in my books.''

As the girls laughed they heard the front door open, their brother Ryutaro walked in with the groceries, but there was a second voice with him. It was Kyoya. Y/n froze as Maeve hid her in her closet. "Maeve come help me unload the groceries.'' Maeve gulped as she made her way out of y/n's room, making her way into the kitchen seeing Kyoya leaning against the counter talking to Ryutaro.

"Hey Mae.'' She turned to see Kyoya with a smirk on his face, looking up and down her body as she stood away from him. "Kyoya..'' "sorry for stopping by unexpectedly, I ran into your brother and came by to grab something that I left in his room.'' Kyoya pushed past Maeve and made his way down the hall. She stood there watching as he walked past Y/n's room. Kyoya moved into Ryutaro's room, grabbing his clothes that he left there the other night. On his way out he saw that Y/n's room was open. He looked to make sure Maeve wasn't watching him.

Y/n saw Kyoya walk in from the closet door. She covered her mouth so that he wouldn't hear her breathe. Kyoya looked around as there was no sign that she was there, only her bed that was messed up from the night before. Kyoya looked around as he smirked. "guess I missed her... too bad.'' He left the room and made his way down the hallway back to see Ryutaro. "I'll be back later, see you at that party tonight?'' "Yea of course, see ya later man.''

Y/n came out of her room when she heard the door close, she came into the kitchen as she saw Maeve cutting the veggies for tonight's dinner. Ryutaro was sitting at the table with his soda. "hey y/n, wanna come to a party with me and Maeve tonight?'' Y/n shook her head as she made grabbed her shoes and slipped on a hoodie. "No thanks, Im headed over to Nile's but thanks for the invite.''

Y/n quickly made her way out the door before her brother could ask anymore questions. Ryutaro looked over at Maeve, his gaze sending chills down her spine. "What made her leave so fast?'' Maeve's breath hitched as she was trying to say what was bothering Y/n. "I guess just seeing Kyoya after they had a bad break up is just hard on her is all.'' Ryutaro nodded as he got up to help Maeve prepare dinner.

Maeve shook her head before she looked over at her brother. "hey ryu, can I ask you a weird question?'' He was taken back by Maeve's sudden urgency. "Uh yea go ahead, I'll try to answer your question the best that I am able to." Maeve sighed before she spoke, she knew that Y/n would be mad if she brought their brother into this, but she knew that maybe if he knew, that Ryutaro could help her.

"Is there anyone who is new that's been hanging around Kyoya that you haven't seen before? Or anyone that knows about him and Y/n?'' Ryutaro shook his head, putting the cucumber in a container he looked at Maeve. "he does have this one friend... he's an odd ball, he is sure a weird one, he does know about that Kyoya used to date Y/n... the kid is odd. He always seems to ask about her. Kyoya and this kid have been friends since they were kids. I have only met him a few times but thats it, why do you ask? '' Maeve raised her eyebrow, leaning in closer. "maybe you can talk to Y/n when she comes home.. i think she has something to talk to you about. She can explain what is going on better than I can.''

Ryutaro nodded his head, turning away from Maeve and starting to cook dinner as their younger sister sakura jumped on to Maeve begging her to come play dolls with her. Maeve nodded and carried her into her room. She couldn't get her mind off of Y/n.. she didn't want her sister out there when there is someone who is stalking her.

"Please be safe Y/n.... I want you to come back home safely...'' Maeve kept playing with Sakura, looking out the window to see if she could see anyone leaving any type of letter or creepy basket. She sat there until she later had to help set the table for dinner.

~back out of the flashback~

Y/n snapped out of her memory, slapping his hand off of her and jumping up immediately, looking over at Hart. "don't you fucking dare call me that ever again!" Hart laughed as he watched her try to be confident. "what's gotten into you huh? Someone mad that I can put her into place?'' "don't fucking call me that nickname ever again asshole!''

Hart laughed more and more, he looked like he was about to lose his mind. Y/n turned away from him when he grabbed her arm and yanked her back in. "What nickname?'' "You know what fucking name you just called me.'' "Sweetness?'' Y/n looked at him with confusion, was he really trying to sit here and make her look like a fool? "You know what you said. Where the fuck did you get that nickname from?''

Hart laughed as he grabbed her by the face, his expression quickly dropping as he looked at her. She started to shake as he got closer, his presence becoming more threatening by the minute. "are you trying to call me a liar? I called you sweetness and nothing else. So shut the fuck up and obey your master. You know better than to question me y/n.''

Y/n pushed him off of her. Hart grabbed her by her throat and threw her into the wall, causing her head to smack against the edge causing her to wince. Hart growled as he shoved his knee into her stomach, causing her to cry. "First you fucking lie to me about where you were, than about why you took off your necklace. Now your sitting here trying to accuse me of something that I didn't fucking do? What kind of authority do you think you have over me? I'll tell you right fucking now that you have absolutely no power when it comes to me. Your place is below me and no where else.''

Y/n's eyes started to well with tears. Just as about the first one was about to drop she felt Hart roughly grab her face, yanking her up to look at him. "I don't give a fuck that you're about to cry sugar. This wouldn't have ever happened if you were a good whore and just obeyed me. Now get the fuck on your knees.'' Y/n cried as she was shoved to her knees. Watching as Hart undid his belt. "No please.. I don't want this.." "I don't give a fuck what you want.'' Before she knew it his cock was shoved deep into her throat, he immediately started to fuck her face, his cock cutting off her breathing.

After what seemed like forever he finally released into her throat, he gripped her face and held her face back. The sour taste of him in her mouth, causing her to feel like she was gonna vomit. "You better swallow every drop of it, one bit falls out of your mouth I swear to fuck, I will do more than fuck your face. I'll make that pretty body bleed.'' Y/n tried to swallow as much as she could, but she ended up spitting up the rest.

Hart growled as he yanked her by her head and threw her on to the bed, grabbing his knife and slicing her leg causing her to scream. Hart put his hand over her mouth, shoving his fingers into her mouth causing her to choke, saliva falling on to the pillow beneath her. "You fucking whore.'' There was another slice delivered to her chest, than another to her arm, and one more across her face, going from her ear to her nose. She cried against his fingers, the blood dripping down her face as he continued to cut her.

Hart smiled sadistically above her as he watched the blood seep out of her wounds, watching how the knife cut her skin like butter. Hart sat up off of her, dropping the knife he stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind him. Y/n sat up screaming, everywhere on her face and her body hurt like hell. He cut her up again, she couldn't run to Nile after the argument that they had just had. She sat there and cried as her wounds continued to bleed.

Hart stormed out of the house, he started to get soaked as they heavy rain poured down. Hart looked down at his hands, they were covered in blood. He laughed as he watched the rain wash her blood away. He hopped in his car as he picked up his phone. "Hey, you still at Vibrance?'' "yea I am, why do you ask?'' "Why don't I show you what a real man can do? Like I promised you before?'' The voice on the other end of the line laughed. "of course, there are those private VIP rooms. Get here fast, don't keep me waiting.'' Hart smirked as he sped out of the driveway.

Y/n sat up as she heard the sound of his car speeding off into the distance. She sobbed as she fell back into the sheets, her blood soaking out of her wounds more. Y/n shakily sat up as she made her way into the bathroom, when she looked at herself in the mirror she sobbed when she saw the cut on her face. It was a massive gash in her face. It was bleeding worse than any of her other cuts.

She sat down on the toilet and tended to her wounds, she is pretty sure that some of them need stitches, but she knew that Hart would never take her to get them. She wrapped her arms in bandages and covered her face in a big bandaid, washing the blood off her skin. Grabbing the sheets off the bed and tossing them into the hamper.

Hart's car pulled into the VIP parking at Vibrance, he made his way into the club, walking up the stairs to the VIP lounge. He made his way past the gambling booths, where his gang and the others were playing a competitive poker match. Hart slid past as he saw who he was looking for at the bar. He slid his hands around the girls waist as he pulled her in.

The girl jumped as she turned around to see Hart standing behind her. She smirked as she pulled him in by his tie. "Shall we head to the private rooms?'' Hart smirked as he grabbed her hand and pulled her with him, making their way to the private rooms on the third floor. Gingka made his way over to the bar when he saw that Madoka wasn't there.

He immediately pinned her against the wall, his hands running up and down her body, taking off her dress immediately. Madoka stepped out of her heels, kicking them to side as she grabbed him by the collar and smashed her lips against his. Hart groaned as he dug his hands into her hips, slapping her ass as he kneaded the soft flesh in his hands. "Why are you so fucking hot, holy shit" Hart proceeded to kiss down her neck, Madoka let out a soft moan as he sank his teeth into her soft spot.

"Your the hot one, look at you.'' Hart smirked as he ripped off her bra, taking her nipple into his mouth, sucking on it passionately, watching her squirm and rile above him. Hart stopped and picked her up, resting her against the wall as he rested her legs on his shoulders. "What is going through that naughty head of yours~?'' Hart smirked as he took her panties down with his teeth. "I wanna make you scream.'' She moaned loudly as he buried his head in between her legs, lapping at her cunt hungrily, eating her out with new vigor that he had never felt before. Madoka moaned in pleasure above him, feeling his tongue piercing glide against her clit in just the right way, causing her to quiver.

She pulled at his hair, causing Hart to moan, the vibrations gliding across her clit and her core, pulling him into her more. Hart pulled off of her, quickly pulling down his pants before madoka stopped him, Hart looked down at her with confusion, smirking as he quickly watched her sink to her knees. As she undid his belt he smirked, caressing her face with his thumb. "Only fair if I return the favor sir~'' Hart smirked as madoka sunk down on to him, feeling her take his entire length into his mouth.

Hart leaned against the wall as she started bobbing faster, wrapping her tongue around his tip, rolling the piercing with her tongue, sliding her tongue against his slit. Hart pulled her off of him, standing her up. He picked her up, wrapping her legs around his waist as he slid his tip between her dripping folds. "Come on, just fuck me already.'' Hart smirked as he slammed into her, starting to thrust roughly into her. Madoka grabbed on to the back of his shoulders as he deeply thrusted into her.

The two of them lost in pleasure, Madoka not even caring about how loud she was, she leaned down and left a hickey on Hart's neck, he sure as hell didn't care either, and he sure as hell wasn't thinking about y/n. Madoka came all over him, followed by him cumming deep inside of her. Holding himself there as they both caught their breath.

Hart pulled her in for another deep and passionate kiss as he grabbed at her ass again. "God I could grab this ass all day and night, I wonder what you would look like as I pounded you from behind.'' Madoka smirked as she grabbed his half hard cock. "Well you can always find out~'' Hart smirked as he helped her get dressed, making sure that she didn't look too messy.

"How is someone so sexy as you Gingka's side piece?'' Madoka giggled as she looked at him. "How is someone as sexy as you single? If I were any girl I would have cuffed you immediately, your sexy as fuck, know how to use that tongue and you have a massive dick, all these ladies are sure missing out~'' Hart chuckled as he fixed his tie.

The two made their way out of the room. As they left someone had seen them, causing her to panic. "Brother... what are you doing.. what about y/n...'' King and Dalia were on their way to a lounge when they saw Hart leave with Madoka. "Oh fuck, did he just leave with Madoka? Let's just pray that both Y/n and Gingka don't find out.'' "King we have to tell Nile, he will be able to help her!'' "Dalia NO!"

Dalia had ran away from king before he could grab on to her. She ran down the stairs and to the table where Nile was. She made sure that Hart wasn't down there. "Nile..'' Nile turned when he heard his name called, Dalia was sitting in the seat behind him. "Oh fuck Dalia.. I can explain..'' "Meet me in the VIP lounge upstairs, the 4th door, we need to talk.'' She ran back up the stairs, Nile following in suit.

Nile arrived in the room, closing the door behind him. "What's going on Dalia?'' "My brother is cheating on Y/n!!" Nile looked at her confused, shaking his head. "No that's impossible he left.'' "NO! He just left the other room with Madoka, they were flirting before you got here. Hart has a big hickey on his neck and I know it's not from Y/n.'' Niles eyes went wide, that bastard had the nerve to cheat on Y/n when she can't be here to defend herself.

"what the fuck... I definitely can't talk to him... he'll kill me if I do.'' Dalia sighed as she looked at Nile, looking like she wanted to cry. "Why are you apart of this Fangs gang? What if Y/n found out? She would be devastated.'' Nile sighed as he leaned down to Dalia, pulling her in for a hug. "I'm sorry, just please don't tell her, it is a long story, I joined Fangs to try to protect her..''

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